Home » More evidence about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine


More evidence about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine — 11 Comments

  1. I saw another graph today, but can’t find the link, showing fatality rates vs countries using HCQ. Highest were those not using, then moderate use which included the US, the lowest were those using extensively. Yep, politics kills people.

  2. So yes indeedy, it’s official and we have proof: TDS *KILLS* people.

    Sadly, TDS sufferers are absolutely immune to both guilt and shame.

  3. A priest we are close to who is a Chaplain at a hospital in Washington and ministering in Covid unit told us back in May that people were dying because doctors were being kept from being able to use this drug. He knew of specific hospitals where it was forbidden. He is on loan from an archdiocese on the African continent. A very learned man, apparently with more medical sense than these administrators overseeing our national pandemic. Even before it was confirmed that my husband was positive for SarsCoV-2 I requested the hydroxychloroquine but was turned down repeatedly. By the time it was finally administered it was too late, the cytokine storm had begun.

  4. Quercetin which is available in certain foods as well as a supplement is a zinc ionophore, though probably not as effective as high doses of HCQ. I was taking additional zinc but my doctor told me to scale back. However, it turns out that the eye vitamins have plenty of Zn. I also take additional vitamin C and D. In the evening, I take melatonin to make sure I get enough sleep. I still may get C19, but hopefully it will be a milder case.

    See this article on how front line doctors have developed a protocol for C19 treatment: https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf

    Also, check out Med Cram you tube channel for excellent short lectures on what’s happening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vMXSkKLg2I&list=PLQ_IRFkDInv_zLVFTgXA8tW0Mf1iiuuM_

  5. Based on the preprints I’ve seen in some of my travels, much time was wasted testing it on people who were already being ravaged by their out-of-control immune systems, which resulted in the “See, it doesn’t work,” results that were expected.

  6. When President Trump appeared on TV wearing a face mask, the media announced that face masks don’t work and people should stop wearing them.

  7. I have a college friend who spent his working life in big pharma. When this came out, his TDS was so virulent that he kept saying we had no idea of its safety. Complete lie. Others might be excused for ignorance but this guy….knew. And lied.

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