Home » New study says hydroxychloroquine reduces COVID deaths


New study says hydroxychloroquine reduces COVID deaths — 44 Comments

  1. “Time will tell if more studies duplicate this type of finding, but for now it’s encouraging.”
    It’s not all surprising that this is taken with so much vitriol from CNN, or ignored by NYT. What I have been finding surprising is the number of people I’ve have been dealing with on FB who take ANY bit of good news about the virus as a “lie”, or “From a bad source”, etc. I don’t think it’s TDS either. They just seem to reveal in the situation of the virus going on forever, or being scared as normal state of being. Very strange that at some level they actually enjoy the situation.

  2. “They just seem to reveal in the situation of the virus going on forever, or being scared as normal state of being. Very strange that at some level they actually enjoy the situation.” physicsguy

    Sadly this is the opinion I’ve arrived at with regard to particular people. Both the living in fear mode, and others that seem to be getting a charge out of it.

  3. This is a large study, double-blind and peer-reviewed. That’s what the NIH has been demanding. Here it is, and the left is not happy about the results. Orange Man Bad is bad science. The discussion about this drug should never have been political.

    My husband and I plan to avoid getting the virus. Our next plan, if we get it, is to insist on HCQ/azithromycin/zinc as soon as we’re diagnosed.

  4. For anyone who’s interested, the study was done at Henry Ford Health System in southeast Michigan.

    The paper describing the study’s results is available at https://tinyurl.com/ybuwv3yk

    Here’s the citation:
    Samia Arshad, Paul Kilgore, Zohra S. Chaudhry, et al. Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. July 1, 2020.

  5. Laura Ingraham has had a Dr. Stephen Smith, from New Jersey on her show many times. He has treated many COVID19 cases with HCQ/Z-pak/ZN. He insists that the sooner the treatment is begun, the better. Treating before the patient has pneumonia symptoms is best As I recall, he has had only two patients that had to be hospitalized after the treatment. And those did not need to be intubated.
    You can read about it here:

    Such treatments are disparaged as “anecdotal” by the “experts”, but it would seem that such anecdotal evidence would encourage immediate efforts to study the drug’s use further and to have Dr. Smith’s work observed and verified. There is too much politics in the system, as well as players who have a profit motive in mind. No money to be made off of HCQ. Reject it out of hand. Remdesvir? Ah, now there’s a drug that will turn a profit for the drug industry. It gets all kinds of support and studies. It turns out that Remdesvir is helpful, but not the panacea it was hoped to be.

    I’m having my six month check up soon. I intend to ask my doctor if she will write me a prescription for HCQ if I should test positive. And I plan to cite the Ford study to her as well as mention Dr. Smith’s work.

  6. “They just seem to reveal in the situation of the virus going on forever”
    Probably “revel”, not reveal. 🙂

    This interview with two dissident doctors is eye opening.

    This tweet from a different doctor makes the same points.
    Dr. David Samadi
    I want to ensure that everyone understands the gravity of the situation here.

    Hydroxychloroquine worked this whole time.
    The media said it would literally kill you if you took it simply because POTUS promoted it as a cure.

    Thousands of people likely DIED because of this.

    The media’s obsession with harming the President literally resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths.
    Not to mention state governors who banned this drug simply out of disdain for the President.
    I don’t think we have ever seen such an egregious misuse of power in our lives.

  7. “Liberal Treated With Hydroxychloroquine Hopes He Still Dies Of COVID-19 To Prove Trump Is Stupid” (https://tinyurl.com/v8llu5a)

    That’s was published a few months ago in “The Babylon Bee,” and it’s still funny. I just wish it weren’t so.

    The instinct to depoliticize is conservative. The instinct to politicize is leftist. In a pandemic, which side saves lives?

  8. Neo observes “it’s the Democrats who have dubbed themselves the Party of Science”, and in that nugget lies a very great danger for us all.

    “Science” is an idol worshiped by the secular progressives. Science is sanctified as holy and true. Always and forever. Especially by non-scientists.

    But we have already seen how Science has been used and abused by the Left, as in “99% of scientists have reached consensus” on X or global warming or whatever is used to stir up the masses and turn them into lemmings, to be herded by the elite Democrats. “Herd ’em to that cliff, right over there.”

    Science dressed up as phony epidemiology was used to oppress all of America and put 40 million on unemployment.
    There are darker days to come if the certain-to-come Democrat vote fraud puts Biden in the White House.

  9. JimNorCal, that’s what bothers me the most about this fiasco. Politics prevented doctors from prescribing a drug which would have saved some lives.

  10. Some people have a psychological need to live in a state of fear. And, orangemanbad.

  11. Wonder how many people died because they weren’t prescribed hydroxychloroquine because Trump touted it. 20,000? 50,000? Their survivors should sue the media and the idiot governors who banned it.

  12. They are threatening to lock us down again in my county in WA because of ‘cases, cases, cases!!!’. Not really clear who these ‘cases, cases, cases!!!’ are but the deaths and hospitalizations have barely budged but we got lots of ‘CASES, CASES, CASES!!!’.

    Meanwhile I was out today and there were massive amounts of people out. Must of been a hundred people in line to get in the Walmart (screw that) and over on the WA coast the traffic was backed up for many miles trying to get to the ocean beaches.

    Apparently these people have not heard that we have a rising amount of ‘CASES, CASES, CASES!!!

  13. physicsguy,

    The people that revel in every bit of bad news (often being so stupid as to not realize it’s not actually bad news) are the most miserable lot of people I have ever seen. I also don’t think it’s simply TDS as I know a couple of people that voted for Trump and are as in to the panic porn as anybody.

    I really haven’t seen a really good analysis of what is driving these people. Some of it is probably TDS but that’s not all of it by far. I think social media is the real amplifier if not the entire cause of it.

    Is it more prevalent in the US?

    Is it mostly female driven?

    Leading to some extremely unhappy people that is for sure.

  14. “Leading to some extremely unhappy people…”

    In other words, sore losers. That’s how the system should work, lose (don’t whine) and try to win the next time (without cheating). They are not Democrats, they are totalitarian goons.

  15. parker,

    But these people aren’t really losing right now that is the issue. The most hysterical are getting their way with masks and threats of more lockdowns and yes the government officials (often unelected) are totalitarian goons but these fear porn people are just pathetic.

    The lockdowns were the biggest mistake in American history and it has become more obvious with all the offshoots (riots, depression, anger, distrust) as time has gone by.

  16. I have a lifelong close friend (now my down-the-road neighbor) who is an MD and an MPH as well as a lefty.

    Guess which of these three attributes has determined his many COVID-related pronunciamentos over the past few months. On his Facebook page, he has even reposted flat propaganda from fringe leftist sites flatly claiming that any rise in COVID-19 cases absolutely cannot be due to the recent protests/riots.

    For the sake of my sanity (and neighborly harmony), I’ve had to make a private game of seeing how long my good friend can go without steering any conversation toward some random defamation of President Trump. (Answer: minutes at best.) I have trained myself to regard this behavior as a form of Tourette’s syndrome, and to let his verbal eructations pass in silence.

  17. One of the biggest benefits of not being on Facebook is not hearing all the rantings and ravings of friends, family, colleagues. I’ve heard a few in person so I’m sure there are some doozies on Facebook but I prefer to think of that cousin as the one I went to the beach with in summer or my neighbor as the guy we have street parties with not as some raving hate filled lunatic on social media.

  18. Griffin,

    We’ll see come November. That is when we shall see if fraud wins or loses.

  19. Another new way the health officials are reporting on this here is with ‘active cases’ whatever that means. In my county of 900,000 people we have been having between 25-50 cases a day but they have now started saying there are 574 ‘active cases’ for example. WTF does that even mean? I assume if you test positive that day even with no symptoms they call that ‘active’ and of course it’s standard that all the ‘cases, cases, cases!!!’ are not actual positives they could be some guy’s wife and kids considered probable because the guy had a coworker who had a fever one day.

    So the definition of ‘active case’ is as confusing as any of this.

    Then you got the false positives which it sounds like are relatively common and it’s my understanding the first positive remains a ‘case’ even after the negatives. A player on the PGA Tour last week tested positive on Monday then negative on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday so he obviously never had it and now he’s playing this week. This is something the various sports leagues have to prepare for.

    What a joke this whole thing is.

  20. Molly G. said: “I’ve had to make a private game of seeing how long my good friend can go without steering any conversation toward some random defamation of President Trump. (Answer: minutes at best.)”

    I’ve been around a lot of people who have the same habit. I’ve been calling it Trump Tourettes. It’s funny and infuriating and heartbreaking all at once. In some informal singing groups I joined, it was almost non-stop between songs; they just couldn’t help themselves. “Let’s sing You Are My Sunshine” next.” “Yes, that’s a good suggestion….although there’s not a lot of sunshine to go around these days with what’s coming out of the White House.”
    “OK, how about Danny Boy?” “Anything as long as it’s not DONNY boy!” Und so weiter….

  21. JimNorCal on July 3, 2020 at 6:30 pm said:
    “They just seem to reveal in the situation of the virus going on forever”
    Probably “revel”, not reveal.
    * * *
    Ah, yes; but their revels have been very revealing!

  22. New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?

    The multiple molecular mechanisms by which chloroquine can achieve such results remain to be further explored. … preliminary data indicate that chloroquine interferes with SARS-CoV-2 attempts to acidify the lysosomes and presumably inhibits cathepsins, which require a low pH for optimal cleavage of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

    Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture

    Add AZ to address opportunistic pathogens.

    Both the mechanisms and toxicity of these disinfectants are well established. They will not reverse disease progression, but rather enhance the body’s normal developmental and defensive functions to reduce viral viability.

  23. All of Texas now is under an order to wear masks in public, apparently because of “cases, cases, cases.” I keep reading stories not exactly claiming that hospitals or ICUs are overwhelming, but predicting that they may be at some point. The stats on what kind of cases are filling them up are a little vague–backlog of people who deferred procedures, plus some who tested positive with or without symptoms, or a genuine influx of people with serious COVID complications? If it’s the latter, why no death-rate increases?

    Now that “cases” appear to include a variety of “probable” cases that may or may not hold water, I’ve stopped paying much attention to anything short of ICU patient counts with bona fide COVID symptoms. I never miss a chance to remind my neighbors that “case increases” may be an artifact of testing, an artifact of definitions, a whole lot more asymptomatic or minor-symptom cases, or a genuine spread, or some combination of these. Until it turns out to be a genuine spread of dangerous symptoms, especially one that’s straining the hospitals, it doesn’t mean much.

    And don’t even get me started on the sudden uptick in “cases” in early June, right after, remind me again, what happened in that time frame, some weeks after many states re-opened their economies?

  24. I’m also starting to read social media comments among my neighbors along the lines of “other countries did much better than we did, because they tested absolutely everyone and relentlessly contract-traced.” Which countries, exactly? That’s not important.

  25. And the study does not appear to have used zinc, which supposedly increases the effectiveness

  26. Color me unsurprised. Now, that prophylactic study, please? And oral Ivermectin, which might be cheaper, faster, fewest side effects?

    The party of Science. No. The Party of The Big Lies, Propaganda, and Death.

    RigelDog: Trump Tourette’s. Gotta go with that pfat moniker,

    Griffin observes, then asks: “I really haven’t seen a really good analysis of what is driving these people. Some of it is probably TDS but that’s not all of it by far. I think social media is the real amplifier if not the entire cause of it. [Yes, it amplies group think. But neo-Marxist schools and Uni’s do most of the primer damage.]
    “Is it more prevalent in the US? [Yes. But UK, too. However, I see it spills into Australia with 30,000 in Sydney for BLM, three weeks ago. But a demo and March this Saturday? Only 1,000, says The Daily Mail.]
    “Is it mostly female driven? [Probably. Because the Dems primary constituency is? Unmarried females.]

    Texan99 wonders where the real damage is? Not in the US — yet. But infections are close to or over 10% per day in India, Brazil, Mexico, Russia — and those numbers scare me.

    A vast pool of reinfecting viral agents is building ever larger. Could we see a half billion Covid19 cases by the end of summer? Then travel bans will be back, and widespread social distancing measures re-instituted by fall. Uggggggh.

  27. Mr. G and I ran into a neighbor with whom we’re friendly, but haven’t seen lately, and we were told about how terrible it was (“cases, cases, cases!”) and how if we’d just had to wear face masks all along that would somehow be important (even though the majority of the relatively few deaths in our area have occurred among the institutionalized elderly, who did not catch CV19 from a maskless asymptomatic CV19 zombie at Costco). She was perfectly willing to wear a face mask indefinitely, if not forever, and said so.

    I hardly ever go on Facebook anymore, but a friend of a friend posted in reply to that friend’s post, “But there hasn’t been a virus this deadly in 100 years!”

    The level of derangement is scary.

    As I noted in my previous post on this subject, watch how the media stokes the mass hysteria. I’ve been watching it since late February/early March, when the story really broke in the US (when the Washington Flu Study – not the CDC, or any supposedly responsible national organization – determined that CV19 was spreading in the community). Almost nothing you were told initially, other than that the virus in question is of the coronavirus family, was true. They proposed fatality rates based straight off the 1918 flu epidemic and people swallowed it whole. As it became obvious that was not happening, there was always a new “squirrel!” to replace the last panic with a new one.

    In May, we went from “3000 deaths by June 1!” to “cases will spike after reopening!” and the panic crew just switched gears right on cue.

    A lot of people are starting to get restless – case counts only matter if there’s something obviously bad because of it. For the moment, the panicmongering media is holding the public at bay with stomping and screaming of “cases, cases, cases!”, stats relying on “suspected” cases and perpetuating the idea that it’s normal and desirable for hospitals to be empty, but at a certain point, if actual deaths and serious illness remain low, they will have to shift gears to a new panic point.

    My bet – watch the media in upcoming days/weeks to push any possible story they can find about how mild/asymptomatic cases cause terrible consequences like lifetime lung damage, diabetes, heart disease, etc. That may hold over long enough to wait for the arrival of cold and flu season, which will result in a panic parade, featuring breathless OMGs about “the second wave” (which is already assumed to be worse, because 1918), that previous CV19 infection doesn’t result in immunity, co-infections, how CV19 has become extra deadly over the southern hemisphere winter, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

  28. KyndyllG,

    Yes, the long term consequences for the young is definitely warming up in the bullpen in preparation for use when the ‘cases. cases. cases!!!’ phase is over. It fits perfectly what they need because they need a counter to the obviously true fact that people under about 60 have low to very low to extremely low death rates but if all those people not dying have all these life long problems then we have to keep wearing masks and locking down forever.

    Of course they will pretend that all kinds of diseases and illnesses (including the flu and pneumonia) don’t have long term consequences for people that get and recover from them.

  29. MollyG observes “I have a lifelong close friend (now my down-the-road neighbor) who is an MD and an MPH as well as a lefty.”

    ALL who hold MPH degrees are Lefties. All. They are collectivists, they’ve been schooled to “manage” the health of populations and don’t give a fig for individuals.

    As for Duke, where I was once a tenured member of the medical faculty, the medical leadership imported Yankees from Harvard and Yale as faculty beginning in the 1970s and so destroyed its Southern nature.

  30. A while ago my doctor told she was pleased I already have to take hydroxychloroquine because it would protect me from Covid. She said not to listen to people politicizing the drug, they will be proven wrong. I love my doctor.

  31. All of Texas now is under an order to wear masks in public, apparently because of “cases, cases, cases.”

    Texan99: Same here in New Mexico. The governor is blaming it in part on the spikes in Texas and Arizona.

    Furthermore, any out-of-state visitors are required to submit to a 14-day quarantine. That should kill the tourist biz here, though summer tends to be slow due to the summer heat.

  32. The other thing to remember about all the ‘CASES, CASES, CASES!!!’ is when they say ‘State A reports # new cases today’ that is actually purposely misleading.

    For example today Florida reported over 11,000 new cases but it looks like at least 3,000 of these cases are from many weeks and even months ago. One was even a 44 year old man from January. JANUARY. That is before the Everett, WA guy was the first official case in the US.

    They are back filling these reports so widely that it makes these stats useless. The data has been so corrupted as to almost be useless at this stage.

    But not to the media because they got their ‘case, cases, cases!!!’ to hype whether they are legit or not.

  33. “The other thing to remember about all the ‘CASES, CASES, CASES!!!’ is when they say ‘State A reports # new cases today’ that is actually purposely misleading.”

    Yes. In the fine print is usually something to the effect of “new reported cases/hospitalizations/deaths” is the numeric difference between the number today of total cases/hospitalizations/deaths minus yesterday’s number. This would be no big deal, since rational people are aware that it may take days or weeks before a test result comes out, so long as charts are available showing the count of new cases/hospitalizations/deaths as of the date that they actually happened. It becomes a problem when there’s a giant politicized push to panic people about “NEW TODAY!”

  34. huxley on July 4, 2020 at 3:52 pm said:

    Furthermore, any out-of-state visitors are required to submit to a 14-day quarantine. That should kill the tourist biz here, though summer tends to be slow due to the summer heat.
    * * *
    Yeah, we had to cancel a family visit because of that rule in Son’s home state: he could come here, but would have to stay locked-in for two weeks once he got home (leaving open the question of who he might “infect” on the airplane, because it’s too far to drive).

    What tourist wants to spend their two week vacation (if they even have that much time!) cooped up in a hotel instead of sight-seeing??
    And some states are even unhappy if you quarantine in your own family’s home.

  35. Re: New Mexico / new Covid regs

    I should add you can now be fined $100 for appearing without a mask anywhere in public.

    I have my doubts how strictly that will be enforced, but surely it is overkill. It’s like the state has a new toy for controlling citizens.

  36. Huxley,

    Yeah, it’s a misdemeanor of some kind in Washington which I have a major issue with because this is just some decree by the governor and health dept bureaucrats not a law passed by the legislature.

    It’s silly but if the governor can make it required to wear a mask why can’t he make required to wear something else in the name of public health?

    I went to a very busy store yesterday and I would say it was about 60% wearing mask of some kind over nose about 25% wearing over mouth about 10% wearing mask over chin only and 5% no mask and nothing was done about them that I ever saw.

    And I should add the employees were not following the rules anymore than the customers. Most know it’s all theatre.

  37. There are a few must follows on twitter if you have an interest in this and what’s really going on.


  38. It’s silly but if the governor can make it required to wear a mask why can’t he make required to wear something else in the name of public health?

    Griffin: I hear Yellow Stars are easy and quite informative when it comes to protecting public health.

  39. Huxley,

    Yes. I mentioned that a couple months ago when Fauci floated the idea of people that have had the virus wearing some kind of badge to let people know. But, hey, he’s not an expert on anything he’s just giving his opinion when asked, right.

    And just wait for the businesses to be shutdown because of the ‘climate emergency’ under President Biden. It’s for public health. They’ll do it for all of us.

  40. Not so weirdly, I’m suddenly apprehensive about my previous comment. I’m pretty sure neo and other participants understand I was being sarcastic.

    I remain rather suspicious the mask kabuki is partly about smoking out dissenters to our SJW/Deep State overlords, as well as prolonging the Covid emergency into the November election.

  41. Yes. I mentioned that a couple months ago when Fauci floated the idea of people that have had the virus wearing some kind of badge to let people know.

    Griffin: Maybe I got the idea from you!

    I just watched another “What if the Nazis won?” series — “SS-GB” based on a Len Deighton novel, which I also read. The Nazis are on my mind.


    It’s worth watching and then some.

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