Home » Mayor Durkan of Seattle is surprised when the crocodile comes up to her door, opens its mouth, and shows its teeth


Mayor Durkan of Seattle is surprised when the crocodile comes up to her door, opens its mouth, and shows its teeth — 31 Comments

  1. I remember when Ms. Sawant was first elected to the Seattle city council. She called on the workers at Boeing to ‘seize the means of production.’ And begin cranking out intercity buses instead of airliners.

    She may have a degree in economics, but so does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes. Doesn’t seem to mean much nowadays.

  2. It is so sad for the Durkin that the mob didn’t respect her personal space. Just like the Aunty Fay “peaceful” protestors didn’t respect the Mayor of Olympia’s (WA) home (they gave it a customized paint job) about two weeks ago. The Mayor of Olympia (Cheryl Selby) was shocked and found their artistic expression unacceptable in civilized society. Olympia WA is the location of Evergreen College, a bastion of free speech and acceptance of diverse political and social viewpoints (not); it’s the college where Bret Weinstein used to teach.


    The crocodile is never satiated.

  3. Especially the mayor’s family and children.
    Wikipedia: Jenny Durkan.

    Durkan identifies as a lesbian. She and her partner Dana Garvey have two sons. Durkan and Garvey are unmarried and are not registered as a domestic couple, which allowed Durkan to not disclose Garvey’s financial records during her mayoral campaign. They own a 70-acre property on Whidbey Island and a 5,000-square-foot mansion in the Windermere neighborhood of Seattle. Garvey is the daughter of “a Louisiana telecom magnate who sold his wireless telecommunications firm for $400 million” and worked for AT&T Wireless Services as a senior executive. Her company IconAlytics, Ltd. does art authentication research.

    A 5,000 sq. ft. mansion: sounds like what a half century ago was known as “limousine liberals.” If a Republican politician similarly didn’t disclose financial assets of a partner, rest assured that Democrats would be screaming bloody murder.

    Limousine liberals reminds me of another flash in the past, also from a half century ago:Annotation Tuesday! Tom Wolfe and radical chic. Tom Wolfe provides running commentary on Radical Chic, courtesy of being interviewed.

  4. Hard to keep track of what ideas to believe innduring this Revolution.

    A line from Evita; song A New Argentina; comes to mind…

    “…Sometimes it’s very difficult to keep momentum if It’s you that you are following…”

  5. Durkan identifies as a lesbian. She and her partner Dana Garvey have two sons.

    Jesus ! Talk about pathology. Very little research done of children of gay couples, especially lesbians with sons. No funding and not PC. I feel so sorry for those kids.

  6. 1. Kshama Sawant will no matter the circumstances advocate for a tax on Amazon. And apparently she and Durkan have a grudge match going.

    2. A former boss of mine, who was born and raised there, said that everyone calls it “Bombay” and only the national politicians call it “Mumbai”. (My guess is due to official Hindutva, and I would guess the same is true of Calcutta/Kolkata.)

    3. 99% of the $100 million “invested” in the black community will end up in the same place as the $1 billion “invested” every year in the homeless community: the fat bank accounts of non-profits and the people who run them.

  7. She must have slept thru class if she studied economics, a subject not exactly amenable to socialism.

  8. I don’t want to take anything away from Seattle, where leftist politics run rampant, but I read somewhere that 1/3 of the Microsoft employees are culturally Indian which implies that there are a large number of Indians in Seattle. I wonder to what extent they voted for her because her place of origin instead of her political views. Wikipedia says that her party “is a Trotskyist political party in the United States” so I don’t know how that is classified as Socialist.

  9. Trump is correct in leaving the Seattle pustule to fester and burst on its own.

    And NYC is within an hour of making the biggest mistake ever — removing $1B from its police budget (and likely turning the funds over to the mayor’s wife to squander).

    And BLM protester shot a driver in Provo, Ut.


  10. Andy,

    Seattle as a whole is only 0.3% subcontinental Indian as of 2010. A very large number of them work in tech, and honestly my feeling from living here for 20 years is that the rest of them run restaurants.

    Sawant’s council district is centered on Capitol Hill (location of the CHOP) and the surrounding residential neighborhoods, which has an even smaller percentage of all-category Asians than the rest of Seattle.

    I think it’s pretty clear that Sawant got elected because she’s a communist pretending to be a socialist, not because of her ethnicity.

  11. Calvin Priest?


    Give that name to a kid and he’s guaranteed to be a mess. Predestined to a split personality. (Remember Milton’s “New Presbyter is but old Priest writ large?”)

  12. I can’t take Sawant seriously on anything, after learning that she grew up in Bombay and thinks the level of poverty in the US is shocking. I have seen Bombay. I have seen the slums. You can’t avoid seeing the slums if you fly in and out of the international airport. She’s a fraud.

  13. Edward,

    Interesting heads-up on the shooting.

    Until now, I have not thought that violence would be widespread, and that most of it would be intra-left-wing rat fight violence, or property damage in leftist cities.

    But it looks as though the radicals are trolling for violence and are determined to provoke it. Yes, they are determined, some of them, to kill.

    I don’t care how pacifistic or aged you are. When masked men stop your car, and then shoot through the windows, you are not left with much of a selection when it comes to responses.


  14. It’s pretty rich for Americans to be lectured on poverty and racism by a person from India, home of the caste system.

  15. Bryan Lovely
    1. Kshama Sawant ……. And apparently she and Durkan have a grudge match going.

    That appears to be an understatement.Seattle Mayor Moves to Expel Wacky Socialist Councilwoman Who Led Protest to Her House.

    And, as my colleague Bryan Preston has reported, Durkan was very, very upset that protesters from CHOP found out where she lived and set up their “Summer of Love” protest. Very upset.

    She was angry that her address, which is a secret because of her former job as a US Attorney, was revealed to protesters allowing them to scare her family….

    The person who showed the CHOP, antifa and Black Lives Matter rabble where she lived is none other than her council colleague, the never-met-a-logo-with-a-fist-she-didn’t-like, communista Kshama Sawant who’s been cheering on the protesters since day one

    Thrilla in Manila, Rumble in the Jungle… Could that be a Death Rattle in Seattle?

    Indian immigrant Caste out of Seattle City Council 🙂
    Not yet, but apparently pending……

    It’s time to sit back and get the popcorn out. I am reminded of “I hope they both lose.” Truman on Hitler invading USSR. Henry the K in Iran Iraq in 1980.

  16. This was something i brought up with someone years ago… if the movement targets X and your X what makes you think it will leave you alone for supporting X?

    it hates wealthy, so why did the wealthy support it? did they think they could buy their way out of the revolutionary outcome? has anyone in history, other than leaving the location, actually done so?

    news? why does news support this? doesnt news know what its like to be a reporter or run a news service in places like they support? do they think that after the revolution, the news gets a hall pass to the bathroom and doesnt have to be changed?

    and the big thing on the march to Durkins house… the couple with the firearms, that the news been ranting about should be punished, are in that gated community with Durkin. Yes, thats right, she is sooooo wealthy being a US attorney as she likes to say, she lives in that community. see note on wealthy above…

    and what about these protestors? too useful too much idiots? do they really have it so bad in the US that they think they would have it better in a USCPP? or USSA? As I have pointed out here before, they will not be seen by the new regime (if that happens) as hero’s. The Latvian rifle men who were heroes of the land, were eventually removed. Now, there is no such heroes, the people who come to power see them as traitors to their own society. not to be trusted. because the minute the fortunes of reality shine on them, they will turn on a dime faster against the new reality

    boy are the feminist ladies who supported a communist movement (taken over a long time ago and well documented) going to be real upset when not only cant men earn and be marryable, but they cant either.

    then what about the elder dems? do they really think their social security checks will keep coming as the new order gets screwed in like a lightbulb? welfare too? wic?

    they still havent figured out the defund the police is a tax raising ratchet.
    you take a billion from A, give it to B… when the people scream for relief
    you tell them you have to raise taxes to put the money back to A
    taking it away from B is not possible. and without the ratchet game, it would not have been possible to take it from A to give to B either.

    Thanks for playing!

    is about all they will get…
    this above set of points also goes to things like medical research, grants for school, and more… what the heck is rattling around in their heads? i wouldnt want to disparage marbles by saying that… rocks are quite nice too…

  17. A 5,000 sq. ft. mansion: sounds like what a half century ago was known as “limousine liberals.”

    yup.. the Red Millionaire was the first.. Willi Munzenberg
    but we wont discuss the man who Goebbels learned from
    the man who gave the left their haughty attitude
    the man who said:
    never let them know these ideas are not their own

  18. The mayor is not a naive or a fool, she’s just a stupid brainwashed running dog lackey.

  19. Artfldgr

    and the big thing on the march to Durkins house… the couple with the firearms, that the news been ranting about should be punished, are in that gated community with Durkin. Yes, thats right, she is sooooo wealthy being a US attorney as she likes to say, she lives in that community. see note on wealthy above…

    Are you confusing the Seattle march on the Mayor’s house with the St. Louis march on the Mayor’s house? The St. Louis march featured an attorney couple defending their mansion rehab with guns pointed at the trespassing protesters. Keep moving!’ Moment lawyer couple brandish an AR-15 and a handgun at protesters marching past their mansion in an upscale St. Louis neighborhood. BTW, the rehab they did on that mansion is impressive- took a lot of money.

    I have not seen any articles about the gated community and mansion owner pointing gun at protesters in Seattle.

  20. The political; scene in Seattle is a pip. Never a dull moment. They have had some awful mayors over the years, but keep on electing more progressives who keep raising taxes, laying on more regulations, failing to deal with homelessness, and failing the black community.
    In spite of that, with Amazon, other high tech companies, the cruise industry, and Boeing the city has done well economically. I remember well the 1970s when there was a billboard on I-5 saying, “Will the last person to Leave Seattle please turn out the lights.”

    One of the local talk radio hosts, Todd Herman, comments at length on the irrational things being done by the various players. He calls Sawant, “Kshama I Wanna” (your money). Amazon is moving to Bellevue, Boeing is on hard times, the cruise lines aren’t going to be sailing this summer, and a lot of businesses are closing or leaving due to the pandemic, high taxes, and/or regulations. Is Seattle about to experience another run like the 1970s? It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of progs.

    Mayor Durkan seemed to want to keep a lid on the protests at first. But at some point she suddenly pulled the police off the streets and surrendered the Capitol Hill area. Very strange. My reading is that she got orders from higher up to let CHAZ/CHOP happen. I doubt it was from the Guv. He’s too dense to be involved with such tactics and strategy. I think the orders came from the DNC or maybe from the big man himself. O yes.

    Anyway, it will be fun to watch the mayor and Kshama I Wanna have a cat fight. May take the spotlight off of CHOP for a minute. If this weren’t so dad-gummed tragic, it would make for good political theater.

  21. “A mostly peaceful group of reporters”

    Bwahahahahaha! It is really hard for satire to outpace reality these days but the Babylon Bee is giving it all they’ve got.

  22. “…orders from higher up…”

    Of this there can be no doubt.

    Coordinated brilliantly (with the MSCM providing covering barrages) as, along with their admiration and support for Antifa and BLM, they chirp—from the West Coast to the East—that it’s all “Trump’s (and his supporters’) fault”.

  23. Mayor Durkan has finally had enough and is closing the CHOP by force:


    And as I said before:

    In her first tweet since police moved into the CHOP on Wednesday, Sawant wrote at 8:43 a.m.: “The best response to corporate Mayor Durkan’s attacks on movements is for the people to demand City Council deliver on their publicly-made promises to pass an Amazon Tax TODAY to fund affordable housing, without delays or watering down.” [emphasis added]

  24. So is it my understanding that Mayor Durkan finally gave the order to clear out CHOP one day after her home was visited by protesters? After leaving 500 residents in the CHOP area in misery for three weeks? What selfishness and uncaring for others, and dereliction of her civic duty.

  25. The mayor no doubt tried to be a knave but was too dumb to carry it off.

  26. Are you confusing the Seattle march on the Mayor’s house with the St. Louis march on the Mayor’s house?

    definitely… thanks for the fix

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