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A pep talk… — 8 Comments

  1. One of the commenters over there expressed surprised at how intense the messaging from the Left is, and how early. This is pretty much the only encouraging sign, for me. Bruiting about a rumor that Trump is going to bow out? “Reporting” on polls that (as usual) oversample Democrats and don’t sample likely gutters, and magically reveal a double-digit lead for a defective animatronic figure of former VP Biden? Come on. These are clear attempts to move public opinion. And I recall no previous election in which that attempt was so blatant as to include, “The candidate will drop out”!

    The betting odds, those I’m worried about. I didn’t follow them in the past so I don’t know how they tend to run, but they really do reveal that mysterious double-digit lead for Biden – how can anyone think that with all the disorder and violence emanating from the D side and its allies (in current parlance), somehow electing a Democrat will improve the situation? And especially that Democrat?

    But so it is. I’d like someone to reassure me that betting odds are a trailing indicator, that they move wildly, that they simply track opinion polls – something.

  2. Jamie (4:25 pm), two points.

    One, based on recent quadrennial experience, we neo-philes are very familiar with the techniques of oversampling Democrats in polls, and other ways of not-so-subtly moving public opinion leftward.

    Two, that said, with all respect, I believe you’re seriously underestimating the visceral, almost pulsating hatred for Trump that so animates the communications media, including pollsters — and that so animates very many others.

    I’m not saying Biden’s double digit lead is real, as nobody really knows, but I am saying it’s pretty plausible as of today, given the extent to which so many are so determined to finish off Trump for good (and forever), and how they’re going about it.

  3. If you ever had any doubt that the folks at the top of a society are just as stupid as the people at the bottom, pay attention to the murmurings of panic starting to bubble up from within GOPland as the reality of how ‘effed they’ll be if Trump loses finally starts to dawn on them.


    The Club for Growth, which is the preeminent mouthpiece for corporate America to the Republican Party, just came out with a blistering attack on the NeverTrumpers at the Lincoln Project…halfway through the final year of Trump’s first term. Where has this kind of stuff been!?!?

    Corporate America, the Republican Party, conservative legacy media, and the conservative intellectual establishment has largely left Donald Trump to twist in the wind for five years. They’ve had their thumbs up their asses and not only largely refused to defend Trump but frequently joined in on the attacks against him. And it is only now…ONLY NOW…that you’re starting to see some of them consider what’s going to happen to them if Trump loses in November.

    I don’t really want to see the world burn but I definitely understand those who do.


  4. Be sure to vote!

    I understand that mine won’t count electorally as Illinois will go big for Biden.

    But it will be added to President Trump’s national numbers.

  5. Being a glass half full sort I read the recent reporting in much the same way as Jamie: an indication that the Democrats are panicked and desperate. Their candidate is a low to mid-level intellect, has a long history of incompetence and corruption, and increasingly shows signs of mental frailness and decline. The public polls are positive for Biden but I suspect the internal polls being taken by the Democrats and DNC are bad. Thus the effort to sell “Trump is flailing, under siege, disappointed, exhausted, and likely to drop out.”.

    The only thing that concerns me is the people that believe this stuff.

  6. “…especially that Democrat…”

    Honestly, though (to paraphrase Orwell):
    Dementia is Acuity
    Corruption is Probity
    Gropiness is Esteem

    Moreover, if the polls—trumpeted by the MSCM—have Biden winning decisively and it—-SHOCKA—turns out he doesn’t(!!) then we will ALL KNOW ABSOLUTELY that Trump “won” dishonestly. AGAIN!

    The only remaining questions (to continue this line of speculation) are:
    – Will there be enough meds to go around? (Just another reason to bring manufacturing back home from the Middle Kingdom.)
    – Will there be anything left to burn down (as Democrats express their rights to protest and openly express opinion)?
    – Which country will Trump have sold out to this time? (Although the odds are they’ll stick with Russia—if you’re a Democrat you’d want to keep to your strength—-just maybe, for credibility’s sake (and diversity!) they’ll claim Kimmie’s pulling the strings. Or China (that’s persuasive). Bangla Desh? Lichtenstein? Benin? Micronesia? Andorra? Eswatini? San Marino? There’s always Israel of course—that’ll probably get a rise out of some people.) The possibilities are indeed endless.

    Stay tuned….

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