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Democrats doing what they know best — 17 Comments

  1. Democrats have struck out so many times in their efforts to destroy Trump, one has to wonder if they would not be better getting off that carousel and trying serious governance.

  2. I’m expecting a return of the roaring twenties after the pandemic dies down. Yet another investigation of Trump isn’t what people will want to spend time with.

  3. Democrats have struck out so many times in their efforts to destroy Trump, one has to wonder if they would not be better getting off that carousel and trying serious governance.

    There isn’t much left of the Democratic Party as a promoter of policy prescriptions, and what there is is found in state capitols or locally. It’s actually a vehicle to promote the interests and antagonisms of certain guilds and their clientele and certain subcultures. (They overlap a great deal). You have a few wonks like Harold Pollack, but mostly committed Democrats are people who wish to scold and injure various constituencies: non-exotic wage earners, (non-homosexual) men who haven’t joined various gentry guilds, evangelicals, small business; hunters, sport marksmen, and gun collectors; small buisiness, &c. Everything they do makes sense if you begin with the understanding they have an enemies list and their object is to injure their enemies. The Democratic Party was wrong on a great many issues 40 years ago, but they weren’t like this.

  4. The trouble is, it’s impossible to imagine that, acting collectively, the Democrats could have any constructive objects at all. That’s just not the Schumer-Pelosi-Schiff-Nadler Party in action.

  5. It is hilarious to watch the jour-no-list questions at the Task Force briefings.
    I had always heard that journalism majors were the dumbest of all students, and the briefing questions show that they are not just dumb, but also evil. They look for any way to criticize Trump and any republican governor. They show disrespect to the President and even have turned against all members of the Task Force.

    Remember in November — NO votes for ANY democrat for ANY office.
    Spawn of Satan.

  6. Maybe the Dems can bring Robert Müller out of the Nazi old age heim with intermarried Schitt as his Eichmann to go after Trump once again

  7. Like the tiny toy you see at the weekend fair that hits a wall, bounces off, spins around to run at the wall again… and again… and again…

  8. Pelosi has an agenda, and nothing is going to get in her way.
    Investigating Trump’s handling of the emergency and the stimulus money is a way of pushing her agenda (nobody ever investigated the almost total waste and embezzlement of Obama’s handouts).

    By Post Editorial BoardMarch 31, 2020

    Someone ought to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the coronavirus outbreak, because her laser focus on pushing her political agenda suggests she’s unaware of it.

    The latest evidence: She wants to “retroactively” roll back Congress’ 2017 cap on tax deductions for state and local taxes (SALT), the New York Times reports.

    She claims lifting the cap would address the economic fallout of COVID-19. She wants her “fix” to be part of Congress’ next rescue plan.

    But her idea has nothing to do with boosting the economy and everything to do with helping Dems in blue states, like California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. More than half the benefits of a repeal would go to folks making more than $1 million. Don’t Dems oppose tax breaks for the rich?

    These various moves show that Pelosi isn’t really taking the crisis seriously — she’s just looking for an excuse to get her partisan priorities passed.

  9. I agree with Paolo Pagliaro’s post from yesterday:

    “I can’t understand if these journalists are simply cold liars, or if they are so enamored with their own pretended virtue as to unconsciously modify their memories, in order to retroactively admire themselves in a morally heroic light.”

    I think they are both. In this time when everyone should pull together the Democrat Leadership and the MSM do their best to sow discord and distrust in our government.

    Contrast this to how the Germans feel about their government:

    “BERLIN, March 27 (Xinhua) — Eighty-nine percent of Germans said the government has been doing a “good job” in dealing with the coronavirus crisis, according to a survey published by public broadcaster ZDF on Friday.

    Only 8 percent believed that the German government did a bad job in the crisis, noted the survey which interviewed more than 1,400 voters.”

    This high number in spite of the fact that Frau Merkel has been sleeping at the wheel for several months. Rarely making televised appearances to explain the situation. Only last week did she halt direct flights into Germany from China, Iran and Italy. The difference between how the
    German and American press report how their leaders are handling the crisis is astounding.

    It really is despicable how low they have stooped because of their hatred of Trump.

  10. Xylurgos: Journalism is a declining field:

    According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics, 37,900 people worked as reporters, editors, photographers, or film and video editors in the newspaper industry in 2018. That is down 14% from 2015 and 47% from 2004. Median wages for editors in 2018 were about $49,000, while for reporters, the figure was about $35,000.


    Given that journalists face ongoing layoffs, it makes pragmatic sense for them to become more obedient to the already prevalent leftist groupthink lest they lose their jobs.

    Of course this doesn’t excuse their hypocrisy. Upton Sinclair was a socialist, i.e. wrong about a lot of things, but he got this right:

    It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

    –Upton Sinclair

  11. “one has to wonder if they would not be better getting off that carousel and trying serious governance”–they’re a hammer, and Trump is a nail. Expecting them to try serious governance is like expecting a hammer to take up Mozart.

  12. In NZ we have reverse TDS. Our Jacinda can do no wrong.

    But a media company just went under and that has frightened them. Our 2nd TV network is perpetually broke, and our 2nd newspaper conglomerate isn’t much better.

    Their response isn’t to suggest the lockdown is hurting too much. It’s to say that the media need more government support. Because anything Jacinda does is always good. They simply cannot picture criticising her hard any time, and especially now.

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