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This video shows what the MSM is about — 56 Comments

  1. China has published that:
    1) The US government seeded corona virus in Wuhan
    2) China (which is the source of 90% of our antibiotics) could withhold those supplies
    3) Calling it Wuhan virus is RACIST!

    The rational response to this is to decouple from China as quickly as possible, and to bring manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and critical parts back to the US.

    Globalism is not an excuse for a nation to commit suicide.

  2. Meanwhile, people locked down in Italy are celebrating that China is bring them help and medical supplies. It sounds like China wants to split us apart from Europe–especially after the Schengen travel ban.

  3. when Trump used the same words it meant something entirely different

    This is how a conspiracy theory gets spread by those who want to believe it. Not believing the words heard, but instead believing in knowing what was meant.

    Trump-haters know he meant it badly. So whatever he says is used as proof that the haters know the true, evil meaning.

    They need to be laughed at, but there are too few funny conservatives getting airtime doing the funny work of making jokes and getting paid / popular.

    I like powerline’s pictures (more than Ammo grrrll)

  4. One thing the Trump presidency has done explicitly is expose the absurdity of the Left. The outright embrace of such evident foolishness by so many otherwise decent people is hard to believe and very disheartening.

  5. Those toilet paper pandemic pictures are hilarious! My kind younger neighbor, who offered to shop for us this morning, spent 40 minutes in the checkout line at the store today — and no toilet paper to be had. We’ve gone crazy. We have exactly eight Wuhan coronavirus cases here in the county, all in quarantine, with no community spread so far.

  6. And this panic is not to be believed either. I have been inundated with notifications of closures, cancellations and so on these last 2 days. Just received an email from the zoo that they are closed. The L.A. Zoo! How ridiculous. Not closing just the interior exhibits (reptile house)…the entire zoo. Yesterday my son was notified that his graduation next month (4/25) was called off. In the meantime in our immediate sphere we do not know a single person with even a cold, let alone the normal flu or ??? So this is what a city looks like when fear is embraced. Sad.

  7. Sharon,
    What makes you think they are decent people? I think they demonstrate that they are basically corrupt and dishonest.
    I remember during the Rolling Stones fake rape story about the University of Virginia and a reporter said they must not let the facts get in the way of a good narrative. Translation, It’s OK to lie for a good cause. That is not honest, ethical behavior.

  8. That video does show hypocrisy by the MSM but there is some wiggle room in there between calling it ‘China’s coronavirus outbreak’ and ‘The Chinese coronovirus’ or ‘The Wuhan coronovirus’. The former indicates it’s in China while the latter suggests it’s a Chinese or Wuhan virus when in fact it’s a virus that just happened to have started in China.

    Trump correctly said in his speech: “I want to speak with you about our nation’s unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak that started in China and is now spreading throughout the world.”

  9. It should always be noted who there media entitles really *are*.

    CNN is a subsidiary of AT&T.
    MSNBS is a subsidiary of Comcast.
    ABC is a subsidiary of Disney.

  10. I had to play it twice for my wife before she understood the point. And Im still not sure she got it. It’s going to be a long day of social distancing in the LIsto house.

  11. Ray, the decent people I refer to are our family, friends, fellow parishoners, clients and professionals that we know personally. I always blame the voters for the situation we are in. These well-meaning people are responsible for every policy that exists wherein the road-to-hell has been paved with good intentions. There are no doubt people who are reprobate and operating from a place of malice in promoting what is destructive. I thankfully don’t think I know any personally.

  12. ” … it’s a Chinese or Wuhan virus when in fact it’s a virus that just happened to have started in China.”

    “Just happened”. LOL Yeah shit just happens. Especially in Chinese wet markets where feces and urine rain down on stacked live caged animals of various species, held in close proximity to each other, as vendors butcher the same for sale. And bats. Eating bats probably helps too. At least according to the Chinese themselves and Australian virologists.

    But yeah, it just happens. Like AIDS.

  13. Tremendously impressive White House press conference underway right now. A system for accelerating test availability and test results has been put into place in just a couple of weeks. A website will assist patients and doctors in identifying who needs a test and steering them to many drive-through sites.

    I doubt very much that any Democrat president would have assembled an impressive cross-industry response like this.

    We’ll see what the MSM does with this.

  14. Fascinating to watch this press conference on Fox Business, while watching the market surge to a historic rise in the Dow, +9.34%.

  15. when in fact it’s a virus that just happened to have started in China.

    You’re not “manju” are you ?

    The virus was being studied in Wuhan and there are a whole long list of papers in China about bats and why they are not harmed by these corona viruses. The early cases were in Wuhan about 20 miles from a level 4 bio lab that was probably studying these viruses and may have altered the genome that allowed a species jump to humans. Wes it deliberate ? Nobody knows and will probably not know as China has been secretive about the whole thing.

  16. Kate

    I doubt very much that any Democrat president would have assembled an impressive cross-industry response like this

    A week ago many Republicans were against declaring a state of emergency. Recall on March 4th Trump went on Hannity and claimed he had a ‘hunch’ that the CDC and very public health officials who work for him were incorrect about their warnings. They were not wrong. The response is most definitely late. But better late than never.

  17. DNW and Mike K

    The virus started in China. Few deny that. But it doesn’t help anyone with the virus to claim China started it. We’ve crossed that bridge quite a while ago.

  18. “But it doesn’t help anyone with the virus to claim China started it.” Montage.
    So Montage will determine what is helpful to anyone with the virus. And that alone will be determinative of what is said and how. Seems to comport with a Leftist point of view. In the meantime those of us not presently personally affected by the virus may prefer truth to denials or euphemisms.

  19. Words don’t mean what Montage says they mean; once you get past that, he makes perfect sense.

    “… doesn’t help anyone with the virus to claim China started it.” “It” would be the pandemic. “It” could also be the Chinese level 4 lab near Wuhan.

    If you have the Wuhan virus Montage tell me how you feel about what government allowed it to spread from China to the rest of the world and how knowing that helps you or doesn’t. Or just carry the CCP water like a good progressive.

  20. The Federalist compiled a short list of viruses named after places and people (which see).

    Hantavirus they left off their list, yet it is another such deadly bundle of destruction named after the place it was first pinned to on a map. Objection to Wuhanvirus as a name isn’t merely silly: it’s obnoxious.

  21. I would guess Montage either suffers from white guilt, if he/ she is, or thinks whites should feel guilty if he is not white. In other words, every non white is a victim. Hence the sensitivity to calling it Wuhan Virus. If the disease first emerged in Dallas, he would not oppose calling it the Dallas Virus. Once Dallas becomes known as a hispanic city, he would then object, calling it racist.

  22. Calling this the Wuhan coronavirus merely identifies its point of origin. Claiming that this somehow “blames” China is silly. This is where the virus was first observed.

  23. Montage:

    The US is ahead of the curve – at least, if you look at the numbers – compared to most countries on earth. A vast nation, and in part because Trump cut off travel from China earlier than was advised and earlier than almost anyone else, we have had around 40 deaths so far, the majority in a single nursing home in the state of Washington. Every death is bad, of course, but today’s response is relatively early and is a comprehensive one.

    When Obama declared a national emergency in 2009 because of H1N1, 1000 people had died in this country, most of them young – under 65 and often in the prime of adulthood and including teens and children. WHO had declared H1N1 a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared it a national emergency on October 24, 2009. That’s a little over half a year later.

    Were you complaining then?

  24. My wife is apoplectic over the inane questions asked by the press at today’s news conference with company CEO’s. They reveal themselves everyday as highly partisan and/or low IQ hacks. What an awful profession.

  25. Deaths just ticked up to 48 from 41 yesterday according to worldometers.info

  26. Yes, Brian Morgan, to your wife’s distress over the questions. I turned it off at about the second or third question, with a reporter pressing a “gotcha” question on when, exactly, tests would be available to all who need them. It was disgusting.

  27. I’m gnashing my teeth at this video, too. I’m not so sure, though, that “their poisonous hypocrisy and treacherous mendacity” is mainly at work here. Some, for sure–professional pols, consultants, activists, and many in the media. But I think tv journalists are in the main a fairly shallow lot, and flit from one trendy viewpoint to another like birds following each other in flight. Many years ago the late Joseph Sobran brilliantly analyzed the liberal/progressive sphere as being like a hive. A week ago they could all say “Wuhan virus” because that’s what everybody else was doing. All it takes is a few influential people to say “that’s racist!” and the rest fall into line without a moment’s reflection. And when called on it there would just be a slight glitch, like a skip in a cd, and they would change the subject and go right back to saying “it’s racist!”

    I have had *so* many “These go to 11” moments with progressives over the past 20 years or so. My own pet peeve, the thing I tend to harp on, is that their side is at least as mean, uncivil, etc., as the right. Not one has ever seemed to admit or even grasp it. In their minds they are by definition the nice people, and therefore what they do is nice. If it seems not nice, that’s just because they are telling you an unwelcome truth. The response is always “But Rush Limbaugh said…” or something of that sort. These go to eleven….

  28. I’ll take back what I said about it being an “awful profession”. There are many outstanding journalists like Salena Zito. I just don’t understand why the MSM sends the worst-of-the-worst of them to cover high profile news conferences. It makes no sense if you are in the business of growth. Every CEO I’ve met sends their best people out there to be its public face. Why send out your junior varsity players?

  29. Neo,

    I looked up what you wrote about H1N1 and this is what I found. PoliFact and Snopes both say:

    From April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, in the United States, there were 60.8 million cases of swine flu, as well as 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated. Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009. That was when the United States had only 20 confirmed cases of H1N1 and no deaths.
    Two days later, the administration made an initial funding request for H1N1 to Congress. Eventually $7.65 billion was allocated for a vaccine and other measures.
    On Oct. 24, 2009, six months after his administration declared H1N1 a public health emergency, Obama declared it a national emergency.

    Next Ronald Klain who was Obama’s Ebola czar wrote:
    The Obama administration tested 1 million people for H1N1 in the first month after the first US diagnosed case. The first US #coronavirus case was 50+ days ago. And we haven’t event tested 10,000 people yet.

    So the Obama administration was definitely declaring emergency responses and doing tests.

    I would hope you would agree the coronavirus is a different beast. Maybe it shouldn’t be but I don’t recall everything shutting down and the markets taking a hit like this in 2009. Probably because it was a strain of the flu which is a devil everyone knows while the coronavirus is a devil we don’t know.
    Anyway, Trump did the right thing here.

  30. Montage: “I don’t recall everything shutting down and the markets taking a hit like this in 2009”

    The markets took a massive hit in 2008 unrelated to H1N1. When the virus hit we were already trading at low levels. The market was exhausted by then and I think everyone wanted to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. For Trump, no such honeymoon.

    All eight years of Obama’s presidency Fed Chairman Bernanke pleaded with Congress to pass fiscal policies that would stimulate the economy; monetary policy could not do it alone. Unfortunately between Obama and the Democrats in Congress there was huge distrust of markets so the markets struggled the entire time. As soon as it would get a head of steam it would get hit by another crisis like Greece defaulting on debt.

    It was not easy going for the markets those eight years. When Trump was elected there was a huge sigh of relief and the markets took off. Three weeks ago we were at very high market valuations. An event like Coronavirus was all it took to deflate that bubble. Let’s hope that COVID-19 fizzles so the world can get back to business.

  31. Montage,

    “PoliFact and Snopes both say:
    “Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009. That was when the United States had only 20 confirmed cases of H1N1 and no deaths.”

    No deaths, just 20 cases total and its a public health emergency?

    It’s not just Denmark in which something stinks. Poli’fact’ and Snopes are propaganda factories.

    In addition, there a vast difference between a low level administration official declaring a public health ’emergency’ with no deaths and but 20 cases diagnosed and, the President of the United Sates finally getting around to declaring a national emergency after 1,000 friggin people have died. Many young and even children gone with thousands of families devastated.

    Where’s the outrage in that empty heart of yours? Where’s the intellectual consistency in that empty head?

  32. Geoffrey:

    In Montage-speak a case maybe just as serious as a death? Words are curious things to a progressive.

  33. Montage:

    With COVID-19 in the Trump administration, the public health emergency was already declared back on January 30. See this. Plenty was done, including a travel ban, which probably protected the US from far worse results than we see up till now. At the time – January 30 – there were just a few cases in the US, all connected to people recently returned from China. On February 28, which is nearly a month later, there were only 58 cases in the US, and all but fourteen were repatriated citizens from abroad (I think mostly from the cruise ship).

    With H1N1 in 2009, it went like this (the article appeared on April 26, 2009) [emphasis mine]:

    Responding to what some health officials feared could be the leading edge of a global pandemic emerging from Mexico, American health officials declared a public health emergency on Sunday as 20 cases of swine flu were confirmed in this country, including eight in New York City…

    Other nations imposed travel bans or made plans to quarantine air travelers as confirmed cases also appeared in Mexico and Canada and suspect cases emerged elsewhere.

    Top global flu experts struggled to predict how dangerous the new A (H1N1) swine flu strain would be as it became clear that they had too little information about Mexico’s outbreak in particular how many cases had occurred in what is thought to be a month before the outbreak was detected, and whether the virus was mutating to be more lethal, or less.

    “We’re in a period in which the picture is evolving,” said Dr. Keiji Fukuda, deputy director general of the World Health Organization.

    Obama did not impose a travel ban then. And there were apparently no quarantines at that point.


    As a news conference in Washington, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called the emergency declaration “standard operating procedure,” and said she would rather call it a “declaration of emergency preparedness.”

    There really is no analogy to what Trump did early in the game. And a lot of people died in this country from H1N1, and the MSM did not criticize Obama.

    As far as test kits for H1N1 go, here’s the test kit history for H1N1:

    On May 1, 2009, CDC test kits began shipping to domestic and international public health laboratories. (Each test kit contained reagents to test 1,000 clinical specimens). From May 1 through September 1, 2009, more than 1,000 kits were shipped to 120 domestic and 250 international laboratories in 140 countries.

    So those million tests (1000 kits to perform 1000 tests each) – according to the CDC, which is where I got that quote – were in the US and 140 other countries, and they happened between May 1 and September 1, which is a four-month period. So it does not appear that Ronald Klein is correct, at least according to the CDC. He was the “Ebola czar” not the H1N1 czar, nor does he have a background in health care or health care administration. And he doesn’t appear to have been part of the H1N1 response, so unless you have more information on what he’s basing his statement on, I’m going to assume he misread or misunderstood (or is purposely misrepresenting) that same CDC report I just referenced.

    Who is Ronald Klein? Why, I’m sure he’s the most objective person in the world, because prior to being the Ebola czar he was Joe Biden’s chief of staff, as well as Gore’s prior to that. So of course, he doesn’t have a horse in this race, right? He hates Trump’s guts, if you do a search for some of the things he’s said during the Trump administration.

    By the way, I’m not especially criticizing Obama. But so far, I think Trump has done better. My point is that those who are criticizing Trump now didn’t criticize Obama then, and to be consistent they should have.

  34. When Obama declared a national emergency in 2009 because of H1N1, 1000 people had already died in this country, most of them young – under 65 and often in the prime of adulthood and including teens and children. WHO had declared H1N1 a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared it a national emergency on October 24, 2009. That’s a little over half a year later.

    Why no media outrage then?

  35. “their poisonous hypocrisy and treacherous mendacity”

    Brilliantly described. Thanks, neo.

  36. See that”D”? Covid refers to the disease as distinct from the disease causing organism, the Wuhanvirus.

  37. SerpentZA, on the PC surrounding the naming of it, and the fact that the WHO leadership is in the pocket of Xi.

    This YouTuber is probably known to many here already. Lived in China for years. Married to a Chinese female doctor. Has done cultural videos from there for a very long time. Had to leave recently as the political situation became more repressive and he was being singled out.


  38. Montage on March 13, 2020 at 4:17 pm said:

    “DNW and Mike K

    The virus started in China. Few deny that. But it doesn’t help anyone with the virus to claim China started it. We’ve crossed that bridge quite a while ago.”

    ” … But it doesn’t help anyone with the virus to claim China started it.”

    Son of a bitch. No wonder commenters like you never quote, since I neither stated nor implied any such thing. Quoting would make your non-sequitur assertions look even more ridiculous.

    No, the point of calling the Wuhan virus by a name that points to its origins, and which memorializes the criminally negligent circumstances that first enabled its emergence and then spread, is not, and was not intended to help infected persons. Calling it by its proper emergence identifier, helps to make, and keep uninfected people mindful of the fact that contrary to your disingenuous suggestion, this didn’t “just happen”, like some case of spontaneous random generation.

    Now, you might live in a universe without cause and effect, or at the least not believe in it. But save that “just happened” shit for people who were born yesterday or exist in some kind of eternal-now idiocy.

  39. I remember the Gerald Ford declaration that all citizens should be vaccinated against the 1976-ish version of swine flu. We all marched according to plans to malls, meeting halls, wherever directed to get our shots. Unfortunately, some vaccines were made with the wrong stuff and were therefore ineffective. Also, there was an alarming number of GBS cases resulting from the innoculations.

  40. Ann:

    Am I to understand that using the term before that date was perfectly okay but using it after that date means you’re a racist?

  41. The thing is, the virus didn’t just appear first in China – they knowingly let it loose on the world. It’s a long excerpt because it covers several subjects of interest.

    The Chinese Knew What They Were Doing in Spreading the Wuhan Virus
    Posted at 12:30 pm on March 12, 2020 by Stu Cvrk

    Just as the Soviets were incapable of admitting errors of any kind during the 1920s and 1930s, so are their progeny, the Communist Chinese, unable to come clean on the Wuhan virus. The Chinese knew about the virus in November 2019 yet did nothing to stop its spread and indeed did not inform the world of the problem until forced to by the world community as the virus spread to other countries.

    The virus originated in Wuhan province. Whether it was engineered or a mutation of an existing virus remains unknown, but surely it is not coincidental that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is where China’s only level four biosafety laboratory is located, and which studies some of the world’s deadliest viruses, is located just 20 miles from the center of the original outbreak, according to some sources.

    China is a closed society, and the ChiComs tightly control information, particularly anything that may be damaging or embarrassing to the regime. They have also invested millions of dollars in Western media over the past two decades in order to influence and suppress negative information about Communist China. It is relatively easy to spot the pro-Chinese media who are trying to shift the blame to the US for the virus.

    Laura Ingraham (Fox News) interviewed Steve Mosher, author of Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order, and Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, on Tuesday night about this very topic. Here is what they said:

    Ingraham: Although the coronavirus started in Wuhan province, China, according to China you can’t call it the Wuhan virus because “that’s racist.” The Left is more obsessed with fact-checking Trump than addressing the lies of the Chinese here. What gives? And is this China’s dividend from sprinkling so much money around the United States and holding these lavish conferences for journalists over the years, etc., etc.

    Mosher: First of all, this is the Wuhan virus. I prefer to call it the Chinese coronavirus, and actually the full title is the Chinese Communist Party’s coronavirus because let’s follow the bread crumbs. Back in November, there were the first cases of the coronavirus in the city of Wuhan. By December, the National Health Commission of the government of China had sent a commission down to investigate this new strain of pneumonia. They knew they had problems. On January 1st, they closed down all the military bases in and around Wuhan. They didn’t tell the people of China; they didn’t tell the world, but they closed down the military bases … the police force was protected, the military was protected from the virus. Then several million Chinese left the center of the epidemic, went throughout China, throughout the world, spreading the virus everywhere. Only after the horse had left the barn did they close the barn door. So everybody who is a victim of the coronavirus … everybody who dies as a result of the coronavirus is a victim of the Chinese Communist Party. One more thing as an American that really gets my goat … and this is that the Chinese Communist Party is now whispering that the cause … the original source of the coronavirus was the United States of America. [Supposedly,] we sent it over with the military athletes who participated in the military games from October 17th through 20th in Wuhan. That’s the story that they’re currently spreading.

    Ingraham: This is par for the course, is it not? In almost every dealing we’ve had with the CCP.

    VDH: It is. And remember that they knew about this virus in December and January, and they allowed 15,000 and more of their own citizens to fly on direct flights to the United States. So we have 60 days of a million people coming in from China, many of whom were probably exposed to the virus until Trump leveled the travel ban. It’s pretty miraculous given what China did that we’ve only had one out of 10 million Americans die, and one out of every 500,000 be infected. It really shows you that this virus is a very strange virus. … if you look at the origins of this whole problem, it’s China. China let people come into this country knowing that they might be exposing Americans and didn’t care.

    Ingraham: Now we’re seeing all these articles pop up in Bloomberg and other media outlets saying, “Well, look at the number of infected people every day is lower and lower because of China’s great handling of this virus. So now they created it, and we’re supposed to laud their handling of it. Are you kidding me?

    Mosher: The Chinese Communist Party is celebrating its success at quarantining 150 million people, killing many of them and infecting many more with an ineffective approach to containing the virus. And now they’re claiming credit for it. But they always turn truth on its head. They are one-trick ponies.

    End of the Q&A. A suspicious soul might wonder whether the Chinese blithely spread the virus around the world, cynically calculating that the deaths of a few million Chinese would be a small price to pay if the virus could lead to severe consequences for the US and President Trump.

  42. Doc Zero hits the gold with this one – going to put it on the Exponential Existential thread as well, with slightly different excerpts.


    Why do we get so much delusional fearmongering in times of crisis? Because it works. It gets clicks and riles people up against designated hate objects. The dopamine hit is enormous. Money often changes hands. And when the doomsday predictions don’t happen, there is ZERO penalty.

    If hysteria matches political preconceptions, it doesn’t matter if it fails to come true, or even if it’s 180 degrees wrong. The doomsday prophets get unlimited credit for good intentions. They predicted what SHOULD have happened according to dogma that will never change.

    Among the many ways the media makes it worse is by keeping the same people on speed dial for analysis and commentary. It doesn’t matter how wrong they are, and always have been, as long as they’re narrative-friendly and good for hot and spicy sound bites.

    Rest assured that when the coronavirus panic is over (and the actual coronavirus problem is resolved) that the people who made the most hysterical doomsday predictions will suffer zero damage to their credibility. They probably won’t even be asked how they got it so wrong.

    The lesson modern media takes from the Boy Who Cried Wolf is not that crying wolf is wrong. It’s that the Boy should have cried louder, monetized his crying, demanded more funding for the Department of Wolf Control, and gotten himself on a few Rolodexes as a wolf expert. /end

  43. AesopFan:

    “The lesson modern media takes from the Boy Who Cried Wolf is not that crying wolf is wrong. It’s that the Boy should have cried louder, monetized his crying, demanded more funding for the Department of Wolf Control, and gotten himself on a few Rolodexes as a wolf expert.”


  44. If US military participating in the military games “brought” the Wuhan virus to China, they would have brought the virus home with them in October. If they had done so, the US’ “epidemic” would have started then, not in January, or February, and we would have had cases out the proverbial wazoo by now. A real national emergency. The fact that that did not happen belies the cockamamie lie the Chinese are trying to spread now. As Joe Biden would say, “C’mon, man!”

  45. Modern day liberals/progs: Let’s make connections where aren’t any because feelings and I-don’t-like-X-person.

  46. The World Health Organization said on February 11 that it should be called COVID-19. Did the MSM folks use “Wuhan” after that date?

    Fess up: you’re an elementary school vice principal.

  47. Brian – Doc is always good and often outstanding (all of that should have been in a blockquote, my bad).

    Meemsie – A bit of common-sense analysis that seems to be beyond the capabilities of our journalists and even the government experts.

    Herein, a newly discovered reason why China is anxious to deflect the original sin over to the USA.


    Worse yet, the virus may have been released by underpaid researchers who sold contaminated lab animals to make a little extra cash on the side:

    And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are believed to sell laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them[.] …

    Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made the equivalent of a million dollars selling monkeys and rats on the live animal market, whence they likely wound up in someone’s stomach.

    This isn’t the first made-in-China virus Beijing has sprung on the world. And it won’t be the last unless we stop worrying about political correctness and sanction China for what amounts to economic warfare and negligent homicide on a global scale.

    Story linked by AT here – it’s not that new a discovery:
    The author of this New York Post op-ed, Steven W. Mosher, is the president of the Population Research Institute and the author of “Bully of Asia: Why China’s ‘Dream’ is the New Threat to World Order.”

    A lot of the assertions from Mosher’s NYP article have been circulating, but this is the first I’ve seen about the recycled lab animals (wonder why that didn’t get more attention earlier? Maybe I just missed it.) – Mosher doesn’t source that claim, but a jail sentence for it even in China ought to be somewhere on the Web.

  48. “The lesson modern media takes from the Boy Who Cried Wolf…”

    That was a choice bit, Aesop Fan.

  49. I guess we’ll be going with my first theory about China declaring war on the US because they think American State released the virus… haha.

  50. The genome of the coronavirus is 89% identical in nucleotide base pairs to a group of Chinese bat coronaviruses (genus Betacoronavirus, Subgenus Sarbecovirus)….according to Nature, 3/12/20. It may have mutated in the bat and then was transmitted to humans leaving the bat completely with its own species. Or, it may have left some of the mutant species in the bat so that now we have an animal reservoir in Chinese bats. Not good. Or, it may have left the bat and then found another species and then mutated and then infected man. This would again leave us with an animal reservoir, not bats. This would be particularly bad because we have no idea what that animal is….so far.

    It’s not good to have animal reservoirs because then we have two species to test-for and treat. And, of course, the animal usually goes on to carry the agent forever….like Hanta in mice.

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