Home » Another glimpse into the fevered brain of Hank “Guam” Johnson


Another glimpse into the fevered brain of Hank “Guam” Johnson — 18 Comments

  1. ” Rep. Hank Johnson, a member of the House Judiciary Committee,…..”

    WOW! This guy is on the Judiciary Committee?!?! That is unbelievable. I do recall watching his Guam remarks.

    But then United States House Committee on Financial Services is currently chaired by Maxine Waters. A trip down memory lane summarizes my view of her. Note that this is CBS.


    Is Maxine Waters Really As Dumb As She Seems?

  2. Al Green (Texas), who recently found a way of linking the impeachment of Trump to slavery, is yet another buffoon who should, ideally, be far from the corridors of power, yet are the heads of Intelligence (Schiff, the pathological liar) or Judiciary (Nadler, who has been in Congress for almost thirty years) any better?

  3. I’ve never heard of the guy and don’t wish to familiarize myself with his idiocy. I know who Maxine Waters is. I get it.

  4. miklos:

    Ah, but you’re missing something if you don’t look at that April Fools post, if I do say so myself.

    Hank Johnson is far more bizarre than Waters.

  5. And this guy voted for impeachment.

    The general at that Guam hearing should have received a medal.

  6. In the video he’s very clear about why he wants Trump impeached.

    He sees:
    Big Trump standing over little Zelensky, Trump holding court saying “no pressure” with Pres. Zelensky shaking his head like his daughter is being held in the basement duck-taped.

    Dems “actually see” these things, in their minds.
    If I saw such things, without knowing they are just fantasies, I might favor impeachment, too.

    Instead I see, in my fantasy, Trump’s campaign making another ad about Fake Reasons for the Sham Impeachment.

    I also see, in yet another fantasy, more normal folk laughing at those who complain about Trump, and taunting them “you were so stupid you actually believed there WAS Russian Collusion. What a moron.”

    Many con men are successful when they start warning their targets about the dangers of con men, and what to look for. Often exactly the con they are using to con the mark. The mark agrees with the con … and gets conned. Usually losing money. Too bad more Dems aren’t losing more money for being conned, and shamefully being fooled by Dem media.

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  8. The Navy Admiral testifying should have been given an award for holding a straight face when that moron expressed his concern that Guam might capsize if we put 3,000 more Marines on its shores. Maybe a Medal of Honor with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters…and special recognition in Congress…. and a statue on the mall in DC… and….

  9. …and his portrait on a wall in the Pentagon with a caption: “He kept a straight face while an idiot Democratic (I repeat myself) congressman suggested Guam would sink if too many Marines came ashore.”

  10. Of course, Guam Johnson is the only member of the “joodishal” committee who actually knows that Donald Trump kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby.

    I know it tears him up inside that he can’t prove it. But he hired the guys who faked the moon landing and they’ll get the proof Hank needs.

    He should also start the Guam “Flip Side” Realty Company. When Guam tips over, he should have bought up all the real estate on the “wet” side, so he can sell it when it becomes the “dry” side.

  11. VDH, American Greatness: When Hate Becomes an Agenda

    When a party, an ideological movement, and an entire political agenda is based on hatred, people and policies become warped. The left-wing loathing of Trump has now tainted almost every Democrat’s agenda and unhinged most of the party’s major players.

    Impeachment has turned into a cruel caricature of a rare constitutional remedy for presidential criminality. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report proved a compendium of FBI lying, fraud, and vendetta. There is not a single prominent figure in Horowitz’s lengthy report who has not left a written or video trail of anti-Trump bias (James Comey, Peter Strozk, the Ohrs, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith) or has had some sort of questionable financial relationship with the Clintons or their affiliates (Alexander Downer, Andrew McCabe).

  12. Recollect too that Rep. Johnson holds the seat, Ga4, formerly occupied by (six terms!) one Cynthia McKinney, another congressional genius of great distinction.

  13. GA 4 was carefully carved to ensure that the representative could be dimwitted andre easily led by the DNC, yet unassailable in the cancel culture.

  14. Who better to chair the Financial Services Committee than an expert crook like Maxine?

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