Home » Hillary Clinton: “I think about what kind of president I would have been all the time”


Hillary Clinton: “I think about what kind of president I would have been all the time” — 36 Comments

  1. Got to hand it to Hillary. I never, ever suspected she was that profound.

    The Queen of Solipsism. A person of her epoch. So fitting. So apt. I now realize how absolutely deserving she was to be President.

    Alas, bad luck. (For which many, many thanks, Bernie!!)

    File under: “Mirror, Mirror, on the wall….”

  2. I suspect she did the “all the time” thing the way she meant. Being President would be great; being President all the time would be even better. Who needs elections, really, once we rubes finally get it right and elect Her Inevitability to the throne?

  3. What does she mean by “theft of material”? I googled the passage and I can’t find any more context. I wonder what she thinks she’s talking about.

  4. What does she mean by “theft of material”?

    It most likely refers to the “phishing” break-in of the DNC server, which as it happens, has never been conclusively proven to have been done by the Russians. Comey’s FBI never had the goods, but accepted Crowdstrike’s word for it.

  5. Sarah: I expect she’s referring to the supposed “hacking” of the Democrat National Committee’s computers in May, 2016, which the Democrats blamed on the Russians to further their narrative — but never never turned the computers over to the FBI for forensic examination. Instead, the Dems had Crowdstrike supposedly examine the machines and report back that, yes, it was a hack. As it turns out, Crowdstrike had Ukrainian connections . . . about which President Trump asked for some investigative help in his 7/25/19 phone call. It is believed that the smoking gun computers are now residing in Ukraine.

    Or, since it’s Hillary, maybe she thinks the Russians stole her crown.

  6. …but never never turned the computers over to the FBI for forensic examination.

    CapnRusty: Just bolding your point for emphasis.

    The way Democrats, Hillary especially, have been handling computer security issues drives me completely crazy.

  7. I think about what kind of president Hillary would have been, too, … and I thank God that she lost. And just about everything she’s done since she lost, tells us what a dishonest, delusional, corrupt, and incompetent harridan she’d be as president.

    And can you imagine the Clinton crime family back in the White House?
    President Bill Clinton, serial sexual predator, would be the first First Gentleman.
    John Podesta and the rest of the Clintons’ “earners” waggling deals for everything. They’d sell the Grand Canyon if they could.

  8. I am at a loss why some of my liberal friends still think about how Hillary would have been as President. Especially after her books and talking over the last 3 years. I think it is very clear that HRC is delusional and I thank God everyday that she is not our president.

  9. I was and remain NeverHillary, which it made it fairly easy to vote Trump, especially after his pledge of conservative judges.

    However, I think Neo is wrong here:
    “Her supporters probably think about it even more, grinding their teeth in woe and sympathy for her and for the country at its enormous loss.”

    The Trump-haters I met in America do NOT really compare Trump reality vs Hillary probable reality. They merely hate Trump, and have rational (in their minds) reasons for this which are mostly “he’s icky; his style is icky; his policies are icky”.

    I got the strong feeling, without verbal confirmation, that they “felt” things would be so much better without Trump. Actually more like Obama was better, and anybody (including Hillary but no need to specify) would be better.

    Tho now I see “her supporters”, which are likely much less than the larger Dem group of Trump-haters. So maybe those boot-lickers she surrounds herself with do think of how much better they’d have it with her — but that’s unlikely to even be enough to win another nomination.

  10. I think what she really, really regrets is that at this point in her presidency she and Bill would be working on their third or fourth billion. Remember how donations to the Clinton Foundation went to zero within a week of her loss? Makes you wonder…

  11. Anyone who would vote for her after this bit of galloping paranoia is just as crazy.

    “Campaign HQ with David Plouffe” podcast, 17 October 2019 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hillary-clinton/id1479487160?i=1000453830324

    Well, I think there’s gonna be two parts and I think it’s gonna be the same as 2016: ‘Don’t vote for the other guy. You don’t like me? Don’t vote for the other guy because the other guy is gonna do X, Y and Z or the other guy did such terrible things and I’m gonna show you in these, you know, flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they’re on the dark web, and nobody can find them, but you’re gonna see them and you’re gonna see that person do these horrible things.’

    They’re also gonna do third party again. And I’m not making any predictions but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third party candidate. She’s the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far, and that’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up. Which she might not, ‘cause she’s also a Russian asset.

  12. The woman is delusional. She probably hasn’t heard “no” in forever. (Well, other than in 2016.)

    Of course she’s got some hardcore supporters that gnash their teeth and wail that she was cheated(!) but that’s not how most of the left works. She didn’t get the job done, even and despite all the presumptions and advantages working in her favor (the cheating, the boost from the media, academia, the various victim demos, etc.) She’s dead to them, and lucky to be alive, frankly.

  13. …and that’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up. Which she might not, ‘cause she’s also a Russian asset.

    NateWhilk: And the weird thing is … Hillary might be right!

    As a leftist I always resented the “Moscow is running the American left” meme. However, I have read enough to know that, while Moscow wasn’t the tail wagging the dog, it’s not like they weren’t trying and to some degree succeeding.

    That was a big message in Orwell’s “Homage to Catalonia” and Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls” — Moscow had its grubby mitts all over the place and not for the betterment of humankind.

    I don’t know Jill Stein’s particulars. It’s possible I am entirely irresponsible in my speculation.

  14. “I think Neo is wrong here:”
    “Her supporters probably think about it even more, grinding their teeth in woe and sympathy for her and for the country at its enormous loss.”

    “The Trump-haters I met in America do NOT really compare Trump reality vs Hillary probable reality. They merely hate Trump, and have rational (in their minds) reasons for this which are mostly “he’s icky; his style is icky; his policies are icky”. Tom Grey

    While all of Hillary’s supporters are Trump-haters… most Trump-haters on the right are not Hillary supporters. In the 2016 election, even those on the right who voted for Hillary were casting an anti-Trump vote.

    “Of course she’s got some hardcore supporters that gnash their teeth and wail that she was cheated(!) but that’s not how most of the left works. She didn’t get the job done, even and despite all the presumptions and advantages working in her favor (the cheating, the boost from the media, academia, the various victim demos, etc.) She’s dead to them…” AMartel

    That’s my take as well. Another John Kerry also ran. Only victory counts with fanatics.

  15. As a leftist I always resented the “Moscow is running the American left” meme. However, I have read enough to know that, while Moscow wasn’t the tail wagging the dog, it’s not like they weren’t trying and to some degree succeeding.

    They were pushing on an open door. Among opinion journalists during the late Cold War, to favor the enemy was as common if dirt (if not modal on the portside). The adjacent position adopted was to expend one’s verbiage slicing up American policy-makers as so unutterably vulgar. The former approach you could see in the work of Alexander Cockburn, Victor Navasky, Barbara Ehrenreich, J. Hoberman, Noam Chomsky, Penny Lernoux, and Paul Sweezy. The latter was more characteristic of The New York Review of Books, Harper’s under Lewis Lapham, or Elizabeth Drew. Anthony Lewis general dispositions were at the libration point between the two. Most of the Democratic caucus in Congress was perfectly feckless (with a few like Ron Dellums pretty much Soviet assets).

  16. One thing I’d like an answer to in re the late Cold War, is how much of the Institute for Policy Studies’ budget came from cut-outs financed by the East bloc. A mess of dirt came out before the Russians closed the archives (e.g. both Armand Hammer and I.F. Stone being Soviet assets), but I’m not sure anyone was researching this question.

  17. Someone throw water on this witch and make her go away, Make her get off our lawns. She is kind of like some sort of super slime thank you cannot get off of your hands. That’s all I have to say about that.

  18. One thing I’d like an answer to in re the late Cold War, is how much of the Institute for Policy Studies’ budget came from cut-outs financed by the East bloc.

    Art Deco: How the F do you know about the “Institute for Policy Studies”? IPS and Saul Landau were mother’s milk on KPFA circa the 80s.

    Name is huxley. I think we’ve met.

  19. I visited IPS with a friend whose mother was on staff there. This was just after (days, as I recollect) the Letelier/Moffitt murders — he was on a mission of stress relief.

  20. Hillary had to come through and deliver on the bribes she received from foreigners. She would have been a total disaster.

    And Bill would have been uncontrolled in a million ways. Back to bopping interns in the Lincoln bedroom.

  21. Eh, she was speaking colloquially. Pretty sad and pathetic though. Which is not to say I’m experiencing sympathy for her. We all have our regrets. The healthy among us accept them and move on. Three years on and she seems incapable of doing so.

  22. You know…maybe I’ve got other things to do raising 3 kids and keeping my lovely wife laughing…and everything else that goes into my day, but I don’t spend as much as a second thinking about the losing loser who lost in 2016. Until of course she pops out like some crazy snake in the woodpile & insists upon some attention. And even then I don’t think much about her, just thank God for President Donald Trump, and then get on with my day.

  23. It sounds like a woman whose husband divorced her saying, “If I had just been a better wife…”

    There is something fundamentally pathetic and needy about this woman.

  24. Hillary will run again after the Convention goes for her. She won’t enter any primaries.

    Articles praising what she would have done on a list of cherry picked issues will start appearing in the MSM. By Spring the faithful will express tears of joy at the mention of her name.

    The only Machine now in existence is the Clinton Machine. A Machine being an organization that notices and is able to reward performance and protect its supporters.

    Trump will obliterate her and destroy what I call the Boomer Democratic Party, taking both houses. It is so cluelessly corrupt that it can’t be reformed.

    A new Democratic Party will form for the 2022 election led by outsiders, people like Yang and McCready.

  25. Hillary will run again after the Convention goes for her. She won’t enter any primaries.

    Nothing like this has happened in 50 years, nor can it given contemporary practices. The only way HRC gets from here to there in such a scenario is if one or two leading candidates are taken out by accidents. Recall that the last time a candidate was nominated by a deliberative convention, there were only a dozen state primaries, 1/3 of the convention delegates had been chosen the previous year through esoteric slating procedures, the incumbent president had withdrawn from consideration consequent to a public humiliation, and one of the three remaining competitors had been shot dead at a campaign event in Los Angeles.

  26. I also think about what kind of president Hillary would have been, but not all the time, not even often. But when I do, I also think about what kind of “resistance” there would have been. Would there have been instant protests, often destructive, with people wearing knitted, um, phallic hats up and down the streets of DC and other major cities? Would groups of republicans have followed democrat notables into restaurants and made them and other diners uncomfortable at best, forced out at worst? Would there have been nearly all media outlets putting the worst possible spin on everything Mme. President had said or done? Would democrat voters have been called nazis and all the “phobic” names one could think of? Would the stock market have risen to great heights and businesses start thriving again and the unemployment rate reached new lows, with more African Americans working than in decades? Would new pipelines have been allowed to open, fracking to continue, and the USA become nearly completely energy independent?

    I suppose I could come up with more examples, but this is what I’d like Hillary to think about. We know that she would have continued defending the “New Normal”, a phrase I rejected the first time I heard it and one that has been sounded refuted.

    If she runs and is elected, I just may have to get my knitting needles out and start knitting.

  27. But when I do, I also think about what kind of “resistance” there would have been.

    A generation ago, Joseph Sobran offered that a Democratic president would be attacked by the media just like a Republican president, but attacked from the left. He was expecting Walter Mondale to have to contend with that. By 1998, Brent Bozell was compiling data which indicated that the broadcast media were an extension of the Clinton’s pr operation. By 2008, pretty much all media bar Fox and small-audience outlets were an extension of Obama’s PR operation. If HRC faced any trouble at all (outside of Fox and the Wall Street Journal editorial page), it would have been from the antifa / BLM auxilliary in the press corps (taking cues from The Squad, among others).

  28. I recall the uncertain election of 2004, where Bush 43 won over Kerry (I won 3 purple hearts). (Just writing about it reminds me of the hilarious Jib Jab).

    I noted (on Michael Totten’s blog) that one big benefit of Kerry winning, perhaps the only one, is that the Media won’t be so hysterical with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    And, when Obama was elected, and re-elected. They weren’t.
    I fear that lots of people who want less hysteria in the media will feel, even if they don’t articulate it, that both the “news” and the “reality” will be calmer without Trump.

    And they’re half-right: the Dem media will be calmer. Even if the reality is worse and has more reason for negativity.

    Anti-hysterical folk need less politics, more real-life fun. (But sitting here reading and commenting seems like so much fun.)

  29. There was a meme floating about with Hillary before a poster with a large word “Count”. It was one of those “demotivator” format memes, with the tag line,
    “A Picture. Worth a thousand words”.

    From that angle, Hillary was coincidentally blocking the “o” in Count.

    Still an accurate meme.

  30. Huxley: The way Democrats, Hillary especially, have been handling computer security issues drives me completely crazy.

    LOLZ. Speaking again of memes, there’s one out there with Hillary demanding Trump release his tax returns, with Trump smiling and saying, “I e-mailed them to you…”

  31. Recall that the last time a candidate was nominated by a deliberative convention, there were only a dozen state primaries, 1/3 of the convention delegates had been chosen the previous year through esoteric slating procedures, the incumbent president had withdrawn from consideration consequent to a public humiliation, and one of the three remaining competitors had been shot dead at a campaign event in Los Angeles.

    Ummm, Art, you forget Hillary in 2016.

    There was a lawsuit in regards to that one, with re: Bernie Sanders. In it, the official corporate entity called the Democratic Party made the argument that there was nothing in the bylaws requiring them to pay ANY ATTENTION WHATSOEVER to the state voting results at all. And the judge sided with them, because it’s true. And the media didn’t make a big deal, so the dems got away with it — putting Hillary up instead of Bernie. It may well be that that is the reason we don’t have President Sanders.That switch certainly ticked off a lot of Sanders voters. Possibly enough to have cost her the election, esp. since at least some of them went for Trump, a double-blow.

    DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms

    Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders

  32. Ummm, Art, you forget Hillary in 2016.

    She was a full participant in the nomination donnybrook and won the majority of votes cast in primaries and precinct caucuses. Her tally of pledged delegates exceeded his by 360. He’d have had to have won the votes of 75% of the unpledged delegates to trump her advantage in pledged delegates.

    I have no clue what you fancy you’re talking about.

  33. OBloodyHell on November 15, 2019 at 2:40 pm said:
    Huxley: The way Democrats, Hillary especially, have been handling computer security issues drives me completely crazy.

    LOLZ. Speaking again of memes, there’s one out there with Hillary demanding Trump release his tax returns, with Trump smiling and saying, “I e-mailed them to you…”
    * * *
    Have you got a link?
    Google claims they haven’t got a clue…
    No big surprise.


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