Home » Thomas Friedman offers one of the worst comparisons ever


Thomas Friedman offers one of the worst comparisons ever — 9 Comments

  1. The comparison to Woods is particularly apt.

    Woods, apparently, needed the underlife for his mojo as well as the praise from adoring fans. When his underlife became exposed and he had to quit it, he also lost most of the adoration. Same thing has happened to Obama. The difference between them, of course, is that there was once a true greatness with Woods.

    I prefer the following analogy presented, if you will excuse the vulgarity, in the following you tube and bathroom ditty:


    Here I sit all broken hearted
    Tried to shit but only farted.

  2. TF admires the ‘efficiency’ of the People’s Republic of China. Chomsky, Krugman, and Friedman have a strangle hold on my list of the top 3 pundits/experts to despise.

  3. Tom Friedman’s head is shoved so far up his back side that the lump in his throat is his nose.

  4. I don’t much care what Friedman thinks about anything.

    But if he inspired you to post vids of Ella and Sir Duke then his column in the nation’s fishwrap of record served a valuable purpose.

  5. I liked Frieman’s first two books. (THE LEXUS AND THE OLIVE TREEE & THE EARTH IS FLAT) He had something worthwhile to say about globalization and the ME. Success and being lionized by the progs in New York has turned him into another mindless progressive with nothing really to say except the same old same old. Have not read anything he has written in years that made sense to me.

  6. Thomas Elmer BeFuddledman:
    But lately [Obama] is seriously off his game. He’s not Jimmy Carter. He’s Tiger Woods – a natural who’s lost his swing.

    While Tiger Woods may have been a “natural,” he worked very hard at his craft from childhood. His father did not force him: the desire to excel at golf came from within.

    What hard work did ∅bama do to succeed in politics? Compared to Tiger Woods, who worked his but off for decades, ∅bama comes across as a piker.

    ∅bama is a one-trick pony. His 2004 Convention speech, where he tried to be all things to all people, where he talked of coming together, being neither red nor blue, was repeated in various forms throughout his campaign.

    It was all BS, as the “neither red nor blue”∅bama had the most liberal voting record in the Senate in 2007.

    He never had a “natural swing” to lose when it came to the hard stuff in politics: getting disparate, partisan, divided groups to agree on a common goal. All he can do is say “I Won” or denigrate his opposition as ….whatever. After all, it worked in Chicago.

    Contrary to his claim and promise at the 2004 Convention, he will never bring us together- unless it is in disgust at his policies.

    The solution for Thomas Elmer BeFuddledman: like Charlie on the MTA, or the Man Without a Country, put Thomas a passenger on the high speed rail line in China for the rest of his life. He can travel back and forth, to and from Bejing, for the rest of his life.

  7. I’m surprised that no one’s comparing him to Lebron James. Particuarly after Lebron’s disappearing act in this year’s finals.

    Election Obama about Lerbon 2008:

    “I’m LeBron James, baby. I can play on this level. I got some game.

    Media Perception of Lebron 2011:

    The Incredible Shrinking LeBron

    seems apt….no?


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