Home » The elite war on democracy


The elite war on democracy — 29 Comments

  1. A lot of folks seem to think this kind of thing leads to citizen revolution, which is certainly possible. I tend to think the more likely result is a citizenry that simply gives up and allows the elite to have their way, which ultimately leads to disaster and not a citizen revolution but the rise of real dictatorial forces. To paraphrase the old saying…

    Hard men make good times.
    Good times make soft men.
    Soft men make bad times.
    Bad times make hard men.
    Hard men dispose of soft men.


  2. This is just like how the U.S. prosecutors are redefining anything positive done on behalf of a political candidate they don’t like as an “unlawful political contribution.” See NY prosecutors going after Michael Cohen paying Stormy Daniels. The clear meaning of the word “contribution” used to be cash given to a campaign but allowing it to mean “in kind” has opened the floodgates.

    Dems should be careful stretching the law this way, what comes around goes around. Does that mean the news media’s being in the tank for Hillary and other Dems makes them unlawful political contributors? Can Republican prosecutors go after the media to dig up what “quid pro quo” reporters had with a candidate that they like in exchange for positive coverage? This will not lead to a good place.

  3. California proposition 8.
    Democratically decided….TWICE.
    One judge “interprets” otherwise.

  4. I have two kids who are lawyers. If they were the last two surviving lawyers, I would be much relieved and I’m not even too sure about them.

    First, I would change the laws to allow the end of Civil Service. Theodore Dalrymple puts it well.

    Where administration is light and bureaucracy small, bureaucratic honesty is an incomparable virtue; but where these are heavy and large, as in all modern European states, Britain and Italy not least among them, they burden and obstruct the inventive and energetic. Where bureaucrats are honest, no one can cut through their Laocoönian coils: their procedures, no matter how onerous, antiquated, or bloody-minded, must be endured patiently. Such bureaucrats can
    neither be hurried in their deliberations nor made to see common sense. Indeed, the very absurdity or pedantry of these deliberations is for them the guarantee of their own fair-mindedness, impartiality, and disinterest. To treat all people with equal contempt and indifference is the bureaucrat’s idea of equity.

    Also, the UK did not have a “Supreme Court” until the EU provided it one.

  5. I’m pretty sure I would call those who would destroy our republic by judicial fiat, media manipulations, and fascist violence something other than “elite.”

    And I’m very sure they will not enjoy the reply from those of us who happen to quite love the USA when we begin deciding we’ve had enough.

  6. The left will never stop pushing until they reach the brick wall. Sooner or later. We’ll see.

  7. “Ellte?” Only in their self-regard.
    Otherwise of no mark or merit, looking at performance.
    Etymology from the Latin, ex legere, “picked out.”
    But for the vast majority of the so-called, no one voted for them.

  8. Me, I didn’t appreciate Trump until spring 2017. Damn his crude self, I now am 100% behind his crude persona. Fake news? Yes it is fake. The left are fascists, yes with no reservations. Let the chips fall.

  9. John G,

    Looking forward to no daily bag limit. The left wants me, and all my descendants dead. As the patriarch of 4 generations I have no qualms using my bolt action rifles to put a 8mm hole between their eyes at 400 yards.

    They know not what 30,000,000 Americans are capable of.

  10. Millions of Americans are closely watching the Marxist- Leninist’s and their yapping lapdog, the MSM, attempt to overthrow the 2016 election.

    Our 2nd Amendment rights have nothing to do with hunting or self defense. It is the Constitutionally mandated fire extinguisher on the wall, with a gold stencil on the glass door reading, “Open in Case of Tyranny”

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    —Thomas Jefferson

  11. parker…happy to stand overwatch & keep your 6 clear.
    Or simply hand you the next reload.

  12. Absolutely;. The 2nd amendment very purpose is to protect the people. From the government, if necessary.

    Gun grabbers always make me laugh. There’s 340,000,000 guns in the United States. If there was a gun problem, you’d know about it.

  13. Just as the market is a discovery process for determining relative values; so too is democracy.

    Democracy’s most important role is in providing feedback to the elites, so they don’t end up going too far, driving civilization into the ground, and being deservedly overthrown and justly executed by the masses.

    The democratic process… whereby all enfranchised individuals participate in an informational exchange… reveals and employs dispersed, often tacit,
    information that could not otherwise be produced and used.

    The elite should always remember: it’s useful to know if/when the plan you’re imposing on the masses is unpopular.

    The market socialists were misled on this matter, looking at prices as simply arbitrary “parameters” to be chosen by the mandarins, rather than the meaningful, information-laden product of a competitive discovery process.

    Trying to squelch an organic expression of populist discontent is about as wise as putting a piece of black tape over a blinking warning light and ignoring the problem.

  14. “not a citizen revolution but the rise of real dictatorial forces.”

    You mean like the “citizen revolution” that founded America? Three percent” isn’t a majority, and Tories run out of this country with fire and sword probably thought it was dictatorial.

    “It’s only treason if you lose.”

  15. As in all wars (or “policies” or “projects”), those waged by elites on “deplorables” can prove to be a double-edged sword.

    For example, high-tech social media moguls who might be said to have invented (though no doubt with the best intentions in mind) “brave new” ways (because “pleasurable” and “entertaining”) of unleashing extraordinarily destructive (if, mostly, self-destructive) behavior upon the land (not at all dissimilar to all those altruistic pharmaceuticals who provided opioids practically “on demand” to alleviate our pain), may ultimately find themselves in the crosshairs of the (pleasurably?) destructive forces they have encouraged (and made huge profits from)….

    And while we might not—yet—be “amusing ourselves to death”…(well not quite yet):

    …things can still be seen to be rather entertaining (after a fashion)…

    …as Hunter…

    …becomes Hunted.

  16. Barr and Durham seemed to have moved the Russia Hoax probe into a criminal investigation.

    I’m a little bit more hopeful of indictments, but still waiting.

    Trump has been a surprise obstacle to the secret Deep State coup that was spontaneously emerging from too much gov’t.

    But I fear too many of our college educated “elite”, and wannabee elite, and actual resource decision makers in gov’t and business; too many of them are indoctrinated into a non-rational demonization of normal Republicans, and normal Christian sexual morality.

    The elite in colleges, in media, in business as owners & managers, in schools as teachers, in politics as elected or hired — virtually all of these decision makers are college educated elite.

    The colleges that discriminate against Republican professors are a major cause of the increased polarization, and our country can’t be united if colleges continue to discriminate.

  17. first of all, this is a republic… not a democracy
    second of all, russia is a soveriegn democracy

    the war is NOT against democracy, its for a version of it people dont understand
    why? cause they cant understand that all these rules for business are fascist control and communist control of the means of production…

    Modern Chinese leaders state that they run a “socialist democracy” where the Communist Party of China is a central authority that acts in the interest of the people.

    The 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Diversity of ideologies and religions is sanctioned, and a state or compulsory ideology may not be adopted.

    Sovereign democracy (Russian: ?????????? ??????????, transl. suverennaya demokratiya) is a term describing modern Russian politics first used by Vladislav Surkov on 22 February 2006 in a speech before a gathering of the Russian political party United Russia.

    A society’s political life where the political powers, their authorities and decisions are decided and controlled by a diverse Russian nation for the purpose of reaching material welfare, freedom and fairness by all citizens, social groups and nationalities, by the people that formed it

    so you guys are not even in the discussion… as far as these people are concerned
    your just ignorant noise cause you dont know how its all changed and definitions changed and more…

    democracy is the new communism
    and thats why they say… Trump is destroying OUR democracy.
    and morons think they are included in OUR.


    this is part of it too..
    it pits the natural wacko, against the others – ie Internal civil war drags on economy, law, and more… and normal people get tired when lunatics with obsessions dont… [and wont stop till you do nasty things that are first made illegal]

    In detention centers and in prisons, in big cities and small towns, women across America don’t have access to the period products they need. On #NationalPeriodDay, men need to join women in demanding real change—which is why I’m supporting the Menstrual Equity Act.

    Beto loses PC brownie points for failing to realize that women should not be singled out as the only ones who have periods. P&G knows better.

    Regarding H.R. 1882: Menstrual Equity For All Act of 2019, Well Insiders writes that it will ensure that… [snip] …free menstrual hygiene products are available to students, low-income individuals, homeless individuals, people who are incarcerated, those working for large employers and in all public federal buildings.

    [who knew when women became equal, everyone will have to pay for their free stuff as if they are a bad wife… i guess all of us are now fiddlers on the roof… (its from a part of the tora/bible where better to live on a corner of a roof than to be with a certain kind of woman]


    given they can define the reality of these people, they can also define them to go out and kill or vote for it… all they need is the numbers post abortions…

    i would suggest you invest in ovens and cremetoria
    nothing was done over the past 15 years to even move one iota
    so… nothing will be done here.. .
    about the BEST YOU CAN HOPE FOR now is trump for four more years to put your life in order, cause after that… no more usa..

    [and funny… if we go that bad, the map from the 80s that had russia control the east coast and china the west… becomes a reality… all by building cathedrals that span many lives so the rubes are too dumb to get it… EVEN WHEN SOMEONE TRIES TO LAY IT OUT FROM EXPERIENCE.]

    glad i have another country or two to go to…
    if anything the shoa taught me is not to trust your fellow people full of hate
    know your the target… and know when to leave…

    the rest of the 299 million and the 20 million illegals will just do what?
    load the women who make evil babies into what? wait till the feminists figure out that they wont have to do a thing in the future… “work will set them free” and they “will get what they deserve”

    hows that for a repeat of history?

  18. People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true
    it spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know… — Brooks Atkinson

    modern women just want to have fun
    they follow diktat till they even murder their own kids
    IF only Hitler realized this, he could have had a SILENT SHOA

    he would have exterminated the Jews and most would have no one to blame except themselves for listening to another person who was not their family, did not care about them for real and exchanged their posterity for some tampons and a place in a slave planet… not state… planet.

    bet most dont know the stakes are THAT HIGH..
    so high, drone wars and nuclear weapons are now on the table

    [remember, hillary sold nuclear material tha now allows the soviets to pretend they are any country and blame any country for an incident… hey… Turkey has our nukes and the soviets are going over them now… too freaking bad for us… cause the ladies, the left (same thing) and more… will prevent self defense of the oppressor country.. it has no right to it dont ya know… ]

  19. “…attempt to overthrow the 2016 election….”

    Ah, but you fail to note that that loveable gang of altruists were trying to PROTECT us all from that HORRIBLE ORANGE MAN—who was, so crudely, threatening to sabotage the arc of history!!

    (The gang that couldn’t plot straight?)

    Just as they were trying to protect us from [fill in the blank] when they trampled on the Constitution all those countless times before….

    After all, their love of America—and Americans—is so phenomenally HYUUUUGE that they felt (in spite of everything) morally compelled to shred the Constitution FOR OUR BENEFIT. IN OUR DEFENSE. FOR OUR OWN GOOD.

    Admirable. Touching.
    (Is it not?)

  20. we really should have more of this

    Twerking while the world burns! Model films herself gyrating on the burning streets of Barcelona during Catalan independence riots

    here it is

    cause THIS was what feminism and everything was about
    sooooo much better than healthy kids, clean streets, no riots, etc.. .

    funny thing is that the ladies are now so disgusting, decent guys are turned off
    its not they are herbivore men, or incels, or mgtow, or etc… its why would you want that kind of person to be your partner in life? why would you want to be with someone who has contempt for what you are not just who you are?

    good thing they self exterminated…
    could you imagine a future with those COWS in the lead of the other cows that the men in power use as cattle in a domesticated society where the cows get free meds, free tampons, and more…

    we are living a horror story…
    where a free societ, splits into a ruling class

    and a genetically bred low IQ underclass that believes they are smarter, are actually making these choices, and hate their own potential mates…

    at that point.. they will know who their masters are and it will be a boot on the neck forever… without any hope… as they figured out the mistake made with Spartacus… they didnt domesticate the slaves by removing the men… this time, with machines and training the women to do the mens work, they can..

    welcome to animal farm… the REAL ONE

  21. if they were THIS dumb

    Jennifer Wagner-Assali, a competitor who lost to McKinnon in the past — but did not race last weekend — called McKinnon’s win “unfair,” the Times reported.

    “It was an unfair race, and I accepted that when I pinned on the number, and I tried to do my best to overcome the unfairness,” Wagner-Assali said of McKinnon’s dominance over natural-born female racers.

    “I do feel that hard-fought freedoms for women’s sport are being eroded. If we continue to let this happen, there will be men’s sports and co-ed sports, but there won’t be any women’s sports,” Wagner-Assali added.

    what else do you think they will discover they did to themselves (and everyone else?)?????

    and did you notice… they have lost ALL power of sympathy.. compassion..
    a huge number of others say.. fine… bed, see bed, like in bed..
    as they also feel with freezing eggs, business, and defending the homeland

    why would men defend a homeland that hates them?
    if you dont understand how hard it was to keep people motivated for the war
    then you would understand where we would be if they first pre-worked the population for twenty years before a war starts, where would WWII have been? how bad would the riots for Vietnam be?

    someone better wake up..
    before they live in a world they dont know how to live in
    and the ex-soviets do best, cause, well, they do and are prepared..

  22. “…which is why I’m supporting…”

    Sorry, Art. While BETO# is indeed to be commended for thinking—sorry, fantasizing—outside the box…

    …I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT support him until he affirms UNEQUIVOCALLY that he will pass legislation to help women who suffer from prostate cancer (with all the pain and shame that such suffering entails).

    As of NOW I’ve heard nothing. NOTHING.

    I’m still waiting.


  23. The problem with the elite is that they aren’t actually that elite. Which others here have pointed out.

  24. Here we are 7-8 billion animals, all the same species. And wow, are we similar. We all have almost exactly the same genetics (owing to what is called the founder effect) with only about one out of one thousand nucleotide differences.
    Species also have phenotypic (what is more or less obvious and visible) characteristics, naturally, in both their bodies and their brains. Some species are big, some small, some peaceful like a possum and some are mean, like a wolverine. Some smart. Some dumb.

    It is not intuitive that what 51% of us want—as in democracy—is the way we should govern ourselves. What if 78% of us would be horrible and mean to the other 22%?

    But it is logical to organize ourselves through democracies, though not intuitive…that we best rule ourselves using majority wishes, because if you agree that 49% can rule, then the logic never stops allowing a smaller and smaller percentage until you smash headlong into the brick wall: single man or woman rule… and we know this cannot work because a single brain can’t have the information needed to run 8 billion others of us; or that the single person could be a monster. One or the other.

    Now, suppose our species has a phenotypic characteristic that says: All humans want to feel special and unique and different and outstanding. Then, we have a quandary… because we have a species that is so amazingly uniform and homogeneous. We are really only .1% different from one another. Tough luck. About the only way such animals could behave is to merely think they are better, think their way is superior, imagine they are on a celestial path to some nirvana that the others don’t see or can’t see. Hence the radical progressive is born. They are forced to live in an imaginary world.

    Accordingly, the elite fights the rest of us. It is not so strange. It is to be expected.

  25. “It is to be expected.”

    Well, yes, the problem is precisely that we don’t know our place.

    Nothing that a few cracked skulls can’t fix.

    (Or a few million.)

  26. Now, suppose our species has a phenotypic characteristic that says: All humans want to feel special and unique and different and outstanding. Then, we have a quandary… because we have a species that is so amazingly uniform and homogeneous. We are really only .1% different from one another. Tough luck.

    Dnaxy: Jordan Peterson makes the point somewhere in his “Maps of Meaning” lectures (and my paraphrase won’t be languaged as he does) that as humans not only do we already have a wide range of games in which we can be special — sports, arts, science, business, religion, relationships, politics etc. — but we also have the capacity to create new games or sub-games.

    Andy Warhol started as an odd gay artist outcast with an OK career as a commercial artist, but no real future. Then he recreated himself as a public, avant-garde, pop artist, drew other odd creative outcasts to him, and bang! he was the center of a whole art scene, which made him famous and wealthy.

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