Home » David Koch has died


David Koch has died — 17 Comments

  1. I am expecting an avalanche of ugly comments about David Koch from the left. I see the NY Times is leading the way.

    Rest in peace.

  2. What bothers me the most here is the “far right” thing, which I think means “to the right of Lenin”.

  3. “He was also a libertarian who gave a lot of money to causes on the right, and that’s why he was so excoriated by the left.”

    Because “progressives” hate it when rich people use their money to influence politics. You know, unlike, say, Darth Soros.

  4. It has just been reported that Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg has pancreatic cancer, and has undergone three weeks of radiation treatment for it.

    Let the wailing and hysteria on the Left begin!

  5. David Koch was one of a small fraction of survivors of a runway collision, airplane crash at LAX. He narrowly avoided dying of smoke inhalation.

    I think the left often flipped out over the Kochs because they were politically active and their net worth was significantly greater than Soros. But the Kochs had much of their wealth tied up in hard assets, factories and such; whereas Soros had nearly all of his wealth in cash and liquid securities. I am not sure, but I think Soros’ political spending always outstripped the Kochs.

  6. Nothing I could ever think or say or write was going to have any effect on the Koch brothers or others of such superrich ilk so I’ve never really spent even five minutes at a time thinking about them. Or Bezos, Zuckerberg, and so forth.

  7. I need some memory help here. Weren’t the Koch brothers somehow involved in trying to drive up the price of silver back a couple decades ago? They were trying to “corner” the market, whatever that might mean. Problem was, there was simply too much silver on planet earth. Gold went from $400 hundred an ounce to $1300 an ounce, while silver went from $12 an ounce to $12 an ounce, via a short trip up to $30 an ounce.

    Or am I remembering the totally wrong?


  8. Sdferr,

    Thanks for the memory jog. It was the Hunt brothers, not Koch brothers. Oops.


  9. The WAPO is printing stories about the horrible Koch brothers. According to the WAPO they have an empire.

  10. The silver speculators were the sons of a famous Texas wildcatter. They lost a lot of money in that venture in their attempts to capture the entire market. As regards Mr. Koch, not only did he make the donations referenced, but also made similar contributions to other cancer treatment centers at Johns Hopkins and MD Anderson in Houston. There is a major cancer treatment facility at Hopkins with the family on it.

  11. Koch(s) donated way way more to heath care facilities than to politicians.
    As to their dislike of Trump, this is the personal dislike of one billionaire or two for another in the same class. It is all ego.
    Support Democrats, you Kochs? Are you crazy? That is the ultimate way of buying the rope with which your enemies will hang you.

  12. Note the following tweet from NPR, paid for with your taxes…


    “David Koch along with his brother Charles transformed American politics by creating a network of secretly funded organizations that attacked Democrats and promoted conservative causes.”

    The reality is that David Koch was a libertarian. He also supported abortion rights, drug decriminalization, gay marriage and a host of other social issues more normally associated with the left. This tweet is just plain character assassination… and with our tax dollars!

    I wonder what they will say when George Soros dies…

  13. This is in relation to Mr. Koch’s support of cancer research and hospitals, although I encountered it while tracking down many of the postings yesterday about Patrick Byrne’s bombshell revelations in re Spygate & Maria Butina. It is a personal account of his battle against cancer as a young adult — he was a terminal case at least three times, and recovered after heroic treatment and personal effort.


    If the link doesn’t get you to the comment (which is very long, because it is a transcript of a very long talk), then search for
    Dell Mar says:
    August 23, 2019 at 4:06 am
    Patrick Byrne’s Heavy-Hitter Banquet Speech

    I tried to find a direct link to the talk, but was not successful, so this is the best I can do.
    Very much recommend reading the whole thing.

    Then, if you are a die-hard politics fanatic, read up on the Byrne-Butina caper at Treehouse and elsewhere. J. E. Dyer had some good commentary.

    Spygate gets worse and worse.

  14. I knew people in Kansas who worked at Koch Industries. They would be given a problem, told to solve it. Solve it and move up.
    I wish we had David Koch’s at every level of our federal government. Demand results.
    Hope I can do a tiny fraction of what he has done to make life better.

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