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A Republican who’s challenging AOC — 17 Comments

  1. Andy:

    Yes, I know.

    However, there is a tiny tiny tiny chance, not zero. It would depend on turnout. If enough Democrats are disaffected and won’t vote for AOC, and enough Republicans are energized, it is at least theoretically possible.

    About a thousand to one chance, or less. But still within the realm of possibility.

  2. Very few of those Democrats voted when AOC was nominated and elected. She’s notorious now, so maybe the chances for Miller are slightly higher than they would otherwise be.

  3. It’ll be fun watching the Dems try to figure out how to attack without looking racist.

  4. I’m expecting an experienced local Puerto Rican politician (borough council, state house or senate) to primary AOC, and give her a thorough whipping.

    Then AOC can go back to slinging coffee at a brew house.

  5. Some reports are that she supported AOC early on and so is a progressive in disguise.

    Could be, but could be a different sort of culture clash. I remembered the One Job! Hey mon skits, from the old Living Color comedy show, that poke fun at the super strict, hardworking aspect of West Indian culture I recall from my old neighborhood in NYC.


  6. ACTUALLY she DOES have a chance…
    thats the funny thing…
    if you read immigrant news and papers and such
    there are a LOT who remember the evil of their homes..
    and its ok to be socialist, not get too close to the real thing..

    they are basically showing that the democrat party wants full communism
    and while democrats want freebies, and so on, and even social validation
    when it comes to the kind of state that people remember, it might not go

    SOCIALISM USA! Ocasio-Cortez Says No One Will be ‘Heartbroken’ if Kicked-Off Private Insurance

    Controversial Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubling-down on Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All proposal Wednesday; telling reporters no one in America would be “heartbroken” if tossed-off their private insurance plan.

    “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said on Wednesday nobody is ‘heartbroken’ by the prospect of losing their private health insurance if Medicare for All were to be implemented,” reports Fox News.

    “People like their health care, they like their doctor… But I’d be interested in what the public polling on Aetna would look like,” said Ocaio-Cortez.

    How many in her area are from Cuba?
    How many in her area are from Venzeula or have family?

    read the responses to her tweets.. wow
    these are not people happy… note they love emergency room more than they love the socialist medicines and other games they left back home.

    these are not neo socialsits from europe who never tasted its reality

  7. your getting a lot of this kind of thing:
    Colorado Public School Forces Girls To Follow Islamic Dress Code On Field Trip To a Mosque

    why is the state forcing people of one religion to wear the garb of another?
    why are they letting the other think the state loves them, for forcing their religion on them?


    the more these ladies show the real face of the left, they are not going to liek them

    your confusing radicals with with the people who sided for profit but never thought it would really happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and i said, this train has no brakes… so the more nancy and other stry to stop this level of women (read the catechism and you will find out the true believers lost control of the women they were using and as the jacobins in the french revolution, good bye old white guard… )

    Douglas County School District affirmed that such Islamic law will be upheld on the excursion. Rough Heights Middle School (RHMS) Principal Mike Loitz on KNUS 710 radio and was met about the excursion.

    Subside Boyles of KNUS provided details regarding the standards the educational system issued to understudies so as to advise guardians, which were as per the following:

    We will visit the Denver Mosque. THERE IS A DRESS CODE FOR THIS TRIP: All understudies must wear fitting long jeans. Lower legs must be secured. Young ladies must bring wide scarves or hooded sweatshirts for the mosque.

    will the boys have to wear a kippa whne they take them to the synagogue?

  8. ONE last point…

    in the next election cycle, nancy may find out that the gang of four bcomes the team of eight… as there are not a lot of moderates in the left coming out of colleges… and they are going to no be cowed, shut up or anything by some old wrinkley white supremecist who breeds more (nancy has 5 kids)…

    what will they do if the base gets voted out and what gets voted in is another set like this?

    i guess they will figure out that their idea to change the demographics make everyone hate one group they belong to, will result in their ends before any otehrs and most otehrs..

    funny… (and i am not the only one noticing they have no way to distinquish a good white suipremecist or breeder of such from a bad one… )

    little shop of horrors… FEED ME SEYMOUR…

  9. It’ll be fun watching the Dems try to figure out how to attack without looking racist.

    That hypothetical concern has never stopped them before.

  10. False flag. Up until a short time ago she was a Democrat and a big supporter of AOC. This is just an attempt to grease the skids for AOC.

  11. RPL:

    Miller congratulated AOC on her victory at the time. Period. That’s all I can find to back up what you allege. I heard her interviewed about it a day or two ago, and Miller says she did not realize how bad AOC would be, and she was happy that a young woman had unseated the old guard.

    I’ve noticed a bunch of people going around spreading the idea that Miller is not a Republican. What’s their motive? Miller may not be the most conservative of Republicans, but she’s a Republican and no AOC supporter. She also is identifying as a Trump supporter. Do you think any black person would do that lightly or easily?

    If she was a Democrat, the far more effective way to challenge AOC would be to primary her from the Democratic side. Then she (Miller) would have a much better chance of winning the election.

  12. “If she was a Democrat, the far more effective way to challenge AOC would be to primary her from the Democratic side. Then she (Miller) would have a much better chance of winning the election.”

    Thanks for the whole response Neo. I would note that NY and Chicago politics are notorious for being machine politics operations. We may assume “fair” party operations, but behind closed doors they may be anything but. Running on the Republican ticket could have been Miller’s only option.

  13. Is not her name Murray?

    She could win. AOC is ‘like a mean girl, who thinks she is like the boss.” These people seen to fail and faster than you think. Read comments on the CBS interview of the squad (I had the interview on mute and read comments). The comments are very negative. The polls are reflecting this now. If the Republican Party backs her, I think she could win.
    Very few people voted during the AOC primary against Crowley. Plus, look at her audience. People from the Caribbean are more moderate and conservative (I lived there for a year). This district has supported Democrats, who were older, boring politicians that brought the bacon home. That is not AOC. It can change on a dime and do not forget what happened in 2016.

  14. Wow, this glimpse of Murray filled me with an unbelievable blast of longing for pre 911 NY.

  15. Good one JHCorcoran. Yes, Murray. See how important name recognition is?

    And yes, Crowley was supposed to be a party standard bearer, perhaps the next Speaker.

  16. It’s a good thing Murray doesn’t have me as her publicity director.

    Sheesh. I don’t know why I had her as “Miller.” But yes, it’s “Murray.”

    Maybe I should write it on the blackboard 100 times.

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