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Unintended comedy — 19 Comments

  1. The MSM is a joke. This is why I almost never read a newspaper these days (except for “Mutts”).

    One gets much better news on http://www.michellesmirror.com, a mean-girl satirical site, than one ever gets from the NYT, Wapo, AP, Reuters, etc. Seriously, folks, check out this site to see some actual news, plus great links to other good sites.

  2. Paul Krugman thinks an attack by space aliens would help us solve our economic problems. This is the theme of “Watchman,” the famed graphic novel. Check out this link to Ace of Spades:


    Sorry if I’m just in a silly mood, but this was all predicted in Bizarro Superman’s world, which is actually more real than AP’s imagined world.

  3. So I guess Obama launching indirect attacks is not rare.

    Good to know. Thanks, AP! I always knew you guys had a subtle right-wing bias, but I’d personally appreciate it if you’d try to hide your little digs at Obama a bit better. He is the President after all. Show some respect.

  4. Well of course it’s a rare attack. Da Won usually does that passive-aggressive thing, or has his proxies launch the direct attack.
    God, I’m getting cynical. Can I just be allowed fast-forward over the next twelve months? Pretty please?

  5. “fast-forward over the next 12 months” What! And leave the rest of us to pick up the slack? No way lady. If I have to suffer through it so do you…

    But I have to agree this column had a dose of unintended humor. New jobs should be this rare.

  6. Notice how “compromise” to the slavish media is a lump sum in spending cuts pretty much equaling a lump sum in new spending. Yes this is the nuanced balanced approach where everyone sacrifices and extremism has no place…… Excuse me? Isn’t that like not accomplishing a G** D*** thing? Has a democrat make work program just been passed for congress?

  7. The AP writing, “Obama launched a rare direct attack on the GOP field” is such violent rhetoric. Will any of us be surprised when an Obama supporter says to himself, “hey, if Obama is launching a direct attack on the GOP, then why can’t I”? The AP is driving its readers to commit violence.

    God that was so lame. I’m glad I’m not a paid leftist spinner at Think Progress.

  8. How’s this for another laugh? via Byron York (today’s Washington Examiner): “We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again,” Obama told a crowd in Decorah, Iowa. “But over the last six months we’ve had a run of bad luck.” Obama listed three events overseas — the Arab Spring uprisings, the tsunami in Japan, and the European debt crises — which set the economy back.

    He forgot to add: “The dog ate my plans for the economy.”

  9. And clearly the Arab Spring uprisings, the tsunami and the European debt crises are all Bush’s fault, right?

    Poor Bamster, he’s had such a tough time. Maybe he should rethink this whole presidential thing, ’cause it’s just not the fun and games he thought it would be.

  10. “”We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again,” Obama told a crowd in Decorah, Iowa. “But over the last six months we’ve had a run of bad luck.””

    Funny how conservatives from the beginning predicted this run of bad luck once the sugar high of stimulus tapered off. Clearly those should have been short buses Obama purchased for his listening tour.

  11. The run of bad luck we’ve had is that Obama has been doing his job to the best of his abilities.

  12. Balanced approach???

    Balanced means that because we grew the government for 40 years running instead of cutting it we’ll have zero increases in government for the next 40 years.

    We spend 3.6 trillion per year today. We’ll spend 3.6 trillion per year each year for the next 40.

    How’s that for balanced.

    With that “centrist” plan – we’ll be able to meet our obligations in the future. For the short term we’ll run deficits.

  13. if you control the inputs of data to someones reality, you control and construct that reality.

    ie. something for consumption eaten by the wrong beast, makes no sense… but that said for consumption to the target, the target accepts the information, and so constructs their reality or worldview from it.

    liberals have had so much told without any veracity, that it is easier to defend the lie than it is to be suddenly confused, ineffectual, used, and all the other things, including the long slog to repair the damage…

    its why its so critical to teach in school, as once the investment in the wrong is made, one is loath to invest at all once one is ‘finished’.

  14. No, it’s “unexpected”, not “unintended”! Stick to the approved meme or you’re off the journoLIST for good!

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