Home » Lebanese army receives its marching orders: from Hezbollah


Lebanese army receives its marching orders: from Hezbollah — 20 Comments

  1. Before the usual trolls show up here, let’s consider which is the illegitimate state.

    In 1948 Lebanon declared war on Israel. It has never ended by a treaty, as was the case with Jordan and Egypt. In a war Israel can occupy an enemy country.

    Since independence in the 1940’s Syria has never recognized an independent Lebanon.

    Lebanon is only adjacent to these two countries.

  2. “In 1948 Lebanon declared war on Israel. It has never ended by a treaty, as was the case with Jordan and Egypt. In a war Israel can occupy an enemy country.

    Since independence in the 1940’s Syria has never recognized an independent Lebanon.

    Lebanon is only adjacent to these two countries.”

    O.K – I can’t confirm that but I’ll take your word for it – but I’m assuming your saying Lebanon is an illegitmate state because of this.

    Which seems quite a stretch to me.

    Israel on the other hand – clearly an illegitmate state…

  3. “Israel on the other hand – clearly an illegitmate state…”

    Absolutely, the creation of Israel, mandated by the League of Nations, was carried out by the United Nations. Clearly illegitimate.

  4. If Israel is illegitimate then so is Pakistan. It was created in much the same way.

  5. “PseudoIsraelis running for the international law book.”

    Nope, just using your methods against you. Hope you never bring up international law to defend any of your arguments.

  6. Then reread and think. You constantly bring up what is legal, yet if anyone opposing your viewpoint uses it you mock. Psuedoisraelis, how deep and intellectual of you.

  7. The creation of Israel had nothing to do with international law – if it did – Israel would not have been created(at least in Palestine).

    Israel was an exception – clearly, justified under the guilt of the European community after the horrors of the Nazi holocaust(and years of lobbying by Zionists).

    If there is any argument that stands up to scrutiny justifying Israel’s existance(the reality, NOT the dreamy romantic mythology of the pro-Israel right)it is that.

    But even that doesn’t justify Israel’s
    brutal and repressive history.

    Israel was a big mistake.

    For Jews, Muslims and the West.

  8. Yeah, but it is a fait accompli. Israel must learn to live within its borders and accept that there will always be resentment and stop this macho militarism.

    It won’t entirely fix things but it would go a long way toward it.

    There are many in Israel with the same view. Seemingly not in America though. AIPAC and others are a curse I’m afraid. If Americans knew the facts of Israeli violence and aggression, I don’t think they’d be too keen on continuing the massive ‘aid’ and putting up with all the other problems borne of Israeli intransigence.

  9. Israel was a big mistake. For Jews, Muslims and the West.

    Mt. Vesuvius was the unforeseeable mistake of the residence of Pompeii – for Israel the unforeseeable mistake of her Semitic immigrants was that Islam is an enlightened religion of peace, humility, and wisdom. Islam is an anti-enlightenment. No true Liberal can justify any defense of Islam.

  10. neo-neocon

    Mark Steyn had a good piece about this in Sunday’s Chicago Sun-Times. He basically argues that while in an earlier age the Party of God (the Hezb’Allah) would be the ruler of Lebanon, the nation-state is an irrelevant concept when establishing a global caliphate is your goal. UN seats and Olympic teams simply get in the way.

  11. I think more and more Americans are beginning to catch on. Don’t count on it. Liberalism as an “entitlement and blame America philosophy” is a dead philosophy for a generation [at least] to come — or until it is redefined. Liberalism as it is simply can not survive in the Information Revolution — to much disinfecting sunlight.

  12. AND, they’re setting the pace for the arab hating and islam bashing. You’d think after being smeared with the Protocols for so long, they’d be a bit more careful about it.

    This “islamic fascism” shiny bauble is proof positive of their innate stupidity and deceit though, don’t you think? How thick (and how hateful) can they get?

  13. My my, the conspiracy theories sure are flying tonight…

    I believe I’ve quoted Emil Fackenheim on this blog before, but it seems worth repeating:

    “For Christians, the first priority may be theological self-understanding. For Jews it is, and after Auschwitz must be, simple safety for their children. In pursuit of this goal, Jews seek — are morally required to seek — independence of other people’s charity. They therefore seek safety — are morally required to seek it — through the existence of a Jewish state. Except among the theologically or humanly perverse, Zionism — the commitment to the safety and genuine sovereignty of the State of Israel — is not negotiable.”

    Suzy and Justaguy, your words make it clear that you know nothing of Israel whatever. I would heartily suggest that you visit, and look around for yourselves. Wait for the war to end, if you prefer… but go and see. It’ll open your eyes to a great many things.


  14. Daniel wrote:

    Suzy and Justaguy, your words make it clear that you know nothing of Israel whatever. I would heartily suggest that you visit, and look around for yourselves. Wait for the war to end, if you prefer… but go and see. It’ll open your eyes to a great many things.

    Daniel – I’d probably have a great time in Israel proper – I know some Israelis casually nice enough people know how to enjoy themselves (the chicks are pretty hot) – but thats got really nothing at all do with the problem with the Israeli leadership or the conflict with the Palestinians.

    Zionism, as it is manifested in Israel is immoral and the epicentre for a global conflict that could end it all – for all of us.

    And until there is justice – until the West upholds the values it claims to hold and truly seeks peace – it’s not going to happen.

    Offical American and Israeli policy towards the Arab state is immoral and ultimately, suicidal.

    The corporate owned media and State influence is an absolute disgrace and needs to change. The propaganda during the Lebanon war and the Iraq war has reached levels of utter ubsurditiy rivaling anything since the middle ages.

    Things are quite bad and deserve serious debate and investigation, which I certainly won’t get sitting at a cafe in Tel Aviv – as nice as that would be.

    It sounds more like it is you, Daniel who doesn’t really know much about Israel.

    And you’ve probably been there more than a few times yourself….

  15. ‘. Vesuvius was the unforeseeable mistake of the residence of Pompeii – for Israel the unforeseeable mistake of her Semitic immigrants was that Islam is an enlightened religion of peace, humility, and wisdom. Islam is an anti-enlightenment. No true Liberal can justify any defense of Islam.”

    It’s got nothing to do with a defense of Islam.

    The conflicts Israel has with the Arab world have nothing to do with with religon.

    Some clearly love to make it so – and provides and emotional background which once could argue, makes the hatred more intense – but the issue over there is about land, war, and the hatred that that breeds.

    Any religon can be a religon of hate.
    And the Bible and the Koran and the Talmud can be the evil manipulators of anybody’s actions if your looking for it.

    A pathetic sideshow for angry extremists.

  16. “Almost three years ago, in the immediate aftermath of the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Jessica Stern, who lectures on terrorism at Harvard, wrote in The New York Times that the U.S. had created in Iraq “precisely the situation the Bush administration has described as a breeding ground for terrorists: a state unable to control its borders or provide for its citizens’ rudimentary needs.”

    “Ms. Stern went on to say, “As bad as the situation inside Iraq may be, the effect that the war has had on terrorist recruitment around the globe may be even more worrisome.””

  17. Ms. Stern went on to say, “As bad as the situation inside Iraq may be, the effect that the war has had on terrorist recruitment around the globe may be even more worrisome.

    Here we go again with the Fighting-Terrorism-Causes-Terrorism Meme. We mustn’t fight terrorism. Why? Because it will make the terrorists angry. Wait a minute while I find the barf bag.

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