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More things in heaven and earth… — 26 Comments

  1. Slightly salty water has been found to be great for growing nice sweet vegetables.

    Especially cherry tomatoes.

  2. I remember being told by “climate experts” that we are running out of water. I’ve always thought that to be absurd.

  3. Any ‘expert’ who spouts off about running out of water clearly does not understand the water cycle.

  4. I remember being told by “climate experts” that we are running out of water. I’ve always thought that to be absurd.

    Ogallala Aquifer is being slowly depleted.
    No water crisis? Tell that to inhabitants of Capetown or Iran. Capetown water crisis or the
    Iran water crisis.
    Israel, which has developed some expertise in dealing with water supplies in semi-arid to arid climates, has offered assistance to Iran, but Iran couldn’t countenance assistance from Little Satan.

  5. Gringo,

    So where does water on planet earth go? Yes, it changes forms, and is depleted in your example of the Ogallala aguifer, but the amount of water on earth does not leave the planet. Raising water hungry corn in Nebraska was never a good idea. In fact it is stupid. The Great Plains at best is suitable for wheat, or better, grass for cattle/bison. Australia is also depleting their aquifers. Humans tend to forget the lessons of history.

  6. Much of the water is above the firmament, aka the Van Allen Belts, aka the sky/heaven.

    The water doesn’t leave the Earth technically. But it is often with held for specific geo engineering purposes by the entity that controls the body of the Earth.

    Gringo, your IQ may be sufficient to understand de-salination process using nano tubes and nanotechnology. The basic premise is to attach nano vehicles to the salt in water mixtures, then pull the salt out using strong electro magnetics.

    Pretty easy billion cash profit for anyone that can get that prototyped.

  7. Currently, de-salination process uses up a lot of electricity which creates heat byproduct.

    Desalination should be more like a water filter, more passive. However, that can also decrease the salt in the oceans to below a dangerous limit, affecting sea life. So people will have to send ships to put the salt back into the ocean.

    But this future tech will allow humanity to no longer worry about the salt. They still can’t get out of low Earth orbit or fly over Antarctica, of course.

  8. This is interesting, though I have doubts about whether the cost of extracting it and transporting it could ever make it cost effective. The places that could really use it, like Iran and the Caribbean islands, don’t have the same geological conditions described.

  9. You can just run your nano desalination plants using your perpetual motion machines. A few billion dollars are all that is needed, and I’ve heard there is a good deal on a bridge in Brooklyn.

  10. To deny the water cycle is to worship the nonsense of AOC. Turn on the tap in your kitchen sink and some of what you drink is dinosaur piss. Warer on earth came from above long ago. It’s still here recycled for many years ago. Ignorance has no boundry. Get a clue. BTW, polar bears are not dying from global whatever. The water is going nowhere, gravity rules.

  11. Y,

    Exactly how did warer vapor escape earth’s gravity to exchage hydrogen bonds in the Van Allen Belt? Very spooky, very stupid.

  12. parker, parker, parker, don’t be a poopy head. Yammer clearly stated it is the entity that controls the body of the Earth who does all this water magic. That hydrologic cycle is so old school. Read carefully!

    But more likely it was very stupid.

  13. In my youth, in the ’70s I was assured we had reached peak food, water and oil, and billions would starve on an oil free planet by 2020.

    Parker is correct, humans do nothing to “destroy” water. It’s a local problem. We have far too many people living in the desert of southern California, but the folks living along the shores of Lake Superior are just fine.

  14. Since this is a “more things in heaven and earth” thread, I can’t resist.

    Has anyone else noticed the very sudden and visible eruption of news about UFO’s into the public sphere:

    The recent reporting in the New York Times ***of three government videos of “unidentified flying objects,” taken by pilots of U.S. Navy fighters over the last several years via their sophisticated electronic systems.

    The announcement—a month or so ago—that the Navy is now taking reporting such UFOs much more seriously.

    The very prominent reporting, in the last week, of three Senators being briefed on the UFO issue.

    Starting a month or so ago, Tucker Carlson reporting on the UFO issue on his show.

    The new 6-part “Unidentified” series on A & E’s History Channel **—about a group of experienced and high ranking government, intelligence (one of the group’s members a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence), and aerospace (chief designer at the Skunkworks) people, brought together by Luis Alizondo, the recently resigned head of yet another classified government project to study UFO’s, the Pentagon’s “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program,” reported on by the New York Times —Alzondo’s group trying to raise awareness of what they see as the potential National Security threat posed by UFOs.

    Alizondo saying that he resigned because he was not able to push his conclusions about what he thought was a National Security threat from UFOs up through the Pentagon bureaucracy to get it seriously considered at the highest levels. Said Alizondo, such information and conclusions were never taken seriously, were always “resisted.” So, Alizondo thought that he would try to present this information from the outside, rather than from the inside, and to try to get his evidence, concerns, and conclusions presented to members of Congress.

    Alizondo’s interview on Carlson’s show, where he all but hinted that UFOs are real, hinted at their extraterrestrial origin, and reluctantly admitted that the government was in possession of collected debris from them.

    Alizondo’s group’s investigation of the three Navy UFO videos, and their interview with one of the current active duty fighter pilots who took the videos of these UFOs which were shadowing a USS Nimitz carrier task force off the coast of Virginia in 2004—and showed up as well, when the Carrier task force went on to be stationed in the Middle East. UFOs which the pilot says are shadowing our Naval forces, and are many in number and frequently encountered.

    (An estimated 60 Navy personnel —fighter pilots, radar operators, and crew—witnessed and talked about this particular incident—which occurred over the span of several days in 2004, but none of the other witnesses wanted to testify about it, and certainly did not want to appear on camera, as this one active duty Naval fighter pilot did).

    So, is this just another very deliberate MSM “distraction,” one of a number of “shiny objects,” of stories designed to draw our attention away from—Oh, I don’t know—perhaps the revelations of an attempted (and ongoing) soft coup d’etat against President Trump, a coup organized and put into motion and pressed by dozens of our highest officials from the Obama Administration—in the DOJ, FBI, NSA, State Department and likely other Departments and Agencies as well?

    Or, is this prep work to get ready for an official announcement that the UFOs that have been and are apparently appearing in the skies all over the Earth, and interacting with our military aircraft and installations, are, in fact, real and of extraterrestrial origin?

    ** I know, I know, the History Channel is not the first place I would go to for accurate historical information rather than sensationalism and speculation, and their long running, years-long “Ancient Aliens” series is just slick stuff and nonsense.

    But, with their new 6 part series about Alizondo and his team’s investigations, they may have actually hit some real pay dirt,

    And let’s face it—as things stand now—even if the information were true, what major network, who else would broadcast a series on such a “fringe” subject.

    *** https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html?module=inline

  15. Snow – what are the odds that the UFOs are extra-terrestrial vs. real devices controlled by State actors who want to deflect attention from them?
    Would TPTB rather have the peons speculating about ET coming back, or about being surveilled by their own Big Brothers, or about the US letting foreign countries invade our airspace without retaliation?

    It is a predicament.

  16. parker on June 26, 2019 at 1:00 am said:

    There you go again, thinking things are stupid just because you do not understand them. How long do you need to live on this Earth before you get educated that there’s a lot of things you do not know, son?

  17. I’m gonna call it first.

    They, meaning science boys, are going to float the idea or theory that “space is a liquid” soon enough. If they haven’t already.

  18. Snow on Pine on June 26, 2019 at 10:39 am said:

    I notice the regular trolls don’t troll you when you talk about UFOs. That’s nice, isn’t it.

  19. Yammer does water flow downhill in your world and is it wet too, or just you?

    How many years on Earth are ya gonna need before you level up, son?

  20. The Ogallala Aquifer, and many othert underground pools of water are “dead pools” which filled during previous geological ages and which are no longer being replenished. Other aquifers are receiving new water from precipitation on the surface. As an example, the Ozark Aquifer system south of the Missouri River in Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas (https://dnr.mo.gov/geology/wrc/groundwater/education/provinces/index.html ) receives “new water” on a continual basis . If you withdraw and don’t replenish a “dead pool”, eventually it goes dry.

    I guess that the socialist response is to “print” more water {/S}.

    Injection wells for the Ogallala, possibly using Missouri River water, would be speculative but might avoild the cost of a new surface water distribution system in the Great Plains. Since there was heroic opposition against “borrowing” Missouri River water for a coal-slurry pipeline, the total loss of the river water to the Ogallala seems to be a political impossibility.

    California has refused to replenish the Central Valley Aquifer since the water is being used to keep fishies happy.

    The Sahel in Africa and most of Iran have virtually no precipitation and/or no geological formations holding ancient water.

    The Sudan (& Saudi Arabia) has been negotiating with Egypt to create another dam on the upper Nile to hold irrigation water. Since such a system would divert the essential flow of the Nile River, Egypt hasn’t been accomodating.

    Equitorial Africe has, in places, over twelve feet of precipitation per year, so with enough Gold (or Oil), it might be possible to bring water from the Congo River to the Sahel/Sudan regions for irrigation or human use, but that seems unlikely considering current politics. After all, California does it to keep Los Angeles alive, for now.

    Coastal areas, such as California or Israel, might resort to desalination ($$$) for human use. I have no idea where countries like Iran would get sufficient supplies of “new” water for irrigation. Maybe dams somewhere to collect monsson precipitation.

    Water is always in the wrong places at the wrong times. Solutions will require political cooperation and/or lots of cash.

    Sorry that I am so late to the party. Any left-overs?

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