Home » At what Democrats thought would be their time of triumph, instead they fear a day of reckoning may come


At what Democrats thought would be their time of triumph, instead they fear a day of reckoning may come — 35 Comments

  1. If (big little word) any of these criminals are charged and subsequently found guilty, the left will implode in fits of rage and destruction. We’ll see.

  2. Somehow one can reasonably expect that these inventive malicious Democrat attacks on AG Barr will not result in diminishing whatever serious if plodding interest Barr already takes in seeing justice done in this scandalous episode in American political life. Indeed, it is quite easy to imagine him gritting his teeth, vowing quietly to himself a greater determination than that with which he began (* You jerks wanna make it personal now? Ok, can do dipshits. *)

    Our sad Dem morons can’t seem find a means to stop digging or tripping over their own splody petards — a metaphorical pic ’em.

  3. My favorite moment was when Sen. Shaheen asks AG Barr, “You don’t think there was spying do you?” He hems and haws and then says, “Of course, there was spying” plus a bit more on the predication of the spying. And poor Jeanne Shaheen is left sputtering and speechless.

  4. Declassify, declassify, declassify.

    Who did what when.

    There are more things under the sun than Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

  5. Barr is an old DC hand. He will not do what the Democrats want, which is argue. He will release the evidence,. There is a lot of it. Horowitz’ report which was delayed for months. Maybe Huber has even done some work. Some of the victims are starting to talk. Caputo said he was approached by a Russian national hired by the FBI, who offered him”dirt” on Hillary. He was a peripheral figure but he still was pursued by Mueller to the tune of a Million $ in legal fees. Fortunately, he had said no to the Russian perjury trap. Papadopoulos is writing a book, I think. He should.

    And now Jeffery Craig, a creepy character, is going to jail. K Street will evacuate. None of those people have registered with FARA,

  6. Their iconic historical moment they did NOT learn from that things were much the same was when the molotov rippentrop pact was confirmed and that the CPUSA was being run by Russia…

    however… go look, i dare you..
    i have said, when your in his position, being honest is a great defense

    i also said that if he wasnt, he would have been snagged a long long time ago with his showing up the political machine as incompetent boobs..

    i have also said, being honest is going to force them to go nutters looking for something that isnt there…

    I have also said that this was wonderful strategy… the left does not think strategy, they think tatics… their leaders think strategy, but are too far away to react or move fast… and they do not respect their opposition..

    Trump has managed to have them spend years validating him

    They are following their Zeitgeist, where no one (like them) is successful for real, its all cheaters (like them) and you can see that they think their opposition is better cheaters cause they cant catch them (When they dont do anything) – showing the leftist norm is PARANOIA

    however… the biggest mistake they made, and the left ALWAYS makes from hitler to lenin to mao to castro, to chavez… their egos say they are special people who in their specialness represent and know what the average is like and really wants, and what it wants is their fulfillment of the prophecies of engels and marx


    because the prophecies of engels and marx are not actions but worldviews
    and this worldview is carefully constructed by blind faith in the people above them to tell them the ‘facts’ in summary and are honest in action…

    so, as i said…
    people do not change sides..
    they find out they are on the wrong line

    THIS is what they fear… they do not fear harm to themselves.
    if you think that you did not care to understand the catechism
    which starts off “the revolutionary is a doomed man”…
    so, they start from a position of losing..

    woodrow wilson encapsulated the mental concept best
    I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause that will some day lose.

    ONCE AGAIN they fear they overplayed their hand as they always do, and that it will set them back another two generations… which is what it takes for enough people to forget their shenanigans they try again.

    any detailed history of them would show how nasty they have ALWAYS been

    but now… look where they are!!!!!!!!!!!!

    they do NOT have any coherent political position, they never strategized one as they thought they were going to be in control…

    go back to when obama won, and hillary cried and i pointed out, hillary and that was upset because SHE was supposed to be the leader not obama… she got punked, then Trump took her RULERSHIP away

    this resulted in an all out everyone doing anything and everything “for the cause”

    it at once reveals that they are controlled and its a light touch
    why? because the control is this fomenting of this constant war a la trotsky
    which is great as you keep things on low boil… all ambiguous
    and if you go back to the early days with hux and others
    i said, everything gets hidden in ambiguity

    however… once there is something big and real and such
    this light control is like gossamer traces on a team of horses
    works ok when its a ncie sunny day and so on
    but when the fit hits the shan, gossamer wont hold up
    the horses spit their bridles, run their traces..

    and all hell breaks loose
    this is fomented even worse by their “friends”
    who are external and would LOVE so much turmoil they could annex a few places at worst and ahve full out war and end to their struggle against their great enemy finally

    now their idiot followers are all so inspired, they are all going off the rails
    and they are showing the world their REAL FACE
    their MASK drops off… its well known..

    and we dont look things as a whole, we look at them in peices
    so we dont put together all the clues to get preponderance

    what we do is negate them one by one so there is no weight to them as a whole

    Nepharious people should always be worred about having the law in their house

    their biggest mistak that eveyrone is making is that trump is dirty
    I said i know him and a FEW OTHERS and i know them to be clean

    otherwise the claim is you have a mental person, who is an idiot, who can commit crimes and hide them better than moriarty from an army of thousands out to get him and no way to stop or even slow them down.

    there is NOTHING that can stand up to that except being honest

    maybe not your definition of honest, but the definition that comes from doing no wrong by the rules of wrong called law…

    Trump as a barometer shows us one thing..
    that our nation has not fallen far enough that this protection doesnt work
    it only works in a society in which rule of law exists and honest people are still in place…

    if this was a cocanut bananna republic, he could be as honest as washington, lincoln and jesus and it woudl not matter as they woudl define him as they need him

    but they cant… they are not THAT powerful

    they dont ‘get’ power except the overt kind you do bad to FEEL

    but there is another power, a power you cant feel, a power that does not force people to do things they dont want to establish one has it.

    this is more powerful than the despotic… but those who have it, dont feel it
    they always have self doubts… they dont know if the people respect their power, and authority or just like them for doing what they want…

    this is the core difference between LEADERS and RULERS..
    rulers need to feel it, leaders dont (and dont care)

    and if you know the natures of these two, you would understand what your seeing going on… in the real world, trump has on power over others, he only has influence and the ability to have them join him… or not… thats leadership…

    but in the political world, they get power by title… and lose it.. they like bosses where i work, believe the power is in the position.. like magic… they have lots of magical thinking.. they think i have title, you follow me…

    the truth is, title is just an opportunity to lead
    and a leader leads even with no title

    thats even scarier to them than the above!!
    its a heap big magic they cant control, dont understand, and are flummoxed by

  7. Leading Democrats are evil. Their follower Democrats are either indoctrinated or are just plain stupid.
    The wheel of justice turns slowly, but it has two more years to grind, which should yield a potload of indictments including perhaps for treason. Mueller and his Democrat-contributing staff did their best, but in the end Mueller proved moderately honest, unlike his old friend Comey, who really should spend the rest of his days in Leavenworth, along with Brennan. The Clintons, Rice, Lynch are likely spending nights staring at cracks in their ceilings; at least I hope so.
    Let’s see the chips fall!

  8. I’m happy to be patient with AG Barr…but really…how many of the lead characters in this coup effort are going to see the inside of the iron bar hotel?

    We have not found the bottom of this barrel yet…the closer we get, the uglier it will become. I still reckon there’s blood yet to spill…It will be just that bad.

  9. Cicero on April 11, 2019 at 3:48 pm at 3:48 pm said:
    Leading Democrats are evil. Their follower Democrats are either indoctrinated or are stupid.

    and to what you just said:
    All revolutionaries should have under them second- or third-degree revolutionaries – i.e., comrades who are not completely initiated. These should be regarded as part of the common revolutionary capital placed at his disposal. This capital should, of course, be spent as economically as possible in order to derive from it the greatest possible profit…………

    ….This filthy social order can be split up into several categories……Hatred and the sense of outrage may even be useful insofar as they incite the masses to revolt……The second group comprises those who will be spared for the time being in order that, by a series of monstrous acts, they may drive the people into inevitable revolt.

    the people your talking about are this:

    The third category consists of a great many brutes in high positions, distinguished neither by their cleverness nor their energy, while enjoying riches, influence, power, and high positions by virtue of their rank. These must be exploited in every possible way; they must be implicated and embroiled in our affairs, their dirty secrets must be ferreted out, and they must be transformed into slaves. Their power, influence, and connections, their wealth and their energy, will form an inexhaustible treasure and a precious help in all our undertakings.

    thats why they assume dirt.. above is Clintons and Obama, etc..
    they all have dirt and they have all been shown how that dirt means nothing
    just as long as they do what they are supposed to do.. (if they like it, even better)

    no one is supposed to get anywhere as a free unecumbered person!!!
    they are to have a bridle put on so they can steer the horse!!
    i explained this almost two decades ago now (from their own books)

    and here comes Occasional Cortex category.. (she actually is in more than one)

    The fourth category comprises ambitious office-holders and liberals of various shades of opinion. The revolutionary must pretend to collaborate with them, blindly following them, while at the same time, prying out their secrets until they are completely in his power. They must be so compromised that there is no way out for them, and then they can be used to create disorder in the State.

    can you imagine how followers change sides if they wake up to the above being done to them?
    happened to bella dodd. but we dont discuss her change..
    [it has meaning, while D mammet does not]

    here comes julan assange… and others like him in terms of cutting a figure

    The fifth category consists of those doctrinaires, conspirators, and revolutionists who cut a great figure on paper or in their cliques. They must be constantly driven on to make compromising declarations: as a result, the majority of them will be destroyed, while a minority will become genuine revolutionaries.

    I think the term is not destroyed but USED UP

    and here is AOC, the feminists, and so on..
    the average feminist in school or running around with a pink p*ssey hat… is first..

    The sixth category is especially important: women.

    They can be divided into three main groups.

    First, those frivolous, thoughtless, and vapid women, whom we shall use as we use the third and fourth category of men.

    yeah… well THATs the respect they have for their followers.. none
    their folloowers want leaders, they got rulers

    their followers wanted meaning, they got used up

    their followers were told they now have a seat at a table, while their numbers show they are destroyed and soon to be powerless, defeated by their own side, so when the time comes, they are out of the fight to reverse the revolution… the counter revolution is prevented this way.

    the women are now used up… they did their job..
    to neuter the men who stood in the way of what kind of state?
    oh yeah.. the women WANT a COMMUNIST STATE

    Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one and the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of Feminism.
    McKinnon (they are now claiming she didnt say it, and sanger didnt say things she wrote in her own autobiography that might change the direction of thos vapid followers in innocents clubs…

    Second, women who are ardent, capable, and devoted, but whom do not belong to us because they have not yet achieved a passionless and austere revolutionary understanding; these must be used like the men of the fifth category.

    and of course the most radical feminists, antifa (moldy locks), etc..

    Finally, there are the women who are completely on our side – i.e., those who are wholly dedicated and who have accepted our program in its entirety. We should regard these women as the most valuable or our treasures; without their help, we would never succeed.

    see? they know what to do for a long long time..
    Sergey Nechayev 1869 – The Revolutionary Catechism

    In 1864 Bakunin founded the secret International Revolutionary Association (better known as the International Fraternity) which published its program and statutes in 1865-66 in three related documents: The International Family, the Revolutionary Catechism, and the National Catechism, in which Bakunin outlined the basic tenets of his doctrine. They are, as H. E, Kaminski writes, “the spiritual foundation of the entire anarchist movement….”

    now why would any of you want to understand the spirituyal foundations of your opposition?
    not entertaining enough…

  10. In (possibly) related news, Assange has been arrested, and is in the hands of the British government.
    Gee, that should go well. Let me remember, which government was it whose spies cooperated with Clinton and Obama to bring down Trump?
    Who wants to bet AGAINST Wikileaks having the goods on BOTH Clintons AND Obama, and all their scurvy crew?
    PLEASE take the bet – I need the money to pay my tax bill!

  11. Hubris got them. Like a python, it wrapped itself around the Dems, and like a rattlesnake, sank its fangs into them. Is Bummer? No, is what they deserve.

  12. The men who, in Italy, founded the Fraternity with Bakunin were former disciples of the republican nationalist Giuseppe Mazzini, from whom they acquired their fondness for secret societies.

    and games with words, and so on… it made this deadly game “fun’

    It is necessary to point out that when dissent is outlawed, revolutionaries are forced to organize secret societies. Bakunin was not alone; everybody conspired – the Poles, the Italians, the Russians, the Blanquists, and the nascent unions camouflaged as social clubs.

    [NOW you know why feminists wanted the power to get into these places of men… it wasnt about sports lockers, it was about the law forcing a door to a closed society of conspirators to another set playing innocence to the public but wanting communist power (now openly saying so)]

    Despite the encouraging revival of the socialist and labor movements, Bakunin saw that the workers were still very far from attaining the necessary revolutionary consciousness. To imbue the masses with this consciousness and to prevent the deformation of the revolution, Bakunin felt that the only alternative was to organize the secret International Fraternity.

    [bilderbergs, trilateral commission, etc.. there were and are so many, it was an open secret and what inspires the conspiracists… why? cause many of them were part of different groups,.. sanger had one.. moses harman? lots of them… but we dont see them that way, they changed our minds… (these groups work by invite lists, and who they put with whom, not by overt control and conspiracy (usually))]

    Bakunin was convinced that this kind of vanguard movement was indispensable to the success of the Social Revolution; that the Revolution must simultaneously destroy the old order and take on a federalist and anarchistic direction.

    hopefully the reader will be aware that Bakunin was the right oppositon as trotsky was the left, and that we are experiencing his side of the coin in terms of setting up conditions prior to 1917 and the TWO revolutions..

    The Revolutionary Catechism is primarily concerned with the immediate practical problems of the revolution. It was meant to sketch out for new and prospective members of the International Fraternity both the fundamental libertarian principles and a program of action.

    see.. your reading the notes of what WAS a secret society that eventually established the soviet union… so dont think this is silly stuff… think the Russians are silly soft and not a danger?


    you guys talk about how they think of themselves..
    they got it from a book..

    II Replacing the cult of God by respect and love of humanity, we proclaim human reason as the only criterion of truth; human conscience as the basis of justice; individual and collective freedom as the only source of order in society.

    VI. If there is one fundamental principle of human morality, it is freedom. To respect the freedom of your fellowman is duty; to love, help, and serve him is virtue.

    [just think of what kind of despotism the soviet union would have been if it wasnt started with all this LOVE… eh?]

    anyting here sound familiar?
    D. Abolition of classes, ranks, and privileges; absolute equality of political rights for all men and women………..

    H. Individual rights.
    1. The right of every man and woman, from birth to adulthood, to complete upkeep, clothes, food, shelter, care, guidance, education (public schools, primary, secondary, higher education, artistic, industrial, and scientific), all at the expense of society.

    2. The equal right of adolescents………

    3. The freedom of adults of both sexes must be absolute and complete, freedom to come and go, to voice all opinions, to be lazy or active, moral or immoral, in short, to dispose of one’s person or possessions as one pleases, being accountable to no one.
    [we refer to that as having lots of rights and no responsbilities]

    4. Unlimited freedom of propaganda, speech, press, public or private assembly, with no other restraint than the natural salutary power of public opinion………………….

    8. Persons losing their political rights will also lose custody of their children…………..
    [ah, so THATS why men cant have their kids.. the CIS guys lost their politial rights as unprotected class]

    10. Individuals condemned by the laws of any and every association (commune, province, region, or nation) reserve the right to escape punishment by declaring that they wish to resign from that association…………
    [you know, farrakahn saying that the laws of the US have no baaring on him or his folk, as they quit this society… you didnt know that came from this?]

    its tens of pages long.
    but you get the hint
    its always been there
    hidden in front of you
    and unopposed

  13. President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.

    The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

    the FBI decided you dont need to see that stuff no more
    so the nearly 200 pages are now

  14. On the Netanyahu thread, Sergey quotes some observations that apply to Trump as well as to Bibi.


    Sergey on April 11, 2019 at 2:52 am at 2:52 am said:
    An article of Israeli journalist, with obvious parallels to USA politics:

    “My friends in the press, do not get confused. The victory of Bibi – the most right-wing coalition in the history of Israel – is completely on the conscience of the press.

    You thought that if you didn’t give the elected leader of Israel a moment’s peace, if you chose discourse with investigative actions, ignored and despised his achievements, boasted of your hatred for him in the interview, then he will eventually fall. What happened? He did not fall, he is stronger than ever, and in the new government there is not a single representative of the centrists. No one.”

    Sergey on April 11, 2019 at 2:58 am at 2:58 am said:
    “You thought that, in the name of the letter of the law, Israel would abandon who is considered the leader of a generation. You didn’t just make a mistake. You pushed him to a more right position than he was, and we will soon see what will happen when we put the Trump programs on the table in front of us. You wanted to return the left to power – and in reality you finally finished them off.”

  15. Whoa! Instalanche. It took a few minutes to get in.

    The Democrats sure look locked in a positive feedback cycle. The harder they push in the wrong direction, the harder they will continue to push in the wrong direction until they blow up.

    This could be the story of the 2020 election.

  16. ‘The Left is intent on pushing what they see as “negatives” about the Right, but ends up making them “positives”’

    The problem with this approach for the Left invariably comes down to –

    1.) They’re much, much worse transgressors than the Republicans that they accuse of wrongdoing, or
    2.) The Left has gotten so far out of touch with the center that people don’t think that what the Left is shrieking about is a problem.

    For an example of the former, see the antics of Governor Northam, and the other members of the leadership of the state of Virginia. Or pretty much anything involving Ted Kennedy. For an example of the latter, see the public reaction (including by the smarter members of the Democratic leadership) to AOC’s “Green New Deal”.

  17. junior,

    I respectfully think you don’t understand the left. They are dillusinal, out of the ballpark, around the bend, far side of the moon, etc. The weird and strange djt is magnificent in his ability to destroy their agenda. They are incapable of realising they are settling into the depths of the Marianus Trench.

  18. You guys fall for propaganda so easily.

    Barr was using the term “spying” as a synonym for “surveillance”.

    The tell? “I’m not suggesting those rules were violated”. “And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated.”

    You guys heard “spying” and immediately concluded that he was asserting the very things he later assured us he was “not suggesting”. Well, that’s how the propagandist thought you’d respond.

    To everyone else, he could say he was simply telling us what we already knew: that the FBI surveils our foreign enemies…and in the course of that they are liable to pick up domestic ones too.

  19. Pingback:When The Hail Mary Pass Falls Incomplete | Shot in the Dark

  20. “You guys fall for propaganda so easily.”

    Heh…. One might say that YOU [guy] are so literal, it’s hilarious! (A scream?)

    Um, have YOU ever heard of the term “reading between the lines”? (Why of course you have!).

    Have YOU ever heard of the term “reading between the WORDS”? Hmm. Maybe. Maybe not….

    OK, let’s do an “experiment” and “read between the WORDS”!!

    Now Barr may indeed have said,
    “I’m not suggesting those rules were violated”. “And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated.”

    But what Barr MEANT (for those with a modicum of sense—AKA for those “with eyes to see and ears to hear”, etc., etc.) was:
    “I’m not suggesting those rules were violated BUT THEY MOST CERTAINLY WERE”. “And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated BUT IT MOST CERTAINLY WASN’T.”

    Gosh, why might he have phrased it like that? Why would Barr NOT have said what he meant?

    (A real head scratcher, that!)

    Well, one’s mileage may vary here, but have you ever heard of Socrates? (Of course you have!) And Socratic method? (Ditto!)

    And might not one think that even with Barr’s ORIGINAL, open-ended formulation that more than enough heads of Democrats have thoroughly exploded as it is?

    And might not one think that it’s better to hold one’s fire until one sees “the whites of their eyes”?

    Why, in fact, should Barr have revealed all his cards at once?

    Why should Barr have formulated a response that in one fell swoop would have revealed his beliefs and exposed him to even more exploding heads than those that had already exploded (exploding heads are messy)?

    Why should Barr give the game away before it already began?

    And why should Barr open himself to even more righteous indignation (more murderous righteous indignation, that should be) than he already did by indicating that he intends to investigate what APPEARS TO BE—and that’s why we’ll investigate—“rules [that] were violated” and investigations that were “not adequately predicated”.

    IOW, why would he make himself an even bigger target than he already is?

    Unless YOU think he’s an utter fool….

  21. There’s a bit of “best served cold” in AG Barr’s intentions. Mark it. He savours this moment.

  22. Of course, no AG in his or her right mind would allow himself/herself to say, “We’re starting this investigation because we believe he’s/she’s/they’re guilty”.

    Can’t be done.

    Presumption of innocence is still (despite the Democrats’ best efforts) a supreme value in the US (at least in theory).

    An AG—necessarily—have to phrase it (something like), “We’re investigating this because we have reason to believe that laws MAY HAVE BEEN broken.”

    So maybe, just maybe, the question is, if Barr came to the conclusion that there is enough malfeasance (as it were) to pass the smell test(!), malfeasance that—if it occurred—ought to be investigated and yet, nonetheless, formulated his intention to investigate with the mitigating—and eminently reasonable—words, “not suggesting” (twice!), then PERHAPS the question here ought to be, “WHY, if Barr was ‘not suggesting’ malfeasance and yet believed—reasonably enough—that “someone did something” (cf. Ilhan Omar) that should be investigated since that “something” might have been illegal; WHY should this cause Democrats’ heads to explode????

    Indeed, that ought to be the question….

    But of course, the answer is: BECAUSE the Democrats do not DO anything illegal (by definition); and if indeed Trump was “investigated” by the DOJ/FBI/CIA/DMW (Doesn’t Matter Whom), then it was the HEIGHT of necessity…and obviously legal—to SAVE the Republic—because, because, because….TRUMP. (And the GOP is talking about LAWS??? The CONSTITUTION??? In the same sentence as TRUMP? Give us a break….)

    Yes, because….TRUMP.

  23. And I was starting to think that Manju was “pining for the fjords” and that he had joined the celestial choir of crickets.

    He is a Norweigan Blue, pull the string and out comes the party line. Not like an African Gray, which actually uses its brain.

  24. Pingback:Uh, YEAH! « gregormendelblog.com

  25. Manju:

    You guy (as opposed to we guys, plural) have a problem with reading comprehension, as well as a problem that comes from over-generalizing.

    I, for one, am well aware of what Barr said and didn’t say. It’s the left who are freaking out over the word “spying,” not the right.

    The definition, from ever-helpful Google:

    work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.

    observe (someone) furtively.

    That’s exactly what Barr meant. And he further qualified it by adding:

    The question is whether it [the spying that did occur] was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that.

    All it means—and I think this is rather obvious, is that spying occurred (as defined above). If the spying was legal (“adequately pedicated”) and the correct justification and procedures were followed to justify it—as opposed to fudged or twisted or made up or overstepped—then okay. If they weren’t, then there’s trouble for those who did it. And he is going to investigate to see.

    And yet (in case you haven’t noticed) it was the left that went bats over this, just about apoplectic that Barr said what he said, which was actually a rather cautious and mild statement. Why? Do they think they actually might be in some sort of trouble if an investigation were to be launched?

    And the right is happy about it, because they already know enough to think that there may at the very least have been violations both large and small in the FISA process used to effect this “spying.” And they think Barr might be able (and willing) to uncover those violations if they do indeed exist, and that Barr might actually do something rather than just give a mild slap on the wrist to the perps.

    Might. Not will.

    That’s the understanding and attitude I mostly see here, and what I see on the left is fear. The idea that the left might actually have to answer for something is quite chilling to them.

  26. “But whatever comes of it all, if anything, Democrats cannot believe that at least right now their dreams have turned to dust and they taste, instead of the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.”

    Just like Hillary’s defeat.

  27. neo on April 12, 2019 at 1:59 pm at 1:59 pm said:

    You guy (as opposed to we guys, plural) have a problem with reading comprehension, as well as a problem that comes from over-generalizing.
    * * *
    I have coined the word sane-splains for what you do when fisking Manju.
    It’s an inelegant portmanteau, as are its progenitors, but it does capture the essence of your comments.

  28. It’s an inelegant portmanteau…

    AesopFan: Ooo, “portmanteau.” I don’t hear that word anymore. Did you read James Joyce at an impressionable age? Tip of the hat.

    I too give neo credit for big patience with Manju. It’d be nice if he’d play along with thedebate but he seems to lack the stamina or firepower.

  29. Can’t stand Joyce, but I read a lot of British mysteries at an impressionable age.

    Manju may be trolling too many webites to respond to Neo, or maybe he recognizes that there is simply no believable response.

    Sometimes I wonder if Manju is a false-flagger just out to get Neo to elucidate more of her analyses.

  30. Yeah it’s a tough time in Trollville for manju as he’s taking to just throwing a bunch of non sequiturs at the wall.


  31. Where is Leonidas at Thermopylae now that Xerxes’ legions storm the Gates?

    Ah, but Trump as Leonidas, the Lion King, has turned tables on Rats’ onrushing mass, lashed forward by Persepolis’ slave-driving overseers. As Xerxes put it, “If Persia descends on Sparta we will slay your warriors, burn your cities, rape your women and enslave your children.”

    To which Leonidas answered one word: “If.”

  32. Manju and Omni side kick are amnesiacs walking around thinking they are kings of truth.

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