Home » Greg Craig: and speaking of boomerangs…


Greg Craig: and speaking of boomerangs… — 17 Comments

  1. Oh, I think Podesta is going down, too. Mueller opened this door with his pursuit of Manafort. Cory Lewandowski’s book makes it clear that Manafort is a wheeler dealer and probably a crook but this use of FARA is going to clear out K Street. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch, of both parties.

    I don’t think he will go down as hard as Avenatti, but there are not many dirtbags of his quality.

  2. I think the Podesta brothers will not face any indictments. They filed the necessary paperwork just before Manafort was indicted. Someone tip them off?
    I just wish that the IG report would be the downfall of Brennen, Comey, Clapper. But it won’t be.

  3. How DARE those barbaric Republicans go after those poor innocent patriots!

    How DARE those cretinous know-nothings persecute and oppress them, torture them and slander them!

    Do Republicans have no shame?? No honor?? No respect?? No morals?? (Rhetorical question, don’t bother answering.)

    Simply barbaric! Outrageous!!

    And LOW.

    There ought to be a law

    I tell you the GOP is trying to destroy America and anyone who doesn’t agree with their hideous point of view.

    (And if you don’t believe me, just ask Max Boot…and Michael Avenatti!)

  4. May they all get what they so richly deserve.

    When it was discovered that Clinton had received oral sex in the Oval Office and was not immediately forced to resign by his own party… it revealed a moral failing that reflects even more upon the members of that party, than it does Clinton. He’s merely a common degenerate, they enable degeneracy and in doing so reveal themselves to be unworthy of the sacrifices of those “who gave that last full measure of devotion”.

  5. GB 5:52 pm. Clinton is why I left the Democrat Party. If I had been as faithless in my marriage my wife would have divorced me. If I had multiple accusations of sexual assault and even rape against me, I’d have gone to prison. But I guess that matrimony and the law are different in Arkansas. It was immediately obvious that Bill and Hillary were a vile scummy pair yet the Democrats did what they could to get him elected. The Democrats are the totalitarian left who want power and other peoples money by any means necessary and are just fine with people like Bill and Hillary.

  6. Remember that Obama was president for years before he discovered that he had “a phone and a pen.” That discovery coincided with John Podesta becoming Chief of Staff of the Obama Whitehouse.

    I always figured that J. Podesta was at the pinnacle of Democrat power. If there is a real effort to indict Tony P., this could get interesting fast.

  7. Did Neo tug on superman’s (the Podesta’s) cape? Is there a DDoS attack on thenewneo.com? I experienced multiple failures trying to get in.

  8. Did Neo tug on superman’s (the Podesta’s or Craig’s) cape? Is there a DDoS attack on this site? Experiencing repeated access failures.

  9. “The Democrats are the totalitarian left who want power and other peoples money by any means necessary and are just fine with people like Bill and Hillary.” – Paul in Boston

    I used to vacillate between D and R depending on the person and the office, and sometimes how I felt at the time.
    After Clinton’s escapades hit the news and I saw just what kind of principles the high-profile Democrats really believed in, I was appalled.
    I didn’t start holding it against local Democrats, though, until it became clear that the entire leadership was ideologically degenerate and ethically corrupt at every level.
    Even if a local Dem is a good person, I will never vote for the Party again.

    And they wonder how we got Trump.

  10. Slick Willy and the shrew queen are grifters, scamming for mega (Yuge) dollars. Corrupt to the core. That is all you need to know.


    What took you so long? Seriously.

  11. “Expected to be indicted” — he’s a Dem. This is pre-publicity, to minimize publicity. Now it’s small “expected”, but when it happens, it will already be “old news,” not the real “new” stuff.

    I’m looking forward to a lot more indictment announcements, tho I can imagine Barr needs to push his prosecutors to actually do it … there can always be delay excuses/ reasons “we need more details”.

    For me, actual indictments are almost as important as convictions.

    Glad they’re going to nail Craig, will be interesting about the Podestas (filing late?) was it illegal then, but since they filed as agents before indictment, that means it wasn’t a prior crime?

  12. This isn’t a boomerang. It just feels like one because the guy is a Dem.

    A boomerang is something that de-legitimizes the Mueller probe. This is the opposite. Craig resigned from Skadden after Mueller indicted Alex van der Zwaan. Andrew Weissmann prosecuted him.

    This emanates from the Meuller probe. If Craig is guilty, it demonstrates that probe was legit.

  13. here is an off topic boomerang

    Boston Globe Editorial: Tamper With Kirstjen Nielsen’s Food
    [which will transalte to tamper with any unprotected persons food]

    As for the waiters out there, I’m not saying you should tamper with anyone’s food, as that could get you into trouble. You might lose your serving job. But you’d be serving America.And you won’t have any regrets years later.

    [and you can bet that someone who has hepititus, will get an extra point in thier self for spreaing that]

    but now..
    how do you remove the endemic racism they are creating to blame on the people who get to eat bad food?

    you thin restaurant owners will want to risk it?
    hire the other class of which we are importing and they are bribing
    just take away everything from the blacks like jackson did the indians
    and give it to the new immigrants for votes… history repeats in front of you

    but note.
    you gonna go and buy food from a place which may have, without means to tell
    hired a person who will do that to the food?

    Rather than quell the outrage, though, the decision [to take down the vile editorial] incensed others, including O’Neil, who slammed the publication’s integrity.

    you can tell right now taht this kind of thing is going to increase

    they believe they are the resistance in an occupied state and that this Maquis will destroy the nazis by passive agressive sabotage of the oppressors

    welcome to feminisms end game a la marx..

    we now will have sabotuers as the next stage as antifa cant continue overtly
    can it?

  14. Chief Counsel In The Obama And Bill Clinton Administrations Indicted For Untruths In Mueller Probe

  15. parker on April 12, 2019 at 3:47 am at 3:47 am said:

    What took you so long? Seriously.
    * * *
    I know / knew a lot of sane, nice Democrats, both family & church friends, and local / state officials were not so rabid as the nationals (less scope) or were just as good on policy as the Republicans.
    (Lots of studies show the divide between Democrats and Republicans on policy & ideology has widened tremendously).
    Now, the rot has gotten deeply into the local parties.
    Unfortunately, the D voters are not seeing it (gee, I wonder why?) — although many who do are starting to #WalkAway (not going GOP though; I can understand that).

  16. parker – more on the question of “are there still sane Democrats?”


    Cohn and Quealy report that approximately a quarter of Democrats are progressive ideologues; only a tenth might identify as democratic socialists. “The rest of the party is easy to miss,” they write. “Not only is it less active on social media, but it is also under-represented in the well-educated, urban enclaves where journalists roam.”

    Similarly, Third Way—a group representing centrist Democrats—has released a poll finding a similar chasm between the woke mob on social media and other Democrats: “On the question of whether Democrats want a candidate who will appeal to a broad range of voters or move left to energize progressives and liberals, voters who do not post on Twitter prefer broad appeal by 57 points, while active Tweeters prefer broad appeal by a much narrower 27 points.”

    CNN data guru Harry Enten observes, contra the conventional wisdom, moderates and conservatives still make up roughly half of Democratic voters, while only 19 to 25 percent consider themselves “very liberal.” Moreover, “Millennials and Generation Z voters (roughly those younger than 40)… made up just about 29% of all Democratic voters in the 2018 midterm, per Catalist [a firm that maintains a voter database for Democratic and progressive causes].” Voters over fifty constituted 56 percent of Democratic voters in 2018.

    source of quote:

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