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John Maynard Keynes, married man — 27 Comments

  1. o_é’

    WoW! I mean… wow! That is… really weird. And fascinating. Melodious strokes!! The best thing about Lopokova’s English is that you know exactly what she means to say… and still it is so delightfully strange.

  2. Sounds like she took the athletic ability to get her feet over her head in more than one direction. 🙂

  3. I don’t mean to be pedantic, but I just checked his Wikipedia entry and there’s plenty about his private life and marriage. Did you miss that section?

  4. Schrodinger, of Schrodinger’s cat fame, was another famous person from that period with a strange private life. He worked out wave mechanics while spending time in the alps with his mistress and his wife acted as a procuress. He fled Germany for Oxford in 1933, but had trouble finding social acceptance as both his mistress and his wife lived with him. He also complained that the faculty was too gay, he preferred skirt chasers 😉

  5. This may be the one of the most fascinating items I have ever come across that would fall under the tag ‘I Didn’t Know That’ or better still, ‘I Don’t Believe It’.

  6. “To you I send a chirp from under the left breast,” she would write, “I place melodious strokes all over you.”

    Works for me.

  7. Lopokova “also declared that The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Keynes’s greatest work, was ‘beautiful like Bach’.” Wow! Wait till the Democrats get hold of that one: “Our new stimulus proposal is great music, equal to that of J. S. Bach.”

  8. The marriage almost ended on the honeymoon night, when she discovered he had a “deficit” in his pants.

  9. Oh, and earlier in life, Lopokova was Stravinsky’s mistress. What’s more, in 1915, while in New York, she became engaged to the New York Morning Telegraph sportswriter Heywood Broun, who later became a member of the celebrated Algonquin Round Table. She certainly had eclectic tastes in men.]

    With so many prominent attachments, I am surprised that Tom Lehrer didn’t write a song about her. After all, he wrote a song agbout Alma, who had been the wife of composer Gustav Mahler, architect Walter Gropius, and author Franz Werfel. (more information at “show more”)

  10. Gringo and jms: I actually thought of Alma (and Tom Lehrer’s song) when I was writing this post.

    Not only that, but years ago I wrote a draft for a post about Alma’s life (I’ve never finished it; someday it may see the light of day). I was inspired by Lehrer’s song to look up the facts of Alma’s life. The song is comic, but her life was actually fairly tragic, although she did indeed know (in the Biblical sense) all those famous men.

  11. Mr. Frank: no, it would not be fair to call him bisexual before meeting Lopokova. His sex life until meeting her was 100% gay, as far as anyone knows. Then he made a 180 turn and was 100% heterosexual once he married her (that is, he was both sexually active with his wife and faithful to her) and for the rest of his life, as far as anyone can tell. And when he met Lopokova he was not exactly an inexperienced broth of a boy; he was around 38 and had a long string of homosexual affairs under his belt, as it were.

  12. Anne: yes, I did miss that section. I just figured out why. I used the table of contents for Keynes’s Wiki entry, and under “Personal,” it just had four headings: Involvement with the Liberal Party, Support for the arts, Support for eugenics, and Death. So I never read most of those sections, not realizing that some stuff about his private life and love life was actually in there.

  13. If you note the early progressives tended to be sex freaks… ergo they hated a society that would not let them do as they pleased that way… ergo we now have a group of psychologists offering up pedophilia as a norm we should get used to… ergo sexual sadists have to have a place, and the underclass of unprotected classes is the well they dip into.

    the age of the sociopath is upon us…

    [to me the more interesting thing is you have two camps, one says x will happen, the other says Y will happen, Y gets their way, X is right, but we have to continue with Y? what happened to going back and listening to the people that were right, rather than proceed onward with the successful but wrong? might makes right over empiricism? ergo, 100 million captains and no deck hands in a storm… ]

  14. oh… the whole sordid core of art went to the sex fiends… from pedophilism/pederasty warping hollyweird (see Cory haim, Micheal Jackson, Roman Polanski, Gerry lee Lewis, etc)

    their Nobel fight was only for the right to debase themselves without approbation. they demanded the free use of the nintendo of its day, and the open expression of the mind in sexuality… ergo how many of them get caught recently with partners dressed up as nazi gestapo sex torturers…

    progressive politicians are the ones mostly caught cheating or living double lives..

    even going back to moses harmon and his paper lucifer bringer of light later the american eugenicist…

    after all, if your going to have rampant sex, your going to want a way to select the good from the extra waste. no?

    your going to need abortion. no?

    your going to need places to dump kids so you can go back to having sex… no?

    your going to have to normalize deviancy as early as possible… no?

    your going to have to make a two class system as a whole lot of desires you want require a victim… no?

    heck.. Obama momma and her nudie pictures, sleeping around, and so on?

    weiner? Max Mosley and his Nazi Sex Slaves? the debasement in Rap?

    the promise of higher things revealed in feminism to mean, a race to the bottom in debased sexuality, being used, STDs, infertility, etc… but the elite sure do have fun picking things to play with and unlike the past having to support them…

    sex fetish stuff normal for the office…

    and on it goes…

    and steeped in it, we dont notice it much, except we complain a bit when we do, re jigger ourselves, then sleep again…

    yesterday, it was very hard to get the general population to let their women be free and accessible… today, they come with their own sex toys, want to be sex tortured, and are given pamphlets in teen years as to happy and loving anal fisting…

    hmmm…. and i am bad for mentioning it, when the feminists/progressives/socialists/ etc are good at making it…

  15. Neo attracts a lot of readers like herself: libs/progs turned wingnut. We did it on different schedules, but we did it.

    Like Neo, a lot of her readers had their childhoods corrupted by exposure to Tom Lehrer. This is by no means the first Neo thread that mentions him. (Corrupted? I recall a babysitter shaking her head about our singing “The Old Dope Peddler.”)

    I wonder if those with childhoods corrupted by Tom Lehrer, which is an indication of having had lib/prog parents, had a greater tendency to leave the lib/prog fold than libs who did not grow up with Tom Lehrer.

    OTOH, some childhood friends of mine who also grew up with Tom Lehrer are as lib as ever.

  16. I don’t know if your theory holds up, Gringo. I knew the music of Tom Lehrer from childhood (and even sang Merry Minuet in chorus at summer camp!) and although fairly well educated, my parents were anything but lib/progs – they just appreciated the satire.

  17. Sgt. Mom:

    Then I will rephrase my question:

    I wonder if those with childhoods corrupted by Tom Lehrer had a greater tendency to leave the lib/prog fold than libs who did not grow up with Tom Lehrer.

    (If you were never a lib, then the question would not apply to you.)

  18. Yet more evidence bursting the Big Lie of the gay rights agenda – gays are NOT “born that way”, sexual identity IS fluid.

    The “born that way” lie is used to sidestep critical observation of the actual dysfunction in the gay lifestyle. It is also used – through Goebbels-like Big Lie repetition – to sloppily move people from “homosexuality is natural” (as in occurring in nature) to “it’s normal” (which is something else entirely).

  19. How sweet. How much more I like Keynes now that I know how glad he was ‘to be intimate with all her little holes’. She only had one type of ‘hole’ he’d never visited before.

    Maybe the prob with us cons, neo or proto, is that we are orgasmically less dependent.

  20. I like quoting Keynes – “When someone convinces me that I’m wrong, I change my mind. What do you do?” I suppose this gives meat to his meaning.

  21. Neo,

    A terrific source for more information about Keynes rapid interest in ballet is Jennifer Homans’ ‘Apollo’s Angels’. If you’ve not encountered it, it’s a better-than-average ballet history — with some clearly liberal asides — but her 20th-century research is particularly top-notch. She say next to nothing — quite appropriately so — about Keynes’ economic theories. Seems he was far sharper — and even passionate — about dance than we was about economics. If only he’d have stuck to his strengths …

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