Home » Anti-Semitism: it’s all the rage


Anti-Semitism: it’s all the rage — 100 Comments

  1. Anti-Semitism is impossible to eradicate when you’ve fully embraced pro-Islamism, as the Democratic has done wholesale. For folks like Tliab and Omar, anti-Semitism is part and parcel of their identities.

    When I was studying Arabic in California, I had a Palestinian teacher. She was virulently anti-Semitic. When she found out that a Marine in the class had some Jewish ancestry, she referred to him, going forward, as the “Jewish cancer” in the classroom. He filed a complaint, and it went into the black hole. Why? Because her test passing rate was phenomenal. Terrible person, but she could really teach us Arabic quite well.

  2. Unlike the Hispanic migrant absorption into the American body politic, the Muslim entry into the Democratic Party is a Trojan Horse operation.

    The Trojan Donkey is just a vehicle to breach the gates on the way to conquest. Ilhan and Rashida could care less about FDR and LBJ (A couple of white cis males). Saladin is their idea of a stud-muffin.

  3. Jewish people have Soros to thank for this worldwide anti-semitism phenomenon. If you go to Asia and ask them why do they have a problem with Jews their answers will most likely be “look at what the jews did to our economy in 1997. George Soros is by far the most famous Jew alive worldwide, second is probably Kissinger the old friend of China.

  4. “Terrible person, but she could really teach us Arabic quite well.” [Michael Towns @ 4:16 pm]

    And Mussolini made the trains run on time.

    The problem is not that she felt that way (sad though it may be), the problem is that she allowed her personal animus to infect her classroom. Unfortunately this seems to be the standard operating procedure in academics nowadays.

    As for the administration, how long would she have lasted if she referred to anyone as a “black cancer” or a “gay cancer”?

  5. Dave:

    Soros may have something to do with it for Asia, but he’s a relatively small part of anti-Semitism elsewhere (except for the funding of leftist causes in general). Europe has an ancient history of it. Soros doesn’t have much to do with the anti-Semitism of the Muslim world, or with that of Palestinians.

    Just because Soros was nominally born a Jew doesn’t mean he identifies in any way with Judaism–he is in fact on record as saying he was raised in a home that was anti-Semitic. See this:

    With Soros there’s also the fact that, that although he was born a Jew by the Nazis’ definition—in other words, he was born in Hungary to parents of Jewish ancestry—he was never given any instruction in Judaism and his parents had actually repudiated Judaism. They weren’t just non-practicing Jews (although they were indeed that), they were actually anti-Jewish, according to Soros himself, who said that he “grew up in a Jewish, anti-Semitic home,” and called his parents “uncomfortable with their religious roots.”

  6. “The lessons of identity politics and intersectionality have been well-learned by Sansour.”

    Yes indeed. Which is why she can get away with psychotic nastiness such as this:

    ‘Perhaps Sarsour’s most shocking tweet is one in which she attacked Hirsi Ali’s womanhood. In a 2011 tweet, Sarsour said, “Brigitte Gabriel=Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking for an a$$ whipping. I wish I could take their vaginas away. They don’t deserve to be women.”’
    From: https://conatusnews.com/linda-sarsour-is-a-disgrace-to-feminism/

    And so apparently, “Linda ‘I-wish-I-could-take-their-vaginas- away’ Sansour may express herself a bit, um, unconventionally, but she’s a feminist hero and she’s ours!”

    (But then Hirsi-Ali has, over the past decade or so, devoted her her life to warning the West about Islam. IOW, she has allied herself with the Enemy.)

    Pelosi had better gear up. Either that, or capitulate. (Hmmm. Wonder what the odds are on the latter?…)

  7. Michael Towns,

    Sounds like you and I had one or two of the same teachers at DLI. Of course, we tweaked some of them back. For a Christmas lunch one of my fellow soldiers went to a bakery and brought some cookies for one of our Palestinian teachers…shaped like the Star of David. It wasn’t well received.

  8. I get a a hopeful sense all this intersectionality BS is finally reaching an endpoint with the election of these freshmen…ooops freshperson representatives. If everyone is defined by their race, gender, ethnicity and score various points based on those qualities, then eventually the whole system must degrade into the infighting we are seeing today with the Dems. It really would be quite amusing, except these are very dangerous people.

  9. Jewish people have Soros to thank for this worldwide anti-semitism phenomenon.

    No, they don’t. If some bum in Bangkok is impugning the character of Hy Goldberg because George Soros is a currency speculator, he’s just being an ass, and that isn’t Hy’s fault. It isn’t Dr. Evil’s fault, either.

  10. When I visited some old commune married friends over the holidays, I got the usual progressive line from them. But I was impressed that when the conversation turned briefly to the Palestinians, the wife was with the program, but the blond, blue-eyed husband just shook his head and said he considered the Palestinian cause worthless.

    I didn’t explore it further. My guess is the husband, while quite progressive and a Trump-hater, nonetheless came from a conservative family and has a great work ethic. He bought 20 acres in Arkansas, and with his wife built ten buildings, a duck pond and garden from which they grow most of their vegetables. A tiny bit of paradise.

    He knows what the Israelis did in Israel with practically their bare hands and compares it with the Arabs have done in the Middle East. Guess which side he respects.

    Arab anti-semitism has several causes, but one of them surely is Israel’s phenomenal success.

  11. and it went into the black hole. Why? Because her test passing rate was phenomenal.

    That she could teach wouldn’t have mattered if she hadn’t been in a protected class.

  12. Art Deco:

    No, Soros was not. I can’t stand the guy, but I’m not going to spread lies about him.

    The truth is here, if you care to read it.

  13. “That she could teach wouldn’t have mattered if she hadn’t been in a protected class.”

    Well, part of it was this: the military, at that time, really needed folks proficient in Arabic and she was one of the few who could get us to pass with flying colors. Therefore, they turned a blind eye out of pragmatic necessity.

    Note: I’m not defending her. In fact, I detest her to this day. But I understand where the admin was coming from. Iraq and Afghanistan were not going well.

  14. https://www.thedailybeast.com/kirstjen-nielsen-says-we-dont-use-cages-for-childrenafter-us-put-migrant-kids-in-cages?ref=scroll

    Michael Harrington’s old organization has quintupled it’s membership in the last four years. (There was an article in Harper’s many years ago by an old DSA stalwart about the organization’s sad decline between 1985 and about 2000, built around the imagery of the author’s serial participation in moving the organization’s effects from one new HQ to another – each one smaller, cheaper, and shabbier than the one previous).

    And, in quintupling it’s membership, the outfit was flooded with BDSholes.

  15. No, Soros was not. I

    Oh, yes he was. No clue why you’re so stubborn on this point.

  16. Art Deco:

    You ought to have a clue if you read the quotes I provided in my most recent comment to you, as well as going to the links I provided in that same thread. Soros was a young teenager at the time and his supposed “collaboration” was as described. By any objective evaluation, it was no collaboration at all.

    I try to keep my feelings out of my evaluations of these things. I detest Soros, but that doesn’t mean I prefer lies about him. The truth is bad enough.

  17. “Plus, many Jews today are secular and have replaced any allegiance to Judaism with an allegiance to leftism, so perhaps this won’t even alienate them. ”

    And those folks will it seems retain their belief that they have been utterly assimilated and are part of the elite and the nomenclature right up to the moment they are at the entrance to the boxcars. Some even after they are in the camps.

    All now are happy at play in the infamous Garden of the Finzi-Continis

  18. vanderleun:

    What’s your point with the Finzi-Contini reference? The Jews of Italy were assimilated. They were part of the elite. The deportment and murder of the Italian Jews was not a home-grown local Italian thing. It was a function of a series of moves by Hitler and Mussolini, especially Hitler.

    The actual story (not the movie version):

    The Italian Jewish community, one of the oldest in Europe, numbered about 50,000 in 1933. Jews had lived in Italy for over two thousand years. By the 1930s, Italian Jews were fully integrated into Italian culture and society. There was relatively little overt antisemitism among Italians. Although there were fanatical antisemites among the Fascist leaders, such as Achille Stararce and Roberto Farinacci, Italian Fascism did not focus on antisemitism. Until 1938, Jews could join the Fascist Party.

    n part under pressure from Nazi Germany and in part fearing that their “revolution” was not perceived as “real” in the Italian population, the Fascist regime passed antisemitic legislation beginning in 1938. This legislation covered six areas:

    definition of Jews
    removal of Jews from government jobs, including teachers in the public schools
    a ban on marriage between Jews and non-Jews
    dismissal of Jews from the armed forces
    incarceration of Jews of foreign nationality; and
    the removal of Jews from positions in the mass media

    Although reflected in harsh language on paper, Italian authorities did not always aggressively enforce the legislation, and sometimes interpreted provisions for making exceptions broadly. Even in the internment camps, Jews of foreign nationality lived under bearable conditions: families stayed together and the camps provided schools, cultural activities, and social events.

    Nevertheless, for many individual members of a highly integrated Jewish minority which had had reasonably good relations with non-Jewish neighbors, colleagues, and business associates, the psychological insult and real economic disadvantages of discrimination eroded the quality of life, prompting thousands to emigrate, primarily to the Americas, between 1938 and 1942.

    So a huge number left; they didn’t just sit around waiting and oblivious, unlike the movie portrayal. The same was true in Germany, by the way, as I’ve described in previous posts. The majority of German Jews left during the 1930s. The ones who stayed either were blocked legally and/or were very old, very young, ill, or taking care of old and sick relatives.

    More on Italy during the war:

    Despite its alliance with Germany, the Fascist regime responded equivocally to German demands first to concentrate and then to deport Jews residing in Italian occupation zones in Yugoslavia, Greece, and France to killing centers in the German-occupied Poland. Italian military authorities generally refused to participate in mass murder of Jews or to permit deportations from Italy or Italian-occupied territory; and the Fascist leadership was both unable and unwilling to force the issue.

    Italian-occupied areas were therefore relatively safe for Jews. Between 1941 and 1943, thousands of Jews escaped from German-occupied territory to the Italian-occupied zones of France, Greece, and Yugoslavia. The Italian authorities even evacuated some 4,000 Jewish refugees to the Italian mainland. Incarcerated in southern Italy, these Jewish refugees survived the war…

    On September 8, 1943, Badoglio announced Italy’s unconditional surrender to the Allies. The Germans, who had grown suspicious of Italian intentions, quickly occupied northern and central Italy. German forces also occupied the Italian zones in Yugoslavia, Greece, and France. SS paratroopers freed Mussolini from prison and installed him as the head of a pro-German Italian Social Republic (Repubblica Sociale Italiana-RSI), based in Salò in northern Italy.

    The German occupation of Italy radically altered the situation for the remaining 43,000 Italian Jews living in the northern half of the country. The Germans quickly established an SS and police apparatus, in part to deport the Italian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    In October and November 1943, German authorities rounded up Jews in Rome, Milan, Genoa, Florence, Trieste, and other major cities in northern Italy. They established police transit camps at Fossoli di Carpi, approximately 12 miles north of Modena, at Bolzano in northeastern Italy, and at Borgo San Dalmazzo, near the French border, to concentrate the Jews prior to deportation.

    In general, these operations had limited success, due in part to advance warning given to the Jews by Italian authorities and the Vatican, and in part to the unwillingness of many non-Jewish Italians, including Salò police authorities, to participate in or facilitate the roundups. For example, of approximately 10,000 Jews in Rome, German authorities were able to deport less than 1,100. From the police transit camps in northern Italy, the Germans deported 4,733 Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau, of whom only 314 survived.

    Much more at the link.

  19. Soros is poisonous without a doubt. He funds many organizations dedicated to destorying the fabric of civility. I think of him as Mr. Nihilist.

  20. Anti-Semitism has all the rage for for quite a while now and has been on the ascendance in Europe for several centuries, with a slight stall in the mid 20th Century…

  21. Thank you for all that info, neo. My point was that Jews are never ever as assimilated as many secular Jews seem to think they are in America. They are never ever safe from anti-Semitic attacks on all levels from the insidious to the lethal. And the point references the movie version since that is, with the exception of scholars, the kind of pop cult reference that most, most, people will get, and from it perhaps take the point with a bit more power behind it than scholarly citations.

    My point is mainly derived from a personal meeting and discussion with the great Hebrew novelist Aharon Appelfeld some years back. He came from a family that thought it was safely assimilated. A few years later he was in a Roumanian camp and later in a soviet controlled camp. He escaped and made his way overland to a port and then on to Israel. His point to me was that no Jew can ever trust “assimilation” no matter where the culture might be in which the family lives.

    This is most forcfully brought forward in his dark novel, Badenheim 1939; a book I commend to you if you haven’t read it. I once tried to buy the English language reprint rights but was outbid.

  22. neo: I just don’t get anti-semitism. I’m not complaining about your post. I just don’t understand how somewhat sensible people can end up on that side.

    But I’ve seen it growing like a weed all over the place. When I was a kid I thought that issue, at least, was settled.

    We’ve come a long way, and not a good way, from the movie, “Exodus,” in 1960, which might have been the high point of “pro-semitism,” if you will, in America.

  23. huxley:

    Many many books have been written about anti-Semitism, and I’ve read many of them. But I believe there is something mysterious about it—its longevity, viciousness, depth, breadth, and changeable nature. It seems almost infinitely adaptable. Some thought the establishment of Israel might end it—well, ha!

    The US is probably the least anti-Semitic country in the world that still has a significant number of Jews. But if the values of the US are undermined by the left, and if enough anti-Semites find a home here and are themselves protected from criticism (a la Omar, for example), then it can grow here, too.

    By the way, I recently read about this Jewish man who was instrumental in financing the American Revolution.

    Maybe someone should write a rap musical (like “Hamilton”) about him.

  24. Anti-Semitism is at all time high in Asia where traditionally had no beef with the Jewish community besides how some might had tied the Opium trade to Jews due to their connection with the East India Company and I can tell you Soros is the main reason. Soros is the epitome of all the negative stereotypes associated with Jews who people usually bring up to justify their hatred for Jews.

  25. vanderleun:

    I understand what you mean.

    Jews are never 100% assimilated although they may think they are, if society says otherwise. Anti-Semitism can go into hibernation and then rear up again. That’s its history and one should be aware of it.

    Of course, if Jews are aware of it, they are accused of paranoia and not being able to let go.

    However, I was reacting to this statement of yours [emphasis mine]:

    And those folks will it seems retain their belief that they have been utterly assimilated and are part of the elite and the nomenclature right up to the moment they are at the entrance to the boxcars. Some even after they are in the camps.

    That’s hyperbole gone way too far. No one could have retained such a notion when they were being deported and loaded onto boxcars. And that goes tenfold, a hundredfold, a thousandfold, for those in the camps.

    Another thing that statement you made plays into—although I realize you didn’t mean it this way—is the oft-repeated accusation that the Jews “went meekly into the boxcars.” The speaker usually is criticizing Jews for being both dumb and meek. And yet the entire thing is based on misunderstanding and ignorance on the part of the speaker about how the Jews actually behaved, how many escaped, how many resisted, how many killed themselves, how deceptive the Nazis were about what was actually happening, etc. etc., and it is used to blame the victims. It’s a particular flash point for me.

    Again, let me reiterate that I know you weren’t doing that.

  26. But I believe there is something mysterious about it—its longevity, viciousness, depth, breadth, and changeable nature. It seems almost infinitely adaptable.

    neo: Well, I’m glad someone more knowledgeable is similarly mystified.

  27. I remember being bewildered by posts at, I think, Legal Insurrection, during the Ferguson, Missouri, uproar, about how mob leaders were conflating black issues with the “Palestinian oppression” story line. And here we see it in full view. I have a neighbor and good friend who is a secular Jew. Maybe when I see him I’ll ask if he’s still going to vote for Democrats who can’t even condemn Jew-hating in Congress.

    About black Jew-haters: I once met a woman who had been educated (and well-educated, I should add) in a Julius Rosenwald school in Georgia. These schools were established by Rosenwald, a Sears, Roebuck, founder, to educate blacks in states where Jim Crow schools were so inadequate. One would think the connection between two groups who have been treated badly historically would be strong. One would be wrong, alas.

  28. But I believe there is something mysterious about it—its longevity, viciousness, depth, breadth, and changeable nature. It seems almost infinitely adaptable.

    I believe it is demonic.

  29. I don’t mean to be anti-Semitic but like a lot of people i have been fascinated by a phenomenon that i am going to throw out here because i believe people here are educated and open-minded and will enlighten me without thinking of me too negatively about bringing this issue up.

    Are the jews disproportionately represented among sexual predators? has researched been done on that?

    Many of the most known and notorious sexual predators just happened to be Jewish (Epstein, Polanski, Weinstein, Weiner, Sandusky, Kraft, Jared the subway guy…) is it because Jews are way more intelligent than everyone else that they need something “different” to satisfy sexually? I am not passing judgement on anyone since I have a morbid foot fetish that did cause issues in relationship.

  30. Sandusky? Um, no, sorry.

    So now we’re at the point where it’s only Jews who frequent brothels?

    As for the others, well, they are Jewish, or at least nominally so.

    Would be nice, though, if you could back up your rather specious musings with statistics.

  31. Whenever WaPo does an article on Israel and the haters crawl out from under their rocks, I like to post: “It is possible to criticize Israel and not be anti-Semitic. It is possible to find a unicorn. Both have about the same probability.”

  32. How would anyone dare to conduct such research or collect such data when such action would be considered anti Semitic and a career killer? Jews consist of less than 1% of the population and just from top of my head I named you six, proportionately name me 300 well known nonjew white sexual predators please

  33. Jew privilege, White privilege, murmurs of Black privilege (e.g. shadism), and, of course, baby… fetus privilege, and back to Jew privilege.

  34. why? I am just asking an honest question. I am also pro Israel and support Israel to use every mean necessary to ensure the survival of their people. How about Woody Allen, Bryan Singer or Matt Lauer? Perhaps it is because Hollywood has a rape culture and the Jews control Hollywood, but it is a fact that Jews are definitely over represented among well known famous sex predators, just as blacks are over represented in violent crimes.

  35. Interesting hobby you got there.

    Still, from the list you presented, one wasn’t even Jewish (which I suppose might be considered unfortunate) and the other was busted for going to a brothel, which as far as I know doesn’t necessarily make one a “sexual predator” (though I guess it depends on one’s definition of the term).

    You’re right that some people (including some Jews) are creeps—are at least behave creepily.

    Unfortunate, but true.

    As a whole, at least in some cultures and sectors of society, Jews tend to have a higher profile. This can cut both ways, I guess.

    Reminds one of the joke—yes, it is a joke—that Jews are like everyone else…except more so.

    By the way, you forgot Harvey Weinstein. I find that very disappointing.

  36. Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ tested of any meaningfully sized population.

    This is a double edged trait as it causes rampant paranoia among the stupid.

    The average IQ in the Muslim world ~ 75. Cousin marriage is a huge reason why.

    An IQ gap of 40 points is lethal to human bonding. Indeed, it’s been calculated by statistics that 30 points is some absolute limit for cross-communication.

    For Jews that only hang around with smart people, well, they are truly stumped when dealing with someone truly dull.

    The reverse is true. Dummies — especially in crowds — conflate smart folks with witchkraft and evil potions. Much of this is full-on projection. ( Note voodoo notions still held dear in Haiti. )

    Sarsour is just a flaming race-baiter, with Jewry substituting for that old time classic Whites.


    It doesn’t help the Jewish cause, but it’s a fact that many Jews I’ve known were die-hard goy haters. This tic would only come out when they were either drunk or felt in very safe (Jewish) company. Such Jews, always a minority, never got the message from their peers: “Knock it off.”

    What I see, what causes me long term concern, is that American Jews are over-exposed, over-invested in VERY high profile culturally explosive industries. America is a nation of minorities, unlike Europe. There really is no such thing as a White voting bloc. They spread their votes in every election. Not so for America’s endless string of ‘protected classes.’ Invariably they vote by extremely lopsided margins for the Democrat party. That’s bad for the republic. It means that votes are not decided upon merit but by, ultimately, race.

    When Jews own or control astoundingly high fractions of culturally influencial centers: the Press, Banking, Hollywood, Music, Publishing, etc. — they’ve set themselves up for the next Adolf to roll along. As we have seen, such tyrants just keep popping up. Hitler rose to power in what had been a pretty liberal society. (contrast with Poland or Russia)

    So it’s EASY to imagine — during some national calamity — that America will be hijacked by a tyrant. But there will be no America to rescue US… really no power on earth to stop a tyrant with that level of military and financial power.


    Another sore spot: Israel is making a categorical error in allowing American criminals to flee to Israel because of their ethnicity. This nation is not Nazi Germany.

    This policy attracts sociopaths — and encourages them to sin in the USA — as their back door to safety is so evident. Criminals fleeing prosecution should NOT be treated the same as political or racial refugees.

    This gambit is brought up by raving anti-Semites ALL THE TIME.

    It’s bad politics, ethics and optics. It puts Jerusalem in the role of protecting Jewish criminals.

    As for Israeli politics, they seem as deranged going after Bibbi as our anti-Trump crowd is here. Neither is a pretty spectacle. Both feed the paranoid.

  37. Barry:
    I now understand my mistake and how my ignorant and insensitive comment has hurt the jewish people, please accept my most sincere apology. When Jews are over represented among well known accomplished and successful people in the public conscious of course it is normal that achievement would come with the price of having an appearance of over representation in sexual crimes committed among famous people, such simple explanation has escaped me until now thanks for the enlightenment.

  38. I took a quick look at Neo’s ref. to Haym Salomon and the American Revolution. Fascinating.

    “He helped convert the French loans into ready cash by selling bills of exchange for Robert Morris, the Superintendent of Finance.” — Wikipedia

    I just read about “bills of exchange” in the book about American’s first great depression (1837). They were used primarily for commodity purchases in Europe, for commodities sold in the U.S. Months may separate the purchase from the delivery, hence the need for serious contractual obligations. And these contracts were openly traded back then.

    Then it occurred to me: Salomon Bros. (1910) and Salomon Smith Barney?
    Founders: Percy Salomon · Arthur Salomon · Herbert Salomon
    Related? No mention in Wikipedia.

  39. Hatred. It’s all the rage. Don’t feel so special, Jews. As Dianne Feinstein put to one of our Catholics, the dogma is strong with you. See? We all have dual loyalties.

  40. I always knew, as a Christian (and a Catholic which I acknowledge some Christians will assert I am not a Christian) that hate is an emotion I could not afford. It will tear you up. Nobody is rich enough to afford it.

    I can already hear from my Jewish friends how way ahead they were in this business of not hating. Granted. All of us have teachers.

  41. I don’t recall where I saw it, but the account stated that when the idea of an anti-anti-Semitism vote came up in the House, it was both the Black Caucus and the Progressive Caucus that put a stop to it. The former is sad and unsurprising, but the latter is extremely distressing.

    Guess who is the Whip of the Progressive Caucus? Ilhan Omar.
    My Rep. is a member. I’m emailing the jerk.

    Note, Omar is not one of five deputy whips, but she is the head whip. Maybe next election she’ll be Speaker of the House. (sarc, I hope.)

  42. blert:

    I don’t know where you get your stats about IQs in the Muslim world, but in general 3rd world IQ stats are suspect (I’ve written several posts on the subject of comparing IQs stats around the world but don’t have time to look for them now.)

    However, if indeed the IQs are lower there, you can’t blame cousin marriage. Jews used to have pretty high rates of cousin marriage and certainly of endogamy in general (see this.)

  43. ” … name me 300 well known nonjew white sexual predators please …”

    I suppose we could start with a list of “progressive” American Roman Catholic bishops and priests … Move on to the Kennedy clan … stop off for a visit in the world of television evangelists.

    I’m beginning to think one out of ten human beings are goddamned soulless, manipulative, and completely cynical sex perverts. When I mentioned this in disgust to one of my cousins, he laughed. “You think I am exaggerating that much?”, I said?

    “No, you are guessing too low” he replied.

  44. Jews actually are pretty well known (at least they were known for this when I was growing up) as being good husbands in general because (a) they were more inclined to be faithful (b) they were less inclined to be alcoholics; and (c) they were less likely to beat their wives.

    So it’s pretty strange to see Jews accused of being over-represented as sexual criminals (although that was a constant Nazi trope about Jews).

    As far as Hollywood Jews go—Hollywood itself is pretty much a sexual cesspool, and Jews are quite overrepresented in Hollywood. So it’s the “Hollywood power broker” part that matters there, not the “Jew” part.

    Power is a great temptation and a great opportunity to act on that temptation, and that’s true for nearly all groups.

  45. Reminds one of the joke—yes, it is a joke—that Jews are like everyone else…except more so.

    Barry Meislin: I thought that was a line from Casablanca:

    Annina: Monsieur Rick, what kind of a man is Captain Renault?
    Rick: Oh, he’s just like any other man, only more so.

    For a silly reason I’ve been trying to run that reference to ground. Did it start as a Jewish joke?

    Mark Vonnegut, son of Kurt, wrote a memoir as an ex-schizophrenic, “Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So.”

  46. It’s an international rage, at that.


    A Project to Transform France
    by Guy Millière
    March 5, 2019 at 5:00 am

    “Macron hates the yellow vests and wants them to vanish. He wants to win European elections and needs the Muslim vote. He knows perfectly well who the anti-Semites are today, but will not attack them. He needs them. He attacks [only] those who are dangerous to him. “— Éric Zemmour, French author, February 19, 2019.

  47. “…Casablanca…”

    Hmmm. you raise a most interesting point.

    I have no idea “which came first”…

    …but if one were to google “Casablanca”, one would find that it was directed by Michael Curtiz (born “Mano Kaminer” in Budapest; the family name was later Hungarianized to “Kretesz”—think also, Tony Curtis) with its screenplay by three fellows named “Epstein, Epstein and Koch”:

    The film, as many aficionados probably know, was based on an unproduced play (“Everybody Comes to Rick’s”) written by Murray Burnett, who was Jewish—with his wife, “[i]n the summer of 1938…[he]…traveled to Vienna to help Jewish relatives smuggle money out of the country occupied by the Nazis since March of that year.”—together with a friend of his, Joan Allison. The Burnetts returned to the US via the south of France. See:

    So is it a Jewish joke? (Is it even a joke??) Quite possibly (*2); but perhaps we should leave such an important matter to the foremost authority, who—surprise!—is also not entirely sure:
    ‘We jews [sic] are notoriously unable to agree about anything that begins with the words “we Jews.” For example, who was it who said, “We Jews are just like everyone else, only more so”? We cannot even agree on that. If you Google it, the first ten links will ascribe it to Heinrich Heine, Sigmund Freud, and Abba Eban….’ From:

    And so, on this conjecture, one’s mileage will vary….

  48. “…Power is a great temptation and a great opportunity to act on that temptation, and that’s true for nearly all groups…”

    I think it was Kevin D. Williamson who wrote, in a column of his a while back, that the best test of a person’s character is to observe what that person does, and how that person behaves, with the power that he or she is given.

  49. Another freakin’ hate crime.

    This is become more and more sickening. Seems to be no end in sight:

    There’s been a lot of apologizing lately. Seems to be the MO. Look contrite and say “sorry”. Again and again.

    No doubt the perps will “apologize” and then we’ll see the same thing soon enough.

  50. “But I believe there is something mysterious about it—its longevity, viciousness, depth, breadth, and changeable nature. It seems almost infinitely adaptable.”

    I really don’t think it’s so mysterious — it’s about envy AND anti-discrimination.

    1) Jews are smarter, both on average and in the numbers of the top 0.01%.
    Jews are more successful, wherever success is based on merit.
    Look at Nobel Prize winners (compare Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Whites, Asians).
    Including early organized crime, with quite a few successful Jewish crime lords; and in Vegas casinos.
    Look at the numbers of Jewish doctors, lawyers, and business owners. In Europe before WW II; even before WW I.
    Non-Jews are envious.
    Non-rich are envious of the super-rich; even many rich, who wrongly think they are merely “upper middle class”, are envious of the super-rich. (The super rich Jewish or not, are envied)
    Envy being that emotion where one wants misfortune to come to the envied other — the worst sin.

    2) Jews discriminate against non-Jews, historically. See Fiddler on the Roof, third daughter, marrying a non-Jew, being cast out “You are not my daughter”.
    “I have a lot of black friends … but I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry one of them.” << this is a true test of discrimination, of prejudice.

    See how many male Jews have the same Y chromosome as Abraham.
    It's astounding how little intermarriage there has been.
    Jewish discrimination against non-Jews means Jews choose to NOT be a part of the "local community".
    (I find myself being quoted by Ron Hilton from Stanford, 2002)


    As Jews reduce their own discrimination against non-Jews, I would expect anti-Semitism to decline.
    As Muslim Jew-haters, and other Jew-haters, gain prominence & support (like Farrakhan & now others), the anti-Semitism will increase.
    It seems Jew-hate, due to Muslim inferiority (?) and general envy against the successful, is increasing faster than the decrease caused by a reduction in Jewish discrimination (as seen by increased intermarriage rates).

    Socialism has often been espoused by very smart Jews, writing books and teaching classes.

    Yet, because Jews are smart and economically successful, promoting socialist policies to punish the rich will inevitably lead to more anti-Semitism. The Dems are promoting rich-bashing socialism; they're promoting Jew-hate.
    Often with donor money from Jews.

    As Mark Steyn says, Europe is becoming unsafe for Jews. I pray that America does not follow, but fear that it will.

  51. “See how many male Jews have the same Y chromosome as Abraham.
    It’s astounding how little intermarriage there has been.”

    very poor logic. those who intermarry leave the community and many gentile peoples throughout the world have some Jewish ancestry

  52. I get a kick out of any time a blogger produces an article on anti Semitism it brings out the Jew haters who can’t stop outing themselves

  53. Avi, if you leave the Jewish community, and your children, you no longer count “among the Jews”.

    The Nazi law:
    People with four German grandparents were of “German blood,” while people were classified as Jews if they were descended from three or more Jewish grandparents. Having one or more Jewish grandparents made someone a Mischling (of mixed blood). In the absence of discernible external differences, the Nazis used the religious observance of a person’s grandparents to determine their race.

    Lots of Muslim Arabs have some Jewish ancestry, but many, maybe most now, are Jew-haters.

    The willingness of the Jewish community to expel those who intermarry is a key factor that saved the community for dozens (80?) generations. Where are the Assyrians or Babylonians? Their descendants belong to different groups.

    Very few African Americans know what African tribes / countries, their ancestors came from; South African Boer descendants are seldom classed as African Americans, even if their parents (or themselves) were born in Africa.

  54. Mildly positive development:

    This AM, Never-Trumper Bret Stephens called out Ilhan Omar as an anti-Semite.

    And Obama associate Rahm Emanuel did the same.

    Take note Nancy.

  55. As Jews reduce their own discrimination against non-Jews, I would expect anti-Semitism to decline.

    I don’t see that as an issue. When I was in high school, I dated Jewish girls. Most of my buddies did. One reason was that their fathers often gave them baseball tickets. As we got older, we drifted apart. The only example I can think of a parent telling a girl not to date a gentile was an Illinois state Senator whose daughter I was seeing but that might have been as much about his career as about religion.

    For the girls, I think its was a bit of forbidden fruit. We, as Catholic boys, gave them the chance for a bit of safe rebellion. That was long before the sexual “revolution.” We went through the nose jobs, which were almost mandatory for 16 year old Jewish girls in Chicago. The first girl I kissed was one of them.

    Our neighborhood, South Shore, was about 50% Jewish and 50% Catholic at the time. It is now all black and one of the most violent in Chicago. My sister told me that this week, 9 people were shot at 71st and Jeffery, which was where we all went to the movies.

    Some reminiscences

    More here.

  56. Mike, I believe most Americans don’t see it as an issue, and haven’t much, since the 60s. I went with my Jewish girlfriend, from another high school (we met in scholarship competition), we went to her prom. She later married a non-Jewish (but jealous) district attorney (long out of touch).

    A good college friend married a Jewish woman (now Gwynne Young) who HAS stayed in touch, with hilarious Christmas letters as if written by the dogs of the house.

    Most American Jews, including Neo (this has been a topic here before), don’t like to hear that Jewish discrimination against non-Jews is a factor in Jew-hate.
    Perhaps Avi thinks anybody who mentions this Jewish discrimination is a Jew-hater.
    I’m a Jew admirer, tho haven’t yet visited Israel. (In college I had a different Jewish girlfriend who did go to a Kibbutz.)

    But are you claiming that because most of today’s non-Orthodox Jews no longer discriminate, there was never any Jewish discrimination about marriage in America? And do the Orthodox no longer discriminate?
    Most Jews did, Orthodox still do, and that’s one of the main reasons “Jews” have existed as set of communities for thousands of years.

    The NAACP for many years was against whites adopting black kids; and many black women complain about black men marrying whites, or Asians. And Asian men complain about Asian women marrying whites, or blacks.

    Catholics, too, want their kids to marry Catholics, and when not, do ask the mixed couple to raise their kids as Catholic.

    It’s a worldwide thing, from almost all “cultures”, that for group cohesion, there is a push to marry within the group. The USA’s radical individualism culturally helps reduce that tribalism. This is one of the great things about treating people as individuals.

    Many stories are now coming out about how Dems (especially) and Reps (also, tho less), don’t want their children to marry somebody from the other party. This is perhaps the most scary trend in America. But it needs to be identified as problem, and looked at honestly.

    Or, maybe listen to some Frank Zappa songs:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fdcDN4LbYQ << Catholic Girls (do you know how they go?)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yDarQW7UZc << (I want a nasty little) Jewish Princess

  57. Pingback:Jew-Hate — Was, Is, Will Be – but why? – Tom Grey – Families, Freedom, Responsibility

  58. NotDave, D, Dave – That you can name famous Jewish sexual predators means Jews are overrepresented among famous people, not overrepresented among sexual predators. Just like Israel, a country the size of New jersey with 11 million people, is the most important country in the world, if you go by press coverage.

    blert – who are these Jewish criminals you say Israel admits? I’m old enough to remember when Israel refused admittance to Meyer Lansky. Why do famous Jewish fugitives like Pincus Rich, Bernard Corn, or Roman Polanski live in France or Switzerland, not Israel? Why didn’t Madoff, Weiner, Weinstein, etc. flee to Israel? Simple – they don’t let them in.

    Tom Grey – being endogamous is not the same as discriminating against non-Jews. The German Jews were the most assimilated and intermarried in Europe; that had no impact on anti-Semitism. Your theory is disproved by the facts – Jews are disappearing rapidly; 50% are now married outside the religion and have little or no affiliation with the Jewish community, and yet as we see, anti-Semitism is increasing. In 50-75 years, non-orthodox Jews (the ones with the visibility and money) will have mostly disappeared, and I guarantee you anti-Semitism will still be plentiful.

    Michael Towns – there are thousands of Arabic-speaking Jews in this country, immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, and elsewhere in the Middle East. And their first-generation American children, who also speak Arabic. The military and the intelligence agencies made no attempt to recruit them, in spite of being pressed to do so.

    Getting back to the main point, of course Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semite. She’s an observant Muslim – she wears a hijab. The Koran commands her to hate Jews, to kill them wherever she finds them. She rarely, if ever, criticizes Israeli policy – she criticizes Jooooos.

  59. Not sure that preferring endogamous marriages is akin to Jews hating non-Jews.

    In fact, I’d frame it as wishing to preserve a tradition rather than hating those who are outside the group.

    To be sure, there are some Jews who are suspicious of outsiders to the point of not wanting their children to marry outside that group, or not wishing to mix socially with a particular person; but note that “outsiders” can be defined in various ways.

    One might say that the longish and peppered history of the Jews (categorized even in Biblical times, by the prophet Balaam, as “a people apart”) makes some of them, at least, wary. (This desire to remain separate is, similarly, a function of the religion, to those for whom the religion—as opposed to “merely” the culture—is important.)

    And yes, from the outside looking in, this wariness—or aloofness, or standoffishness—can be interpreted as hatred.

    Or misinterpreted as hatred…as the case may be.

    ‘Tis a bit complex….

  60. But are you claiming that because most of today’s non-Orthodox Jews no longer discriminate, there was never any Jewish discrimination about marriage in America? And do the Orthodox no longer discriminate?

    In high school, I had a Polish girlfriend. We went different colleges and lost touch. Her grandmother did not like me because I am Irish and this was a serious matter to her. “Discrimination” by Catholic families was called “Mixed marriage” back when religion was still important. I just cannot see how this was a factor in serious anti-Semitism.

    Almost all anti-Semitism is based on envy. Jews are seen as successful, largely true. I had a Jewish partner in practice who referred to himself as a “Jewish mutant” because his investments did not do well.

    In the past, Jews were often seen as “other” because of matters of dress and had an accent but most of those were actually New York accents and not so much related to Hebrew.

    One of the most anti-Semetic population groups is now the blacks. This goes back years. My black nursemaid was anti-Semitic and this was about the first time I heard this. It was largely related to the shops in the black neighborhoods of Chicago, which were mostly owned any Jews. In Los Angeles, blacks hate Koreans, as that group tends to be the small store owners in black neighborhoods. It is envy.

  61. The traditional problem of universals, rears its logical head, again.

    This becomes a frustrating topic because it highlights how we continually come up against the problems of developing a clear identity category for any number of social groupings or classes. “Workers”, are one famous example in the polemical rhetoric of Marxism.

    Some, live content with this, and some, myself included, do so only if the consequences of mis-categorizing are nil.

    I do not live content with it when it comes to the matter of deploying a categorical membership in order to stake a claim to consideration or deference or to an inclusion which poses costs and liabilities on fellow category members.

    “Inclusion” did not randomly become the left’s most ardent value. It became that for the power over and costs it imposes upon other “members”

    Membership doesn’t matter if your so-called membership grants no privileges or rights or indemnifications, be they socially broad or interpersonal. The membership problem becomes more obvious though when we consider fake veterans, fake American citizens, fake males or females.

    The sheer lunacy of transsexual males masquerading as biological females, complaining that no normal heterosexual male will date them,illustrates just how subjectivity and a disordered will and sense of self can blind the complainer to even physical physical and biological realities; not to mention the rational self-interest of others.

    It is obvious that it is even a problem when we consider the slightly more nuanced matter of real veterans: i.e., combat veterans, veterans in an active theater of war, stateside veterans in a time of war, veterans of military service in peacetime, conscripts in a time of peace (the 50’s or 60’s). Supposing the latter to be a smirking smart-ass, does it make sense that he would think that his military service would entitle him (as it might a crotchety old man of the first instance) to respect sufficient to protect him on the same grounds from a punch in the face and a kick to the neck once he’s down?

    Regarding “Jews” specifically:

    Ben Shapiro has a video up which he apparently made some years ago and which I just chanced to see the other day. It was titled something like : “Why do Jews vote liberal?”; to the tune of 78% in a cited election.

    Shapiro, allowing his inner logician to rule, concluded that “Jews” in any meaningful sense, don’t – at least not so overwhelmingly. In other words, he was implicitly willing to write non-observant atheist liberal secular leftist “Jews” out of Judaism or the Jewish presumption of community. In fact, if I recall his stats properly, his point was that for about 70% of Jews, the majority of them non-observant or even atheist, the only defining characteristic of being “Jewish” was keeping the memory of holocaust current.

    Alexander Hamilton was a Founder, a patriot, a man who had accompanied George Washington into battle at Trenton. He was very bright and argued for putting the new government’s finances on a sound footing by honoring the debts of the past. He was also a probable neurotic, possibly manic depressive asshole, who was killed in a duel (while trying to cheat according to some investigators). We shrug, never thinking that he was entitled by his membership or service to a social toleration of his obnoxiousness. He was of course, personally guilty. But the point is that his sacrifices and exalted class membership morally entitled him to nothing.

    Racial prejudice (not involving matters of intrinsic behavior or moral tastes if there even were such a thing as biologically structured intrinsic moral leanings) is another matter of course.

    But the proximate question is: are Jews a race? And if some “Jews” are neither members of a Jewish lineage, nor are they religiously and morally observant, then what are these particular persons in the mix of humankind other than just people, liable to the same respect or ostracism based on just as arbitrary rules and prejudices as is any other advantage and support seeking run-of-the-mill would-be member of a club?

    [Ok re-reading it, this could use some refinement and precising, but I don’t have time at the moment]

  62. Tom Grey:

    You need to understand a number of things.

    Like almost all religions (or maybe all religions?), until quite recently, religious Jews—Jews who identify with the religion and practice it—have preferred to marry within their religion. This is not “discrimination.” In addition, it was partly because they were ostracized and separated from the larger Christian or Muslim communities in which they found themselves, sometimes even ghettoized.

    Also, Jews who were not religious—who after all are the ones who tend to marry outside of Judaism—tend to leave the group. They simply don’t practice the religion or want to be part of the group and that brings them into less and less contact with the group and to have less and less in common with it. This is a natural process of attrition, and it’s one of the reasons that people who are unaware of any Jewish ancestors find, when tested, that they have some small percentage of Jewish-linked DNA.

    In addition, some cultural groups of Jews—usually the less-assimilated groups who have been more persecuted by the culture at large in which they find themselves—disassociate themselves from those Jews who decide to marry outside the religion. But it’s not as though those Jewish groups do anything to discriminate against people from other religions–in other words, Jews were not mounting pogroms against the Christians, or taking away their civil or financial rights. It is merely that some groups of Jews excluded Jews who seemed themselves to have disowned Judaism. In addition, Jews have long welcomed converts, although they don’t proselytize.

    But in addition, anti-Semitism is NOT based on Jewish exclusiveness. Anti-Semitism is not that logical, and it is far more adaptable and protean. For example, the country in the world with the most assimilated Jewish population was pre-WWII Germany. Boy, is that ever an example of how assimilation by Jews did NOT stop anti-Semitism. Even Jews who had converted were not safe. Regarding converts:

    In the 19th century, many Jewish Germans converted to Christianity; most of them becoming Protestants rather than Catholics.[10] Two-thirds of the German population were Protestant until 1938, when the Anschluss annexation of Austria to Germany added six million Catholics. The addition of 3.25 million Catholic Czechoslovaks of German ethnicity (Sudeten Germans) increased the percentage of Roman Catholics in Greater Germany to 41% (approximately 32.5 million vs. 45.5 million Protestants or 57%) in a 1939 population estimated at 79 million. One percent of the population was Jewish.

    German converts from Judaism typically adopted whichever Christian denomination was most dominant in their community. Therefore, about 80% of the Gentile Germans persecuted as Jews according to the Nuremberg Laws were affiliated with one of the 28 regionally-delineated Protestant church bodies. In 1933 approximately 77% of German Gentiles with Jewish ancestry were Protestant, the percentage dropped to 66% in the 1939 census, after the annexations of 1938 (due in particular to the acquisition of Vienna and Prague, with their relatively large and well-established Catholic populations of Jewish descent). Converts to Christianity and their descendants had often married Christians with no recent Jewish ancestry.

    As a result, by the time the Nazis came to power, many Protestants and Roman Catholics in Germany had some traceable Jewish ancestry (usually traced back by the Nazi authorities for two generations), so that the majority of 1st- or 2nd-degree Mischlinge were Protestant, yet many were Catholics. A considerable number of German Gentiles with Jewish ancestry were irreligionists. ..

    Requests for reclassification (e.g., Jew to Mischling of 1st degree, Mischling of 1st degree to 2nd degree, etc. ) or Aryanization (see German Blood Certificate) were personally reviewed by Adolf Hitler. A reclassification approved by the Nazi party chancery and Hitler was considered an act of grace (Gnadenakt). Other de facto reclassifications, lacking any official document, were privileges accorded by high-ranking Nazis to certain artists and other experts by way of special protection.

    A second way of reclassification was by way of declaratory judgment in court. Usually the discriminated person took the action, questioning their descent from the Jewish-classified man until then regarded as their biological (grand)father. Paternity suits aiming for reclassification (German: Abstammungsverfahren) appeared mostly with deceased, divorced, or illegitimate (grand)fathers. They usually sought to change the discriminated litigant’s status from Jewish-classified to Mischling of first degree, or from Mischling of first degree to second degree. The numbers of such suits soared whenever the Nazi government imposed new discriminations and persecutions (such as the Nuremberg Laws 1935, Kristallnacht in 1938, and systematic deportations of Jewish Germans and Gentile Germans of Jewish descent to concentration camps, 1941).

    The process was humiliating for the (grand)mothers who had to declare in court that they had committed adultery. The petitions were successful in the majority of cases. The high success rate was a result of several factors. First, some lawyers specialised in such procedures, prepared them professionally, and refused hopeless cases. There was no danger in the procedures because failure did not downgrade the classification of the litigant. Second, usually all the family members cooperated; including the sometimes still-living disputed (grand)father. Likely alternative fathers were often named, who either appeared themselves in court confirming their likely fatherhood, or who were already dead but were known as good friends, neighbours, or subtenants of the (grand)mother. Third, the obligatory and humiliating body examinations of those under suspicion were skewed by stereotypical Jewish perceptions. Expert witnesses would search for allegedly Jewish facial features, as conceived and understood by anti-Semites. If the doubted (grand)father was already dead, emigrated, or deported (as after 1941), the examination searched for these supposedly “Jewish” features in the physiognomy of the descendant (child). Since anti-Semitic clichés on Jewish outward appearance were so stereotyped, the average litigant did not show features clearly indicating their Jewish descent, so they often documented ambiguous results as medical evidence. Fourth, the judges tended to believe the accounts of the (grand)mothers, alternative fathers, doubted fathers, and other witnesses who had endured such public humiliation. They were not recorded for earlier perjuring, and judges would declare the prior paternity annulled, ensuring the status improvement for the litigant.

    The effective assimilation of Jews and Gentiles of Jewish descent into their Gentile (and Christian) surroundings made matters much more complicated than the Nazis had anticipated; widespread corruption, and lack of ethical moorings among many Nazi leaders, frequently gave way to bribery, extortion, and other subterfuges concerning documentation of who was, or was not, a Jew…

    Remember that these weren’t just people who were fully assimilated, although they certainly were that. They were people who had no allegiance to Judaism and had not been raised Jewish.

  63. Tom Grey:

    By the way, note that I have never designated my religion or my ethnic group on this blog. Never.

    Everything you wrote about said things is an assumption on your part.

    I’m not saying whether you are correct or incorrect, by the way. But you will search long and hard on this blog for any statement of fact by me on the subject. Long ago I decided that was something—along with many other facts about myself—that would remain private, as far as I was concerned.

  64. AVI at 11:16 AM:

    “I get a kick out of any time a blogger produces an article on anti Semitism it beings out the Jew haters who can’t stop outing themselves.”


  65. Mike K, thanks for your further reminscences on growing up in Chicago. I thoroughly enjoy them.

  66. your further reminiscences on growing up in Chicago<

    That photo of the Jeffery Theater in the Reminiscences is the corner where 7 people were shot in one day this week.

    I felt so sorry for the guy who owned the Paxton house and who insisted on giving me a tour that day. He is trying to lead a middle class life in that violent neighborhood and so wanted to see photos of it when we lived there and it was peaceful.

  67. The Nazi law:
    People with four German grandparents were of “German blood,” while people were classified as Jews if they were descended from three or more Jewish grandparents. Having one or more Jewish grandparents made someone a Mischling (of mixed blood). In the absence of discernible external differences, the Nazis used the religious observance of a person’s grandparents to determine their race.

    You can follow Rabbis Hitler, Heydrich and Mueller.
    I follow Torah

  68. I’ve read more anti-Semitic thought than I’d like Google to know. The reasons for anti-Semitism, as I make them, are mostly emotional and conspiratorial. However, I’ve never run into “Jews discriminate against us” as a motive.

    I had a friend who was discriminated against and he laughs about it. He had been hired right out of law school by a top-drawer Jewish law firm. Everything was fine until one day at lunch a partner asked my friend what temple he attended. My friend was taken aback — he’s Catholic and said so. The partner blanched.

    It seems the firm had hired my friend on the assumption he was Jewish due to his dark Mediterranean looks. It had a happy ending. The firm called in some favors and placed my friend at another excellent law firm.

    This was in the 80s. I don’t know how that would have played out today.

  69. The willingness of the Jewish community to expel those who intermarry is a key factor that saved the community for dozens (80?) generations.

    when someone marries out, its not that they get rejected by the community, it is they who have rejected the community.
    the most important edifice of a community and the first to be built is not a synagogue but rather a mikva. one cannot practice Judaism and be intermarried which is why many people have had conversions to Judaism.

  70. “You can follow Rabbis Hitler, Heydrich and Mueller. I follow Torah.”

    I assume you mean the written Torah, in contradistinction to the “oral Torah”

    It will be interesting with regard to these questions, as well as an epochal historical discovery in itself, if it ever is determined that some of the communities claiming Israelite descent around the world, turn out to indeed have many males with Cohen or Levite Y markers. How cool would that be if it could be shown that some significant population group in say, Afghanistan, were actually Israelites.

    This would significantly reground the “ethnic identity” question by introducing a kind of unexpected and unanticipated Joker into the deck: introducing into the equation a surprise, people who are descendants of Israelite ancestors, but who are not “Jews” in the sense in which the population of the Southern Kingdom came – as the longest prominently persisting remnant of the nation – to socially or historically stand for all who were descendants – so to speak – of Israel.

    An unexpected card turns up …

    In the United States, in Christian circles, there are often debates about the sacraments and the traditions of the Church which are framed in terms of Catholic versus Protestant understandings.

    Some polemicists will argue along the lines that this or that sacrament or tradition or understanding is only a Medieval Roman Catholic invention.

    And then some smart aleck mentions the Greek Orthodox, or another Eastern Christian Church; and voilà, the entire question suddenly warps into a new framework.

  71. Pingback:Anti-Semitism: it’s all the rage – Doug Santo

  72. “You can follow Rabbis Hitler, Heydrich and Mueller. I follow Torah.”
    I assume you mean the written Torah, in contradistinction to the “oral Torah”

  73. Richard Saunders.

    My own brother was involved with a Jew who fled prosecution — successfully — by flying on no-notice to Israel. He beat his union out of thousands of dollars and rather than face the music — he took flight.

    There are a TON of minor felons that have taken this route. I’m not anti-Semitic enough to catalogue such souls.

    The ultra rich and famous — like Polanski — may well be immune to legal pressure from the USA. He is. He’s married to a Polish actress. See “The Nine Gates.”

    These guys BEAT THE COPS. When they flew away, there were no charges against them.

    Madoff was CAUGHT. If he’d have left earlier — he’d have been in pretty good shape. The Right of Return law is VERY broadly interpreted.

    BTW, this exact same policy is in effect with Red China. The FBI has a book on Red Chinese that have fled — and Beijing won’t let any legal process touch them. And there are other nations with similar policies. So it’s not just a Jewish// Israeli ‘thing.’

    Israel has CONSTANTLY pled on Pollard’s behalf. Treason to the USA is no stigma for Jerusalem — plainly.

    Some of the biggest criminals in history have been protected by their money — as in staying in Cuba for decades.

    However, it’s bad optics for Israel to mimic Cuba. America is not Nazi Germany and these felons are not refugees without guilt.


    As for anti-goy discrimination — I’ve seen plenty of it… up close and personal. It has not gone away. Anti-Semitism and anti-goy’ism are like cockroaches — you just can’t get rid of them. But for Heaven’s sake — don’t feed these beasts.

    BTW, it should be obvious that an extremely smart, wealthy, powerful Jew with anti-goy impulses goes very, very, very far towards poisoning the well. A total loser like Duke is just a national laughing stock.

    While it’s entirely reasonable for the Ashkenazi to rank very high in smarts, one should remember that the Whites vastly out number them. This means that the number of Whites with super high IQs exceeds them by shear weight of numbers. But this is not reflected in life.

    In Banking, Publishing, TV upper management, Media generally, Hollywood — on down the culturally influential institutions Jews are wildly over represented — even after adjusting for their smarts.

    I fear this. It’s the kind of fuel that a tyrant uses to dupe the dull.

    Most Jews simply don’t hang out with the stupid — let alone super stupid. It’s not something that Jewish culture would encourage. What this means is that — like most college kids — they just can’t imagine just how stupid, stupid can get. Get into the army, construction or sports and you’ll run into many, many guys who make you wonder: “How can he walk and chew gum at the same time?”

    Petersen called it. Below IQ83 folks are essentially economically useless. While this is entirely true, the Smart Folks out there flatly refuse to believe it. Only brutal experiences dealing with astoundingly dumb souls — over and over — has any chance of breaking the spell.

    For how dumb Muslims are — take a gander at blogs dedicated to the re-building of Iraq and Afghanistan. In them you’ll run across ENDLESS tales of mindblowing duplicity and stupidity. Basically, culturally, the typical Muslim is raised in a society where lying and deceit are art forms — while the lies stand no chance of fooling a four-year old. This from guys with college degrees, even. Those with low IQs are even worse at it.


    The usual metric associated with cousin marriage is that IQs drop as much as a full standard deviation — best estimates ~ 10ish IQ points.

    And in most Muslim lands, pre-natal care is nil. When you combine culture, marriage to kin, and rotten nutrition — you get shockingly low IQ results. This is true no matter who is giving the test — no matter the language used or even when the test was given.

    Our republic is not designed for voters who can’t comprehend what’s up. For most of the new — especially illegal — immigrants, they’ll never figure things out on their own. (Somalia) Hence, politicians LOVE them: bloc voters swayed by twitter and TV. Perfect for a sociopathic politician.

  74. Is all bold the same as all caps? All shouting. TLDR And to top it off Brain As Large As A Planet, more intelligent than Albert Einstein, and modest too.

  75. Pingback:The Democrat’s Omar Problem | Transterrestrial Musings

  76. blert:

    Oh, so there are rich and powerful “anti-goy” Jews plotting against “goys” and doing a lot of damage?

    That’s quite a conspiracy theory you’ve got going there. Illuminati, anyone? Cabals of anti-Christian plotters? Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

    I can assure you that I’ve known an enormous number of Jewish people in my life, and have never known any to express any “anti-goy” sentiment. The most anyone has ever expressed is an understandable wariness about whether the Christian world (and now the Muslim world and the leftist world) has really given up accusing Jews of torturing the host, killing Christ, poisoning the wells, spreading disease—you get the idea. Most religious Jews just want to be left alone to live their lives. Most less religious or secular Jews (a huge number of the Jews in this country) just want to live an assimilated life in peace.

  77. While it’s entirely reasonable for the Ashkenazi to rank very high in smarts, one should remember that the Whites vastly out number them.

    So, Ashkenazis are not white ? You really are an expert, aren’t you,

  78. Mike K:

    I guess you haven’t learned that Jews are called brown when it’s convenient for their detractors to say that, and they’re called white when it’s convenient for their detractors to say that.

    Anti-Semitism is very flexible.

  79. Yes, it must be very confusing for American Jews to be called “not white” and “white” according to the needs of the detractors. I’ve read, too, that East Asians are becoming “white” because they work hard, do well in school, and otherwise merge into the American bourgeois mainstream.

    It’s perfectly understandable that groups who have some ethnic or religious identity in common would rather their children marry within the group. This isn’t “discrimination” in the same sense as Jim Crow laws were discrimination, aimed at harming people.

  80. Jews have a remarkable talent for taking the wrong side of just about every social issue, for every sort of socialism, for every sort of sexual degeneracy, etc. Outside of Israel they are the consummate rootless cosmopolitans, though their delusions are not much different from those of native city-dwellers.

    Farmers don’t live in a fantasy-land of abstract ideas; they deal with reality every day. They can’t just hop on a plane and leave when the government decides to redistribute their wealth (land doesn’t fit in a carry-on), and they don’t imagine that putting two bulls together will create anything of value.

  81. neo…

    Personal life experience.

    Naturally, this phenomenon is invisible to Jews as it is NEVER — AFAIK — talked up.

    Genetically, Jews are ONLY saints… must be your thesis.

    Hateful screwballs span all genetics.

    BTW, goy-haters are NOT subtle about it. I’ve seen one such gal, a teacher, hauled through the courts over it. With the union at her back, the ‘system’ couldn’t get rid of her. She was on the hunt for years on end.

    The problem is that when this matter is raised — anyone doing so is instantly branded anti-Semitic.

    To do so is way too quick on the trigger.

    To repeat, when ANY individual has high social power, high financial power — and is a jerk — they do immense damage to the general reputation of their tribe.

    Look at the anti-Irish schtick still to be seen in old Have Gun Will Travel episodes. A national hit, it never portrayed the Irish in a positive light… slammed small town culture as a rule… and elevated all of today’s protected classes virtually without exception.

    Why give bona fide anti-Semites any additional ammo?

    There are commenters in this thread for whom the very concept of anti-goy Jews is novel.

    The reality is that jerks and saints are in every tribe. If you can’t see that — there’s no argument to be made.

  82. blert:

    You misunderstood my point.

    Why on earth would you think I was saying that Jews are saints, or that I was disputing the fact that there must be some Jews who hate non-Jews? Jews are indeed people, after all, and people come in all varieties. I said nothing that would contradict that idea. My point was that it’s not a common phenomenon at all, and I have not personally encountered it nor have I ever heard anyone (except you, actually) describing it.

    What is your point in making a big deal of these Jews you say hate non-Jews, if you’re not trying to imply there are a very significant and important number of them? Otherwise, why talk about it at all? It’s as though I talked about “Jew-hating Catholics” because I once knew some Catholics who hated Jews and discriminated against them. Why even discuss it unless it’s a common and important phenomenon? There are people in every group who hate some other group of people who aren’t like them.

    You’ve certainly made some assumptions about me that are incorrect—such as saying to me that “Genetically, Jews are ONLY saints… must be your thesis.” Not only is there no “must be” about it, but I don’t think I’ve ever had such a thought about any group of people on earth, or anything like it. It would be a bizarre thing to think.

    You added:

    Anti-Semitism and anti-goy’ism are like cockroaches — you just can’t get rid of them. But for Heaven’s sake — don’t feed these beasts.

    It certainly sounds as though you’re saying that “anti-goyism” among Jews is some rampant problem (cockroaches are very numerous, after all), that must be stomped out. And you added:

    BTW, it should be obvious that an extremely smart, wealthy, powerful Jew with anti-goy impulses goes very, very, very far towards poisoning the well.

    I assume that you were using “cockroaches” and “poisoning the well” as metaphors, but if you know anything about the history of anti-Semitism, you no doubt are aware that well-poisoning is one of the most common and ancient literal (not metaphorical) accusations against Jews, an accusation that has caused the massacre of many Jews throughout history. I had already said, in my comment to you at 2:24 PM, that literal well-poisoning was a serious charge that has traditionally been thrown at Jews, and you decided to repeat that particular metaphor to describe “wealthy, powerful Jews” who hate non-Jews. And comparing Jews to cockroaches and vermin of various sorts is an old anti-Semitic metaphor.

    And then there was this, also from your comment:

    While it’s entirely reasonable for the Ashkenazi to rank very high in smarts, one should remember that the Whites vastly out number them. This means that the number of Whites with super high IQs exceeds them by shear weight of numbers. But this is not reflected in life.

    Not only is it very bizarre to call non-Jews “Whites” as though Jews are not whites, but your point there is an odd one as well. I am quite certain that the number of non-Jewish “whites” (your term, not mine) with super high IQs most definitely way outnumbers the sheer numbers of Jews with super-high IQs. So, why are Jews so over-represented in certain fields (I assume that’s what you mean by “reflected in life”)? Why, for example, have Jews received a way disproportionately high number of Nobel prizes in science? What are you implying might be the answer–some unfair and discriminatory pro-Jewish plot that powerful Jews have installed as part of the Nobel prize decision-making process? That may not be what you’re thinking at all, but I really can’t figure out what you’re trying to get at, if not something like that. What about the idea that Jews happen to be interested in science and go into it in high numbers and happen to excel in it? Some of the reasons for this may be described here. Achievement isn’t just about high-IQ, of course, although in science it’s certainly necessary. But things like motivation and cultural devotion to learning have their part as well.

  83. Neo:

    Your patience and reasonableness is awesome.

    blert considers himself very intelligent and may indeed may be so, but IMO he also wants to show he is the smartest on this. If you don’t follow his argument and accept his anecdotes there is no “argument” or worthwhile discussion to be had?

  84. From Neo’s link above, to rightsinfo.org:

    “In 1935 the Nazis made it illegal for Jewish people to marry non-Jewish people.”

    It took great courage for What’s-his-name in Cabaret to convert to Judaism so as to marry Marisa Berenson.

    That movie was a bit all-over-the-pace, I think; but it surely packed a few wallops. I think everyone should see it, especially everyone born after 1970 and especially especially the Younger Generation(s), by which I mean anyone born between, say, 1984 and 2016. (I don’t consider it mandatory for those under the age of three to see it — at the present time.

    People are funny, in both senses. My mother-in-law had a cow because her boychik was marrying a shiksa! But she was just playing out her own (immigrant) Orthodox Jewish family’s drama, which almost disowned her (literally) because she was marrying a goy — my sweet father-in-law, an immigrant German Lutheran by upbringing.

    But I never took that as any sort of pernicious anti-Jewish discrimination. It never would have occurred to me. And besides, how could I, given the example of her marriage to Grandpa Paul!

    Anyway, people tend (or used to tend) to get upset when people marry outside the Faith, regardless of the Faith. But you didn’t see Catholics refusing to do business or socialize with Protestants, nor the reverse, at least back when I were a pup. (Although before Vat II, the Catholics were obliged not to set foot in a Protestant church, which meant that when our Congregational Church tried to set up a teenage after-school hangout with snacks and pop and ping-pong and games, the Catholic kids had to give it a miss.) They were also supposed to bypass the Shriners, I think.

    After Mother died, Dad rejoined the Catholic Church; he’d been born into a Catholic family and was brought up Catholic. But then he joined our church, which was Mom’s. However, after she died he didn’t give up his Congregational Church membership either. Times had changed for sure….

    Still, I have run across a fair amount of commentary on the Net that anti-Semitism is partly a result of “the” tendency for Jews to keep to themselves, not to intermarry, whatever. (And trust me, I do not frequent “hate” sites of any persuasion. I see this explanation on the “mainstream” Internet, and not only on the left by a long shot.)

    . . .

    As to cousins marrying cousins, I was under the impression that it takes quite a few more generations than just one for human interbreeding to cause a statistically significant change in a population’s average, or its median, IQ.

    I would be very happy to be disabused of this misunderstanding, if it’s wrong.


    It is worth a bit of concern, that people like Peterson and Haier are spreading the idea that there are going to be increasingly many people mentally incompetent to hold a job. If perchance this is true, we should be aware of the issue; but how long before a resurgent eugenics movement (and pro-abortion movement) starts pushing for legal measures (such as mandated abortions or sterilization) to curb the birth of “mentally incompetent” offspring?

    E.g., the Foot of All Knowledge begins with its article on Buck vs.Bell


    with this:

    Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927),[1] is a decision of the United States Supreme Court, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., in which the Court ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, “for the protection and health of the state,” did not violate the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell.

    The ruling was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. In support of his argument that the interest of “public welfare” outweighed the interest of individuals in their bodily integrity.

    Links at source, of course.

    Do not mention good ol’ Oliver in my presence.

    Again, if laws mandating sterilization have been overturned since then, please tell me. (I had thought they were. I should certainly hope so!)

  85. Mike K on March 7, 2019 at 3:37 pm,

    It’s just such an awful shame. My Honey’s aunt and her family lived in South Shore for awhile, I think, before they decamped to Beverly Shores in the Indiana Dunes. Before it had descended to the depths where it is now. :>(

    Good B&W photo of the Theater (marquee announces The Chapman Report, which came out in 1962.


    This comment caught my eye:

    Comment by

    RickB on March 5, 2014 at 5:08 pm:

    Named as one of the city’s ten most endangered buildings by Preservation Chicago. A presumably recent picture is photo #5 of the slideshow that accompanies this Chicago Tribune article. [Link: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-chicagos-most-endangered-buildings-list-20140304-story.html ]

  86. Julie, the Jeffery theater was the scene of my first date with a girl. We were walking into theater when I slipped on the wet marble floor (It was winter and snowy) and fell, breaking my arm. We continued on into the movie but she complained when I did not put my arm around her. I told her it was broken and we switched seats so I could put the other arm around her. Monday, she was surprised to see me with a cast on it. If you look at that reunion 2002 reunion photo, she is the woman in the white suit. Pretty damn good after 50 years.

    But you didn’t see Catholics refusing to do business or socialize with Protestants, nor the reverse, at least back when I were a pup

    My aunt and uncle (whose photo is in the reminiscence link) dated about 1910. His family were Anglican and quite unhappy to have a son dating a Catholic girl. They decided to take him on a long vacation to England in hopes he would forget her. In returning in April 1912, they were all three booked on the Titanic. Fortunately for me, it was overbooked and they got bumped. After they were married, my mother and her mother lived with them.

    He told me that as a boy, he heard a Catholic was walking down the street and the boys all ran to see if he had a tail.

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