Home » Don’t wear your MAGA hats out in public


Don’t wear your MAGA hats out in public — 107 Comments

  1. Make America Great Again. Just don’t do it. Americans’ legacy of human rights and civil rights without diversity and political congruence is offensive.

  2. Perhaps an even better idea would be freefall of John Yarmuth by the people of Kentucky. He claims that he made a joke, but it wasn’t amusung, and the humor he found in his own wit, was based on a false story, that he could not even be bothered to check on the veracity of. He is not serving them well.


    I see now he claims it was a joke. Not a very funny one, I might add. However, a lot of people have suggested the boys shouldn’t have worn the hats (not that the hats should be banned). And those people are very serious.

  4. Isn’t this just the same as saying to a woman wearing a short dress and low-cut blouse “You’re asking to be raped”?
    Of course, there’s no excuse for “slut-shaming,” right? But if you’re a MAGA-wearing teen, anything goes.

  5. Suggesting the boys shouldn’t have worn the hats smacks of suggesting that women not to be scantily clad drunks with no situational awareness.

    Of course, Rep Loudmouth suggests that any non-liberal attire is the result of an indoctrination in bigotry, being tone deaf of both his own party’s past and current behavior.

  6. The level of hatred directed at Trump and anyone who supports him is an interesting development. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. The Flight 93 Election column, was one discussion that was open. The author was anonymous for a while, probably because of the threat to any open supporter of Trump.

    2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.

    Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.

    He was serious. There were several novels written, assuming a Hillary win. One was Kurt Schlicter’s “People’s Republic,” which was partly a parody but which had a lot of good local color, as Schlicter lives in west Los Angeles.

    Now, we have a California Congressman threatening nuclear attack on gun owners.

    Swalwell responded: “And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.”

    I suspect it was bluster but it is interesting to see what the political left is willing threaten. Do they really think the military or the police (not police chiefs who are politicians) would be on their side ?

    The French police are now shooting protesters but I wonder if that will last? The protestor they shot , and probably killed, was not a terrorist but a fireman.

    The caption is “You should have voted for Le Pen when you had the chance.”


    Mr Beziade suffered a ‘very serious brain injury’ and is currently in an induced coma in hospital, said family members.

  7. First they came for…and I did nothing because I wasn’t…

    Breitbart was right… “F— you. War”
    Every progressive lie
    Every fake news beat up
    Every RINO cuck-step
    That’s the only workable response.

  8. My wife grew up at the tail end of the Cultural Revolution. Her mother was pilloried by the Red Guards.

    My wife was so thankful to become a US citizen. Now she can’t believe that this country is devolving and we have our own Red Guards.

    This can’t go on. It’s already spun out of control.

    The violence is coming.

  9. The Left/Democrats have never been great fans of looking in the mirror.

    The Left has always been, big time, about “projection,” taking whatever immoral, evil, low down thoughts they have had, whatever evil. low down things they have said, or whatever evil, low down things they have done and, then, charging that it is Conservatives, Trump, or Trump supporters who have had those thoughts, who have said and done these evil, low down things.

    It has been prominent and not so prominent figures on the Left who have–on TV, in print, and on the Internet initiated, stirred up, and amplified all sorts of hate against Trump, Conservatives, and against anyone who either supports Trump, or who those on the Left imagine might support Trump.

    Yet standard practice by Democrats is to charge that it is Conservatives who have thought these thoughts, said these things, done these deeds that have stoked this hate.

  10. You think that the Left/Democrats are unhinged now, are working themselves up to some real violence, wait until the very sick Justice Ginsburg resigns her position, and Trump nominates a conservative to take her place.

  11. expat,

    I was watching a European Tour golf tournament from Abu Dhabi the other day and in the background was a guy wearing one of those Che shirts. A white guy, probably from the UK, as apparently they love vacationing in the UAE. What a strange world.

  12. There were times when I hated Leftists and liberals. I do not do it anymore. They are insane and do not deserve hate because could not be considered sentinent human beings any more than cockroaches or bed bugs. I feel to them only disgust. Whom I hate now are so-called conservatives who at a drop of a hat desert all defensible positions and capitulate. They are not anymore defenders of the Western Civilization, they are collaborationists. So now my only hope are the true fascists who at least will fight. About a decade of a resonable if terroristic military dictatorship to purge the Europe from Neo-marxists and and their fellow-travelers is an acceptable price for turning the tide into more hopeful direction.

  13. I teach at a Boston area college and every door in my department, and not just my department, has a “Black Lives Matter” sign on the door. And let’s not forget the fake incident that started BLM. A few doors even have ‘Stand Up, Don’t Shoot’ signs, in red. A grad student walked past me the other day in a shirt that had Antifa scribbled across it. All that’s ok. Just like wearing a stupid pink ‘pussy’ hat is ok. What nonsense. The swarm is getting tiresome.

  14. Looks as if a pernicious meme is developing — Cornell William Brooks, a former president of the NAACP and now a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, tweeted this:

    @CornellWBrooks on January 20: “What the white hood was in 1869, the red #MAGA hat is in 2019—Klan fashion for today’s youth.”

    And then @Alyssa_Milano on January 21: “The red MAGA hat is the new white hood.”

  15. Neo, those hats are probably all souvenirs. They are not what you see teenaged boys wearing commonly, even in Kentucky. Those boys are from an urban area, right across the river from Cincinnati, and they attend a private Catholic school–also not prime MAGA hat-wearing locales. The hats look new. They probably bought them from vendors near the National Mall. I haven’t been to DC for a few years, but many of those vendors are members of minority groups. At the anti-Obamacare rally that I went to in 2010, all the vendors selling souvenirs, such as the Gadsden flag, were black. At a Trump rally I attended last August, during a special Congressional race in my district in Ohio, almost all of the souvenir vendors, including those selling the most MAGA gear, were black. (Those are the only two rallies I’ve been to, so I thought that was interesting.) Maybe another reader from that area can say for sure if MAGA hats are available at the souvenir stands in DC, and whether it would usually be considered safe to wear them there.

  16. “safe to wear them there” You’re not serious…or did I misunderstand your point?

    It is SAFE in the USA (or at least it used to be) to express political opinion, of which a MAGA hat is but one example.

    What apparently is not safe is white people voting in Philly where the Black Panthers stand outside polling places with baseball bats. What is apparently not safe is engaging in political speech that contradicts the progressive narrative. What is not safe is bring a white male Christian or even defending conservative Biblical moral values. What is not safe is being an in utero baby.

    The re-balancing of safe/not safe needs to happen.

  17. Thanks, Ann (and by the way, along with Neo I don’t think you’re a troll). The identification of Trump voters and supporters in 2015-2019 with the Klan is insane. This goes along with the tremendously effective propaganda campaign which convinced lots of people that suddenly, in the late 1960s, all the racists stopped being Democrats and switched to being Republicans.

    In this horrifying case, the young man was targeted by leftist activists in person and online because he’s white and wore a Trump hat. There is no evidence that he’s a racist, or that Trump is, or that the vast majority of his supporters are racists.

    I’m very willing to discuss policy with leftists who want to talk about policy. When the approach is to call the opposition ugly names and attack them for no reason, I’m out. I wish more sensible people who support leftist policies could take a clear look at what the movement is becoming.

  18. Mamas’ don’t let your babies go out wearing Trump hats
    Don’t let ’em wear MAGA or vote for no walls
    Let ’em all be Democrats and the like
    Mamas’ don’t let your babies wear hats that say MAGA
    Make ’em shave off all their dangerous face hair
    With a razor you buy from Gillette

  19. The January after the POTUS election, my father warned my mother, who voted for Trump, to keep her mouth shut and to be careful who she talked politics with after public protests and violence towards Trump supporters were recorded.

  20. I teach at a Boston area college and every door in my department, and not just my department, has a “Black Lives Matter” sign on the door.

    The faculty homes near the U of Arizona campus tend to be elegant older homes in a historic district. We went on a home tour a year ago and many them had BLM signs on the lawns. I doubt if any BLM members are ever invited in, however. The city Mayor lives in that area and was carjacked in front of his house a year ago. That area is probably safe for carjackers since no one would ever have a gun.

    Don’t try to carjack in north Tucson, though.

  21. I teach at a Boston area college and every door in my department, and not just my department, has a “Black Lives Matter” sign on the door.

    Given that ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a thoroughgoing collection of utter humbug, I’d say your department is a collection of people for whom stupidity is career-enhancing.

  22. Toy Biederman: Bingo — they probably were souvenirs. I live in DC, and was down on the Mall (by coincidence) that day, and amazed at the rows of souvenir trucks selling MAGA hats (maybe just for the March for Life?). I was surprised that the vendors hadn’t been harassed out of doing so, and would expect to be yelled at if I did wore one in my neighborhood (which is a 100% “Hate Has No Home Here” kind of place).

  23. Not all adults were bad though, there was an african american hero standing up for the students trying to confront the thugs until he was shouted down for being a uncle tom.

  24. Toy,
    That’s an excellent point. Those few kids who were wearing the hats probably bought them as souvenirs during their day trip to DC. I have a teenage son of my own, and I’d be willing to bet that those kids bought and wore the hats because they thought it was harmless and funny (although of course it’s also an expression of free speech). That said, I’d strongly advise my own kid not to wear a MAGA hat (if I had any advance notice that he
    intended to do so, that is). It’s just not worth the possible consequences, as these kids found out the hard way. On the very rare occasions that I see a Trump bumper sticker, I’m always amazed. Those folks must not mind risking slashed tires or a keyed car door.

  25. NR’s Frankovich has finally apologized, albeit a bit weakly, in my view:


    I hope the diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School makes a public apology for their hasty initial condemnation of the incident. They owe it to those students, their parents, and the rest of the school community, who are going to have to live with the fallout.

  26. Yarmuth isn’t calling for a ban.

    He’s making fun of those who call for bans…specifically Donald Trump (“total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on”)

    …as his choice of words make clear.

  27. I grew up in Oakland I don’t despise the man. did I mention I grew up in Oakland? The home town of the Hell’s Angels , the Black Panthers, the Symbonese Liberation Army, the WTFK, and if I despised the man if I despised the man I would wear that hat.

  28. ROPWA on January 21, 2019 at 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm said:
    My wife grew up at the tail end of the Cultural Revolution. Her mother was pilloried by the Red Guards.
    My wife was so thankful to become a US citizen. Now she can’t believe that this country is devolving and we have our own Red Guards.
    This can’t go on. It’s already spun out of control.
    The violence is coming.

    Yes. I keeping pointing out the similarities to the Cultural Revolution. It is beginning to feel like a similar danger.

  29. “…as his choice of words make clear for those who drink the leftist KoolAid.”


    The rest of us understood exactly what he really meant.

  30. Yarmuth isn’t calling for a ban.

    Hilarious. Lefty talking points from the usual source, All those nasty lefties had better be lawyering up. A little rain will fall into their little sad lives.

  31. The hats offend the betters at National Review, Washington Post, NY Times, and those who hang on to their ever word.

    And very amusing all the handwringing over being “disrespectful” to an “elder” who got in the kids face when the “elder” is of the age where the motto was “never trust anyone over 30” and disrespecting elders was good sport.

    Reminds me of some who wanted to play pomp and circumstance soldiers after they had specifically taken steps not to end up in Vietnam.

  32. This morning my husband looked up from the news and said to me; ‘I can’t live with these people anymore.’

    ‘Babe, I’ve been telling you that for a year.’

    This is not fixable. There is no way to ‘walk back’ or ‘undo’ the damage that has been done to our common ethos. It no longer exsists. Good heavens! Well meaning, reasonable, educated people are telling their children not to demonstrate support for THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES because it might bring down social, career or physical harm upon them. Americans afraid to speak their minds! Telling their children to hide their beliefs! And they are right, practically, if not morally. This weekend showed us what will happen to children with the ‘wrong’ opinions. I don’t even recognize this country anymore. The America everyone over 30 grew up with is over. It’s like a marriage everyone knows is dead, all that’s left to do is file the paperwork. I don’t think there will be fighting in the streets because after all, we are well meaning, reasonable, educated people, but some kind of divorce is going to happen in the future.

  33. “Yarmuth isn’t calling for a ban.”

    Leftists are very good at weaseling and backtracking and hypocrisy. I was about to say that manju doesn’t give a damn what happens to those kids but I realized he does. He wants their lives ruined as a lesson to the rest of us deplorables not to get out of line. That is his Stalinist mindset.

  34. “Manju, all your comment does is make you and the Rep look like dishonest idiots.”|

    It has been apparent from every comment manju has ever made here that he is a dishonest idiot.

  35. I’ve already said what I think about the wearing o’ the hats twice now, so I’ll just repeat, slightly edited, from one of them:

    “Don’t wear your MAGA caps — it will invite negative publicity and possibly harrassment or even violence” seems to me like training the kids never to risk disagreeing, or acting according to their own choices of whom to support, or speaking or dressing in a manner that someone might “find offensive,” however respectfully any of these might be done; in other words to adopt a somewhat cowardly, appeasing stance. Of such training are RINOS made. Acceptance by the crowd at all cost; to go against it is too dangerous.

    See “Dressing Like That Is Asking for It,” at

    https://theotherclub.org/2019/01/dressing-like-that-is-asking-for-it.html ,

    which weblog generated a pingback to Neo’s posting “The Covington Chronicles.” It looks like a pretty good site, in the libertarian neck of the woods.

  36. https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/319391/
    “JANUARY 21, 2019
    I’ve found myself arguing on social media with seemingly otherwise intelligent people who claim that someone wearing a MAGA hat is properly seen as a “threat” and a supporter of “racial oppression” by many. I noted that (a) wearing a MAGA hat just means some combination of “I like Trump” and “I am patriotic,” which applies to about 43% of the population; (b) the kids from Covington High School may not have even meant that much, as they probably just picked up the hats as souvenirs on their DC school trip; (c) that almost a million of these hats have been sold, and reported acts of violence by people wearing the hats are non-existent or close to it. I’ve been told in return that “threat” doesn’t mean threat of physical or verbal abuse, though it’s not clear what it does mean. And that the subjective intent of even 99% of the wearers has nothing to do with whether the hat is properly seen as a symbol of racial oppression. Sigh.

    Posted by David Bernstein at 9:53 pm”

  37. (h/t Instapundit)

    “U.S.—News outlets that incited an outraged internet mob against a group of Catholic school students based on a 10-second video clip, with no apparent attempt to fact-check or verify the information whatsoever, reported Monday that they are confused as to how some people could possibly consider them “fake news.”

    “I just don’t get it,” one CNN reporter said. “We worked really hard to fact-check the video a few days later and everything.” He pointed out that without the media, no one would be around to misinform the public on important events, allowing people to quickly draw conclusions before all the facts are in. “What are people going to do—form their own conclusions after reviewing all the facts themselves? That’ll never work.”

    A Washington Post journalist pointed to the news organization’s slogan on the wall, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” “Our democracy would die without our hard work slanting the news to a particular worldview without bothering to check if our facts are accurate. It says so right there on the wall.”

    At publishing time, one reporter had proclaimed that while the story concerning Covington Catholic and the Native American protester was factually inaccurate, it was “morally right.” “

  38. Off topic, but it was the next article to the one above.


    On the other hand, maybe we ought to all get our houses in order and quit running with whatever story the Fake News Industry puts on our plates.

    I just binge-read many of the articles at Neo and elsewhere (coming late to the game has some advantages; I didn’t have to jump to one conclusion or the other before actually getting the facts), and agree that the Covington Martyrs deserve BIG legal judgements in their favor, and Conservatives Inc. need to wear hairshirts and ashes for a couple of decades.

    Practical advice lifted from other commenters:
    (1) the right thing to do, nevermind the break-neck news cycle, need for clicks, and grubbing for page-views.

    Jeff Gauch on January 21, 2019 at 12:20 am at 12:20 am said:
    Re: the conservative media’s need to report on a story, they should have put up something along the lines of “We’re aware of this story, but given the MSM’s history regarding stories of this nature we’re doing what any sane and intelligent person would do and withholding judgment until more facts are in.”

    (2)same story, longer verse
    Joe Kicker on January 20, 2019 at 10:47 pm at 10:47 pm said:
    Re neo’s 6:49 comment:

    You’re basically right that any serious media had to tackle this story and have to tackle stories in general. However, they can address the EXISTENCE of the developing story without “going with the narrative”. They can report what people say about it.
    “The narrative” is the odious development in journalism of NOT seeking both sides of a story, or the five sides of one, or 25 sides. Choosing to go with the narrative is not the only choice available to honest or skeptical or cynical journalists, who recall that the operative word and their primary duty to readers/listeners/viewers is to REPORT the story that is unfolding and far from complete.

    (3) haven’t we learned this lesson yet?
    Dave on January 20, 2019 at 9:41 pm at 9:41 pm said:
    This incident should serve as a cautionary tale to all conservatives even when you response in grace and take the high road when liberals act obnoxiously around you they are going vilify you anyway.

    (4) following a link from Neo

    T on July 1, 2015 at 3:05 pm at 3:05 pm said:
    “The media is clearly not searching for truth.”
    –Dennis @4:16 am

    The media never searches fro truth; it searches for stories which will draw eyes.

    * * *
    — and that seems to apply to Conservative media as well as Leftists.

  39. Julie – excellent response. The quote at the top of your linked article is very appropriate here.
    “Everyone is in favor of free speech… but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.” ? Winston Churchill

    Of course people should be able to wear a MAGA hat with the same immunity from violent response as someone wearing a Che tee-shirt or a #BLM hat or carrying a Gillette razor, but we know that in the real world that is not the case.

    However, I confess that I choose carefully the venues to which I wear my Masterpiece Cakes tee-shirt, and am somewhat ashamed to admit it, but most of my outings are social, and there is no point in inducing people to “take sides” in a venue where politics should be irrelevant.

    Because those who are inclined to disagree with conservative viewpoints WILL take sides, relevant or not, and I can’t just carry around my 10-years-worth of blog bookmarks to educate them.

  40. Also from Julie’s link, this harks back to the Gillette Razor Brush-war, but I have also excerpted some information that addresses those of you Dads who commented on what your reaction would be if someone treated your kids the way the Covington boys were abused:


    Fathers taking joy in their children only happens when the father is around them. Humans have evolved to appreciate this. If we hadn’t, we might not be around as a species, and we certainly wouldn’t be humans.

    I started to make this an update to the previous post – it’s very much related – but I decided it deserved its own spot. It should be Womxns Studies required reading, at least as oppo research.

    Just read the whole thing. An extended example of the beneficial side of male traits:
    The marvel of the human dad
    (links to this article–)

    “Fathers are so critical to the survival of our children and our species that evolution has not left their suitability for the role to chance. Like mothers, fathers have been shaped by evolution to be biologically, psychologically and behaviourally primed to parent. We can no longer say that mothering is instinctive yet fathering is learned.

    The hormonal and brain changes seen in new mothers are mirrored in fathers. Irreversible reductions in testosterone and changes in oxytocin levels prepare a man to be a sensitive and responsive father, attuned to his child’s needs and primed to bond – and critically, less motivated by the search for a new mate. As a man’s testosterone drops, the reward of chemical dopamine increases; this means that he receives the most wonderful neurochemical reward of all whenever he interacts with his child. His brain structure alters in those regions critical to parenting. Within the ancient, limbic core of the brain, regions linked to affection, nurturing and threat-detection see increases in grey and white matter. Likewise enhanced by connectivity and the sheer number of neurons are the higher cognitive zones of the neocortex that promote empathy, problem solving and planning.”

  41. (h/t Instapundit)

    “I have not been more ashamed to be a grown-up in a long, long time. What I have observed in the last three days is not how grown-ups are supposed to act. The Covington Catholic boys may not have behaved with perfect decorum. But they’re teenagers. I’m not sure I would have known what to do had I found myself in the situation they did.

    Actually, I do know what I would have done. I would have walked away. Unfortunately, these boys couldn’t do that. They were following instructions to wait for their bus in a designated location. They didn’t have the option of walking away. So they engaged in school cheers and general teenaged goofiness while they passed the time, never anticipating that they were going to be called on to provide the world a model of what to do when you find yourselves verbally attacked by protestors on a Washington D.C. street corner.

    The Covington Catholic boys have been terribly, horribly failed by a long parade of adults who, instead of modeling good behavior, have done the opposite. Perhaps most obviously, neither the BHI demonstrators nor Phillips exhibited what thoughtful, reasoned free speech ought to look like. Free speech does not consist of hurling obscenities and insults at the perceived opponent, nor does it consist of wordlessly inserting oneself into an already charged situation, as Phillips did, then lying about it afterward.

    No sooner had the boys gotten on their bus than they were thrown under it by their school and the Covington diocese, who issued a joint statement condemning the students’ actions and saying the matter was under investigation that appropriate action would be taken. Um, if the matter is under investigation, doesn’t that suggest it might be good to wait before condemning the behavior? Could it be that there’s more to the story than a short, viral video?

    The school and the diocese owed these boys a full hearing before coming to any conclusion. They now owe them an apology.

    And then there’s the media, which likes to look at itself as the arbiter of truth but too often shows itself to be the opposite: a mindless, blind, and lumbering monster that sustains itself on a diet of half-truths, innuendo, and lies. In a time when the technology at our fingertips should make it easier than ever to track down a story, that technology is instead used to rapidly spread a half-baked and incomplete version of events before all the details have come in.”

  42. https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/319397/

    “JANUARY 21, 2019
    I’M SORRY I WISHED VIOLENT DEATH ON KIDS WHOSE POLITICS I DISLIKE: Film Producer Jack Morrissey Apologizes for Deleted Covington ‘Woodchipper’ Tweet.

    Film producer Jack Morrissey apologized Monday for joking about “MAGA kids” going “screaming, hats first into the woodchipper.” The tweet was accompanied by an iconic scene from “Fargo” in which a dead person’s blood flies from a woodchipper.

    Morrisey, whose credits include “Beauty and the Beast” and films in the “Twilight” franchise, quickly deleted the tweet and apologized, but Sarah Palin and other critics slammed him on social media.

    Remember, these people think they’re your moral superiors.

    Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:41 pm”

  43. Via RedState’s Sarah Quinlan, while she was apologizing for being one of those hair-trigger believe-the-left’s-propaganda conservatives*, but good points are made — now, will the Atlantic writer and all of the other #MeaCulpists actually Stop, Look, and Listen before jumping on the next Outrage Bandwagon that passes by?
    Stay tuned.
    (Hint: notice the leftist cant, even while she is vowing to do better.)


    “The story is a Rorschach test—tell me how you first reacted, and I can probably tell where you live, who you voted for in 2016, and your general take on a list of other issues—but it shouldn’t be. Take away the video and tell me why millions of people care so much about an obnoxious group of high-school students protesting legalized abortion and a small circle of American Indians protesting centuries of mistreatment who were briefly locked in a tense standoff. Take away Twitter and Facebook and explain why total strangers care so much about people they don’t know in a confrontation they didn’t witness. Why are we all so primed for outrage, and what if the thousands of words and countless hours spent on this had been directed toward something consequential?

    If the Covington Catholic incident was a test, it’s one I failed—along with most others. Will we learn from it, or will we continue to roam social media, looking for the next outrage fix? Next time a story like this surfaces, I’ll try to sit it out until more facts have emerged. I’ll remind myself that the truth is sometimes unknowable, and I’ll stick to discussing the news with people I know in real life, instead of with strangers whom I’ve never met. I’ll get my news from legitimate journalists instead of from an online mob for whom Saturday-morning indignation is just another form of entertainment. And above all, I’ll try to take the advice I give my kids daily: Put the phone down and go do something productive.”

    * * *
    *Quinlan’s post, and she ought to have known better.
    Conservatives seem to have the Gell-Mann Syndrome embedded in their DNA, or some kind of Jungian archetype of Charlie Brown when confronting Lucy with the football yet again.


    * * *
    Note: the vow to get her news from legitimate journalists is rather hollow, given that the false story was flogged by those bastions of legitimacy, NYT and WaPo, from the get-go.

  44. https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2019/01/20/narrative-drumming-indian-catholic-high-school-kid-changing/

    “There’s really no great lesson to be learned here. The left plays by Alinsky’s rules which relies upon the personal destruction of individuals. The young man who was featured in this and doxxed by the left has had his life changed forever.Unfortunately, many on the right are much more interested in signalling their virtue to the left or trying to “police their own ranks” to do anything but follow the lead of activist groups seeking to destroy people who might (in the case of this kid, we need to add “one day”) be political opponents.”

  45. https://www.redstate.com/diary/WrongthinkRadio/2019/01/20/media-lied-punish-kids-wearing-maga-hats/

    “A video went viral on the internet Saturday morning showing a group of kids from Covington Catholic school supposedly surrounding a group of Native Americans while wearing MAGA hats. The media, and unfortunately, even some Conservatives immediately clutched their pearls and began virtue signaling about how inappropriate the children were acting and condemning the actions. I am upset to see Conservatives so quick to buy what a Democrat controlled media is selling.

    It wasn’t long after the edited video went viral and suddenly Nathan Phillips is raising money for himself and his non-profit the Native Youth Alliance, as noted in an article here by inquistr. The problem is, what Phillips said happened didn’t, and the media ran with his lie because it fit their anti-Trump narrative and now Phillips has financially gained from selling a lie and these children are being investigated by their school over nothing. A liberal activist sought to intimidate children, and a compliant media was all too ready to be his accomplice because they want these kids to know that supporting the President will ruin your life.

    Once again, liberals lied. Once again, the media went along with the lie. Once again, some Conservatives were all to eager to yell “not me!” to gain favor with the main stream media.

    These are children folks, high school kids who were brave enough to march for life and have their voices heard, and now they are facing potential disciplinary action from their school because some deranged activist wanted to get his face back on television, and raise money.We need to stand up against bullying children and using them as pawns, everyone should have known better than to jump to conclusions, now we can only hope that these kids don’t face disciplinary punishment for standing around waiting for their bus.”

  46. I’ve quoted a lot of articles because I think the big story is not that a leftist activist lied and that the leftist press ran with it, but that so many Conservative Pundits jumped on the bandwagon without doing anything other than watch the short video posted by the Leftist Press.

    I don’t care how short your news cycle is, you ought to have more smarts than that these days.

    Some of them admit that NOW, but will they remember their embarassment tomorrow, when the next story “too good to check” comes over the wires (or the ether)?

  47. Manju, all your comment does is make you and the Rep look like dishonest idiots.

    I assure you, when The Left wants to seriously shutdown something, they are not going to argue their case using the language of Donald J Trump.


    I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on.


    Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

  48. Nothing that can be done in the present cultural atmosphere in the framework of democracy and law will change behavior of unhinged Leftist. This low life understands only the language of force, as was demonstrated during Negro riots at Brooklyn Heights when Meir Kahane organized his Jew Defense League. Such conservative shock troops is the only proper response to Antifa violence. Broke some sculls with baseball bats and their attacks would cease.

  49. https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/21/media-tried-ruining-lives-innocent-teenagers/

    “One would think that following the fallout from the disputed BuzzFeed report, the media would take a minute before trying to ruin any more innocent lives, particularly when we’re talking about kids. Yet this whole episode makes one thing clear: Journalists aren’t willing to learn a thing.”

    What they learned is the same thing Journalists learn from all </emtheir attacks, whether on conservatives in general or their most-hated-group-du-jour: Conservative "leaders" accused of any kind of socialist-virtue-deficit back down; right-wing pundits swallow the leftist bait hook, line, & sinker; their busted stories from yesterday are forgotten today; and their lies live on long after the truth is known.

    Compile your own list; you know the usual suspects.

    The left never faces any consequential downside for "not learning" from their past failures.
    Donald Trump is the first significant government leader to call them on their lies.
    And the #NeverTrumpers still can't figure out why he won.

  50. Manju: Another false equivalence. Political and religious expression of USA citizens is protected by the First Amendment. No such restriction exists for immigration laws. They can be as selective and discriminating as POTUS wishes.

  51. Sergey, of course manju is being dishonest and sophistic. That is all he can do in his minwage job trolling for DNC/Soros/whoever. So glad a worm like him is on the other side.

    Noted that manju has not expressed the slightest bit of outrage or regret that people attempted to ruin a teenager’s life and even threaten it essentially for wearing a hat but has only made excuses for a d-bag politician who disgracefully tried to exploit the kid and then had to lamely backtrack. Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt everything I have ever said about you, manju.

  52. “Noted that manju has not expressed the slightest bit of outrage or regret that people attempted to ruin a teenager’s life and even threaten it essentially for wearing a hat but has only made excuses for a d-bag politician who disgracefully tried to exploit the kid and then had to lamely backtrack. Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt everything I have ever said about you, manju.”

    Took the words right out of my mouth, FOAF.

  53. We bought MAGA hats just for fun to have them. We knew better than to actually wear them. They were hanging on a doorknob in our house and I am pretty certain the mobile dog washer who we had been using for over two years dropped us because she saw them. She refused to return our calls and never answered our emails after that appointment.

  54. Pingback:Threatening – Splendid Isolation

  55. I do actually think it might be a good strategy for all conservatives to hide all external symbols of conservativism, because it will make the haters deeply paranoid and insecure. They make fools of themselves with their constant fatuous virtue-signalling, swearing, genital headware, screaming and crying and spellcasting and ranting in Starbucks, ad nauseum. So I hope that just being quiet and neutral and not thrusting my political beliefs on everyone all the time is a form of resistance in itself.

  56. A woman can wear very revealing, sexually enticing clothing and if men look or approach her, they are beasts because SHE has the freedom to wear what she wants. If anyone wears a MAGA hat, they are hateful racists and deserve punching or worse.

    Sounds to me that the Progressives are more likely to invoke a form of Sharia law when it comes to Conservatives and clothing. (They forced us to punch them because of what they wore: aka: We are incapable of controlling ourselves)

  57. Oddly nobody is saying the dude banging the drum in peoples faces shouldn’t have done that … he was the instigator with a an active action … he approached and confronted those kids …

    I would have had to take that drum away from him as my sever tinnitus would have been painful when he banged that drum in my face … people need to be sensitive to that disability … unless you are part of the growing tinnitusphobic movement in this country …

  58. Has anyone else noticed the irony of people being hysterical over an MAGA hat, when the National Mall has been awash with people wearing hats and costumes designed to look like female genitalia? I am sure on the Saturday following the March for Life the Mall was filled with posters and shirts and banners which were grossly offensive.

  59. I actually agree with Manju that Rep. Yarmouth was making a play on words on Trump. False equivalency and not too bright, but I doubt he called for a real ban on hats. On the other hand, Democrats in the House have proposed bills limiting free speech rights and requiring tax money to fund political expression other people find grossly offensive. Maybe Yarmouth accidentally told the truth.

  60. Molly Brown on January 22, 2019 at 1:06 am at 1:06 am

    Unfortunately, I agree.

    We live in TX, which makes us a little freer than being in NY or CT. But the migration coming here from CA and NY is making this state even less safe than in, say, 2008.

    My husband was on a business trip in CA last week. When he had reached the SF airport, he called me. He said he felt not a tinge of safety in San Francisco, not even to say “Hello.” He could not open his mouth over there. That’s from a man who has always been comfortable in his own skin and very firm in his beliefs. He breathed a sigh of relief when he finally was inside my van on our way home from Bush Airport. When you don’t feel safe to speak within your own country, you’re not the problem – your country is.

    There are Two Americas, indeed – not the one John Edwards preached about, but the one Democrats have created. The Great American Divorce is coming.

  61. NR’s Frankovich has finally apologized, albeit a bit weakly, in my view:

    He won’t acknowledge that what he posted was factually wrong. Nor will he acknowledge the deeper problem with his mentality which lies behind his impulse to post.

  62. I assure you, when The Left wants to seriously shutdown something, they are not going to argue their case using the language of Donald J Trump.

    No, we just saw what you do. Lies, hysteria and threats.

    I do appreciate your efforts to tell us what the left is thinking, if it can be referred to as thinking.

    The Covington hysteria was an operation. I’m not sure the semi-homeless Indian fake Marine was in on the deal. He was the stalking horse. The person following him with the camera knew exactly what they were up to, though.

    The Twitter team is anonymous but the WaPo and the Times are big targets, as is the Associate Press.

  63. Interesting, Art Deco. So, they are unwilling to let go of the narrative that the young man was at fault, even when extended video supports his statement of what happened.

  64. From Art Deco’s link:

    One of the students, wearing a “Make American Great Again” hat, smiles before an Omaha tribal elder,

    The Indian is no”tribal elder” in any official sense. He is living in a basement in DC and has a history of previous unsubstantiated complaints. If he was ever a Marine, there are others looking into that, he was 16 when the last US Marine left Vietnam. The fake “Vietnam Vet” ploy is well known to those who care for the homeless or charity hospital patients. I used to warn medical students about it. I always told them to check ages, as it was common for the age to not match the actual history of the war.

  65. Kate, you should see over on Gizmodo.

    “Don’t believe what you see – believe what WE tell you and your heart!”

    They didn’t learn from the Gawker debacle – they’re too enmeshed in the narrative and virtue-signalling how woke they are to back out now.

  66. Remember when politicians said that teenagers shouldn’t wear Che Guevara shirts? Yeah, neither do I.

  67. Dont wear your Yarmulka… its 1934…
    Dont wear your Maga hat… its 2019

    The philosophy instructor explains that “Killing some white people isn’t genocide; it’s killing some white people.” He declares, “We had to kill some white people to get out of slavery… Osei-Frimpong also referred to white people as “crappy,” and said that white churches, schools, and families would have to be “dismantled” to remedy the issue of white supremacy. ”

    Can anyone define “Subset”

    What can universities do? Well, that’s easier. Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing.

    It is worth considering your complaints. Are you worried it’s unfair to men? Are you concerned the quality if your institution would plummet? Are you worried about all the brilliant minds you’d be missing? List your reasons and ask yourself which ones you’d value over your own freedom.

    During April 1933, very soon after the Enabling Act had been passed, Jewish teachers were dismissed from German schools and universities. During the same year the proportion of Jewish students at universities was limited to less than 1 per cent, so that it could be no higher than the proportion of Jews in the German population as a whole.

    Harvard Affirmative Action Trial Ends, But Lawsuit Is Far From Over
    ‘The wolf of racial bias’: the admissions lawsuit rocking Harvard

    Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race

    the germans invented RACE SOCIALISM
    the feminists re-purposed and expanded it…
    not only would this now include X agianst Y

    but would include the race that stood in the way last century
    IF it did not respond the way it did, or sided WITH, what would have won

    To quote a famous feminist, you change the principals and it reveals:
    so lets do that… lets change one word to feminist (or liberal if you want though they are only supporters)

    It became common for white cis male children to be subjected to verbal and physical abuse by fellow students and teachers. Textbooks were rewritten in line with feminist ideology, leading to white cis males becoming the subject of increased diversity.


    The process of denying white cis males a state education was a gradual one. White cis male children would be sent to the back of the classroom, before their eventual isolation within or expulsion from school. But the feminist rules did not officially forbid white cis male from obtaining education; instead they allowed feminist teachers to set up separate schools for students from 1938.

    A group demanded a space for students of color. Now they say they’re being called racists.

    Simply put, patriarchy is a system of domination and control that privileges cisgender men at the expense of everyone else (though notably to varying degrees and in different ways, since the benefits of patriarchy exist at intersections of other forms of domination and oppression).

    Patriarchy, as is the case with other related systems of oppression like White supremacy, relies on violence (both literal and symbolic) deployed against cisgender women, transgender people, and gender non-conforming people in order to maintain supremacy.

    nice that you could go out and say this without any aprobation…

    articles [do i REALLY have to show you the translated german equivalents? the appelation fem-nazi is very apropo… ]:

    ‘Straight white males are an inferior type of human who should know their place’

    and i think this one is interesting too:
    Should all white males be required to commit suicide by 2020

    why not… lets invest in ovens for the next time…

    and this one too… its happened before, and you would think neo could tell
    but since its defined as a judaic thing, it cant be the same, can it?
    all one has to do is read the magyar struggle to realize it wasnt – it was a cultuer tradition thing

    i guess thats the problem when you define something with a false critical ingredient!!
    you cant recognize it witout it… its somethign else to you… not the same…

    Although diversity has become one of the leading buzzwords of our time, it has a history that goes back several generations. In the early twentieth century, the principle of geographic diversity was used to conceal bias against Jews in the admission of students to Harvard and other leading academic institutions.

    Because the Jewish population was concentrated in New York and other east coast communities at that time, quota limits on how many Jewish students would be admitted were concealed by saying that Harvard wanted a diverse student body, consisting of students from around the country.

    Thomas Sowell https://www.creators.com/read/thomas-sowell/12/16/the-diversity-fraud

    But what justifies diversity? Nothing but unsupported assertions, repeated endlessly, piously and loudly. – Thomas Sowell

    [by the way, the kids dont get that the diversity awards on college campus are not for having more of a mix, but by having removed one class of persons… they think it means they have everyone inclusive!!! kind of like a DoDo thinking a sailor is a friend]

    [changed quotes above are from the holocaust experience org]

    to be clear that i can post so much stuff and if i could format it, parallel it with the past..

    The walking man in on these pedestrian signals are white men (we could also point out the institutional sexism by the fact that it’s always a man- 100% of the time).

    This everyday reminder to POC bodies that White Males are the norm- that the white man is normative- and not their bodies, by contrast. This “others” POC by marking the white male as ubiquitous and eternal- as natural and trans-historical, rather than as historically specific and contingent to a space and time. The white male is forever and always and therefore normal and natural. Against this, we communists must transgress and destroy this destructive narrative of what is “natural” and normal.

    Smash White Normativity, Smash Institutional-Systemic Microagressions.

    smote the unnatural and abnormal… is what it says
    but note… if ya want to read parallels, ya have to know the language and sometimes slang
    in this way, whole tracts of information suddenly appear… [like Hungarian was Magyar]

    funny thing..
    look up what i said a long time ago about painting exit on the entrance and entrance on the exit
    what would have happened if you convinced nazis they were the good guys? you would be in 1934 again… and you will get them furvently fighthing for native lands for natives… and and end to the oppression of a group in a group…

    all your witnessing is the more final stages of Gliechshaltung…

    if one read the magyar struggle, one would realize the essential wasnt judaism, the essential was old cultures, traditions, ways and manners that had ot change for communism to exist… (as it seeks to redefine all of mans existence and send certain things it decides to be erased)… by fixating on a non key quality, you insure no one responds to its repeat events… they just dont match so they must be new… the key quality as stated in so many documents and even obama is CULTURE, not specific, but the ones who were strong, passed down, and undo what they are trying to change OPENLY if you dont out select certain writings…

    Kinahan charges Sommers, Denfeld and Roiphe with attempting to “reclaim feminism as a white, middle-class, straight woman’s movement” and defending “traditional hierarchies of morality, religion, and the nuclear family.” Kinahan finds Sommers to be contradictory in asserting that students are resistant to radical feminism, yet also claiming that feminist indoctrination of students poses a “drastic danger” which “powerless, naive, and unthinking students unquestionably endorse.”

    just watch as hegelian turns its eye now… [and its interesting to watch the confusion]

    Shit White Feminists Need To Stop Doing
    White Women: Traitors for Trump?
    Opinion | White Women, Come Get Your People
    What Is Toxic White Feminism? – When Feminism Is White Supremacy
    Time’s Up for White Feminism Protecting Men Like Aziz Ansari
    NYT: Science Proves White ‘Women Are Gender Traitors’

    what if meaning was not meaning any more, but just a handle on behavior?

  68. The present war on Catholics and Catholic schools is battlespace preparation for the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace RBG on the Supreme Court. The hearing will be worse than the Kavanaugh hearing. Her children will be attacked. It will be mass hysteria because this is a real inflection point for the Court.

  69. This stuff is common now in college feminist and other studies courses
    some are already out making policy… for ages, ergo the court cases…
    but what if an essential ingredient is not essential? would removing it allow recognition of what remains? does changing the words change the end result (in mind yes, in reality no)?

    note that HARVARD read it and so on
    Abolish the White Race
    The excerpt concerns author Noel Ignatiev’s role in launching a journal “to chronicle and analyze the making, remaking, and unmaking of whiteness.”


    Race Traitor: Noel Ignatiev, John Garvey

    Race Traitor brings together voices ranging from tenured university professors to skinheads and prison inmates to discuss the “white question” in America.

    ah… so right there is an open parallel…
    the magyar was supposed to take care of the jewish question..
    Engels wrote a book, the Magyar Struggle – der Magyar-Kampf
    Hitler took up the baton, My Struggle – Mien-Kampf

    The point was you had to remove hidebound cultures that woudl never change
    reading the old stuff you would find a list of these, not just one religion

    now, in duplication of the past “question” discussions, which if you bother to read them, point out how one of the failures of last century was these hidbound cultures were protected by western civ and particularly one now deemed hidebound culture that has to go before the others can be remade..

    Working from the premise that the white race has been socially constructed, Race Traitor is a call for the disruption of white conformity and the formation of a New Abolitionism to dissolve it.

    of course since we dont actually teach what doctrines actually stand for, you might not notice the same argument straight out of 1933…

    the essays analyze the forces that hold the white race together–and those that promise to tear it apart. When a critical mass of people come together who, though they look white, have ceased to act white, the white race will undergo fission and former whites will be able to take part in building a new human community.
    [oh boy, anyone ever hear the speeches of early last century?]

    and JUST SO the unthinkable is thinkable and clear:

    Jews and the Social Construction of Race – The Atlantic
    – Judge rules that Judaism is not a race but Jewish people can be targeted for racism.
    – Race and Racial Identity Are Social Constructs – NYTimes.com
    – The Social Construction of Whiteness – Central Washington University
    – Race, Religion, or Ethnicity?: Situating Jews in … – AnthroSource
    – Social Construction of Race – ssc.wisc.edu

    [now before you peek at what is going around.. and what the classical solutions were last century to solve the question]

    RACE TRAITOR | Abolish the White Race
    The white race is a historically constructed social formation – historically constructed because (like royalty) it is a product of some people’s responses to historical circumstances; a social formation because it is a fact of society corresponding to no classification recognized by natural science.

    i guess they learn from what we dont learn from…

    quoting more school stuff:
    Race itself is a product of social discrimination; so long as the white race exists, all movements against racism are doomed to fail.……………….RACE TRAITOR aims to serve as an intellectual center for those seeking to abolish the white race………The white race is a club, which enrolls certain people at birth, without their consent, and brings them up according to its rules……………We at Race Traitor, the journal with which I am associated, have asked some of those who think whiteness contains positive elements to indicate what they are. We are still waiting for an answer.………..As James Baldwin said, “So long as you think you are white, there is no hope for you.”………..We cannot say it too often: whiteness does not exempt people from exploitation, it recon-ciles them to it. It is for those who have nothing else…………The white race is neither a biological nor a cultural formation; it is a strategy for securing to some an advantage in a competitive society………..Just as the capitalist system is not a capitalist plot, so racial oppression is not the work of “racists.” It is maintained by the principal institutions of society, including the schools (which define “excellence”), the labor market (which defines “employment”), the legal system (which defines “crime”), the welfare system (which defines “poverty”), the medical industry (which defines “health”), and the family (which defines “kinship”). ……….The abolitionists oppose all forms of segregation in the schools, including tracking by “merit,” they oppose all mechanisms that favor whites in the job market, including labor unions when necessary, and they oppose the police and courts, which define black people as a criminal class. They not merely oppose these things, but seek to disrupt their functioning.

    here is an interesting article showing where things will go given the GLOBE


    by exploring “white awareness training” methods developed by Judith Katz and the “race traitor” politics developed by Ignatiev and Garvey, and……………….

    THIS is what is being taught… when they get a bit older, it will be like the Jugen

    Whiteness is both homogeneous and fractured. Unlike Latino identity, which is understood to be mixed, and unlike African American identity under the strictures of the one-drop rule, whiteness is accorded only to those who are (supposedly) “pure” white………………But today, in mainstream white bread America, the borders around whiteness are assumed to be clear…….In much feminist literature the normative, dominant subject position is described in detail as a white, heterosexual, middle-class, able-bodied male. This normative figure carries the weight as well in the cultural narrative of reconfiguring black-white relations……………..

    Feminist theory has given various answers to this question, and much of the debate has centered on the question of whether white women benefit on the whole from whiteness, or whether whiteness is a ruse to divide women and to keep white women from understanding their true interests. Some feminists have argued that sexism is more fundamental than racism, in the sense that sexual identity is more important in determining social status than racial identity. For example, Shulamith Firestone (1970) argues that the racism that exists among white women is a form of inauthenticity or false consciousness that does not represent their true interests. Mary Daly (1978) similarly argues that charges of racism against feminists serve patriarchal ends by promoting divisiveness among women. According to Daly, feminists should disengage from male-created identifications with race, nation, or ethnicity……………
    a paper that has been very widely used in women’s studies courses, takes up these issues in a way that mainly addresses a white feminist audience. In this paper, Rich develops the concept of “white solipsism” to describe a perceptual practice that implicitly takes a white perspective as universal. She argues that “colorblindness,” or the ideal of ignoring racial identities, falls into white solipsism because a racist society has no truly accessible colorblind perspective. The claim to a colorblind perspective by whites works just to conceal the partiality of their perceptions.

    In Frye’s view, white feminists should be disloyal to whiteness. Because white women understandably want to be treated as human beings, their feminism often takes the form of pursuit of the full entitlements of “whiteliness,” which Frye defines as a socially constructed status that confers entitlements and authority. For example, the demand for equality has implicitly and practically meant the demand for equality with white men (a demand for equality with, say, puertorriqueños would hardly mean liberation). But the demand to be equal to white men is necessarily a demand to achieve “whiteliness,” a status that depends on racist structures of social relations for its power and autonomy. Like Rich and Firestone, Frye argues that solidarity with white men is not in white women’s ultimate interest. Racism has motivated white men to oppress and constrain white women’s sexuality and reproductive powers in order to secure the regeneration of a “pure” white population. Thus, we must become disloyal to whiteness and unlearn our “whiteliness” assumptions of entitlement and authority.

    wait till they put 2 and 2 together and realize where these evil things are manufavtured… and who is doing it…

    Race Traitor: A Journal of the New Abolitionism. The journal has created a space where radical whites can share and spread ideas, get feedback and criticism from people of color, and help to educate themselves and their readers on the “true” history of the Civil War and the neglected legacy of white resistance to racism. They can also develop their critical analyses of current social phenomena, such as multiculturalism and the increasing cultural crossovers of white youth.

  70. While serving as a Navy Officer back in the 70’s-80’s post Vietnam the Carter administration’s DOD had ordered US military personnel serving in DC not to wear uniforms in public. On Jan 20 1981 during his inauguration while watching the parade Reagan leaned over to JCS Chairman AF General David C. Jones and asked about that policy. Gen Jones confirmed it. Reagan replied…”That will change as of tomorrow won’t it?” Gen Jones replied “Yes sir Mr President”

  71. I don’t wear my Republican elephant logo hat in public anymore and I live in a conservative, rural town in Texas! It’s just not worth the hassle. And I certainly don’t drive into left leaning Austin with a Trump bumper sticker on my car for fear of getting the car keyed. (That’s a real fear.) What’s this country coming to?

  72. As others have said, people wearing MAGA hats are comparable to women dressing provocatively, in certain ways.

    But there are differences.

    Women dress provocatively all the time: In the office, in the grocery store, even in church; yet it is uncommon for that to put them in danger of anything worse than (a.) catty remarks from other women; and (b.) appreciative looks or catcalls from the wrong man. (The phrase “from the wrong man” is important; if it’s Brad Pitt it’s perceived as a compliment. But I digress.) It is rather rare for a woman dressed provocatively to actually be in danger of sexual assault, if she’s out-and-about in broad daylight.

    But there are situations where a provocatively-dressed woman is clearly in an elevated danger of sexual assault, even in well-lit areas. For example: A white woman, dressed provocatively, in the streets of Cairo (or certain parts of Detroit) during a Muslim Brotherhood rally is rather likely to be sexually assaulted. The perpetrators will not deny it; either: They will blame it on her and how she was dressed.

    What about white teenagers wearing MAGA hats?

    I think the fair comparison is NOT to America, generally, where a woman in a short skirt is not typically in any danger at midday in a public place, or in a restaurant, or in the office.

    No, a teenager wearing a MAGA hat is in more danger of violence, at midday in America, than the woman in the short skirt.

    Another way of putting this is: Leftists are less like catty coworkers and lecherous chauvinists, and more like Muslim Brotherhood ideologues on the streets of Cairo.

    The Covington Catholic story is, I think, the third national story of a person wearing a MAGA hat in public being harassed by aggressive leftists. (If I recall correctly the prior two involved persons being harassed in restaurants.) So there is already a pattern there; and I’m confident there are certain venues (college campus public spaces, for example) where someone wearing a MAGA hat would be quickly bloodied.

    And the Twitter eruption about the Covington Catholic kids reveals that this dynamic is extraordinarily widespread, and that it is widespread among famous persons and newsmakers: People with significant social influence.

    Kathy Griffin and Reza Aslan call for the doxing and face-punching of the Covington Catholic kids, knowing that their livelihoods are secure and that they themselves will not be bloodied. And they are quick to whip up a pitchfork-and-torches mob to join them.


    Tell me again how this doesn’t end in massive eruptions of armed violence?

  73. Don’t wear a lot of things in public…

    A controversial academic today faced to wrath of Britain’s veterans and their families after calling the RAF airmen who bombed Nazi Germany war criminals.

    Dr Kehinde Andrews, a professor of black studies at Birmingham City University, said the decision to build tributes like the Bomber Command Memorial desecrated with white paint yesterday was like ‘justifying terrorism’.

    He said: ‘We are talking about a war crime. I think it is a tragedy they died, but we don’t need a statue.’

    The academic, a professor of black studies at Birmingham City University, also compared Britain’s war-time Prime Minister to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler for his treatment of Indians when the country endured a famine in 1943.

    now, all it will take is a majority to believe… given world demographics, then what?

  74. All ideologues are dangerous, let us hope the very idea of an ideology will soon became obsolete and even ridiculous. This already happened in Russia, for example, where all ideologues are seen as tiny fringe group of crackpots.

  75. Dr Kehinde Andrews, a professor of black studies at Birmingham City University, said the decision to build tributes like the Bomber Command Memorial desecrated with white paint yesterday was like ‘justifying terrorism’.

    The British are paying a price for letting these colonials into their good colleges. Another black south African student wanted to remove the statue of Cecil Rhodes even though he was attending as a Rhodes Scholar. You would think he would refuse the money but no, that would be too much virtue.

  76. ideologies are way too useful to bad people in mobiliizing people to be a private unpaid army inside your oppositions camps…

    people dont posess ideas, ideas posess people..

    ah, waht the world would be if the psychopathic leaders of communism didnt weaponize ideas, lies, words meanings without meanings, and more..

    such people could never make a good place…
    they would not know one if presented to them

    and ruling in hell of your own creation to them is a real goodness as serving in a heaven of someone elses is just unconscionable…

  77. Of course the Catholic school boys standing in MAGA hats are considered evil people — in a world where the good people are black supremacist cults vomitting unprintable profanity and “nasty” women, lead by antisemites, wearing hats representing genitalia, scream profanity while marching in favor of murdering the unborn.

    Etc etc.

  78. Manju: Another false equivalence. Political and religious expression of USA citizens is protected by the First Amendment. No such restriction exists for immigration laws.

    The actual text of the 1A’s Establishment clause (“Congress shall make no law…”) indicates that such a restriction for immigration laws does indeed exist within the original meaning of the document.

    Indeed, that’s why the Trump admin argued that their policy had nothing to do with restricting Muslims. Rather it was aimed at certain countries that were dangerous.

    If your interpretation of the 1A was actually in effect, then they could’ve gone with their original “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”.

    But they didn’t.

  79. How restriction on immigration is “establishing religion”? No way. It establishes nothing, only protects citizens from a dangerous alien cult, about which Churchill said that “Mohameddism in a man is as dangerous as hydrophobia in a dog”. Of course, they could follow with the original formulation, but we live not in ideal world where strict constitutionalism would be enough, but in a world of leftist madness where mud-slinging can torpedo perfectly legal policy. So they choose formulation which is harder to slander.

  80. R.C., I don’t disagree with your analogy. However, having lived in Cairo, I can tell you that women don’t have to be white or be dressed provocatively to be sexually harassed or assaulted on the streets of Cairo.

  81. Probably already mentioned: Why is no one saying you can’t wear pink “pussy” hats because they symbolize anti-Semitism?

  82. More exact quote from Churchill: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.”

  83. The actual text of the 1A’s Establishment clause (“Congress shall make no law…”) indicates that such a restriction for immigration laws does indeed exist within the original meaning of the document.

    Reading comprehension is hard, Barbie.

  84. Art Deco on January 22, 2019 at 8:45 am at 8:45 am said:

    This appears to be the new tack the a**holes will be using.
    * * *
    It’s not new; it’s the same schemata that the Left “fact checkers” use in order to give Four Pinocchios to some statement that they actually admit is true, but weasel around it with framing, and intent, and other opinion judgements.

    “To understand just how susceptible images like this are to total reinterpretation, consider an alternative scenario. Imagine that instead of standing silently and seemingly smug, the teen had maintained a neutral countenance and then removed his maga hat from his head. Such an act would have been interpreted, almost universally, as a gesture of meekness and respect. Some would have overinterpreted it, no doubt, taking it as a sign that the student had shed not just the cap, a symbol of Trumpism, but all the ideologies bound up in that symbolic garment. And this interpretation would have cohered and spread no matter whether Sandmann really meant any of it or not. (I pointed out a similar feature in the Jim Acosta White House video, in which a small shift in the position of a camera could utterly change the apparent meaning of the resulting images.) The entire tenor of the viral moment would have flipped, and the students likely would have enjoyed being portrayed as meek heroes representing the tolerant promise of American youth.

    Consider a change in framing or editing instead: Had the original clip been shot from the reverse angle, showing Sandmann and his classmates from the back, his maga hat visible but not his smirk, the meaning of the situation would have also changed. No longer does the student represent the worst stereotype of white intolerance, but now he becomes a mere prop for Phillips, whose drumming reads as both pacifist in its delivery and reception. My point is not to apologize for the students’ behavior, or even to explain it, but to underscore how a slightly different video might have convinced the very same viewers who censured the Covington Catholic students to reach exactly the opposite conclusion.”

    Point 1: the student was exhibiting a positive, basically neutral, expression; if you want to see a SMIRK, I refer you to Koskinnen & Comey et al.
    Point 2: why should the student have to be the one exhibiting meekness and respect to an old man drumming in his face without any provocation? The onus should be on the adult to resist harassing the child.
    Point 3: if none of the images had shown the MAGA hats, the boys would still have been seen as aggressors despite being harassed and provoked by the Black Israelites and the Indigenous Old Man (Tribal Elder is a title, not lightly bestowed, as noted by a commenter above).
    Point 4: Jim Acosta is a jerk.
    Point 5: The left lost this round; get over it.

  85. max on January 22, 2019 at 9:45 am at 9:45 am said:
    Remember when politicians said that teenagers shouldn’t wear Che Guevara shirts? Yeah, neither do I.
    * * *
    Politicians and others are always saying students shouldn’t wear something or other; in my day, it was black armbands protesting the Vietnam War*.
    Today, no one is objecting to Che, but there were periods when wearing those shirts would have got you a trip to the principal’s office.
    The episodes that upset me the most now are when the schools ban wearing the American-flag based clothing, or displaying the flag.
    We aren’t Mexico YET.
    * * *

    Artfldgr on January 22, 2019 at 10:21 am at 10:21 am said:
    Dont wear your Yarmulka… its 1934…
    Dont wear your Maga hat… its 2019
    * * *
    Gridlock on January 22, 2019 at 4:53 am at 4:53 am said:
    What I need is a MAGA yarmulke!

    * * *
    We’ll send flowers to the hospital or morgue…but hooray for the sentiment itself!

  86. skyking239 on January 22, 2019 at 11:11 am at 11:11 am said:
    While serving as a Navy Officer back in the 70’s-80’s post Vietnam the Carter administration’s DOD had ordered US military personnel serving in DC not to wear uniforms in public. On Jan 20 1981 during his inauguration while watching the parade Reagan leaned over to JCS Chairman AF General David C. Jones and asked about that policy. Gen Jones confirmed it. Reagan replied…”That will change as of tomorrow won’t it?” Gen Jones replied “Yes sir Mr President”
    * * *
    I remember that incident.
    It’s one of the reasons Reagan is known as Ronaldus Magnus.
    I can see Trump saying that.
    And the fact that the order was issued at all, even though its intent was to protect the troops and avoid incidents of violence, tells you how far back the Antifarians have been active.

  87. Artfldgr on January 22, 2019 at 12:44 pm at 12:44 pm said:
    ideologies are way too useful to bad people in mobiliizing people to be a private unpaid army inside your oppositions camps…

    people dont posess ideas, ideas posess people..

    ah, waht the world would be if the psychopathic leaders of communism didnt weaponize ideas, lies, words meanings without meanings, and more..

    such people could never make a good place…
    they would not know one if presented to them

    and ruling in hell of your own creation to them is a real goodness as serving in a heaven of someone elses is just unconscionable…
    * * *
    What he said.
    Someone said: the agenda is never the agenda; power is the agenda
    (not surprisingly, Google won’t tell me who).

  88. From Art’s link to Sowell:
    “This is not something new. Nor is it something confined to the United States. Very similar patterns were found more than a decade ago, when doing research for my book “Affirmative Action Around the World.”

    In India, the courts’ attempts to rein in some academic quotas were met by a proliferation of new, and wholly subjective, admissions criteria. Individuals from groups that were not as qualified by objective criteria were simply ranked higher on subjective criteria and admitted.

    In the United States, the Supreme Court itself has long been part of such game-playing when it comes to affirmative action. Back in 1978, an opinion by Justice Lewis F. Powell banned racial quotas with one hand and created “diversity” as a criterion with the other. In other words, colleges were told in effect that they can have racial quotas, but they just can’t call them racial quotas.

    According to the Constitution, “We the People” are supposed to decide what laws and policies we live under. But not if we can be so easily fooled by courts using slippery words like “diversity.”

    * * *
    Especially when diversity is defined to EXclude certain groups prima facie.

  89. I do NOT have to worry, IF I wore a “MAGA” ball cap. I LIVE IN TEXAS. People here would say nice hat, BECAUSE an ARMED society is a POLITE ONE!!!

  90. Skyking, a good friend had the call sign “Chief.” But he wasn’t a Chief. He was an officer. Now, you know it’s an insult to call a an officer “Chief.”


    But back when he was serving in the 70s the Navy was short handed. And one day as Division officer his skipper comes in demanding to know who his chief is. So he he says “You want to know who your chief is? I’ll tell you who your chief is. I’m your chief.”

    The name stuck.

  91. It used to be that Democrat Party KKK members would wear hoods to hide their hate of blacks.
    Today’s Dems hate MAGA hat wearers just like the old KKK Dems hated blacks. Many of the biggest MAGA hat haters are the black kids or grandkids, now Dems themselves, of the blacks that the KKK Dems hated decades ago.

    Most blacks don’t seen to know that all the key KKK members, and the Jim Crow laws, were from Democrats.

  92. Titan, I sometimes think I wasted years of my time. I defended the borders of this country. You are in a position to teach why we need borders. You have the harder job. I only had to risk getting killed.

  93. In Chicago people are either beat up, physically threatened and verbally harassed, or framed for hate crimes for anything pro-MAGA.

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