Home » Leftist mobs/thugs threaten Tucker Carlson’s home and family


Leftist mobs/thugs threaten Tucker Carlson’s home and family — 74 Comments

  1. A Choice here, anti-whatever there, misogynists sometimes, phobias everywhere, and diversity most colorful… Why do we operate in the frame of reference, the tiny boxes, constructed by our competitors? Perhaps overlapping and converging interests, that prevent a viable opposition?

    That said, the semantic games will progress, while they are politically congruent (profitable).

  2. I have no idea if the Carlsons own a gun. But if those thugs had done more than crack the door and instead had actually smashed in, would the use of lethal force then be justified on the basis of a home invasion?

    The other aspect that REALLY bothers me is that the police were called and arrived quickly, then by the accounts I’ve read, did nothing. Stand around and watch a mob smash into someone’s door…don’t stop it, or make any arrests??? WTH?

  3. Something else: at the time these people were “protesting” at Carlson’s house was he at the studio to do his show? The timing seems right. Wouldn’t they be aware of this? Why didn’t they show up at the studio?

  4. I guess it goes to show how enervated and compliant even the most militant of us have become; when this assault is treated as a kind of protest gotten out of hand.

    How long though, before one of these left-fascist miscreants will be found dead of a gunshot wound on someone’s front porch? I’m sure that some of them are aching for just such a “martyrdom” as a means of release from the hellish state that is just them, being them.

    Then they can drench themselves in the blood of their martyr and start emoting for the cameras. If it doesn’t add significant meaning to the world, the theater will at least provide them with a kind of distraction, on their long pointless journey into nothingness.

  5. So, the anti-civil rights Antifa are a progression from Occupy, and a notably selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent perspective.

  6. Consider the setting, Washington, D.C., notoriously hard to own firearms there. Police not enforcing the law? Sort of like Portland, OR. I guess it matters where you live and who you local politicians answer to.

  7. I’ve been annoyed for decades how Republicans allow the left and the media define themselves and the terms of discussion for anything of importance. I now refer to these masked thugs as “antifafa,” for obvious reasons. Was it France that recently imposed stiff penalties for demonstrating in public while masked?

    Even the seemingly innocuous red-state, blue-state shorthand was selected for us by the media within the last 15 years or 20 years. Prior to that, map colors were selected randomly by media outlets. Now they want the electorate to see angry hateful Republicans painted in red, and cool compassionate Dems painted in blue. This, in spite of the fact that Woodrow Wilson’s and FDR’s people were deeply in bed with Marxist/Communist/Anarchist folks that have always flown a red flag.

    Tucker Carlson hunts fowl of some sort on occasion, with a choked shotgun. He appears to be conversant on firearms in general.

  8. An article today says that while Carlson’s wife was home alone, these thugs shouted threats via bullhorn, and vandalized Carlson’s front door, driveway, and car. Another story said that they actually cracked his front door.

    There needs to be a strong law enforcement and judicial response to their threats, vandalism, and violence, or someone is eventually going to get seriously hurt ,or killed, by these violent masked thugs.

    These violent masked thugs are no different, it seems to me, than the SA, the violent Storm detachment hooligans–Hitler’s so called Brown Shirts–who were instrumental in the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. I note that, eventually, some of these SA detachments split off to become the SS.

    These thugs need to be stopped, and stopped hard.

    Of course this being D.C., I have my doubts that any real action will be taken against these thugs, and should someone in fear for their life defend their home or their family with a gun, you can be sure that, in Left wing dominated D.C, it is the person wielding the weapon–no matter how justified–who the law will come down on like a ton of bricks.

  9. Apparently the mob of leftwing thugs actually cracked the door of the Carlsons’ house. Horrifying.

  10. “It says it right in the name: Antifa. Anti-fascism, which is what they were there fighting.” — Don Lemon

  11. I hate to say it…but this doesn’t stop until Mrs Carlson shoots one of them dead in her yard. Hiding in the cupboard & ringing the DC cops who don’t care…not an answer.

    And now that the election’s over…Crazy Nancy & Mad Maxine have no incentive to call of the dogs. It’s up to the adults in that house to defend it.

  12. Firearm ownership in DC was very restricted until the Heller decision. Now it is actually much more permissive than CA. It now must issue concealed carry licenses, unless there is a compelling reason not to, whereas CA may issue and usually doesn’t. Home ownership in DC is now a given, though the registration and fingerprinting is more extensive than CA or most places.

  13. Some on the left have condemned what happened:

    “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert weighed in as well, saying “Fighting Tucker Carlson’s ideas is an American right. Targeting his home and terrorizing his family is an act of monstrous cowardice. Obviously don’t do this, but also, take no pleasure in it happening. Feeding monsters just makes more monsters.”

    One of the leaders of Media Matters, a liberal media monitoring group that opposes Fox, also condemned the incident. “This behavior is way over the line,” senior fellow Matthew Gertz tweeted. “Going to someone’s home, breaking their door, and terrorizing their family is unacceptable. It’s also extremely counterproductive if your interest is actually in reducing his influence.”

    That article also has this statement from the D.C. police:

    In a statement on Thursday, the Metropolitan Police Department said it is conducting an investigation into the disturbance.

    “We welcome those who come here to exercise their First Amendment rights in a safe and peaceful manner; however, we prohibit them from breaking the law,” the D.C. police said. “Last night, a group of protestors broke the law by defacing private property at a Northwest, DC residence. MPD takes these violations seriously, and we will work to hold those accountable for their unlawful actions. There is currently an open criminal investigation regarding this matter.”

  14. Trump “Seriously” Considering Declassifying Key Russia Investigation Documents
    as predicted way back on neo, right after election…

    and you guys really seem to get willi munzenbergs anti fascism…
    let me know if you learn anything that you dont know is missing.

    after all, you talk about this stuff and things like critical theory, but you dont know willi and you dont know C Beard…

    hmmmm… guess ya gonna have to make up stuff…
    as Zinn quotes Beard…

    “It says it right in the name: Antifa. Anti-fascism, which is what they were there fighting.” — Don Lemon

    right don, your correct.. national socialism.. socialism is in the name, thats who antifascists were fighting… they were communists fighting the other brand of socialism of the period…

    though in the west you have to know in detail about willi munzenberg (not just the wiki)… and otto katz… and the commitern.. no, not the commintern.. neo wont ever ever talk about THAT.. that would be like talking about the CIA, or NSA or other things… which i guess is ok to talk about…

    to know who rules over you, just figure out what you cant talk about
    paraphrasing voltaire

    but why bring up valid history, you guys are doing great inventing the replacements for the history that will stick better than history itself!!! which is why they dont provide it. you do the work, they just nudge you..

    Founded on October 5, 1947, Cominform (from Communist Information Bureau) is the common name for what was officially referred to as the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties. It was the first official forum of the International Communist Movement since the dissolution of the Comintern and confirmed the new realities after World War II, including the creation of an Eastern Bloc.
    [just in case you read the following isnt around.. you know, like vpred.. oh, wait, you dont know about forwards, vpred, voorwoorts the paper the time copied to tell you about the beer hall speeches, or the hitler jugend song… etc.. ]

    The Communist International (Comintern), known also as the Third International (1919–1943), was an international organization that advocated world communism. The Comintern resolved at its Second Congress to “struggle by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the state”. The Comintern had been preceded by the 1916 dissolution of the Second International.

    the meetings of the internationals?
    anyone know anything about that?
    Seventh World Congress and the Popular Front?

    the International and later were moved to the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, founded at roughly the same time that the Comintern was abolished in 1943, although its specific duties during the first several years of its existence are unknown

    they change names… you guys are all up on names and labels
    they abuse that… funny to watch..

    how about Antifaschistische Aktion
    Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [?antifa???st??? ?ak?tsi?o?n]), abbreviated as Antifa (German: [?antifa?]), is an anti-fascist network in Germany.

    anyone? anyone? bueller? bueller?

    you guys are so slow…

    The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic

    antifa was the guys that the riots in the beer halls were about…

    and you dont think this is a copy of 1930s?
    then you dont know the actual history enough!!!!!!!!!!
    the DETAILS… you know, the stuff neo cuts out.. disagrees with… until what?

    when i showed hilmar von camp stuff, nope, not the same
    when i said it was the same as my family taught me (what was left of it)

    but hows this for the same:

    The late 1920s and early 1930s saw rising tensions between Nazis and leftists. Berlin in particular was the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups.

    There were several Nazi and anti-Nazi paramilitary groups.

    On the anti-Nazi side, these included the Social Democrat-dominated Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold (formed in 1924), the Communist paramilitary and propaganda organisation Roter Frontkämpferbund (Red Front Fighters League or RFB, formed in 1924) and the Communist Kampfbund gegen den Faschismus (Fighting-Alliance against Fascism, formed in 1930).

    In late 1931, the local Roter Massenselbstschutz (Red Mass Self-Defence, RMSS) units were formed by Kampfbund members as autonomous and loosely organised structures under the leadership of, but outside the formal organisation of, the KPD, as part of the party’s united front policy to work with other working class groups to defeat fascism.

    In May 1932, the Roter Frontkämpferbund had been banned and, following a skirmish between Nazi and Communist members in the parliament, Antifaschistische Aktion was formed as a broad-based alliance in which Social Democrats, Communists and others could fight legal repression and engage in self-defence against Nazi paramilitaries.

    when was anyone going to state the obvious?

    if they are that, and so on

    then you are what? there is no other direction
    they are the polar left, and it requires a polar right to make an AXIS
    all other thigns are gone… to them
    your either a commnunist or your a nazi..

    welcome to Holocaust Ver 2.0 – which group wins this one?

  15. “It says it right in the name: Antifa. Anti-fascism, which is what they were there fighting.”

    It goes right back to the eager embrace by the left, worldwide, of the Euro political spectrum, which places all things related to nationalism on the right (vs, internationalism, on the left). A working definition of “fascism” in my Websters 9th is:

    “1. A political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition; 2. A tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”

    As anyone who has any actual knowledge of history understands, the reason that “fascists” are bad is that part about the autocratic government, severe regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. The connotation of the word is based on a situation where people are beaten, imprisoned, and murdered for disagreeing with the dictator and his goons; where their houses and stores are destroyed and burned; where the population lives in silent fear, not knowing which neighbor will report them to the authorities for making a comment unfavorable to the dictator. However, the hard left has zeroed in on “nationalism” (which is defined as not being a self-loathing exophilic who hates his or her country) being the critical part of what makes fascism bad.

    Essentially, they have co-opted the word so they can brand their political enemies – defined by the only part of “fascism” which is not inherently evil – to give themselves a moral license to do all the parts of “fascism” which are actually evil.

    As TommyJay notes above, all of this is the result of letting the left define terms. It also does not help that apparently no one under the age of 40 or 50 has any knowledge of actual history.

  16. by the way, they are forcing rolls

    if a wife acts like a child, the husband is forced to take a daddy role, or what??

    this is classic psychology… they take up the role with total belief..
    their actions will force the other side to do some of the same things
    why? cause the responses are limited to the human condition

    and no one will realize that Nazis had hammers too..

    meaning, they wont be able to separate the real actions of despotism. from normal legal actions. and such against abnormal things can be painted

    and here is the next stop on this train

    there is now going to be a split, like the SDS vs weather underground after the lid
    [i can name a dozen more]

    while current antifa will push the limits
    this on will say.. no, no limits
    this allows the group to do really bad things – like bombings and yet not be held responsible… its the other group…

    enjoy the repeated history
    hard to prevent something you dont know

    and in case you didnt relize, dodo birds were not stupid, they just didnt have enough time to learn… want to guess what your in? a period where when it does go whoopeee wacko, you wont know or have enough time to learn… the wasted time of not will eventually catch up.. — this is the voice of family experience…

  17. In terms of self defense, the Southern state I now live in has as it’s law a “Castle Doctrine” i.e. you do not–as in many other states–have a duty to retreat.

    If someone breaks into your home, you credibly believe your life is in imminent danger, and you shoot and kill the attacker, here you are absolved of both criminal and civil liability.

    While there is Heller from what I read, as of a few years ago at least, the D.C. government was still putting every obstacle it could in the way of honest, law abiding citizens getting gun permits.

    I don’t know what the self defense law currently is in D.C., but it’s very likely that you have a duty to retreat in the face of an attacker who breaks into your house, rather than protecting your house and family and confronting him.

    I don’t even want to contemplate what your legal situation might be if you shoot an attacker who breaks into your home and threatens you or your family. Can you imagine the coverage of your self defense or defense of your family by the MSM if you are a conservative?

    In D.C. I would guess that, de facto, the power is mostly really on the side of the attacker, and the onus is on the defender.

  18. I have no respect for the mainstream media. They are Pravda. That should bother them more than me.

  19. Where you going to go Art? Where else can you shout about everyone else being one of the “you guys.” Don’t tell me how bad it is to live in NYC and work where you do amongst those whom you may hate. What is keeping you where you are? Maybe it is you.

  20. KyndyllG
    it goes back to before nazi germany
    didnt you read my post before you pontificated an origin you make up
    and way too late?
    this is the old KPD, they went to east germany and are back

    dont lecture history while ignoring it…
    unless your trying to deflect from inconvenient russian history, which is what this is

    It goes right back to the eager embrace by the left, worldwide, of the Euro political spectrum, which places all things related to nationalism on the right (vs, internationalism, on the left).

    no, it goes back to the russian revolution..
    ie. lenin stalin are centrists.. trotsy is left… buhkarin on the right

    and this illustrates i hope to neo what i been arguing for a decade
    you dont have to hide the history, the rubes and victims will do it FOR YOU
    [edited for length and content by n]

  21. John Guilfoyle–In Virginia the law is that you can not only openly carry a hand gun in public, but you can carry a gun in your house, as well as within the curtilege i.e. the boundaries of your property.

    My guess is that, in D.C., you are lucky if you can carry a legally licensed gun in your house.

  22. KyndyllG on November 8, 2018 at 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm said:

    Essentially, they have co-opted the word so they can brand their political enemies – defined by the only part of “fascism” which is not inherently evil – to give themselves a moral license to do all the parts of “fascism” which are actually evil.
    * * *
    Very astute reasoning.
    And of course no one watching the Democrats-with-press-passes will ever hear that explained.

  23. this is important as after they cleaned house, they decided to cleanthe world
    thats about the time they TEAMED UP with the self proclaimed magyar..

    Fate of the Russian Right Opposition

    Stalin and his “centre” faction were allied with Bukharin and the Right Opposition from late 1924, with Bukharin elaborating Stalin’s theory of Socialism in One Country. Together, they expelled Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and the United Opposition from the Communist Party in December 1927.

    So stalin sided with one side, to remove the third.. but the minute that third was removed…

    However, once Trotsky was out of the way and the Left Opposition had been illegalized, Stalin soon became alarmed at the danger posed to the Soviet state by the rising power of the capitalistic Kulaks and NEPmen, who had become emboldened by the Left Opposition’s illegalization.

    so right now, they just had a panic attack of the histories… they want to see trump as a repeat of history
    and if he aint, they ae going to act like it, till he is or someone is, and this time, they can win

    [classic psychology of someone who has a bad relationship and keeps going back to bad relationships to try to resolve it in good way rather than move on]

    Sensing this danger, Stalin then turned on his Right Opposition allies. Bukharin and the Right Opposition were, in their turn, sidelined and removed from important positions within the Communist Party and the Soviet government from 1928-1930, with Stalin ditching the NEP and beginning the first Five-year plan.

    oh, so they started taking away jobs of white men, i mean jews, i mean soviets on the right..

    Bukharin was isolated from his allies abroad, and, in the face of increasing Stalinist repression, was unable to mount a sustained struggle against Stalin.

    oh, one group in the population is isolated.. even the ladies of the same group think they are apart!!!

    Unlike Trotsky, who built an anti-Stalinist movement, Bukharin and his followers within the Soviet Union capitulated to Stalin and admitted their “ideological errors”.

    They were temporarily rehabilitated (though they were not returned to their former prominence, but kept in minor posts), only to be ultimately killed during the Great Purge trials

    when hitler shows up in germany as an opposition to stalins communists in weimar
    he starts his speeches insultingly to them..
    lenin is the greatest
    but only second to hitler..
    then the fights started..
    [edited for length by n]

  24. Artfldgr:

    As I’ve said many many times, quit haranguing people. Offer whatever facts you like, disagree with people, but stop telling them how stupid they are in the process. When you do the haranguing thing, if I happen to see it, I will delete it.

    As I’ve said many times, I value many of the comments you make and you have a lot of information to offer. There is no need whatsoever to harangue people in the process, and it dilutes whatever other message you are actually trying to impart.

    By the way, you also sometimes misinterpret what people mean. I can’t read Kyndyll’s mind (neither can you), but when people write “it goes back to…” they don’t necessarily mean that that is the ultimate origin of something, the first cause as it were. Nor are they going to list ALL the things it might go back to.

  25. Artfldgr: I quit reading your rants a long time ago, and I just scroll past them. I’m sure I’m not alone. Yes, you know a lot, but I don’t have time for the free verse, acerbic style and the insults.

    Tell you what, you get an editor and limit your posts to four modest-sized paragraphs, and I’ll start reading them again.

  26. Snow…thanks…I was just looking at that elsewhere & they seem to have opened a few doors lately to gun owners (unless what I read was grossly off base)…so even though DC doesn’t have a “stand your ground/Castle” doctrine in code of law, the law there may be a bit more amenable than it first appears.

    And I am really a law & order guy…I have resorted to violence so few times in my life it’s funny & always the 2nd blow…but this is beyond even my “pale.” Law or no I will defend my family & my home. So…the little chicken-s–t who ran up & pounded on the door & ran away so “bullhorn braveheart” could bellow away from the curb would consider himself lucky.

    I’m sure Tucker has his legal army marshalling their forces too…and that’s going to be a bloodbath of its own.

  27. physics guy:
    “… if those thugs had done more than crack the door and instead had actually smashed in, would the use of lethal force then be justified on the basis of a home invasion?”

    Yes. Washington DC is a Castle Doctrine district. you are allowed to use deadly force if you reasonably believe that it is necessary to defend yourself or another person from imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm. The mob need not be armed. Disparity in numbers would construe reasonableness of deadly force in this case.

  28. Harry:

    It may be a Castle Doctrine district. But if Carlson had fired at these demonstrators (or if whoever was in the house at the time had fired at them), I think he’d be in a heap of trouble.

  29. Neo, Physics guy asked what would have happened if theyt had smashed the door in. Im assuming physics guy meant that they did so in order to gain entrance.

  30. Its my understanding Carlson wife was home alone? If she was armed and the mob smashed the door down in order to gain entrance, I dont see how she would be in any legal trouble at all.

  31. Harry–Taking a few minutes to poke around the Internet, I am not finding any sites –things like the NRA database of gun laws by state, and Findlaw–that say that D.C. has either a Stand your Ground law, or the Castle Doctrine.

  32. Whatever the current state of self-defense laws might be in D.C., you can bet that if Carlson or his wife shot and wounded or killed a threatening intruder who broke into their home, you can bet that whoever the perp might be and whatever his or her record, he or she will be portrayed by the MSM with the utmost of sympathy for the perp, who will be characterized as a poor innocent, cruelly, unnecessarily, and recklessly gunned down by heartless conservative monsters.

  33. I can’t cite a source, but I have read that self-defense inside one’s home is legal in DC. Shooting people in the yard, as someone mentioned above, isn’t going to be legal in most places, but once someone breaks into the house you are justified in assuming you are at risk of your life or serious injury.

    Don’t shoot them in the back.

  34. Andrew Branca’s “The Law of Self Defense” is a great book about defense law and has tables state to state concerning Castle laws and how they apply. Unfortunately the District of Columbia isnt listed. You can get your copy from Amazon.com thru Neo’s website!

  35. Harry–some websites say no, or don’t have a listing for D.C., the one you cite says yes, and another one says “consult local case law”.

    This is the kind of legal research I sometimes had to do as part of my former job, and–taking everything into account–it sometimes takes a while to determine what the actual state of the Law in a particular jurisdiction really is.

    This is how local criminal defense attorneys make a lot of money, and, on this point of law, I ‘d be very careful to clarify what the current status of this law–as likely modified by up to the minute case law–is before I made any decision about what plans and methods I’d use to defend my family and home in D.C.

  36. CapnRusty, November 8, 2018 at 6:21 pm said:

    “Artfldgr: I quit reading your rants a long time ago, and I just scroll past them. I’m sure I’m not alone.”

    CapnRusty, you’re not alone.

  37. Kate–The law does frown on shooting perps in the back, or emptying a whole clip into them and, then, claiming self defense.

  38. That might be useful if you live or plan to live in DC but most people who live ther and own a gun for home protection probably arent really aware of either. That being said, a prosecutor would have to bring charges if Castle doctrine doesnt apply and he/she would have to consider whether or not a jury would convict a woman home alone shooting someone or some persons breaking entry to her home in an angry manner. I think that would be a hard sell.

  39. Kate–An attorney did tells us, in a class I was attending, about a case he defended in which his client, the estranged wife of the victim, and a military officer, woke at night to find her husband–who had been kicked out of the house–entering her bedroom and coming toward her, with what she believed was the intent to harm her.

    She fired at him, hit him once, her first shot spun him around, and her next instantaneous shot or two hit him in the back.

    This attorney said that he had a hard time convincing the judge and or jury–it was many years ago, and I forget which–that she has shot her husband in self defense.

  40. Artful: I readily concede that I pontificate at least six times before breakfast on any given day; I also admit as someone who tends toward the TL/DR end of the spectrum myself, I should read your posts in more detail than I usually do but you do go on, even by my standards. You clearly know a lot and I respect that, but there’s simply something to be said for expediency in communication. I work on that challenge myself.

    Anyway … I was starting with the simple point of literally defining fascism, and noting that because of the “nationalism” factor, it gets put on the right side of a spectrum that places internationalism/class-based ideologies on the left, and identity-based ideologies on the right, which I observed over the last 10-15 years of online debate to be a foreign trend eagerly adopted by Democrats, who then delight in abusing it by bashing unsuspecting conservatives of being “Nazis”. In American politics, conservatives place themselves on the right-of-center side of a spectrum that has statist tyranny (regardless of the ideology) on the left, and anarchy on the far right. Our country is young and doesn’t have centuries of history of kings and dictators; we don’t assume tyranny and argue about its flavor. But the constant drumming beat of the mainstream media, which is owned by the left, has created this for us in that time. When I was arguing politics on dialup BBSes in the 1990s, conservatives weren’t being called Nazis; this is something comparatively recent, no doubt dropped on us by internationalization allowed by the Internet and left-controlled news and social media. We’ve been ineffective at best and powerless at worst in doing something about it.

  41. These people must be the personification of absolute losers. Not sure what drives people to find the home addresses of people they despise, travel to their home, and act like they’re brave souls. I suppose it’s the opposite of obsession or something. Not sure who’d I’d rather have in front of my door, an obsessed stalker or a complete douchebag.

  42. this doesn’t stop until Mrs Carlson shoots one of them dead in her yard.
    What you do then, as a detective informed my wife many years ago, is to drag them into the house before you call the cops. I think he was being facetious as that would be evidence of altering the scene but, once they are inside, let her rip !

    I now live in Arizona where there are very few carjackings, at least north of the Democrat precincts. Most drivers are armed. The Mayor of Tucson was carjacked in front of his house a year ago but he is a lefty like most of the U faculty and admin.

    There was a funny story a couple of weeks ago when some poor dope tried to car jack three cars in Texas and found each driver was armed. He gave up.

  43. The fact is: I would hate to be Mrs. Carlson and have to kill someone.
    That is a horrible position that these people were putting her in.
    That is almost as terrible as being threatened physically.

    And as soon as I realize I’m reading Artflgr, I skim also.

  44. ED–The same instructor I mentioned above did say that, in his experience, once you shot and killed someone, you are never the same again, and the memory will haunt you.

  45. Washington state is a castle doctrine state, and DC is NOT. The gun possession and carry laws in DC have changed greatly since Heller in 2008 and getting more permissive through follow-on litigation up to Sept. 2017. Very recent stuff. Check out Wikipedia.

    Shooting someone out in the yard of a house is generally a very bad idea. In the case of DC, that includes 1″ outside the threshold of the front door. But if someone batters through that door and advances through the vestibule towards the resident while the latter is backing up and shouting “Get out or I’ll shoot,” then your duty to retreat is met IMHO.

    A reference in the last link was interesting and amusing. While it’s relatively easy to get a conceal carry license, the city has an extensive maze of gun-free zones. However, the Metro PD claims that those gun-free regs. only apply to people who are carrying illegally! Regulations that specifically apply only to law breakers. Can’t make this stuff up.

  46. The Fox coverage of the incident claims that the DC Metro PD said they will investigate the Carlson vandalism as a hate crime. Maybe I’m the only one that cares about that, but count me as pleasantly surprised.

    Also, they spray painted the Anarchist’s circle-A symbol on Carlson’s driveway. So which is it, are they anti-fascists or are they anarchists? If they are using the anarchist symbol and making bomb threats, then that should be taken very seriously, given the history of anarchism. Maybe I should re-christen them the “antifaan’s.” Nah, I like antifafa best.

  47. Snow: “once you shot and killed someone, you are never the same again, and the memory will haunt you.”

    You are right.

    Problem is once those animals “break in” and devastate your life “you are never the same again, and the memory will haunt you.”

  48. “This does not surprise me in the least. It’s a logical extension of what’s been happening on the left, and it will not stop because people ask them to.”

    I so agree. Nor is it going to stop when someone gets shot. THAT has already happened. (a softball game comes to mind)

    What I am wishing for is that the police can find out who started these threats, who carried out these threats and then throw the book at them.

    And continue to use the law to fight such criminal behavior.

  49. Snow on Pine on November 8, 2018 at 8:59 pm at 8:59 pm said:

    ED–The same instructor I mentioned above did say that, in his experience, once you shot and killed someone, you are never the same again, and the memory will haunt you.

    I think that you are right. Just think of the regret you felt after merely beating someone down in a fist fight.

    I’ve never killed anyone thank God, and never had to face it, my “trade” or life circumstances having never made it necessary.

    But I know a couple of guys who have killed a number of men each: one, in war, the other as a peace officer in events that climaxed in the highly unusual circumstances of a mega riot which took place many years ago. An event which ended his relatively truncated LEO career.

    Neither the soldier nor the cop lived contented and well adjusted lives afterward. Both drank … ah, well, “to excess”, would qualify as a massive understatement.

    One remained violent all his life, bar fights and the like; the other is in Veterans Administration supervised counseling.

    Though they were both quite a bit older than me, I knew them extremely well. They probably had issues before it happened related to ego and risk-taking.

  50. Carlson is on a planned vacation tonight, but he called in to his show to give his views on the mob and it’s behavior last night.

    Carlson said that he believes that he knows the identity of at least one member of the mob, because he has had him on his show.

    These thugs try to enhance their ability to inspire fear and to escape responsibility for their actions by wearing masks and dressing all in black.

    I’m sure the authorities in D.C.–district and Federal–know who the key Antifa actors in the area are, and there are videos of the mob last night. So, I’m hoping that those authorities can identify, arrest, and prosecute these thugs.

    If there isn’t already such a law on the books. a law making it a crime to wear a mask that conceals your identity, especially at any public meeting or demonstration, would also be of great help.

    But, this being very liberal D.C. I doubt such a law could get passed, be enforced, or long remain unchallenged.

  51. Victor Davis Hanson opined tonight on Carlson’s show that the remedy is to start prosecuting these vandals. I think he’s right.

    They have hit Seattle several times in the last decades. Done millions in property damage, caused many injuries to police, and massive overtime costs for police work. Unfortunately, Seattle has always opted to let them off with a slap on the wrist. Seattle being Seattle, that is pretty much par for the course. Yeah, they don’t want to pay the costs of the prosecutions and imprisonments, but that is what’s going to put a crimp in these activities. Lock ’em up, no messing around. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Most of these Antifa perps are young anarchists who will eventually age out and then want to have some kind of career. Hard time ion prison doesn’t look good on resumes.

    The DAs in the cities where the Antifas are most numerous are, unfortunately, usually soft on crime Democrats. So, until some people are killed and some cities burn we may not see much done. Stand by for more. And keep your powder dry.

  52. KyndyllG on November 8, 2018 at 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm said:
    Artful: I readily concede that I pontificate at least six times before breakfast on any given day; I also admit as someone who tends toward the TL/DR end of the spectrum myself, I should read your posts in more detail than I usually do but you do go on, even by my standards. You clearly know a lot and I respect that, but there’s simply something to be said for expediency in communication. I work on that challenge myself.
    * * *
    Echo that – I learn a lot from Art when he stays on point, and I have been known to post way more than anyone wants to read (– waves hi to Kai —).
    Thanks again for a very lucid and informational description of the left-right conundrum. I had not realized the “conservatives = nazis” meme was so new; I suspect it would not have flown while so many more veterans of WW2 and the death camps were still alive to challenge it.

  53. There is no right to mob a private citizen’s home. There IS a right to self defense, and under Heller, a fundamental right. No one should be terrified in her own home. Interestingly, this situation never happens in my state, with robust firearm possession and self-defense laws, because the perpetrators know their lives are forfeit. Terrorism without consequences is fun. I feel for Tucker and his family.

  54. CapnRusty, November 8, 2018 at 6:21 pm said:

    “Artfldgr: I quit reading your rants a long time ago, and I just scroll past them. I’m sure I’m not alone.”


    Artfldgr, please keep it concise. Don’t assume we are all morons. I happen to think you have something to offer to the conversation, but your style is tiresome. Please rethink your approach.

  55. Last night on Tucker’s show FOX news released what I thought was a pretty wishy-washy statement along the lines of “this incivility has to stop,” representing their support for Tucker Carlson and against the actions of the Antifa mob.

    If they really want to support Carlson, what they need to do is pony up the substantial amount of money necessary to hire some full time, very competent, heavy duty security for him, members of his family, and his house, and to see to it that his house is outfitted with the best security system and indoor/outdoor surveillance camera and recording setup available.

    That would be of actual use, rather than their useless hand-wringing and appeals for “civility.”

    While they’re at it, FOX might also keep the pressure on for the arrest of those involved in these acts of Antifa intimidation, and vandalism.

  56. Snow on Pine, video of the mob has been provided to DC police, so Carlson already has a good security system and surveillance cameras.

    What we need is for people to stop talking about “incivility” and “protests” and instead clearly condemn violent mobs. A “protest” would be people with a permit marching outside the Fox News offices with signs.

  57. Kate–The only video of the mob that I saw was from the back, with none of their faces showing. If Carlson has video focused on the front of the mob, maybe there is a chance of actually identifying and catching a few of these thugs.

    P.S.– Last night, from the tone of what Carlson said, I didn’t get the impression that Carlson had the toughness of mind and determination to use deadly force, was armed, and ready to defend himself and his family. Carlson did not exactly come of as James Woods.

    These threats are nothing to take lightly, and just blow off. These punks get off on violence and intimidation, and one day one just might go off script and actually severely injure or kill somebody.

    If Carlson and his wife are willing, FOX might also want to consider running Tucker and his wife through a defensive handgun course, to make sure that they have the proper weapons and know how to use them.

    As the saying goes, “better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.”

  58. Been a Neo reader since the Scott Walker election in Massachusetts and am an infrequent commenter (I go through phases, under a couple of different screen names). I stopped reading Artfldgr’s comments years ago, which is a shame.

    I get that he is intelligent and erudite. But Neo nailed it with her description of the haranguing tone.

    His Secret King/Nobody knows as much as me Stream of Unconsciousness style is just wearying. Enough already.*

    * I know, I know Art. We’ll never be as smart as you or as smart as you need us to be so you can properly impart your wisdom and insight into us. I hate being such a disappointment.

  59. It is a shame.

    Glancing at parts–here and there–of what Artflgr posts discloses a lot of sometimes little known historical background and useful information, often connecting what would otherwise be unconnected dots, thus creating a pattern.

    This could be very valuable, but his stream of consciousness posts and hectoring tone are just off putting.

    So, I usually just pass his posts by.

    I know I and a lot of other posters here have, several times over the years, recommended he change his style. But he never does, and perhaps he can’t change; that’s just him.

    Too bad, because he’s, say, 20% effective, when–if he modified his delivery style and tone–he could be a lot closer to 80-100% in alerting us to connections and getting his points across.

  60. Of course, Matthew Yglesias offered an inane apologia for this sort of conduct. It doesn’t seem to occur to Yglesias that his adipose self is not invulnerable.

  61. The antifa is the new KKK. The only difference is they wear black masks instead of white masks. I believe it was Orwell that said after WW2 that the Fascists would soon be calling themselves Anti Fascists.

  62. “If Carlson and his wife are willing, FOX might also want to consider running Tucker and his wife through a defensive handgun course, to make sure that they have the proper weapons and know how to use them.” — Snow

    They should televise it and open it to all journalists, even if not from Fox.
    Watch leftists heads explode.

  63. Note to Art – just so you are really aware that no one is beating up on you.
    We do appreciate the large fund of knowledge and experience you share with us, but we would be better able to respond to a more focused exposition, which I have seen you do on occasion, and do very well.

    However, I also understand that Neo’s graciously hosted “chats” are a welcome release from the self-censorship most of us have to practice, and perhaps even a way of documenting our cogitations and predictions, even if no one else reads them.

  64. It is my impression that Tucker is well versed in the use of firearms, and showed self-restraint (I believe he thinks his position demands it of him) in not coming off as belligerent as I might have given the attack.
    I often think, “Just let them come to MY door!”, but am glad I don’t have to live with the consequences of my actions, should they.

  65. “However, I also understand that Neo’s graciously hosted “chats” are a welcome release from the self-censorship most of us have to practice, and perhaps even a way of documenting our cogitations and predictions, even if no one else reads them.”

    Bingo. I hadn’t really thought of it in terms like that, but you’re right. This is one of the only places where I don’t have to keep quiet, lest I lose my job or have someone come by and smash up my property (or in the case of my sneering, lefty friends, who are way too good to commit their own violence but applaud when others on their side do, put my contact info out there so someone else can come by and smash up my property). So yeah, sometimes, I go on … and on …

  66. It looks like a lot of lefty A-holes are heeding Congresscritter Maxine Water’s call to harass and drive conservatives from the public square.

    Carlson and his family weren’t just the recent targets of those Antifa protesters i.e. masked thugs.

    According to the article linked below, last month there was what looks like a possible Michael Avenatti setup at a Virginia country club that Carlson and his family were having dinner at.

    A guy comes up out of the blue and starts to harass Carlson and his family, calls Carlson’s 19 year old daughter “a whore and a f’ing C..t,” and someone records the incident.

    Avenatti releases the video and says he’s representing the guy slinging the insults, who he claims Carlson assaulted, and the insult slinger just happens to tick off a number of the Left’s favorite boxes–the insult slinger is a gay Latino.

    Given the nature and target of the insults, I’m really surprised that Carlson didn’t hand this guy a knuckle sandwich, or stick an actual knife or fork in him.

    But, according to this article, and the video, Carlson just told the guy to “get the f out of here,” but you don’t see Carson actually lay a hand on the “gay Latino”.

    See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/tucker-carlson-denies-michael-avenattis-charges-of-assault-says-unhinged-gay-man-called-his-daughter-a-whre-and-a-cnt/

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