Home » YouTube goes down all over the world…


YouTube goes down all over the world… — 11 Comments

  1. This is the first I’ve heard that you had a YouTube channel. Put a link to it on your blog!

  2. Google Search should be nationalized, and separated from a nationalized YouTube, and other broken up Google pieces.

    Won’t be much better service, and over time less innovation from that company, but more overall competition and long term innovation and much much less anti-Rep discrimination.

    Anti-monopoly applies here.

    Maybe after a huge tax on advertisers using a monopolist (any org with more than 50% of a $100 million market niche).

  3. The weather modification, warfare black ops R/D teams, and the recent hurricane from atmospheric injection may have caused a disruption in the undersea land lines.

    Most of the world’s internet bandwidth is going through seabed cables, not via satellite or atmos bouncing.

    Be prepared for the End, humanity. The end of your obsolete classical physics based “technology”.

    But there were a lot of tweets about the apocalypse.

    When the Divine Counsel tells me about the apocalypse, I’ll be sure to pass along the word, right up until the entire internet infrastructure ceases to exist at least.

    Humanity is full of ridiculous and vain false prophets that think every time there is a natural disaster, or even man made disaster, that the End is Nigh. Look upon the 7th Day Adventists, the Church of Rome, and other human organizations that pretend to be sourced from the Divine. They don’t even appreciably stop the child molestors, let alone the Hidden Hand of a God.

  4. ymarsakar: You forgot to include Hillary supporters, who thought, and still believe, The End is Nigh . . .

    Tom G: You’re aware, are you not, that Google Search is nationalized in China. The Chinese only find what the government wants them to find . . .

  5. Neo-
    You ask us to support you thru an Amazon link, but where is the link? My computer shows a blank space between your “please click on the link below” and “Archives”.

  6. Richard:

    Your ad-blocker might be blocking it.

    But if deactivating the ad-blocker doesn’t work, go here.

    Hope that works, and thanks!

  7. Trimegistus:

    Actually, I wasn’t referring to a YouTube channel of mine, I was referring to the YouTube videos displayed on this blog. All of them disappeared and were replaced with error messages.

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