Home » Apparently Kanye West’s embrace of Trump represents a temptation that Democrats can’t resist


Apparently Kanye West’s embrace of Trump represents a temptation that Democrats can’t resist — 19 Comments

  1. They are desperate to unPerson Trump, and in their haste are othering Kanye, but both are accustomed and possess the means and demographic backing to stand their ground. So, the Democratic playbook is actually directing them on a trajectory to make unforced errors.

  2. I agree Neo, the best course would have been to just devote a couple of seconds to report the fact that the Oval Office meeting occurred and, then, just move on–ignore it.

    But, nooo, the Leftist lynch mob–modern day slave catchers–just had to try to catch and destroy West, a black man who had escaped the Democrat plantation.

  3. A nice bit of schadenfreude these days is looking back on the 2015 “New Yorker” cover which looked forward to Kanye West defeating Trump in 2020 and referencing the famous victory photo of Truman holding a newspaper which had as its headline, “Dewey Defeats Truman.”

    It’s a bit convoluted and I’m not quite sure what the point was. According to the “New Yorker”:

    Kanye West’s announcement of his intention to seek the Presidency reminds us that it’s not too early to start thinking about the 2020 campaign. (2016’s already old hat by now, anyway),” Barry Blitt says about “2020 Vision,” his cover for next week’s issue. “And when one considers Mr. West, it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to be reminded of another scrappy kid who won the Presidency, back in 1948, against all odds. The press wrote him off, too. That’s right—Harry Truman.”


  4. We are in election season and he’s essentially asking the most powerful question, “are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

  5. An obsession with race by those who smugly consider themselves far, far above racism has arguably turned them into the most virulent racists of all time. The more mental energy they invest in projecting racism onto their political opponents, the more racist they have become.

  6. “It’s puzzling to me why the left doesn’t just ignore Kanye West, because all their over-the-top race-based criticism of West draws attention to—and actually validates—his message . . . .” [Neo]”

    “the Democratic playbook is actually directing them on a trajectory to make unforced errors.” [n.n. @ 2:05]

    One possible answer to this is that the progressive game plan has run its course.

    Brandon Morse has an interesting essay over at Red State which compares SJWs to NPCs in video gaming (non-player characters). Emphasis mine:

    NPC’s serve a host of different functions depending on what the program you’re playing with needs them for. They’re the villagers in Skyrim, Toad from Super Mario Brothers, and the ghosts in Pac-Man. NPC’s may have dialogue, patterns, and personality, but at the end of the day, they’re just a program with pre-set behavioral patterns decided for them by a developer.


    Outside the bounds of what the programmers gave them, the NPC’s aren’t capable of doing much else. Talk to one enough and eventually, they’ll run out of things to say, and begin repeating the same phrase over and over again.

    It is oftentimes discussed as the “Democrat plantation” and Morse’s essay is an interesting take on how to understand the entire SJW movement. This also provides possible answers to Neo’s questions regarding Jemelle Hill in Neo’s recent essay Women Lied, Black Men Died

    Read the Morse essay here:


  7. One possible answer to this is that the progressive game plan has run its course.

    T: That’s been my thought for a while.

    I’m struck at how similar today’s Antifa, SJW, raving leftists, etc. remind me of the old sixties newsphotos showing angry reactionary bigots trying to shut down the civil rights movement — the same blind self-righteous rage.

  8. huxley,

    I think we have the internet to thank for that. Since we have moved from the big-3 networks controlling what the news is we have reached the point where we can see the leftist doctrines in action fro what they really are. IMO many, many people simply do not like what they see.

  9. Mr. West is a bit trumpian in that he doesn’t back down. The left just stepped in the caca they allow to be deposited on the streets of San Francisco.

  10. SJWs for me call to mind Maximilien Robespierre and the holier-than-thou Jacobins of the French Revolution 1789-1794, coming out of Rousseau and leading to Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Pol Pot and then to the masochistic postmodernism set up by Michel Foucault.

    The Jacobins wore out their welcome and they are remembered only to be reviled.

  11. You know, these folks of the Left continue to demonstrate that they just aren’t very bright.

  12. SJWs for me call to mind Maximilien Robespierre and the holier-than-thou Jacobins of the French Revolution 1789-1794…

    miklos000rosza: Jonah Goldberg recently interviewed Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff who wrote the article, “The Coddling of the American Mind,” later expanded into a book.

    Anyway the title of that podcast interview is “Snowflake Jacobins.”


    Worth a listen.

  13. It’s about carrots and sticks, and showing off how many of them your team has.

    Heidi Heitkamp gets an extra $400K (purportedly) after her Kavanaugh no vote.

    Some guy a couple days ago had one or two drinks too many at some bar and took a cab home, leaving his fancy truck in the parking lot. The next day he found it completely burnt out. Why? He had a bumper sticker that said,

    Trump 2020
    Make Liberals Cry Again

  14. https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2018/10/29/a-very-passionate-place/

    October 11, 2018 11:36 AM

    “When historians looked back at the Democratic sweep of 2020, they wondered: What turned so many conservatives and moderates into hard-left partisans? Was it the shrieking? Or was it the crying? Could it have been the restaurant attacks, the elevator harangues?

    As it turns out, it was all of these things. Presented with a horde of emotionally volatile individuals yelling like monkeys who’d been dipped in turpentine, millions of Americans thought: “That’s the group I want to join. They seem fun.”

    We have some interviews from the period that describe how effective these displays could be. Here are some remarks from Bob G., an insurance salesman who had voted GOP all his life, until he heard the ululating lamentations from the Senate gallery when Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court.

    Too, too funny; and the Dems only wish it were true.

  15. In case you’re keeping score of the Crazies vs. the Rest of Us


    It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting, encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more… The media are now openly calling Trump supporters “Nazis” and are blaming Trump for a mass murder he had nothing to do with. This, of course, is a form of harassment because it incites and justifies mob violence.

    Here is the list, so far, and remember that if any one of these things happened to a Democrat, the media would use the story to blot out the sun for weeks. Remember how crazy the media went over a nobody rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask, a GOP staffer who criticized Obama’s daughters? And yet, hundreds of Trump supporters are harassed and brutalized and the media only dutifully report them, if at all. That is because the media are desperate to normalize and justify violence and harassment against Trump and his supporters.

    And while the media openly encourage this violence against us, the media also campaign to disarm us, to take away our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves.

    This list will be updated as needed. Back-filling it will be an ongoing project…

    Here is a video channel dedicated to documenting the dozens and dozens of assaults against Trump supporters.

    Please email jnolte@breitbart.com with any updates or anything you think deserves to be added to this list. Also, if you see errors — duplicate postings or events misinterpreted as attacks on Trump supporters, please let us know. Unlike the establishment media’s reporting, we want this list to be comprehensive and factual.

    October 11, 2018: A truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers was left at a bar overnight. Someone set it on fire.

    (592 other instances; beginning with)

    September 1, 2015: Texas teen says Donald Trump is the reason he was attacked at bus stop
    * * *

  16. Pingback:Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  17. He hasn’t even bought into FEarth theory, what is the big deal. I remember a few other basketball star whatevers brought this topic up. Rappers too.

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