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Kanye ♥ Trump — 13 Comments

  1. I am out of touch with the celebrity world, and never heard of Kanye West until his relationship with djt become public. He is courageous, and I will guess his security detail has been beefed up.

  2. Some, more cynical types perhaps, may feel that it’s time to cue “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” (even if this hit may be just a tad too melodic for the present context).

    Others my feel it necessary to remember days of rappers past:

    Still others might wonder what all the fuss is about. (As in, “just folks”…)

  3. I look at it like this. There are artists and there are critics.

    Kanye is the artist.
    Journalists are the critics.

    Journalists were attacking Kanye for not knowing what STEM was. (Science Technology Engineering and Math). ooooooh ok. You got Kanye good – NOT.

    People can be right on the shift in culture because they speak from the heart or they can be wrong. Kanye is talking about LOVE while the left is speaking HATE.

  4. There was a time, 50 plus years ago, when those who had power told black folk what they could and what they could not do, mostly the latter. Can’t go swimming with the white people, I remember the black kids hanging on to the chain link fence at the municipal pool when I was a kid and it made me uncomfortable, when we mentioned it we were told there was a perfectly good swimming hole in the creek that ran past N***** Town and there was a rope swing and everything. Those were the good old days and I am so glad they are gone, when I returned from my time in the Army, 48 years ago and lived in my home town for the summer before going back to college my wife and I used the municipal pool instead of the country club pool which had been built when the pool integrated, my folks were members there so we had use of that too. We found out that doing stuff with black people would not really hurt us and I already knew that after four years in the Army with some great black officers, NCOs and buddies.

    Now for some crazy damn reason the black folks are not supposed to support stuff conservative white people like. When we meet for our annual dove hunt each September I love the fun approval my friend from New Mexico gets when he shows for our dinner wearing his latest support guns, Don’t Tread on Me shirt, he is black and a huge ex college football player. Of course he fits in with us white guys and gals and the 25% hispanic buddies that show up every year. A person’s political views need not be determined by his or her genetic disposition, plain old down to earth folks who work for their money, either with muscles or brains, have been working side by side with people not exactly like themselves for decades and appreciating the friendships that develop.

    Racial discord and trying to make people get back in their places have not place in our United States of America.

  5. As one old Texan to another, bravo for this.
    “Racial discord and trying to make people get back in their places have not place in our United States of America.”

    My kids grew up in thoroughly integrated schools, and there were always groups of friends in all the different colors, getting along just fine.
    They only have problems if adults tell them they are supposed to.

  6. I took to heart what Martin Luther King said about judging people on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. I wish more of the noisy people would, too. Kanye seems to be promoting thinking for yourself and that doesn’t suit the power seekers. Best response Kanye could make is doing more of what he’s doing now.

  7. They are both reality television alumni. This was a reality television production.

    My theory is that Trump uses these to create buzz that redirects public attention from something else.

  8. Trump definitely uses distraction to great effect, usually by sending the MSM off on a mouth-frothing frenzy over a tweet or comment (if you read Trump’s twitter feed, the vast majority of what he says is perfectly benign). Frankly, if people are so stupid as to be that easily distracted then they deserve what they get.

    Meanwhile, he’s getting things done, and most of them are good. We haven’t seen that in decades.

  9. It s pretty hilarious when a bunch of uptight rich white liberals, including Jake Tapper and Bill Kristol, no less, about as white bread as you can get—sit around and opine about how Kanye “betrayed the Hip-Hop community,” about which, I am sure, they have expert knowledge.

    As an added bonus, this Panel also threw around all sorts of circumlocutions adding up to West being “crazy,” which explains, of course, why he, as a black man, would ever in a million years support and praise President Trump.

    See https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/watch/panelist-theres-a-sense-kanye-betrayed-hip-hop-community/vi-BBOg3bn

  10. Kanye ‘came out’ many month ago when he tweeted. “I like how Candice Owens” thinks. Candice Owens ‘came out’ when she made a YouTube many months before taking the Micky out of the politically correct racial attitudes of her parents – playing herself and both her father and mother trying to talk her back onto the plantation. She was known as Red Pill Black for a while after that. Now she gets on Fox and urges her Afro -American brothers and sisters to get off the Democrat plantation. Black folks used to vote Republican but that all changed with FDR and my parents often mentioned how when the Black opera singer Marian Anderson appeared in DC the DAR boycotted her and Eleanor Roosevelt attended. It took some courage to do that back then just as it takes courage to do what Candice and Kanye have done. I don’t know how the midterms will come out, but I will predict that the African American vote is going to go significantly more Republican.

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