Home » The politics of reporting on left-wing violence against the right


The politics of reporting on left-wing violence against the right — 24 Comments

  1. The media has been disingenuous on several fronts for a long time. In the 80’s and early 90’s, hard-line Soviet communists were the conservatives. Those wanting free-market reform and less government intrusion were the liberals. Here in the US, more free- market and less government were the conservatives while more government intervention were the liberals. Never made sense to me then as does their labels now. But unless someone pays attention, they never see the incongruity of how the media labels things. The media is still operating with 1984 as their guide.

  2. “…Orwellian…”

    With the MSM firmly—by its own choice—in Obama’s pocket, tooting his horn, singing his praises (hosannas to his every word and deed), consistently disparaging his opponents in the GOP and trying to kneecap any media organ—and journalist—that dared criticize and protest… and reveal;

    With government agencies stacked with his supporters, suborned and weaponized against any perceived political foe;

    With his aides flaunting their carefully nurtured ability to lie to the American public, crowing about how stupid that public is, boasting of how they “pulled a fast one” on watchdog agencies, falling over themselves about their extraordinary deceptions, lying so dizzyingly about touted achievements both foreign and domestic that it was hard to keep up…while those who were able to withstand the vertiginous heights of such Through-the-Looking-Glass “reality” and actually manage to question those untruths were hammered down by both the administration and its media helots);

    With his Attorneys General either opting to resign (because of imminent impeachment) or “taking the fifth” because of the need to conceal illegality and prevarication….

    With all this going on, Orwell was pretty much kept on the shelf.

    Collecting dust.

    But then, somehow, Trump gets elected—in spite of the media, academia, the intellectual classes and “polite” society all stacked against him—and everyone rushes out to buy “1984”….

  3. The Oswald narrative was/is truly remarkable. I remember being told in school (this would have been 20-25 years after the assassination) multiple times, from multiple sources (teachers and textbooks) he was a right wing extremist. His defection to the USSR was always either glossed over or ignored entirely.

    But the Mike Malloy comment on RFK is even more baffling. How on earth is Sirhan Sirhan, a Jordanian nationalist angry over RFK’s support for Israel in the Six Day War, part of the “right wing”??

  4. Pingback:Don't You Dare Call Them a Mob - The Moral ChristianThe Moral Christian

  5. @eeyore

    The media has been disingenuous on several fronts for a long time. In the 80’s and early 90’s, hard-line Soviet communists were the conservatives. Those wanting free-market reform and less government intrusion were the liberals. Here in the US, more free- market and less government were the conservatives while more government intervention were the liberals. Never made sense to me then as does their labels now.

    The conservative tradition in the US being the more free-market one isn’t unfounded. The US was founded on classical liberal foundations, so a conservative mindset would be to defend those foundations. As far as the other side going as liberals, that’s what they’ve done for years. They appropriate a name of an ideological subset of the opposing side and use it until they’ve run it into the ground.

  6. I was alive when both Kennedys were assassinated. JFK was killed by a communist fellow-traveler with ties to both the Soviets and Cuba. RFK was killed by a radical anti-Israel activist. Neo points to the Giffords shooter being a schizophrenic, and the Sandy Hook shooter was also mentally ill. About the only example of someone not a leftist or crazy committing mass murders (that I remember) would be McVey, and he wasn’t “right wing” in the sense of being an economic or religious conservative. He was part of the anti-government feelings generated by government killings at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

    Aside from the very few abortion clinic shootings, you will look in vain in recent history for economic or religious conservatives advocating violence. Mobs are a left-wing phenomenon.

  7. Every person assaulted in America should just automatically include the New York Times as an accessory co defendant for the constant reckless endangerment their propaganda causes.

    Have their legal department be the largest division within Time Inc. Make some money off those repulsive sons of b**ches for Christ sake.

    They can totally afford it. And God knows they deserve to pay.

  8. After Neo’s Eric Holder post, I was curious about what happened to Rand Paul’s 2nd attacker, at his home. He got 30 days in jail and about a year’s probation, or something that seemed similar to probation.

    Paul said that they were pushing for 21 months in jail, but the judge bought the claim that the guy flipped over the leaves that Paul’s lawnmower had blown onto his property.

    Move along, move along. Nothing to see here.

  9. Gifford’s shooter wasn’t just a paranoid schizophrenic, he was also a registered democrat.

    As to Kennedy. Oswald was a rabid leftist who may or may not have had accomplices. Most likely he did not unless you count whomever sold him the gun and gave him access to the building.

  10. The most fascinating thing I have read lately about the JFK asassination is that LBJ was probably behind it. JFK was on the verge of dropping LBJ from the ticket and LBJ was on course to spend jail-time for his involvement with Billy Sol Estes. Look on Youtube for video evidence of LBJ sinking down in his seat in the limousine well before the first shot was fired. Also, modern photo enhancement of the Zapruder film demonstrates that the kill shot was fired from in front of the limo. Also, a finger print of LBJ’s strong-arm man was found on the 6th floor of the repository in the corner from which a shot was fired. There’s tons more. Roger Stone, and many others, have written books about this. So many things do not add up that it’s worth revisiting. I don’t know the truth, but I have a strong feeling that truth differs substantially from what the public has been told.

  11. “I don’t know the truth, but I have a strong feeling that truth differs substantially from what the public has been told.” – ahem.

    I’m not getting into the Kennedy controversy, but this statement is certainly true about a LOT of things.

    On the politics of reporting:
    Q: when is a mob not a mob?
    A: when it is a mob of Democrats.




  12. FWIW Neo-Nazi types have racked up something of a death toll in the 21st century. Of course, there’s Dylan Roof’s horrific massacre of nine people at a Charleston black church.

    There’s the mostly forgotten shooting at a Sikh temple in 2012 which resulted in six deaths plus the shooter’s suicide (Wade Michael Page).


    I followed that story into white supremacist web sites and discovered they had no respect for Page since they believed he had meant to kill Muslims but was too stupid to realize Sikhs weren’t Muslims. Further gossip was Page’s girlfriend had dumped him and he was upset at the time.

    Then there was Frazier Glenn Miller’s shooting at a Jewish Community Center in 2014, in which three people were killed.

    Miller was an alcoholic who believed he was dying of emphysema. He had testified against a group of white supremacists in exchange for a plea bargain and, apparently, witness protection. Afterward he was largely hated as a snitch by the white supremacist community. It seemed he wanted to prove himself as a loyal neo-nazi before he died. He is now on death row.


    I don’t think it’s fair to blame Republicans for these deaths, though Democrats and progressives do.

  13. Re: JFK / Oswald

    The real villain here is Jackie Kennedy. You heard right.

    She commissioned William Manchester to write “Death of a President”.

    Jackie was disappointed with Oswald’s lefty persuasion. Manchester quotes her as saying; “He didn’t even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights… it had to be some silly little Communist.”

    She wants a racist. That is, she wants Civil Rights as Camelot’s legacy. Manchester’s thesis, that the atmosphere created by racists and conspiracy theorists in Dallas was to blame, delivers this.

    There are many problems with this thesis. The most important one is evident in Malcolm X’s famous quote at the time, where he all but tells us that JFK deserved the bullet that Oswald lodged in his skull. I apologize for the “eliminationist rhetoric” but why whitewash things?

    I can elaborate on the last paragraph if anyone is curious.

  14. “FWIW Neo-Nazi types have racked up something of a death toll in the 21st century.”

    Which is an example of buying Stalin’s lie that the Nazis were right wing instead of a competing socialist crime family.

  15. Relevant personal anecdote. In November 1963, I was a public high school senior in a northeastern New Jersey community that had voted heavily for Kennedy in 1960. I was an active and well-known Goldwater supporter. When the Kennedy assassination was reported in the school, the most common reaction was that, since it had happened in Texas, it had to have been the work of a John Birch Society member or someone else on the extreme Right.

  16. Neo, I was referred to your site by the Bookworm.
    I like much of what you write, and I wish you well.
    I must, therefore, give you my best considered advice: drop the effort to pin the JFK murder on “a Leftist”.

    We’ll probably never know who Oswald was really working for, but J. Edgar almost certainly did.
    If J. Edgar didn’t know what Oswald was up to, that was horrible dereliction on J. Edgar’s part.
    All sorts of knowledgeable writers, incl. some alt-Righters, have ripped the Establishment’s circling of the wagons on this.
    To label all criticism of the Establishment view, as “conspiracy theories”, is beneath your usual high standards.

    As a retired cop, and nephew of a high-ranking detective in a rather major state, I think that I know enough of how things go in law enforcement / security, to justifiable insist that the Establishment’s probe(s) into the murders of JFK, and Oswald, were jokes.
    Those murders happened, largely because, in each case, the relevant security systems were manipulated to effectively stand down, so that Oswald (etc.?) could get clean, **multiple** shots.
    (JFK’s Dallas limo was “naked as a jaybird”, contrary to standard practice for such motorcades.)
    Likewise with Ruby’s single shot, in a police station (“fortress”).

    To start getting well-enough informed, so as to be qualified to appropriately write about this matter, go to https://www.amazon.com/Vincent-Michael-Palamara/e/B00GFZHJD0 .
    Palamara’s best-known book, “Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy”, is particularly well-regarded by knowledgeable persons (incl. retired Secret Service agents).

    Meanwhile, don’t risk your cred on this JFK stuff, and keep up the good work on events like the Scalize shooting.

  17. Typo alert:
    “justifiable insist that the Establishment’s probe(s)” should be “justifiabLY insist”.

  18. aNanyMouse:

    I have read reams and reams of material on the JFK assassination, both “Oslwald did it alone” material and tons of material about conspiracies of all stripes as well as other single perps, and the evidence of Oswald as sole assassin is not only convincing, it is overwhelming and virtually certain.

    Read the pieces I’ve written on the subject. Read the book by Vincent Bugliosi, the most thorough debunking ever of all the other theories.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog, and of course you are welcome to your opinion, but mine is based on nearly a lifetime of study and thought.

  19. How come nobody ever mentions that James Earl Ray, the assassin of Martin Luther King Jr., was a democrat?

  20. Paul from Decatur
    When the Kennedy assassination was reported in the school, the most common reaction was that, since it had happened in Texas, it had to have been the work of a John Birch Society member or someone else on the extreme Right.

    The irony being that Oswald took a potshot at Major General Edwin Walker (ret.), who had some connections with the John Birch Society- such as handing out John Birch Society reading material to his troops.

    Paul from Decatur- any connection to Ada From Decatur? 🙂

  21. Conservatives going out of their way to argue that rabid communist Oswald wasn’t responsible for JFK’s murder (with or without Soviet/Cuban help) proves how damnably effective the left were in obfuscating things. Oswald lived in the Soviet Union and visited the Soviet embassy in Mexico mere months before the killing. That’s why the left were desperate to pin the killing on everyone except themselves.

  22. These people can’t even protect themselves yet the American slave voters think Congress will protect the nation.. hilarious and pathetic.

  23. But then, somehow, Trump gets elected—in spite of the media, academia, the intellectual classes and “polite” society all stacked against him—and everyone rushes out to buy “1984”….

    Leftists should rethink that (I know zombies don’t think) since Orwell has questioned the Globe Theory vs Flat Earth theory paradigm.


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