Home » Lucy (aka Christine Blasey Ford) holds the football for Charlie Brown (aka the GOP in the Senate) once again


Lucy (aka Christine Blasey Ford) holds the football for Charlie Brown (aka the GOP in the Senate) once again — 71 Comments

  1. Lol. Afraid of flying? I thought it has been established that ford was the flying nun as she could fly in and out of the party without a ride.

    You find more holes in this crazy woman’s lies than stormy daniels’ greatest hits blu ray box set

  2. Why are the gop still negotiating with ford and her lawyers?

    Hasnt negotiating with terrorists already been banned?

  3. I’ll see your ‘Midnight Run’ movie reference and raise you one ‘Dirty Mary & Crazy Larry.’ At the end of that 70’s B movie, the powerless sheriff (who did not know where they were) started calling out all kinds of orders to police cars that were not there, making the pair frantically make turn after turn after turn on back-roads trying to outrun the ghost chasers. Once the outlaw pair figured out there was no one actually after them, they laughed and relaxed – and their car hit a freight train and burst into flames. Credits roll.

  4. In this case Lucy isnt holding a real live football for Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown is tripping over himself because he’s clumsy and easily spooked. It appears all Lucy need do, is hold out a badly drawn picture of a foot ball.

  5. yes I’m a 48 year old in college

    Do what you can, when you can, if you can, within reason. Strive.

  6. Decades after regrets and recovered memories? Really?

    Women were denied franchise with abortion rites (i.e. selective-child). Don’t let it happen again. Take responsibility for your life now.

    Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Reconcile.

    #TimesUp #MeToo #HateLovesAbortion

  7. n.n. Thanks. My two daughter and I are in college at the same time and it is fun.

    Oooh. 25:08 Beta made a huge mistake.

  8. She must have taken a ship to Hawaii, since she accepted an internship at University of Hawaii, according to the New York Times bio of September 19th.

    ” Dr. Blasey’s decisions to teach at Pepperdine, in Malibu, Calif., and to complete an internship at the University of Hawaii were at least partly informed by the campuses’ seaside locations.”

    She must never attend distant conferences, odd for a scientist, or never travel by plane for them.

  9. I’ve been upset before at the Stalinist tactics of the Left many times before, but this stunt has me absolutely beside myself. I live surrounded by people more or less on the left. I’ve actually been avoiding my usual contact with them because this isn’t one of those situations where I can dodge and mumble my way out of a conversation where it’s assumed I share the assumptions of the person I’m talking to. I’m afraid I’ll explode.
    So much intellectual dishonesty. So much slime. When I think of how trapped Kavanaugh and his family are, I’m actually frightened. There’s no way out for him or for them. Whether or not he’s confirmed, they will dog him for the rest of his life, and his daughters will grow up in a hostile environment. I wouldn’t blame him for withdrawing (for their sake) but he can’t. It would be an admission of guilt.
    Terrible, terrible. Now I wish I’d voted for Trump.

  10. She must never attend distant conferences, odd for a scientist, or never travel by plane for them.

    Her publications are all over the map, but at the beginning of her career, she was specifically trained as a clinician and her dissertation was on a clinical topic. One curio: she’s been listed among the authors on more than 80 professional papers, but she’s never been the lead offer. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that before. She’s not young and has been publishing for nearly 20 years.

  11. mizpants:

    I also have not wanted to get into conversations about this with any of my liberal or leftist friends. This incident has revealed something very very dark, something that already was known before but this is a more stark and graphic demonstration of it, and of how far it has penetrated into the mainstream of America.

  12. mizpants, neo,

    And the thing is I strongly believe that the vast majority of the left don’t really believe these allegations they are just using it as a weapon. It is amazingly cynical and evil.

    This episode may be one of the most infuriating things I’ve ever come across. Because this will dog him and his family forever. And for what?

  13. Griffin:

    For what?

    The left believes that blocking Kavanaugh and all of Trump’s other judicial appointees is one of the most important projects of theirs in the last 100 years. If they succeed, they continue to dominate the Court. If not, conservatives take control. Many of their advances come at the hands of the Court. It’s a big big BIG deal to them.

  14. At this point my expectation is kavanaugh‘s nomination will be killed. Not only that the testimony will not bring any more any clarity to the accusation, she will raise more allegations and questions during the testimony That couldn’t be verified in a timely manner and will fillibuster the nomination it past the Friday deadline. Good, maybe now after rinos and evangelicals finding out that a lifestyle of abnegation and chastity will not save them from false sexual assault allegations maybe they will be more willing to cooperate with trump in the mutually beneficial fight against the leftists.

    Not holding my breath though, eunuchs usually will never get their balls grow back

  15. I keep wondering, if in two months or so it will become clear that this is what set off CW II.

    I’ve never been so appalled and angry at what the Dems and their lackeys are doing now. And the continuing capitulation by the GOP just keeps the whole thing going. I no longer see this ending well. Two days ago, yes, but not now

  16. Neo writes: “This incident has revealed something very very dark, something that already was known before but this is a more stark and graphic demonstration of it, and of how far it has penetrated into the mainstream of America.”

    Living here in the Silicon Valley belly of the left-wing beast, I try to keep a low, gray man profile. Unfortunately, anybody who cares to dig a little will find out about me. And I will not be surprised if the CA state government does the digging as it accelerates its descent into left wing tyranny after the next election. To see how bad it is, the current governor, Moonbeam Brown, is the “conservative” brake on the radical leftists.

    Neo, have you seen this article about the Chinese “social credit” system? AFAIK it is legitimate from ABC Australia.
    China social credit score

    Also this by Victor Davis Hanson
    Are We on the Verge of Civil War?

  17. Dave on September 22, 2018 at 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm said:

    “Why are the gop still negotiating with ford and her lawyers?

    Hasn’t negotiating with terrorists already been banned?”

    –I guess they decided to take the Kerry approach.

  18. I hope I’m not being too optimistic: Grassley has filed a notice of a vote on Monday. If Ford & Co. keep weaseling around all weekend without a firm commitment for her to appear by Wednesday, then the committee can simply go forward with the announced vote. What’s to stop this? Oh, the Washington Post will be unhappy. I regret being unladylike, but screw the Washington Post.

  19. One of my friends posted a meme about teenagers seeing this story in their newsfeeds and being sooo afraid they wouldn’t be believed. I assured her that teens generally skip the newsfeeds and go straight to celebrity gossip and funny videos.

    But it really irks me.

    Teens actually have this happen to them: someone posts something hurtful or harmful to their reputation on social media and it’s up to the accused to prove it isn’t true. Hell, even when I was a teen pre-Internet, a lie about an up-and-comer was the easiest way to deflate that person’s happiness.

    Ford’s behavior reminds me of that, with Feinstein the chief mean girl keeping the gossip rolling,

  20. And let me say, the Anita Hill hearing themselves have stuck with me to the extent that as a manager today when I detect conversation in the office going the wrong direction (not in a meeting) but just general office conversation, I sneak out and make myself not present.

    I’ve kept my nose squeaky clean but almost got in trouble for mentioning the term ASMR and a Chinese woman took offense after she looked it up on the Internet including YouTube.

    What saved me was an immediate apology for mentioning the term (verbally).

  21. Ford deserves to be given a lifetime achievement award for an extreme and unusually strong endurance.

    Anyone who can live together with this crazy woman for 15 years without jumping off a bridge deserves special recognition.

    After all She managed to fry Grassley’s brain in hours of negotiation.

  22. Running out the Senate clock on Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote is what all this sound and fury is about.

    If Tucker Carlson is right about Senate rules, allowing Ford to delay her testimony until Thursday will push a vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation into the following week, and likely doom it.

    The practical effect of this delay is that, because of arcane Senate rules and schedules–and every new demonstration, objection, stunt, tantrum, and parliamentary obstacle that the Democrats will surely throw in the way of that vote proceeding, added to the Senate’s already scheduled holidays, recesses, and district work days coming up, when they won’t be in town or in session–it is very likely that it will be impossible to get that vote done before the Senate recesses for the year in mid-December, and that will kill Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

    Democrats could not care less about Ford or any trauma she supposedly went through–she’s a disposable tool, and they’ve probably lined up some more such tools for when Ford’s usefulness is done with.

    To repeat–Every bit of this calculated campaign to derail Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation is aimed at running out the Senate clock, that’s what all this sound and fury is really about.

  23. The question is, why is Grassley allowing Democrats and the Left to get away with this, allowing them to pretty obviously manipulate him, and the confirmation process?

    Moreover, the destruction of the confirmation process–it’s decorum, it’s adherence to procedure, precedent, fairness, and to the law–that the Democrats/the Left began with Bork, and continued with Clarence Thomas will be complete if they derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation–destroying him and his reputation in the process.

    Thus, for Democrats and the Left it’s a twofer.

    This whole transmogrified process reminds me of those scenes in historical movies where those to be burnt at the stake or guillotined are jeered at, pummeled, and abused by the crowd as they are being led off to their deaths.

    After what is, in effect, this abusing and then burning at the stake of an exemplary, well qualified, and, I believe, innocent of the charges nominee, who in their right mind would ever want to put themselves and their families through this process?

  24. Snow on Pine:

    I believe that McConnell and Grassley are more cognizant of Senate rules than Tucker Carlson is. I think they can also change them, just as they did the rules for approving SCOTUS justices.

    That doesn’t mean, of course, that the Democrats won’t outwit them. But I doubt it would be because Tucker Carlson knows more about Senate rules than Grassley and McConnell.

    I continue to think the reason for the delay is the insistence of at least 2 important GOP senators (and by “important” I mean “threatening to vote ‘no'”) that Ford by heard.

  25. A few months ago in a post on my blog, sparked by talk of toxic masculinity, I mused a bit about toxic femininity–characteristically feminine ways of abusing and manipulating people, different from the more brutal, sometimes violent masculine ways. I was denounced for my hatred of women, an accusation which annoyed but also amused me. (Sometimes I take a slightly perverse pleasure in letting ignorant assumptions about me stand, and anyway it’s stupid to try to defend oneself in those situations.) I would certainly have used Dr. Ford, or those speaking for her, as an instance if she’d been available.

  26. mizpants on September 22, 2018 at 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm said:

    Terrible, terrible. Now I wish I’d voted for Trump.
    * * *
    Can’t say I predicted exactly THIS scenario, but the general trend was one of the reasons I DID vote for Trump.
    Late-comers are welcome any time, though!

  27. https://pjmedia.com/trending/ford-agrees-to-testify-next-week-with-conditions/

    I would do it this way. Act like I agree with CBF’s demands. Then have Kavanaugh provide a 3 minute speech before CFB – then after CBF testifies, then have Kavanaugh testify.

    What would CBF do? Recant her testimony? LOL. Roll with it Grassley! And if CBF wants more words then the female lawyer that Kavanaugh reatained can ask her questions. LOL. What is she going to do say no?

    Narcissists need to hear no sometimes. On camera.

  28. I was going to use the Lucy, Charlie Brown analogy a couple days ago, but in my version Collins, Murkowski, and Flake are Lucy, and we citizens are Charlie. We could debate who Grassley and McConnell are, but they’ve already made themselves irrelevant; just like Jeff Sessions.

    Shall we take odds on who gets lucrative TV or corp. contracts in the wake of Kavanaugh’s defeat?

    Are we all like a group of country and western lovers who are upset that they are playing chamber music in the final hour of the Titanic? (I prefer chamber music myself.)

    OK, that’s extreme, I hope against the odds, that the GOP leadership pulls this one out of the fire. For what it’s worth, I suspect this is primarily about gun control. (What’s DiFi’s pet project throughout her career? What “settled law” did Bret K. use to embarrass DiFi?)

  29. So basically,her best friend, Bob Beckel’s Ex, who she claims was present at the subject party, has now said she does not know or ever has met Brett Kavanaugh and was never at a party that the accuser says was the scene of the dastardly deed.

  30. Connecting the dots by Dyer.

    All too long to summarize, but puts some new info and analysis into play on WHY the accusations by Ford NOW.

    It’s a cabal of long-standing knowing that a conservative court would never take the route they want to impeach Trump (or any other GOP president).

    Going for the brass ring.


    “Most observers attribute the near-psychotic fury of the anti-Kavanaugh campaign to the desire to preserve the Roe v. Wade precedent. But in sober reality, there is very little chance of a challenge to Roe v. Wade quickly overturning the decision, or the body of precedent that has come after it, in a transformative way.

    Such challenges would have to be fought through the courts, by advocacy groups that have spent decades studying each other’s arguments and anticipating each other’s moves. There is no guarantee that opponents of Roe v. Wade could frame a challenge to get the decision they want on a short timeline.

    Moreover, Hillary Clinton’s close, continuing interest in this particular issue – the Kavanaugh nomination – is striking. Apart from the national health care initiative in Bill Clinton’s first term, her political energies have always gone into cultivating power more than pushing policy agenda items.

    Abortion policy is certainly a key issue for the constituency Hillary relies on. But from Hillary to her old lieutenants to Feinstein and the activist planners working on Soros’ dime, the wild-eyed full-court press really looks over the top for something that is only about abortion law. (Consider, just as one point, that they don’t have to worry about legacy Republicans on the Hill cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood. The realistic threat to abortion on demand – however you feel about it – is exaggerated.)

    The frenzy to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation seems to be about something more. One possible clue comes from a post by Elizabeth Holtzman at Huffington Post in 2016. (Holtzman, a Democrat, was a four-term U.S. representative from New York.)

    In it, Holtzman discussed how the Supreme Court might insinuate itself into the presidential impeachment process. The method would be a court decision that a president had violated the “take care clause” of the Constitution, which requires him to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. Such a ruling against a sitting president could serve as a pretext for impeachment proceedings to be initiated in the House of Representatives.


    “The Christine Blasey Ford allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are being advanced through Feinstein. And Feinstein has been instrumental in compromising the Senate probe of Loretta Lynch, in precisely the matter that this all maps back to: covering up Hillary Clinton’s misuse of private email for national security correspondence.”


    * * *
    Obviously, they had to stall the investigation to give the protesters time to wash and iron their Handmaiden outfits.

  31. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/09/report-yet-another-witness-fails-to-back-ford.php

    “The two other individuals whom Ford identified as being at the party where Kavanaugh supposedly misbehaved — Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth — have also said they have no recollection of the party and never saw Kavanaugh act in the way Ford describes.

    And let’s not forget about the more than five dozen women who knew Kavanaugh during his high school days. All of them vouched for the respect with which he treated females.

    Finally, let’s remember that no other woman has come forward to suggest that Kavanaugh, either as a teenager or an adult, engaged in sexual misconduct of any kind. It’s possible, given the anti-Kavanaugh hysteria that has gripped the feminist left, that another accuser might come forward at the last, last minute, but it hasn’t happened so far.

    At this point, there is no sound reason to believe Ford’s tale.”

    Andrew McCarthy’s article is scathing.

    Grassley’s Kangaroo Court
    September 22, 2018 6:00 AM

    “Understand, this is not about Christine Blasey Ford. She’s a tool — a quite willing tool, but a tool all the same. This is not even about the eminently qualified federal circuit-court judge Brett Kavanaugh — it would be no different regardless of which nominee President Trump selected in consultation with White House counsel Don McGahn, the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, and the rest of the originalist, conservative legal community come of age. Democrats do not want a model of constitutional fidelity and judicial restraint elevated to the Supreme Court. End of story.

    And who can blame them? Republicans did not want the eminently qualified federal circuit-court judge Merrick Garland to be elevated to the Supreme Court.

    The only difference is that Republicans had the majority and the rules on their side. Now Democrats are out to prove that if you abuse the process until it becomes a circus, the rules don’t matter. The steroid effect of their media echo chamber can overcome any thin, fraidy-scared GOP majority.”

  32. I think it must really have hurt lots of feelings at the NR to publish this one.


    September 21, 2018 2:49 PM

    “Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in to testify at his confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., September 4, 2018. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)
    Democrats’ willingness to go low demonstrates why so many Republicans believed they needed someone who would fight dirty.

    Members of the Senate may take Feinstein’s skullduggery as just revenge for Garland’s treatment. But many ordinary Republicans will likely interpret the willingness of their political and media foes to take apart the reputation of a respected establishment figure as an indication that any remaining restraints on political combat must now be ignored. If that happens, what the Democrats are doing to Kavanaugh could be a seminal moment in our political history in which Trump-style politics become the rule, rather than an exception.

    As much as Democrats may take grim satisfaction in the success of their assault on Kavanaugh, what they’re doing could very well reinforce Trump’s grip on his party and make it more likely that our politics are permanently remade in his image.”

  33. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/09/the-week-in-pictures-deja-vu-all-over-again-edition.php

    “Anything happen this week? Oh heck, who am I kidding. It’s deja vu all over again, in Yogi Berra’s great phrase: I keep having flashbacks to the Clarence Thomas hearings in 1991. I’ve said for years that the Bork maneuver would only work once, and that the attack on Thomas, having failed, wouldn’t be tried again. I underestimated the furies of the #MeToo moment, though, as lots of people have pointed out, the #MeToo moment was delayed and intensified for 20 years by the need of liberals to defend Bill Clinton in 1998-99. There isn’t a black hole large enough to swallow up the liberal hypocrisy over this whole business.

    Including this on Ellison:


    The Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Violence against Women
    September 20, 2018 1:03 PM

    “A prediction: Eventually, the Democrats will have to abandon Keith Ellison. As vice chairman of the party and candidate for Minnesota AG, he’s important but not necessary. His career is nowhere near as important to them as keeping Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court is. And even for the hypocritical mainstream media, it’s not politically tenable to play up ancient charges against a high-school Kavanaugh with no direct evidence while ignoring highly substantiated charges against Ellison that occurred while he was a sitting congressman.

    Politically and substantively, this should be he bottom line for the GOP on Judge Kavanaugh: Extraordinary claims made with extraordinary timing and having extraordinary consequences require extraordinary evidence. And that’s not what we have here, not even close. Barring an absolutely stunning near-term revelation of new facts, Republicans should move to confirm Judge Kavanaugh on schedule and without apology.

    Because we are not God, none of us can truly know who Judge Kavanaugh and Professor Ford are. But we do know what the Democratic party is on issues of violence and sexual assault against women.

    They’re the party that screams about Haven Monahans who don’t exist while ignoring Karen Monahans who do. And for decades, continuing to this very day, they inveigh against the GOP’s alleged “war on women” while they cover for the own abusers in the highest places, at times inventing nonexistent rapists and fake sexual-assault statistics when it serves their political interests.

    Does that make you absolutely furious?

    Me Too.”

  34. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/politics/bs-md-hogan-kavanagh-20180921-story.html

    Gov. Larry Hogan on Friday ruled out involving the Maryland State Police in any investigation of allegations that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl more than 30 years ago in Montgomery County.

    The Republican governor was asked at a news conference about a letter Democratic state Sen. Cheryl Kagan of Montgomery sent him. She urged Hogan to take the step because the White House has not ordered the FBI to look into the allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford about Kavanaugh’s actions at a high school party.

    Hogan said he had not heard about the request, but he immediately turned it down.

    “The Maryland State Police will not be getting involved in this,” he said. Hogan did not elaborate on his reasons.

    Greg Shipley, a spokesman for the state police, said the department’s policy is to initiate a criminal investigation when a criminal complaint is filed. He said no one has filed a complaint about the Kavanaugh matter.

    Shipley added that state police have a memorandum of understanding with Montgomery County that requires any crime such as sexual assault to be investigated by county police.

    A county police spokesman, Officer Rick Goodale, said the department would not investigate the matter unless it received a formal complaint.

    The county state’s attorney’s office declined to comment except to say no charges have been filed in the matter.

    Chasse said that at the time of the news conference, Hogan had not received Kagan’s letter. The spokeswoman said it arrived at the governor’s office shortly before 4 p.m. — hours after Kagan sent out a press release criticizing Hogan’s decision.

    Legal experts doubt that a case could be made against Kavanaugh even if someone makes a complaint.

    For one thing, if attempted rape in the first degree was the most appropriate charge, that was a misdemeanor in the 1980s in Maryland. It did not become a felony in the state until 1996. Former Attorney General Doug Gansler, who also served as Montgomery County state’s attorney, noted that Maryland’s statute of limitations for misdemeanors for an offense committed in the 1980s expired long ago.

    Gansler, a Democrat, also noted Kavanaugh was a juvenile at the time, further complicating any investigation and prosecution. He said the type of acts that have been alleged are not ones for which juveniles are typically charged as adults.

    Even if charges could be brought, Gansler said that based on the accounts he’s seen, it would be difficult to prove an alleged assailant had the intent to complete a forcible rape and would not have stopped short of that.”

  35. “Why are the gop still negotiating with ford and her lawyers?”

    Because the RINOs that control the congress GOP are just as intent on destroying Trump as are the demorats.
    They want to delay the confirmation so it hops over the midterms and the demorats can block any Trump appointee withou the RINOs having to openly vote against the president.
    Then in 2020 they can claim to not have voted against the president, so trust us and vote for us again…

  36. Kavanaugh has given personal statements to the committee about this allegation. All of the other people allegedly involved in the incident Ford describes (Judge, Smyth, and now Keyser) have provided legal statements to the committee which are under penalty of perjury if false. Why on earth can’t Ford simply provide such a statement to the committee and be done with this?

    The answer is because she’s being pushed by her attorneys and the left in order to delay or prevent a conservative Supreme Court Justice. That’s all.

  37. Fixing District of Columbia, the capital of evil on the Eastern US Seaboard, is not quite as easy as Trum supporters or Trum himself thought.

    Of course people were warned about this but many just ignored the warnings. Drain the Swamp!

    Assuming your dear leader doesn’t get JFKed first. Instead of arguing online, maybe people should pay more attention to the true power of the Leftist alliance and Deep State. It is not what your imaginations and MSM told you.

    This incident has revealed something very very dark

    This ain’t even all that dark. Wait until people get surprised at what else the MSM is hiding behind that Oz curtain of theirs. Kav is mostly a distraction, for Leftists more so than American patriots.

  38. Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown
    He’s a clown, that Charlie Brown
    He’s gonna get caught
    Just you wait and see
    (Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me)

  39. I offer the following post (Don Surber) as an interesting and alternative interpretation of what is going on in the Kavanaugh confirmation. All four people named as participants in the party have denied that such a party ever occurred:

    This is why Kirsten Gillibrand panicked and said letting her testify is silencing her.
    Well, certainly it allows her discredit herself and her story. Democrats can blame Dianne Feinstein, who met her match in Grassley, who has forced Ford to go public with her allegations
    Grassley’s move to force Ford to testify without a subpoena is Trumpian.

    Furthermore, the most recent party denial is from Blasey-Ford’s close friend, Leland Keyser, It turns out that Leland Keyser is Bob Beckel’s ex-wife. Now this has no bearing on any claim of veracity but it does show that Blasey-Ford is not just some innocent, anonymous schlub who appeared out of nowhere which is how her allegations were initially implied by the press, Even Ford’s attorney, Debra Katz, is an identified leftist protester apparently Gloria Allred was unavailable).

    Couple that with the fact that Feinstein refuses to share the un-redacted Ford letter with the Republicans on her own committee and this looks more and more like an organized cabal (which makes what Grassley is doing seem all the more impressive).

    The Don Surber link:


  40. As for the cabal conspiracy, there is a post on Twitchy noting that Blasey-Ford first submitted her letter to Rep. Anna G. Eshoo and not directly to Feinstein.

    In a Tweet Sean Davis gives a potential reason for not submitting the letter directly to Feinstein:

    A plain reading of 18 USC 1001 suggests that in the matter of a specific presidential nomination pending before the U.S. Senate, statements made to a House member on that matter may not be covered by the statute’s prohibition on false statements.

    11:06 PM – Sep 22, 2018

    The Twitchy link:


  41. This, too, is another photo of Ford which seems to have surfaced. I have no idea if the photo or the claims in the article are true, accurate, photoshopped, or what. I just note it so everyone knows it is out there.


    The following is also an interesting observation in that linked post:

    “There is also a HUGE unintended consequence to the Deep State Democrats. They have unwittingly neutralized the most powerful weapon in their political arsenal.”

  42. Kavanaugh’s immediate and unequivocal denial of the accusations made me a believer that he was completely innocent because he didn’t need to. The accusation were never as serious as the dems wanted to make people believe. She claimed He was 17, she was 15, she by her own free will attended the party with nothing but a bathing suit covered by a tee outside, knowing besides her it was a sausage party. they were both drunk, no penetration happened. even for the sake of discussion every event in her narration happened, was it really an attempt to penetrate or just a mutually consented make out session between two teens being manipulated into a sexual assault attempt for political purposes, all circumstantial evidence even only based entirely on her words suggested the latter . Kavanaugh never truly needed to deny, the situation can be explained innocuously, by downright denying it made me believe the accusation was a complete made up lie.

  43. “Kavanaugh’s immediate and unequivocal denial of the accusations made me a believer that he was completely innocent because he didn’t need to.” [Dave @ 1:13 pm]

    The response to that is: If simple denial established credibility, then prisons are filled with innocent men.

    Unfortunately the question in my mind is not do I believe Kavanaugh’s denial, but do I dis-believe Blasey-Ford’s accusations. In fact, I do dismiss her accusations; it’s very difficult to prove a negative (Kavanaugh’s denial) but Blasey-Ford can’t even come close to proving a positive (her actual charges against Kavanaugh).

  44. T
    The difference is the denial puts kavanaugh in a bigger risk than going the “I knew her but this is not how it happened route”. He has to be very sure that they have never partied together to have the confidence to downright deny it otherwise His credibility goes to drain if ford can simply provide some corroboration that they have ever appeared in the same party.

    Still conviction rate for sexual assaults is 13% not including those that were dismissed before going to trial, denials way more often work than not

  45. All criminals deny at first of course but in this particular case unless kavanaugh is 100% certain that he had never partied with this girl completely denying it is a bad move, either he is extremely stupid lacking the ability to weight different options of defense or he is completely innocent.

  46. Just picked this up over at Powerline, this is a summary of the current status from Charles Cooke:

    “Well, we seem to have hit a brick wall. All four of the people named by Kavanaugh’s accuser have now given their accounts to the Senate. And all four of them have said either that Kavanaugh is innocent of all charges, or that they have no recollection of his doing anything — anything — wrong. Put as simply as can be, there is nothing in the testimony of any of the named witnesses that corroborates, supports, or even implies Dr. Ford’s allegations. Of the five people who were supposedly at the party, only the accuser has suggested misconduct.”

    Apologies if you’ve already seen this. Dr. Ford’s story may still be credible, but it is thoroughly unproven and quite unbelievable.

  47. “The difference is the denial puts kavanaugh in a bigger risk than going the “I knew her but this is not how it happened route”. He has to be very sure that they have never partied together to have the confidence to downright deny it otherwise His credibility goes to drain.” [Dave @ 3:03 pm]

    And he could be accused of perjury simple for a lapse of memory. You are correct about this; I stand corrected.

  48. Sorry about the language.

    After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away. Ramirez is now calling for the F.B.I. to investigate Kavanaugh’s role in the incident. “I would think an F.B.I. investigation would be warranted,” she said.

  49. Salem Witch Trials or “revolutionary justice” in action. It never ends well or as they expect it to.

  50. Notice how quickly DiFi had US Senate letterhead cranked out referring to the New Yorker article and the details within.

    Coordinated? Yes. DiFi had this at the ready. She was tipped off.

    Are you going to be the trombone player Grassley or the conductor?

  51. Why did the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans and Majority Leader McConnell show such patience with Ms. Ford? Perhaps they know something about the American people that many hotheads who want action Right Now! have overlooked:

    …all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves…
    Declaration of Independence

    While rushing in and cramming down the Kavanaugh nomination would have satisfied the hotheads who wanted Democrat partisans to ‘feel the burn’, such haste would have been seen as railroading the nomination vote and running over Ms. Ford, who would have been instantly seen melodramatically as The Female Victim abused by Mean Ol’ Snidely Whiplash Republican Men. The nomination would have gotten out of committee only to be crushed on the Senate floor.

    Now that we can see the Answer in the Back of the Book today, Friday, September 28, it is clear that delay and affording Ms. Ford every fair chance–and so many more-than-fair chances besides–to put her story before the Senate (and the Establishment Press) avoided that dangerous public perception landmine that could easily have blown up the Kanvanaugh nomination. At this point, all the rest appears to be anti-climax and relatively fair sailing ahead for the Kanvanaugh nomination as it proceeds out of committee and to a floor vote.

    When the Kavanaugh nomination passes the Senate, many many hyperpartisan hotheads will owe Sens. Grassley and McConnell huge, humiliating public apologies. Are the hotheads able to humble themselves and do that? We shall see.

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