Home » Is tonight at 10 the really, for really real, absolute, deadline?


Is tonight at 10 the really, for really real, absolute, deadline? — 25 Comments

  1. The fact that Grassley has tried to accommodate Ford gives him cover when the Dems start complaining. Without that, they would have condemned the Republicans for not even trying to find the truth. Now, at least Grassley has the retort that they did but it was Ford & co. who were disingenuous. Of course, the Dems will still find something else to complain about and condemn, but this makes them look all the worse.

  2. What a pathetic situation.

    And the really pathetic part is that NOBODY on the left even cares if any of this is true.

    What a sad state of affairs the leadership of this country has become.

  3. A mandatory class for High School Girls is in order.
    Boys want to get into your pants.
    Don’t get drunk or stoned and expect not to get “raped”

  4. Grassley is a stand up fellow. He is not as steely knife as I sometimes wish he would be, but he has long been my senator, and he does know a beast when he sees it. I trust 99 counties Chuck. He is a gentleman giving the lady plenty of chances to fall on her rhetorical sword. But he has limited patience. Trust 99 counties Chuck.

  5. I had to read Karen Monaghan’s account against Ellison. I’d rate it at a slightly higher level of violence than Ford’s if both were true. Then there is Sen. Carper, Del. who admits giving his wife a black eye with a slap. But you must pay no attention to the abusers behind the curtain.

  6. ‘Wait until she FEELS she can testify.’
    What complete garbage. What is she – some delicate little elementary school child?

  7. Feinstein has revealed herself to be about as slimy a politician as they come, and that’s sayin’ something, since there is such fierce competition for that title in Washington. Time for this decrepit 85 year old to head for the rocker at her local retirement home.

    I’m hoping that if there are more Republicans in Congress come November, it will be possible to investigate her and her husband’s business relationships with the Chinese and how they managed to become so wealthy, as well as the extent of the damage to our national security the Chinese spy that she had on her payroll for many years did.

  8. I see that on FOX last night Joe diGenova made a cryptic comment about Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and the PGA golf tour.

    It turns out that Blasey Ford’s father was the president of the all male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, Maryland.

    Stay tuned.

    As I said on another thread, once Blasey Ford injected herself into the Kavanaugh confirmation, she would end up being crushed by the political forces, the machinery involved, as the two sides battered each other.

    It’s like one of those contests on TV between two robots, confined to a ring and flailing away at each other, with parts flying off in all directions, and Blasey Ford will be/is caught in the middle of the conflict.

  9. I have to wonder why 85 DiFi still holds on. More millions to bequeath children and granchildren? Or an ungodly desire for an air condition suite in hell. I do not pity these people on their deathbed. May you regret every moment of your duplicity as you corruptly choose wealth and power over doing the right thing.

  10. ” Imagine slandering a man 36 years after the fact, and insisting that he defend himself against the charge before he even knows exactly what it is! It makes Kafka’s The Trial look fair by comparison. Here’s how it begins, with a bit of light editing consisting of a single word (Brett instead of Josef):

    Someone must have slandered Brett K., for one morning, without having done anything wrong, he was arrested.
    A few paragraphs later:

    “You can’t leave, you’re being held.” “So it appears,” said K. “But why?” “We weren’t sent to tell you that. Go to your room and wait. Proceedings are underway and you’ll learn everything in due course.”
    In the present case, Brett K. actually survived the legal proceedings. Hence Plan B, the extralegal ones:

    “How can I be under arrest? And in this manner?” “Now there you go again…. We don’t answer such questions.” “You’re going to have to answer them,” said K. “Here are my papers, now show me yours, starting with the arrest warrant.”
    Show me yours. Nah. What do you think this is, America? You testify first, then we’ll let you know what you’re being charged with. “But that’s not justice!” That is correct. It is social justice, good and hard.”


  11. Fox news is reporting that Blasey-Ford’s attorney is asking for another day, claiming the 10:00 pm deadline is arbitrary.

    I hope Grassley holds to his line in the sand. Hopefully he had considered this possibility.

    Yes, the attorney is correct, the 10:00 pm decision was arbitrary. So what? A deadline was set. We respond to arbitratry decisions all the time. Your credit card demands payment by a certain date; that date is arbitrary yet we respect it and expect to see interest charges on our account if we do not make the payment; your mortgage, too.

  12. Y’know what?

    I kinda think maybe he did it. Could be.

    Y’know what else?

    Put him on the stinkin’ court.

    You see, at any given point, the question is: What now? Given the current circumstances, what’s our best outcome?

    That’s how I approached the election of Donald Trump, you see. I thought he was probably a bad man, and gave him 50%+ odds of being fairly liberal-leftist in his governance. I did not (and actually do not) believe him to have a conservative worldview which drives his actions; I presumed that if leftists were clever enough to flatter him and to trick the GOP into complaining about him, he’d switch sides.

    (I still think he probably would. But I no longer have any illusion they’d be that clever.)

    At any rate, I voted for Trump because I thought it was better to have a morally-corrupt, venal, vain, paranoid possible-leftist in office surrounded by Republican advisors, than to have a morally-corrupt, venal, vain, paranoid damned-sure-leftist in office, surrounded by leftist advisors.

    And WOW did my bet pay off better than expected.

    I wound up with a morally-corrupt, venal, vain, realistically-paranoid ideological vacuity in office, surrounded by enough conservatives that he wound up producing a strongly-conservative record of governance, tainted somewhat by an embarrassing diarrhea of the Twitter feed.

    As an alternative to Hillary Clinton? Hell, I’ll take it, any day of the week.

    Well, now we have Kavanaugh.

    Maybe he assaulted a girl when he was drunk, blacked out and remembered none of it, and has been a stellar man ever since.

    Maybe he assaulted a girl when he was drunk, later repented of it, and has been a stellar man ever since. In that case he’s lying about not remembering it.

    Maybe he assaulted a girl when he was drunk, and would do the same thing again if he could, and has been a really good actor ever since.

    I don’t know which one’s the truth.

    But even if it’s option #3?

    I think at this point, putting him on the court is better than the alternative. Even if he’s rather a worse man than he seems.

    The alternative is to reward Democrats for using the tactic.

    And let’s just be clear: They used the tactic dishonestly, disingenuously. They have no particular confidence that the allegations are true; they know that if they’re not true they’ve trashed a man’s reputation unjustly. But they do not care, because none of them — not one of them — fears God. They do not believe that they will answer for it before the Judge of all the Earth.

    On the contrary, they think that maybe it’s true, but whether it’s true or not, it’s damned convenient, so who gives a damn?

    They assume that the GOP will either be suckers and withdraw the nomination, or be suckers and look like they’re meanies to rape victims, or some combination thereof whereby they’ll be suckers in both ways at once.

    More importantly, they think they might win back the Senate, and if they can delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation until after the election, they can maybe delay it until they have a majority, at which point they’ll kill both it and any other Trump nominations for the next 2 years in hopes of defeating Trump and nominating a leftist.

    And because leftists don’t fear God, the ends justify the means. So they just go for it, not so much with glee as with jaded, dissolute, coprophagic consistency.

    So put him on the court. And may his judicial record stand to the right of Clarence Thomas.

  13. Is the latest report that she’s afraid to fly legitimate, or some sort of internet joke? She seems even less credible if true.

  14. My greatest concern is that the Republicans will be out-maneuvered by the Democrats on this. I realize it sounds a bit crazy, given the transparency of this attempt to derail the nominee. After all, they certainly realize what is at stake here, don’t they? Yes, I believe they do. But the cynic in me can see them blowing it. What a damn shame.

  15. quiet conservative:

    I have the same concern. Mine stems from two things. The first is that the vote is so close they can’t survive many defections. The second is their perceived need to seem like they’re not persecuting the little woman, which might make them bend over backward far too much.

  16. R.C. on September 21, 2018 at 10:27 pm at 10:27 pm said:
    Y’know what?

    I kinda think maybe he did it. Could be.

    Y’know what else?

    Put him on the stinkin’ court.

    You see, at any given point, the question is: What now? Given the current circumstances, what’s our best outcome?
    * * *
    I think many people are reaching the same conclusion, who don’t quite make it into the Elite (“no one I know voted for….”) Circles.

  17. Sooner or later it will come down to lead meets flesh and bone. I have 1 million plus rounds, and there are millions more like me. We have more ammo than the armies and police forces of the globe. Plus, we are not dumb. Unitended Consequences should it come home to roost will be…….

    I am tired of this crap. Will not fire first shot, but will begin by slitting throats, quietly.idiots think we are idiots. So be it.

  18. The Russians and Putin look at the USA and are thinking to themselves “now that Russia has gotten rid of communism, our Cold War era rivals are now more communist and running more kangaroo courts than we russian bears would ever dare to now”.

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