Home » Trump trolls the Democrats


Trump trolls the Democrats — 4 Comments

  1. Slightly off topic but the Kevin McHale at the Trump rally story is one of the most chilling stories you’ll see. This kind of stuff is incredibly dangerous.

    Social media is so, so evil.

  2. I’d like to offer the following:

    The way to appreciate what is happening in the Trump administration is not politically, not socially, but as an ongoing work of performance art. It’s not item-by-item perfect but it is a masterful ongoing work of performance art trolling those people (Democrat party, MSM) who like to think, if only semi-consciously, they are the ones to have perfected that art form.

    The art world in all of its manifestations (visual, musical, dance, etc.), has pretty much become the equivalent of a “Twitter universe”; so much garbage is produced by people with no talent broadcasting with big megaphones that anything of value is overwhelmed and almost impossible to discover.

    Yet, before our eyes, we see the constant unfolding of a performance piece fronted by, if not led by, Donald Trump, using the Brechtian technique of breaking down the fourth wall to reach the audience, although with a capitalistic and free market message rather than Brecht’s communism.

    Perhaps Trump is the Anti-Brecht.

  3. he also sent melania to check it out which will force camera shots and photo ops

    then there is

    The facilities to which she refers are actually run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), a division of Health and Human Services. It has been in operation since 2003

    ORR has cared for more than 175,000 children, incorporating child welfare values as well as the principles and provisions established by the Flores Agreement in 1997, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its reauthorization acts, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) of 2005 and 2008.

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