Home » According to Dershowitz…


According to Dershowitz… — 30 Comments

  1. I consider myself divided; I’m horrified at the behavior of our Deep State/Ruling class, even though I know and have known to expect the behavior.

    But at the same time, I find myself saying,”Do it. Push it. The people need to see it.”

    I don’t think Cohen is a bridge too far. I’m not sure where or what the bridge too far is. But I know its out there, and part of me can’t wait for the Enemy to cross it; then, one way or another, this charade ends and the battle begins.

  2. I think they have crossed the line many times already, Cohen is the last straw to me. at this point I am so willing to see Trump emerges as the victor at the end even if it means the end of democracy in America. Don’t care no more, these corrupted politicians have been hiding behind law and order to sellout the country for their own gains for so long if the destruction of liberty means they have no more place to hide and must face the consequences than so be it. the liberals think they are mad because the patriots voted in a real man to fix the s*** left behind by their idol terrorist antiamerica obozo, they have no idea how infuriated i am witnessing everyday how low these MFers are willing to go to try to impeach a legitimately elected president. They said Trump is Julius Caesar, Trump should just f*** it and give them Julius Caesar. So this is how liberty dies.. with thunderous applause, you are darn right, I am so enraged that I don’t care what price this country needs to pay just so I can see the downfall of all these scumbags.

  3. Barry, given the high bar for victory in a defamation suit against news media, Cohen probably never expected to win anyway; it was a virtue-signaling move, intended to buttress his claims of innocence and fend off the jackals.
    If he really had been in Prague, filing the suit was incredible chutzpah on several counts, as discovery and trial would have brought out the facts toot sweet.
    However (still in the “he was there” case), filing the suit and then dropping it (for any reason) would get the PR benefits without the risk of being caught.
    Mueller raised the stakes, and BuzzFeed is now just Road Kill.

  4. Imagine if Republicans had the power put to the boot down on the neck of one of the Clinton cronies and make them squeal like the Democrats are doing to Cohen? Hell, I bet they’d uncover crimes that would send even Chelsea to prison.

  5. From the Dersh linkage, this is important, because it’s all Trump has to fight with, given that all the prosecutors are against him (the question of Mueller’s nonpartisan integrity has been answered negatively too many times to give him the benefit of any now-nonexistent doubt, and SDNY isn’t looking too good either).

    “The prospect of years or even decades in prison might be easier to swallow if Cohen believes a presidential pardon is possible. White House officials and others close to the president insist that last week’s decision to pardon former Vice President Dick Cheney’s senior aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby on perjury charges dating to his service in the George W. Bush administration was not intended to send a message to Cohen – but it nonetheless could go a long way toward reassuring the president’s lawyer.”

    Um, a pardon means no prospect of jail time, dude.
    However, it’s more likely they will squeeze Cohen financially and psychologically, as with Flynn, especially if there really are underlying criminal (or not quite criminal but close) actions in his records.
    In which case, there may be no pardon coming at all.

    If Cohen really is “clean” the stress can still be unendurable, even if he is reassured that the President will nullify an unethically-obtained conviction.

    And if you think our esteemed Law Enforcement Agencies wouldn’t stoop to railroading an innocent (or just slightly dingy) man…



    (intro to this great blog via Ray yesterday)

  6. Jacksting, I think it fair to say that Republicans have the power; all that is lacking is the will.

    David, that is a little extreme, no? On the other hand, I suspect that there are a growing number across the country who are beginning react similarly.

    It all just makes me sick to my stomach. I would like to believe that there is a special place in hell for those who abuse their power so egregiously.

  7. Ah, that the Deep State operatives would be willing to play as hard ball with Islamic terrorists. But no. No stretching or abuse of the legal system is a bridge too far for them. They would gladly water board Cohen, but they have made it off limits. So, it is penury, a ruined reputation, and public enemy number one treatment for him. With that kind of bulldozer coming after anyone who associates with or defends Trump it will make governing all but impossible. They are definitely looking more like the Gestapo every day.

  8. Just hope they don’t come to regret it when Trump and his administration failed to intercept a nuke launched from NK to California because Trump was so distracted in having to spend so much energy dealing with the stupid witch hunt.

  9. I have read that Scooter Libby has told people that Fitzgerald offered him a deal if he could implicate Cheney in something.

    A nuke right now would be more likely from Iran, I should think.

  10. Did Neo intentionally arrange these two articles to first, show us our fate, and second, to show us who is taking us there?

  11. This extends far beyond Cohen and Trump. The Feds and Judge Woods have set the legal precedent that prosecutors can blatantly violate attorney-client privilege and then use the information gained to turn your lawyer into a witness against you.

    There is no defense against that.

    This and Minnesota’s proposed Bill to eviscerate the 2nd amendment are ominous signs of how close America is to the precipice. Much more and joining in David’s sentiment; “I am so enraged that I don’t care what price this country needs to pay just so I can see the downfall of all these scumbags.” will be the only way to avoid enslavement.

  12. The Jesuits had intel gathering from confessions. Normal Catholic priests had certain vows not to leak the contents of confessionals. So when kings and other ministers went to confession for priests, if that priest was a Jesuit, his vows allowed the intel to leak to the Black Pope general of the Jesuit order.

    The USA is just going back to the Society of Jesus counter Reformation model. This is not the first time this thing has worked either. The Leftist alliance in order to counter the power of the Alt Right, is being played by the Deep State. And Trum is in a similar but opposite position.

    Before certain plans in the Next Stage can go active, the DS needs the Leftist alliance to disarm the United States of America. This is not because the DS wants to win a war against us. It would be easier to cripple and weaken America with an internal war, while the DS preserves its strategic power. If the USA maintains its current armaments, then the civilians might actually win the next civil war or at least win it too soon and with too few casualties.

    The DS is buying time, generally speaking. This has to do with all those secret societies the Alternative Right usually talks about. Most normals wouldn’t know about it unless they were part of a few selective factions already.

    Easy hint is to take out a US 1 dollar bill, look at that thing that says “novus ordo seculorum” and look up what that means and what the pyramid means. It’s not like the DS tried to hide what they were doing. Americans have volunteered and voted for this for a very long time now. The excuse that people didn’t know, is getting thin on this battle table.

  13. I don’t think Cohen is a bridge too far. I’m not sure where or what the bridge too far is. But I know its out there, and part of me can’t wait for the Enemy to cross it; then, one way or another, this charade ends and the battle begins.

    I estimated in 2007-09 that the critical point of mass awakening was 100 WACOs. That would be the First waco massacre under Clinton, not the second under Hussein. Take the casualties and fatalities, multiply by 100. That’s about 100,000 more or less.

    Geoffrey Britain Says:
    April 19th, 2018 at 9:23 pm
    This extends far beyond Cohen and Trump.

    I told people before that the Leftist alliance hadn’t mobilized even 50% of their strategic reserves. Most people thought after Trum’s election that this was the Republican counter offensive and that Trum would fight the Left now. I was waiting for the other foot to drop, because the Left hadn’t even begun to fight yet, given how much power they had kept in reserve for CW2.

    With the exposure of the FBI and IRS, this brings the Leftist alliance’s total strategic reserve mobilization for war that is past the point of return, at 27%. A few more events need to happen before 29%. Once it hits 50%, then the Leftist alliance is actually fighting a civil war and they can’t pretend otherwise any more.

    The Deep State, however, hasn’t deployed more than 1% of their strategic reserves. If people think all the use of power they have seen is bad, just imagine what else they have available to use.

    This isn’t a problem of the USA underestimating Iraq or Vietnam or korea in a war. This is a problem of not realizing your enemy is right behind you, below you, above you, on your left, on your right, and also all your relatives and best friends are in league with your enemies.

    It’s that.

  14. The end goal of the Leftist alliance is nothing less than the wholesale enslavement of humanity.

    But let’s concentrate on which sports team, Red vs Blue, is gonna win so that we can put up meme posters making fun of Hussein or Hillary, unless it’s our Dear Leader then we have to treat Dear Leader as a respected messiah…

    People just don’t get it. They aren’t ready. They don’t want to get it nor do they want to fight. So they’re just going to get up on a truck, get put on a railway, and end up in another concentration camp.

    Human stupidity here we go again.

  15. The country’s too big and populous for the ‘Leftist alliance’ and the Deep State to prematurely pull off an armed coup. 85% of the military did not like Obama. That demographic hasn’t changed that much. And NCOs run the military, as they go so goes the military. Plus, officers swear allegiance to the Constitution, not to leftist causes.

    Guerrilla warfare, i.e. 4th generation warfare and attacking big cities water supplies and food transportation networks is the way to stretch the left’s logistical resources. Much of the agriculture that supplies big city’s food needs is by large commercial farms, whose machinery is easily disabled. Protecting all of that will require massive amounts of boots on the ground.

    Which is why disarming the law abiding public is critical to the Left’s ultimate success.

    The Founding Fathers did much more than create the greatest form of government yet devised, they foresaw so much;
    “Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.” “Disarm the people- that is the best and most effective way to enslave them.” James Madison

    The Left might still pull it off but it’s not as cut and dried as it may seem.

  16. The country’s too big and populous for the ‘Leftist alliance’ and the Deep State to prematurely pull off an armed coup.

    Unarmed and untrained people are easy to control. Just look at France and Germany.

    As for a coup de tat, the Leftist alliance might need it if they want power, but the Deep State does not need a coup for their power to exert itself.

    85% of the military did not like Obama.

    The Chain of Command does not care who you like or don’t like. Obey or Else.

    And NCOs run the military, as they go so goes the military. Plus, officers swear allegiance to the Constitution, not to leftist causes.

    I’m sure the FBI and IRS swore allegiance to the Constitution too…

    If NCOs run the military, how come they left Iraq on Hussein’s orders? Are you under the impression that the US military is some kind of popular democracy? It is not, that chain of command is definitely not run like a democracy.

    Guerrilla warfare, i.e. 4th generation warfare and attacking big cities water supplies and food transportation networks is the way to stretch the left’s logistical resources.

    Except people don’t know what the Leftist alliance is, let alone where the logistical points are.

    Their lack of intel is fatal in a 4th generation war.

    Much of the agriculture that supplies big city’s food needs is by large commercial farms, whose machinery is easily disabled.

    This is like Mao’s burning a village to make people into rebels to fight the occupation. Are Americans supposed to sacrifice their allies, family, and conservative friends in the big cities just so that others can weaken the logistics of the Left?

  17. It’s almost as if our Artfldgr took Ymar Sakar under his wing:

    “You wanna know how to write a comment? Stick with me kid! I’ll show you how to write a comment!”

  18. Ymar,

    France and Germany’s people are not armed. Nor do they have a near religious belief in “inalienable rights”.

    “the Deep State does not need a coup for their power to exert itself.”

    Clearly not but absent a coup, its power does have limits to what it can do.

    “85% of the military did not like Obama.”

    “The Chain of Command does not care who you like or don’t like. Obey or Else.”

    We’re talking about if the Leftist Alliance and the Deep State attempt a coup, in which case success is dependent upon military support. In that case, the Chain of Command depends upon the troops obeying them and if the NCOs and some officers remain loyal to the Constitution, it will be the Chain of Command who find themselves in front of the firing squad.

    “I’m sure the FBI and IRS swore allegiance to the Constitution too…”

    Please, the IRS’ loyalty is to Mammon. It’s the top leadership in the FBI who have betrayed the Constitutional oaths, not the troops. In a coup, obedience to that top leadership will be in peril.

    “If NCOs run the military, how come they left Iraq on Hussein’s orders?”

    I’m unaware of a coup happening under Hussain. Again, we’re talking about circumstances when the Leftist alliance and Deep State overturn the Constitution and attempt to seize overt power.

    “Are you under the impression that the US military is some kind of popular democracy? It is not, that chain of command is definitely not run like a democracy.”

    FYI, I was an enlistee in the US Navy from 69-73. I’m quite familiar with the Chain of Command.

    “Except people don’t know what the Leftist alliance is, let alone where the logistical points are.”

    Cannon fodder has to eat, has to drink. Waste disposal systems disrupted leads to rampant disease. Without that cannon fodder, the Left and Deep State lack the resources needed to maintain area dominance.

    And we know the participants in the leftist Alliance, thanks to Horowitz’s DISCOVERTHENETWORKS.ORG

    “Are Americans supposed to sacrifice their allies, family, and conservative friends in the big cities just so that others can weaken the logistics of the Left?

    That what distinguishes a CIVIL WAR from a war against external enemies. Only a religious war is more terrible.

    Ultimately, it is to this that Orwell referred when he stated, “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire, by people who don’t even know that fire is hot”

  19. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    April 19th, 2018 at 10:50 pm

    “Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.” “Disarm the people- that is the best and most effective way to enslave them.” James Madison

    The Left might still pull it off but it’s not as cut and dried as it may seem.
    * *
    Yeah, right now they only have about half of the first two (unless Google shuts down all the VRWC on the internet) and they’re working on the third (yo, Minnesota; talkin’ ’bout you).


  20. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    April 19th, 2018 at 9:23 pm

    This extends far beyond Cohen and Trump. The Feds and Judge Woods have set the legal precedent that prosecutors can blatantly violate attorney-client privilege and then use the information gained to turn your lawyer into a witness against you.

    There is no defense against that.
    ** *
    Politico thinks Judge Wood is even better than okay, but the article is bio-puff, from the same people who told you what an upstanding man we had in McCabe, er Comey, er Mueller, er whoever – they’re all totes integrity to the max.

    And despite the pro-Wood spin, they still list three serious scandals in her background that just can’t fail to impress the people scandalized by Donald Trump – Nannygate and two I didn’t know about already, leaving out the Soros connection.


    “And she’s been involved in some Trump-worthy coverage herself, with a husband who once got in trouble for anonymously sourcing a story about her in the New York Times–and whom she later left for Frank E. Richardson III, an ultrawealthy financier whose connections have made Wood a regular of the society pages and the black-tie gala circuit, a rarity among federal judges.”

    [later in the piece we learn that Wood and Richardson were trading steamy emails while both were still married to other people]

    “In 1998, Richardson, a Harvard Law classmate of Wood’s was going through a messy divorce when his wife found diary entries of his liaisons with Wood, who was still married to Kramer. Nancy Richardson, a wealthy socialite, leaked the diary to the press in which Richardson described in painstaking detail his blossoming romance with the judge.”

    [but hey, she didn’t pay a porn star guy and try to hide it from her hubbie, so there’s no there there, is there?]


    “When she told lawyers for Michael Cohen that they had to reveal the name of his third client, who turned out to be Fox News host Sean Hannity, colleagues said they could hear her voice when they read how she rebuked them. “I understand that he doesn’t want his name out there, but that’s not enough under the law,” Wood told Cohen’s lawyers. “Withholding a client name is not in accordance with the law in this circuit.”

    This wasn’t what Cohen’s legal team wanted, but it wasn’t a surprise to anyone, either: Every judge I spoke with said requiring his lawyers to cough up the name of Cohen’s client was a no-brainer. Any judge, unless she had her thumb on the scale for Trump, would have done the same thing.”

    “Every judge” he spoke with obviously didn’t include Andy McCarthy, who has said that revealing the Third Man might be something “any judge” would do, but they would do it in private or even under seal, not in open court , and especially not at the behest of the NYT and CNN legal eagles (because, democracy dies in darkness, amirite?).

    That’s only what a judge with her thumb on the scale against Trump would do.

    * * *
    Fractal Rabbit Says:
    April 20th, 2018 at 7:19 am
    It’s almost as if our Artfldgr took Ymar Sakar under his wing:
    * * *
    It’s a group seminar.

  21. David Says:
    April 19th, 2018 at 6:38 pm
    Just hope they don’t come to regret it when Trump and his administration failed to intercept a nuke launched from NK to California because Trump was so distracted in having to spend so much energy dealing with the stupid witch hunt.

    * * *
    Are you sure that isn’t the goal?
    Just make this one little change –

    Mike K Says:
    April 19th, 2018 at 8:32 pm

    A nuke right now would be more likely from Iran, I should think.

    — and aimed at something more to the center of the country, because why would NK or Iran nuke their allies?

  22. Since Mr. Trump’s myriad “affairs” are so scandalous, maybe the Democrats would have preferred that he limit himself to ONE extra-marital fling with better optics — on the left, anyway.
    The collusion of the Democrats and the Press is not new.


    “An ABC News journalist carried out an affair with Fidel Castro at the same time the Cuban leader was considered an enemy of the United States, according to a new Politico Magazine piece.

    While little remembered today, Lisa Howard was the first female correspondent for ABC News and the first U.S. woman to ever host a network news show. In 1963, she managed to score an exclusive interview with Castro at a Havana nightclub.

    But in another late-night interview, Castro did relent. “We did get to bed and he made love to me quite expertly and it was, of course, thrilling and ecstatic–as much as anything I have ever experienced,” Howard wrote.

    Howard’s relationship resulted in her becoming a useful back-channel between Washington and Havana at a time when the Johnson administration believed Cuba might be wooed away from the Soviet Union. U.S. officials worried they may have had a “physical relationship,” but both Castro and Howard took their secret to the grave.

    Howard was eventually fired by ABC News for openly campaigning with liberal Democrats who wanted to defeat New York senatorial candidate Robert Kennedy. “

  23. AesopFan:

    As far as Wood and Nannygate goes, she was innocent of any wrongdoing except failing to disclose to the Clinton camp. She had hired an illegal as a nanny, but it was legal to do so at the time, and she had fully reported it and paid her taxes.

  24. Fractal Rabbit Says:
    April 20th, 2018 at 7:19 am

    I was here before Art. Based on ranking by seniority, it would be me taking Art under my wings as a disciple and student.

    But this “disciple” doesn’t pay attention to my pointers, so it doesn’t matter either way.

    What makes sense to Easterners, do not make sense to Westerners. What makes sense in the West, is considered alien in the East.

    France and Germany’s people are not armed. Nor do they have a near religious belief in “inalienable rights”.


    At this rate, the USA will be disarmed within a few decades. They just need to gin up enough school shootings, false flag or not, and people will turn over their guns. Not enough school children dying? Then the Leftist alliance or the DS will up the ante. 1000 not enough? How about 10,000, GB? Still not enough, how about 100,000? Still not enough, how about 1 million, how about 1 to 3 cities, will that be enough for “Americans” to still cling to their guns?

    You’re assessing the situation within a very limited time period, GB. I am assessing the situation over a 100 year plan. Marxism and the March Gramsci through institutions are decades long plans. It isn’t a short term political campaign or contribution.

    We’re talking about if the Leftist Alliance and the Deep State attempt a coup, in which case success is dependent upon military support.

    However, I do not support the analysis that the Deep State needs a coup or will utilize one. A prerequisite to a successful coup is not the support or neutrality of the US military, but the disarmament of the people. Which, in case people hadn’t noticed, is already undergoing certain transformations.

    My viewpoint on the military is that it is only necessary for them to Stand Down, which events have proven that there is enough leverage for such “Stand Down” orders being obeyed. In extreme conditions, the National Guard and US military will be ordered to confiscate weapons from “civilian right wing terrorists”, as happened in New Orleans under Katrina incident. These are all related to the USA being disarmed, not for a coup that may or may not happen later.

    If the belief is that the US military will refuse to obey their orders, there is not a long set of precedents that support this contention. The US military obeyed the Stand Down orders from African Command concerning Benghazi and American citizens present at the embassy location. It was CIA special forces and ex spec ops, that disobeyed the Stand Down orders. The police obeyed the orders to Stand Down and let Anti Fa and Occupy Wall street loot and rape freely. These are Chain of Command hierarchies, not based upon democratic voting.

    Even during Katrina when the US military was under Bush II, not Hussein, the number of military forces that disobeyed their orders to accompany LEOs in New Orleans to confiscate arms, wasn’t sufficient to stop the operations. In fact, the American people weren’t even told any such incident happened. The New Orleans LEO force that went “AWOL” may have been the unsung heroes of the day, since they at least took a stand to avoid enforcing totalitarian writs of law upon their neighbors. Of course, some of the AWOL people were going around shooting at human targets for target practice and conducting rape tours. The price of having a mad Demoncrat as your head in New Orleans, in the red state of Louisiana. The pack goes mad starting from the top.

    You’re a far more patient man than I.

    Some people just can’t argue successfully against me. Even the ones that make the attempt or take on certain attitudes, 5 or 10 years later, reality forces them to rethink things. It is easy to think you are winning an argument or debate against one person online, but when future events completely change your frame of reference and paradigm, it is difficult to adapt to. What seems wrong or crazy in 2007, is treated as normal and expected in 2017.

    In previous conflicts between Art vs Ymar, Art cannot even sustain his defense. Thus there’s no point to fight about in the future at all. GB had the same attitude as Fractal, but that was quite some years ago as well. All things change through time due to the entropy of mortality. The one thing that doesn’t change are certain predictions and analysis.

    As a messenger, I only have to wait for time to proceed. My task has nothing to do with convincing people or winning online debates. The scorn and opinion of humans do not affect the future or the fate of the USA. That, has already been set.

  25. Ymar Sakar,

    “Some people just can’t argue successfully against me.”

    Well, it’s good to see you aren’t weighed down by humility or circumspection. That always helps.

  26. Well, it’s good to see you aren’t weighed down by humility or circumspection. That always helps.

    People are welcome to ask me anything. I can’t guarantee the outcome however.

    Whether they are enemy or ally, I will treat them with a certain level of “care”. I won’t dismiss them merely because I dislike them or their stuff got tl;dr, unlike other people.

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