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The hysterical news — 12 Comments

  1. Im tired of anti-gun marches and political policy driven by over-the-top histrionics encouraged by pop icons and a crappy low-grade Marxist ex-president designed to make the rest of us law abiding people look evil like they do with John Bolton or Donald Trump. We’re heading for a bad place here

  2. taking all guns away because some bad people using them to murder people is like castrating all men because some bad men rape or ban alcohol because some stupid people drunk drive. Can someone explain to me how to prevent bad actor John from killing people with guns the best solution would be to take away law abiding citizen Dave’s guns?

  3. Morgan at the House of Erasthones has this this morning:

    “Within the stretch of a week or two, I see this many times with President Trump, who supports many policies that could be legitimately criticized for a number of reasons. But the deliberations about PDJT’s latest antics never seem to get too far, certainly not into the realm of honestly inspecting the implications of what he wants to do. They so often veer off into a bunch of tongue-clucking about some “tweet.” It seems to me like our current culture may be incapable of having a diligent discussion about these things. President Trump is utterly lacking in pusillanimity – as well as, depending on the setting, refinement & manners. But mostly the pusillanimity. Here & there, now & then, he’s shown those other things. But who among us can tell the difference? So many of these arguments about Trump devolve into inspections of mannerisms. It’s irritating to people like me who don’t care one way or another about the mannerisms. Speaking for myself, I’m not holding out Trump to be some kind of role model for adults, or children, or anybody else; it’s not what I’m looking for when I vote for a President, and his name isn’t going to be on a ballot anytime soon anyway. But as people continue to make a big deal about mannerisms, the thought occurs to me that maybe the problem is precedent. We’ve become so accustomed to pusillanimous politicians, that we’re incapable of processing the information when we come across one who isn’t. This guy is far from perfect, anyone who goes looking for flaws can certainly find them. Why obsess on the thing that isn’t one?”


  4. Actually, the “hysterical” news today is sort of the flip side of the “hagiography” news of Obama.

    Not that I saw it coming or anything; by, it really isn’t surprising how the news media who was all so in love with Obama would loath who ever replaced him that wasn’t going to continue his “legacy.”

    And, yea, aside from reading some news online (and of course reading blogs like yours, Neo) I gave up on the “news” as a reliable source for information.

  5. Since the ‘news’ from the MSM is nearly entirely propagandistic and deceitful, what benefit is there in giving it any attention at all? I skim the headlines and click on perhaps 5% of them and perhaps half of them turn out to be a waste of time.

  6. I almost never click on a link to the NYT or WaPo anymore even if it looks interesting. I just assume it’s biased propaganda.

  7. As time passes and the examples mount I’m ever more convinced that the published news is chosen so as to grab attention. Good news is boring and outrage makes money. This is not a new thing, remember “If it bleeds it leads”, but the current technology makes it possible to increase the volume, and the lower barrier to distribution versus a paper based media increase the competition and provide an incentive to be more hyperbolic.

    Result: I skip the reporting from all the leading suppliers, and don’t participate in social media (any more). Life is better this way.

  8. This time it’s existential!

    The left and the media have doubled and redoubled down. Hysteria is the new narrative.

    Seize the day with sheer outrage!

  9. It looks like the “settled science,” when it comes to climate change, Trump/Russian collusion, gun control, consumer trust in Facebook and Google, open borders immigration, Islam as Religion of Peace, gender as social construct, is being up-ended. The Emperor has no clothes.

    I expected the forces supporting Hillary would take it badly after Trump won. I didn’t expect this level of top-to-bottom hysteria. These people believe they are fighting for their lives.

    Metaphorically I would say they are correct. This could well be as big a crack-up as the collapse of Soviet communism.

  10. ‘These people’ are not the only ones fighting for their lives. They know this is a pivotal moment in, not only American, but world, history.

    I just wish our side would take this as seriously as the left. We spend half our time criticizing and apologizing for our leader. Not every criticism, justified or not, has to be spoken.

    Instead of helping him, we spend our time apologizing for his style in bailing out the boat, while they spend their time cutting new holes in it.

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