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Brennan’s next in line — 28 Comments

  1. The State Department involvement is going to be very interesting. According to a piece on Breibart, Jonathon Winer, one of Kerry’s flunkies, received what was essentially the Steele dossier from Hillary’s hatchetmen Sidney Blumenthal and Codey Shearer. Winer passed it onto to Steele who then used their copy almost verbatim. In other words, the Russian collusion is entirely a frabrication of the Clinton machine.


  2. Dr. Franklin famously said that we had been given a Republic, if we can keep it. My fellow countrymen (countrypeoples?), this is what keeping a Republic looks like. This is truly an American moment. I am very proud of the way freedom-loving Americans are reacting. I only hope that this struggle is not America’s death throes.

  3. The bho regime was simply Chicago sttyle politics tranfered to DC. Dirty deeds, corruption, and money laundering on a grander scale. IMO, this scandal/conspiracy is likely to be true.

  4. The bho regime was simply Chicago sttyle politics tranfered to DC. Dirty deeds, corruption, and money laundering on a grander scale. IMO, this scandal/conspiracy is likely to be true.

    Yup. My downstate Illinois grandfather gave me a bias against Chicago politics. Back during the 2008 campaign, the Demos were talking about how BHO was going to bring honesty and transparency to national politics. I replied- a Chicago politician is going to do THAT?

    At least there is a good song about Chicago.LSD, a.k.a. Lake Shore Drive.

  5. blert said: “The most epic scandal EVER. True High Crimes.”

    I don’t disagree…but Ok…Brennan testifies before the committee. Then Clapper maybe. When do we get to 0 & the woman-who-will-NEVER-be-president?

    Until we get her & 0 under oath…this is just lots of smoke…the fire has got to get the major actors or I’m sure it will happen again but with smarter criminals than the man-child from Chicago & the Clinton Crime family dowager.

  6. Until we get her & 0 under oath…this is just lots of smoke…the fire has got to get the major actors or I’m sure it will happen again but with smarter criminals than the man-child from Chicago & the Clinton Crime family dowager.

    We don’t want this to happen again. If someone doesn’t go to jail, odds are it will happen again.

    It appears that contrary to the way the Pubs acted during Watergate- Goldwater et al going to the White House to tell RMN he was toast- the Demos are going to fight this all the way. Their absurd claim that the Nunes memo would constitute a security breach shows how the Demos operate.

    This is going to get very messy.

  7. What are the chances of getting Obama and/or Hillary under oath? And, what’s to stop them from lying under oath?

    I hate that I have become so completely cynical.

  8. “Two things that stopped Nixon were that the government agencies involved wouldn’t go along with his desires and the press wasn’t on his side. For the Obama administration, those obstacles did not exist.”

    I’ve seen this touted as a reason to always elect Republican presidents.
    I would rather have a bipartisanly-uncorrupted government and a truly impartial press, but you go to elections with the Deep State you have, not the one you wish you didn’t have.

  9. John Guilfoyle: another interesting observation from the post at The Hill: “These dark institutional offenses didn’t just materialize out of thin air. One of the criticisms of President Nixon was that even though he wasn’t aware of the Watergate break-in, he had created an environment in which such an action was acceptable.

    Decades later, Obama created a climate in which the potentially criminal misuse of the DOJ and the FBI, as currently being unraveled, was not just acceptable but perhaps encouraged, thereby giving rise to what could be the most dangerous scandal in American history.”
    * * *
    But here I thought Obama’s administration was scandal free….
    Nixon’s malfeasance was no greater than that practiced by prior administrations, D and R, for decades; it’s just that the press didn’t report on it when they either approved or didn’t care, and the people no longer remember.
    The dark desires of many people in positions of power, great and small, are often prevented from surfacing because their environment is uncongenial to their expression.
    The progression from “acceptable” to “encouraged” is why we get Nazis and Communists who destroy their own countries and much of the world.
    Of course, the Dems are claiming that Trump and conservatives are the source of these “dark desires” for fascism and tyranny, but so far the evidence is running the other direction.

  10. Brennan almost surely committed perjury when he denied knowing the source of Steele’s funds, and it is probably provable, too.

  11. AesopFan…it’s the Chicago way…writ large all over the DC apparatus.

    Far too many seem likely to skate away unprosecuted & unpunished. If 0 & his failed anointed successor are two of those…not sure what happens next.

    This is not just a “dangerous scandal.” This undercuts the whole American Experiment…that a free people are governed & governable under laws that apply to all. If that falls…we have quite the mess in the making.

  12. I suspect that both Obama and Hillary are untouchable. Or at least Obama.

    Teflon, as they say.

    Moreover, the Media—and who else?—is sitting on this just like Comey sat on the information he had (until Anthony Weiner sexted a minor too far and for some reason kept those photos together with all the Top-Secret files his dear then-wife got from Hillary)….

    Except that there’s no Weiner this time around.

    (Oh wait! Maybe there is?: https://hotair.com/archives/2018/02/12/hmmm-susan-rice-sent-email-inauguration-day-memorializing-chat-obama-comey-russiagate/)

    Which still leaves the question, which pawns will be sacrificed to protect the King and Queen of Constitutional subversion?

  13. “Not even a smidgen of corruption.”

    – POTUS B. Obama

    Not a chance he and Hillary ever testify under oath. In fact I think the odds that Trump prevents that from happening are high. His approval numbers improve with each new revelation of corruption. According to an Investor’s Business Daily poll a majority of Americans believe the Obama Administration did spy on Donald Trump and his campaign. Mission accomplished.

  14. Obama will not be touched, unless we want our cities to burn. A fall-guy is the best that can be hoped for and that will be better than nothing.

  15. No matter how the Leftist alliance complains and whines in pain, they cannot stop the Deep State from purging the useful idiots and tools in the Surface Bureaucracy of the State Department, FBI, IRS, and so forth.

    The power imbalance between these two fundamental organizations and alliances (coalitions), is stark and wide.

    They couldn’t even stop Edward Snowden.

    As for the Wicked Witch of the West HRClinton, Trum will be President when she is in jail.

    One of the criticisms of President Nixon was that even though he wasn’t aware of the Watergate break-in, he had created an environment in which such an action was acceptable.

    That was courtesy of them falling to Leftist propaganda and mind control as usual. The vice director of the FBI was already breaking into homes illegally, which is why they exonerated Ayers. The same vice director was what, a victim of Nixon’s paranoid and police state brutality? Hah. What fools these Americans are. Recall who the master manipulator of the MSM was and what position he held in the FBI, if the MSM ever allowed you to actually think that far.

  16. The progression from “acceptable” to “encouraged” is why we get Nazis and Communists who destroy their own countries and much of the world.
    Of course, the Dems are claiming that Trump and conservatives are the source of these “dark desires” for fascism and tyranny, but so far the evidence is running the other direction.

    The Evidence that the Left and right both ignore in this coliseum distraction of Red Vs Blue, is how the Nazis destroyed things.

    Look up Operation Paperclip.

    From what position of self proclaimed moral authority do Americans have now to criticize others when they can’t even get rid of internal American traitors? How exceptional is that.

  17. This entire post also reminds me that during 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, whenever somebody was a bit surprised or optimistic about Hussein here and elsewhere, some of us would chip up and say “you ain’t seen nothing yet”.

    That was an easy prediction, though.

    Anyone see anything yet, like HRC being in jail?

    And it certainly does sound like a wild conspiracy-theory movie.

    *Fist Pump* Age of Conspiracies, 2018 plus, here we go magic eight ball, spin spin as the Wicked Witches overcome all through the power of Kabal.

  18. Two leading Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee released a redacted top secret email Monday that Obama administration National Security Advisor Susan Rice appears to have sent herself just minutes after President Donald Trump took office. The email contains Rice’s impressions from a January 5, 2017 meeting on “Russian hacking during the 2016 presidential election” between then-President Barack Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, and “intelligence community leadership.” According to Rice, President Obama and Comey had a “follow-on conversation” after the formal meeting during which Obama told Comey that “from a national security perspective” he wanted “to be sure that

  19. Lurch Says:
    February 13th, 2018 at 7:39 am
    Obama will not be touched, unless we want our cities to burn. A fall-guy is the best that can be hoped for and that will be better than nothing.
    * * *
    Even an indictment of Clinton might be good for a few torched cars by the Pussy Hat Brigade.
    However, I doubt if anyone would go to the troubled for any of the bit-players in these dramas, and they should pay for acting on their belief that Her Highness would cover for them after her coronation.

  20. Treason doth never prosper. Why is it thus? Because if it prospers, none dare call it treason.

    These days, due to online unrestrictions of anonymity (don’t worry, they fixing that with social media ID), people can talk about treason all they want. But the Rule of Totalitarianism won’t allow them to leverage the system to affect the treasonous traitors.

    America, the home of the brave, now the home of the…

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