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Two essays — 22 Comments

  1. Agreed, Journalism is dead.

    Great new piece by Juliette Ochieng

    The rot goes to the center of this apple. One side of this apple is edible – but the stain on this apple (the United States of America) is so great and I can’t fathom how these people think.

    On TV this weekend one of these slimy gray haired leftist “executives” went on air saying the “N” word repeatedly and I’m not sure how anyone like him can be respected or why he isn’t taken by his ear and spanked like his parents should’ve over 60 years ago.

    And as a person approaching 50…. how is it that these fine institutions got so rotten that these “respectable looking” people say the most rotten things and DO the most rotten things.

    Principles and Values can’t be taught after a certain point I suppose.

  2. Cultural Marxism will be just as useful in helping to leap the disadvantaged groups it claimed to help as the real Marxism being useful in helping to leap the economically disadvantaged people out of poverty –

    Marxism always makes the situations of the people it claims to help worse, way way worse.

  3. “Now, I don’t know anything about Carter Page, the subject of that spying, beyond the fact that he’s an American citizen. He could be a Russian robot, for all I know. But he’s apparently been the subject of constant government surveillance since 2013 and hasn’t been arrested. That means he’s either the world’s greatest spy who doesn’t leave a fingerprint anywhere, or he’s just some weird guy who, once the government started watching him, they couldn’t stop. I suspect it the latter since the Clinton oppo file had to be used, at least in part, to justify the continued spying.”

    this is the type of basic deductive reasoning progressives either legitimately or pretendedly lack. Seriously if the intelligence community is as honest, competent and professional as Chuck Schemer claims, isn’t their inability to unearth any wrongdoings of Trump in regard to Russia collusion after more than a year of in depth investigations itself is an clear exoneration for Trump?

  4. But for a very few exceptions like Sheryl Atkinson, we all here know that journalism is dead. Leftists as well know that the MSM is their propaganda organ. It’s the LIVs wherein the “undiscovered country” lies.

    So of what use is the fifth estate? Free speech has and is being used to metasticize a mortal threat to liberty. That metasticized threat has now infested every governmental institution and the majority of cultural institutions as well.

    I do not share Klavan’s apparent confidence that reality will awaken enough people in time to avoid disaster.

    Nor do I share Kundera’s apparent belief that clever lies can permanently hold reality at bay. In time, reality always wins. Though the cost paid is directly related to the extent of denial.

  5. Excellent post Neo. I took the liberty of copying and sending it (with appropriate recognition) to all of the people I try to influence. Sorry to say that the ones I most wish to reach are the most difficult. One can only try.

    I added the comment that for the reasons enumerated, it is often necessary to consider competing descriptions of reality from a variety of sources, evaluate the credibility of each, and make judgements about veracity. It takes effort; but, over time many will disqualify themselves.

  6. I’ve said it here before but I still think that one of the major turning points in this country was the Bush/Gore election and all the machinations that followed.

    And at the top of the list of fallouts from this was an extreme shift in journalism to much more open bias.

  7. When no one buys their products anymore (what percentage will it take for the Green Eyeshade types and stockholders to decide that no more good money after bad) they (journalists) will be done peddling their fables. We aren’t an Idiocracy and there is such a thing as common sense. A preference cascade will catch them unaware.

  8. om Says:
    February 5th, 2018 at 8:42 pm
    When no one buys their products anymore (what percentage will it take for the Green Eyeshade types and stockholders to decide that no more good money after bad) they (journalists) will be done peddling their fables. We aren’t an Idiocracy and there is such a thing as common sense. A preference cascade will catch them unaware.
    * * *
    eerily similar to a comment on Neo’s Kundera post:

    Gerard Says:
    March 3rd, 2007 at 12:00 am
    “What happens over time is that the magazine gets closer and closer to the core readers’ likes and articles that go against that grain are either spiked or never considered.

    Readers out from this center can feel increasingly distant from the publication until they stop paying attention to it. At that point, the audience is more and more made up of those who are, in some way, driving the story selection via content reports.

    All is well as long as the magazine can keep bringing new readers into the fold, but when that limit is reached the magazine and the subject matter it has come to consider “our subject matter” begins to die off.”

  9. Another prescient voice from the past

    neoliberal Says:
    March 3rd, 2007 at 12:00 am
    There seems to me to be a danger in assuming that our ‘Western’ media machines are less likely to indulge in imagological manipulation than those of the imagined terrorist nations. CNN seems a prime candidate for close scrutiny if you ask me.
    * * *
    CNN has definitely met the criteria for Kundera’s hypothetical purveyor of imagology devoid of any touch of reality.

  10. Baklava Says:
    February 5th, 2018 at 2:30 pm
    Agreed, Journalism is dead.

    Great new piece by Juliette Ochieng

    * *
    Baldilocks may have nailed it, referencing the way Obama’s campaign deliberately circumvented the credit card controls for validating contributions (from foreign or fake accounts mostly; I suspect most of you remember the discussions in both 2008 and 2012, although I didn’t see anything about Clinton in 2016 – maybe he didn’t give her the key to his roller-skates):

    “That was during the 2008 campaign. It worked so well that the reelection campaign did it again in 2012. Of course, the most of the mainstream media entities yawned about it. But that’s still not the point.

    The point is that VISA, Mastercard, etc. ignored it.

    These conglomerates were willing to do anything, including allowing their own safeguards to be bypassed, to get Barack Obama into the Oval Office. Because they could. Because what are you going to do about it?

    So, when that level of political and financial fraud gets ignored, is it really a surprise that the same partisans got cocky with this Steele dossier?

    This kind of thing will happen again, you know, regardless of party label. Because they can. Because what are you going to do about it? That last part is especially relevant. Such fraudsters know that there will be no real legal ramifications for this, though there may be some scapegoats.”

  11. “Reality was stronger than ideology. And it is in this sense that imagology surpassed it: imagology is stranger than reality, ” — Kundera.

    Mathematically, imagology > reality > ideology.
    But only if you believe stranger outweighs stronger.
    We’ll see.

  12. AesopFan,

    I’ll tell you why. Look at the case against the IRS, or any other case.

    THE LEGAL SYSTEM IS VERY SLOW and liberals (no personal responsibility) take advantage of that. In every case. Whether it is shenanigans during the inauguration or shouting down college campus speakers or any rule of law that liberals should be held account to.

    The rules don’t apply to them AND….. AND… at the federal and state level – these people (I work at the state level) see no consequences AND… the people in Google and FB and Twitter making rules for them and against us will never see any consequences and they know it.

    Somehow conservatives have to figure out how to make the consequences for the unlawful behavior hurt. and hurt bad.

    It’s a slow evolving process but Tesla, Uber, Amazon, Google, FB, GE, etc will all fail and be replaced but the price to entry is too steep so it will take awhile.

  13. The way the Left continues to have such strong numbers is that they feed talking points and sound bites to the MSM and they get repeated. It worked beautifully for Hillary, “Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat me” and we waste a year on the lie. The facts are now clear that Hillary paid for info from the Russians to pull an October surprise on Trump. She did the colluding.

    The other problem Trump has is his unlikeability and poor character. Many women will hold that against him. You know, the grab’em comment.

    But Trump is a fighter and so is Nunes. Wait until the IG report comes out. Sessions will then be forced to apppont a Special Counsel to investigate the FBI and DOJ.

  14. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    February 5th, 2018 at 5:07 pm
    But for a very few exceptions like Sheryl Atkinson, we all here know that journalism is dead.

    I still hear and see Americans harping about “we need a free press”.

    Free humans need a free press the same way we need free computers and a free education. There’s always strings the Normals and below average peeps can’t figure out.

    Making equal, the elite press, with the freedom to publish and arm themselves… that was probably one of the dumbest decisions that the USA made collectively: public educated drones full of self righteous fury yet always falling for Leftist cons like the marks that they are and can only ever be.

    The facts are now clear that Hillary paid for info from the Russians to pull an October surprise on Trump.

    Some of us here, I recall, did continuously warn the face of the USA denizens that there would be an October surprise that no matter how powerful the panic starved USA denizens were, Trum could not stop. This one seems to have happened late by a few years though.

  15. That last part is especially relevant.

    Aesop: I’m sure some Americans under religious control will think their Messiah or Jesus will do something about it, so they don’t have to do jack about the Federal Reserve, Soros, etc….

    Wait until they die and figure it out.

  16. As for the idea that no one will buy their products… is anyone buying fluorescent light bulbs in the US by any chance?

    No…. why not? Because they outlawed the entire business line perhaps….

    They will make people buy it, as part of their tax or healthcare.

  17. Fluorescent bulbs vs LEDs – a few differences in performance:

    LEDs last longer, start quicker, work at low temperatures, aren’t as fragile, and are physically more adaptable to size of the installation.

    Other than that it’s all just marketing and the coercion of the government, right.

  18. The WAPO being subsidized by Bezos is why the Pravda-MSM will continue. In a ‘cold’ cutural/civil war with the right, the left is not about to let its propaganda-mouthpiece expire.

  19. Geoffrey Britain,

    The problem is, for years the Left has been winning a war that the Right was not even aware it was participating in, much less fighting.

  20. Other than that it’s all just marketing and the coercion of the government, right.

    Other than banning the selling of fluorescent light bulbs, right.

    As previously pointed out, differences in performance makes no difference in a State monopoly such as national healthcare. Is this point understandable to you.

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