Home » I don’t feel like counting…


I don’t feel like counting… — 16 Comments

  1. It’s a panic or hysteria or whatever you want to call it no doubt. Then you throw in that it’s Hollywood, the elite media and politics which have to be the three most narcissistic groups in the world that love, love, love to gossip and this is what you get.

    I just tune the Trump stories out as most of them are so weak it’s embarrassing to the reporters. Remember when John Kelly didn’t go on some flight with Trump and so that meant he was going to resign in a couple days? There are dozens of these stories out there. Why if I didn’t no better I would think that the media was purposely trying to portray the administration as more chaotic than it (or any other one) really is.

  2. Well… it is not easy to sort out all the accusations, but if 50% are true, which I think is a low threshold, I am enjoying the show. Especially since the accusations mostly involve the preening princes of the left and such a stalwart icon as Conyers.

    And, I will admit djt is a lot more canny operator than I gave him credit for during the election. He is far from senile. His outlandish character fools many people. For a while I was of a similar option.

    Bottom line it appears lots of moms and dads did not raise up their boys to be gentlemen.

  3. “It’s a bit like the summer of the shark” – Neo

    Wikipedia “The Summer of the Shark has since been remembered as an example of tabloid television perpetuating a story with no real merit beyond its ability to draw ratings.”

    Sounds like the Russia-gate (barring some actual discoveries of collusion or crime), and certainly the new Melania-as-Malificent meme.


  4. Jumped the shark is old school. Today, they literally and figuratively jump the Ass (party affiliation is intentional).

    It’s a party schism, where one faction is attempting to abort the other. But, not without collateral damage to external competing interests that is a salve on the freshly opened wounds.

  5. Yeah, the news is all about friendship with “benefits”, or “casting couch” relationships, and the #MeToo(s). It looks like social liberalism is about to reset as it periodically does.

  6. If having been groped is now being treated by the liberals to be something worth celebrating complete with a metoo hashtag, there is definitely an incentive for a woman to lie about being groped to join to fun, to obtain the happiness accompanies a sense of belonging. If sexual assault is not a laughing matter why are liberals treating accusations like a coming out party of some sort? I am a victim, I have been assaulted, give me your love, I am so proud that I am a survivor after a creep called me hot cocoa or elbowed me on my chest that may or may not be intentional 10 years ago blah blah blah. If there are people who don’t treat sexual assaults seriously it is the progressives, they have cheapened every serious social problem in the world by embellishing the most trivial little things they have encountered in their life to make themselves victims when they are not because being a victim of the most current and trendy social problem today is cool.

  7. How many of them are Brian Williams-ish victims? Exaggerating an encounter with Matt Lauer or Harvey Weinstein even when nothing happened to join the fun of the trendy sexual assault victimhood train?

  8. Dave Says:
    November 30th, 2017 at 7:51 pm
    … If there are people who don’t treat sexual assaults seriously it is the progressives, they have cheapened every serious social problem in the world by embellishing the most trivial little things they have encountered in their life to make themselves victims when they are not because being a victim of the most current and trendy social problem today is cool.
    * * *
    Although it sounds like some of the accusations, especially against Lauer, are NOT trivial, in general I agree with Dave’s observtion.

  9. The State bureaucracy is panicking as Tillerson is mucking out the Augean Stables. They are feeding these stories to the NY Times which is a DNC megaphone.

  10. Take the accusations against trump for example, even based on the biased, contrivedly emotional, and possibly exaggerated accounts from the Allred coached accusers, most of those questionable actions are trivial at best no more serious than what joe Biden routinely got caught on tape doing to children particularly girls such as kissing on their cheeks, grabbing them tightly by their arms, petting them on the back or head, or embracing them uncomfortably. All these innocuous actions suddenly become malicious just by these women saying so, without any objective considerations on whether these actions are truly done by men with malicious intent or just these women misinterpreting or downright lied about how the women truly were feeling at the time those actions were taking place.

    When a man stick a knife into chest of another man we don’t have to look at intent, objectively we all know a homicide is taking place. However, when a woman accused trump of French kissing her, how do we know that she didn’t give trump her consent earlier? how do we know if it wasn’t just a polite formal kiss on cheek exchange and she was exaggerating it? These type of incriminating based on how the victim feel is completely against our judicial logics, conviction should only based on the observable action and the intent of the suspect…

  11. chuck Says:
    November 30th, 2017 at 9:42 pm
    Summer of the Shark? I’d say The Summer of Love, The Reckoning.
    * *
    Or maybe Chickens Coming to Roost.
    Except maybe with all the faux-apologies, it’s Roosters Turning Chicken.

  12. Liberals just let a murderer walk because they hate trump, yeah let’s give sessions seat to an open borders socialist because of some bogus 40 years old allegations made by some career criminals

  13. Ugh, I can’t read another detailed account of sexual assault or sexual harassment. I think I should feel lucky I’ve never had to deal with this kind of abuse and perversion at work, given how commonplace it seems to be in certain industries?

    I’ve noticed what’s *not* in the news: Uranium One, Russian Dossier (related to Clinton campaign, DNC, and Fusion GPS involvement), Intelligence Inspector General being harassed by Hillary campaign over email investigation, Donna Brazile’s book, and what Trump is accomplishing when he is not tweeting.

  14. …lots of moms and dads did not raise up their boys to be gentlemen.

    And lots didn’t raise their girls to be ladies. Takes two to tango.
    Which is no excuse for the rotten behavior of so many men in places of authority and with power. But why now? It’s not like the casting couch and JFK’s peccadillos are ancient aberrations.

  15. Lizzy Says:
    December 1st, 2017 at 9:58 am

    I’ve noticed what’s *not* in the news: Uranium One, Russian Dossier (related to Clinton campaign, DNC, and Fusion GPS involvement), Intelligence Inspector General being harassed by Hillary campaign over email investigation, Donna Brazile’s book, and what Trump is accomplishing when he is not tweeting.
    * *
    Depends on whose news you read, of course.
    None of it is in the MSM unless in the way-back pages, that’s for sure.

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