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The perfect sign of the times — 20 Comments

  1. It looks like a top hat, which has a phallic form. Is that wrong?

    My guess is that they see what they want to see, is not merely a phallus, but a penis. Similar to the “black hole” incident.

    Perhaps a case of diversity/gender bias.

  2. Another case of diversity bias was recently in the News. A researcher from the NAACP (of “black hole” and Sherrod fame) played a cheer backward and inferred a racial slur.

    That said, what a racket. A racket that has progressed with liberal indulgence.

  3. 10-gallon hat. Like some of the old-timey B-western actors wore (almost always the good guy).

  4. In “Stairway to Heaven,” Robert Plant asks “Does anybody remember laughter?”


  5. VAQ-130 is the modern version of the squadron I was in 54 years ago.

    My comment: Outstanding pilot precision. In lieu of the present political climate – poor pilot judgment.

    Sentence: One week in hack while forced to constantly watch CNN and MSNBC to gain perspective on today’s witch hunt mentality.

    That is all.

  6. It’s Bill “The Butcher’s” hat (actually the signature hat of The Natives) from Gangs of New York.

    Isn’t there an arabic wisdom saying… “The shame is on he who looks” ?

  7. This funny little mess in the sky will probably turn into a big mess that will require a whole lot of reports and letters and possibly end up ruining and running off at least the two aircrew members in the plane. In today’s military there are people who are charged with messing with people who make type of humorous act with a sexual implication.

    The official Navy does not like having a 68 million dollar airplane drawing weiners in the sky. To an old moron like me this is funny and I would make those responsible write on the black board one hundred times, I will not draw weiners in the sky and then I would restrict them from drinking in the officer’s club for at least a week.

  8. Humanity has long had an obsession with the phallus.

    “The ‘lady’ doth protest too much, methinks”.

    Juvenile humor is best scorned and then ignored.

    Pragmatically, hasn’t the military recently been wailing about its shortage of pilots?

  9. Well, I hope winning the bet he made with someone was worth all the butt chewing he will get.

    Just some speculation.

  10. Mel Brooks always managed (for give the pun) to insert one where plausible in many of his hilarious movies, didn t he launch one as a space rocket ? Don t remember too many indignant harpies headed for the exits.

  11. Probably poor judgment, but really funny.

    Years ago there would have been a slap on the wrist, but in today’s politically correct times it will probably end their careers. I hope not though, we need trained flight crews.

  12. It was a stupid stunt wasting fuel and definitely juvenile. We pay/borrow for this asshat stunt. Sorry, but I am not amused.

  13. Pragmatically, hasn’t the military recently been wailing about its shortage of pilots?

    Don’t you know that political correctness is far more important than military readiness ? Else why would we be sending pilots to hours of “Diversity” training instead of flying ? Never mind, the airlines appreciate the help with recruitment.

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