Home » Oh, and that Republican candidate or donor who funded the Trump dossier?


Oh, and that Republican candidate or donor who funded the Trump dossier? — 14 Comments

  1. How many followers of the news are aware that the narrative of the DNC’s emails having been hacked rather than leaked is predicated upon the assessment of CrowdStrike, hired by the DNC, which never permitted the FBI to perform an investigation of the actual servers?

  2. As a comment on another site said, by the NYTimes logic, if I go into a McDonald’s at noon and eat a BigMac and leave, and then at 2:30 in the afternoon, a bad guy shoots the cashier, I’m an accomplice to murder.

  3. So if it hits upon sacred cows like the reputation of the dear leader Trum, it is fake news.

    But if it reinforces personal bias and nationalism, it is credible…

    Come on humans, try harder.

    The MSM had us all guessing which GOP candidate it was, and Jeb Bush was the hands-down leader.

    Not me, people with propaganda defenses are a tiny little bit harder to crack and manipulate than the regular human masses in the USA. Last long time, ala Mini Rocket Man.

  4. How could the genpop ever get agitated at the scandals of the Clinton/Dem crowd?
    It’s so convoluted (or portrayed so) that they give up and turn on Dancing With the Stars.

  5. The question i have over the whole thing is why it is only bad when trump does it. Dnc, hillary and Obama can do business with putin, compliment putin, defend putin, kiss putin’s ass, take money from putin, sell things to putin, receive intel from putin, make deals with putin, do everything with putin with no problem but it is only bad and potentially illegal when trump does it.

  6. Obama and the dnc was colluding with wikileaks and putin to win the 2008 elections, the uranium deal was a payback for putin‘s help against the gop. 8 years later putin decided not to help obama and hillary after being back stabbed by them over various conflicts mainly Ukraine, Syria and many other issues. To cover up their collusion with Russia the obama administration decided to initiate accusations against trump of collusion with Russia with two goals in mind, delegitimise the trump administration and delegitimise any potential accusations of Russian collusion against the obama administration. Whenever there are evidences surfacing showing that obama was colluding they can simply deny them by claiming that its just the conservatives smearing them to distract the public attention from their own investigations. Noticed that Hillary didn’t say she did not do it in the interview, she said the right has no evidence to prove that she did anything illegal.

  7. So, the effort to disenfranchise American citizens, was carried out in a menage a trois, including Clinton, Obama, and a Russian bear?

    No Judgment. It’s all congruent (“=”).

  8. With the revelation that the FBI was scrutinizing the Uranium One deal and then squelched its own findings in testimony to Congress, thereby allowing the deal to go through, Robert Mueller is now implicated in this web of lies.

    He was running the FBI at the time, and he must’ve approved of the cover up. And now he’s investigating Trump for the same crimes he committed.

    Mueller is hopelessly compromised now, even though I declared he was compromised by his connection to Comey at the outset.

    Of course, it’s very convenient that his office suddenly starts issuing indictments at this very moment. The pressure for his resignation or firing was mounting again.

    No matter.

    If he’s found guilty later (if Trump has the good sense to investigate him), any prosecutions he makes can be overturned.

    And that’s what has to happen now. He has raised the stakes so far that only his own disgrace and destruction will clear the board.

  9. There’s a very interesting wrinkle in the WaPo scoop – if Byzantium had only had the internet, things would probably look a lot like this…


    The particulars can be summarized briefly. On Tuesday, as we know, the Washington Post published its report on anonymously-sourced allegations that Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid Fusion GPS to commission the dodgy dossier on Trump in 2016. The go-between was the law firm Perkins Coie, through which Hillary campaign counsel Marc Elias acted to make this oppo research project happen.

    Now we learn that the Soros-funded (!) activist group Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the FEC on Wednesday, alleging that Hillary and the DNC both violated campaign finance law in connection with their funding of the Fusion GPS “research.” (H/t: Ace of Spades)

    Besides being awful darn quick, the CLC complaint is clearly well researched and polished. It doesn’t look like something that was slapped together on the fly. The time lapse appears to have been something less than 21 hours, in fact: the WaPo story’s filing time, reflected on the website, was 7:21 PM on 24 October, and the time stamp on the CLC complaint, as received at the FEC, is 3:32 PM on 25 October (both times Eastern Daylight).

    No matter what the circumstances, if I saw that, I would consider it highly probable that the CLC brief for the FEC complaint had been prepared in advance.

  10. There is an interesting question at the end of this article, which has always puzzled me, not only about the Clintons but about anyone supported by hordes of Tenth Assistant Spear Carriers.


    But the lies were always a symptom of a deeper pathology. The Clintons saw themselves as better than the institutions they were supposed to serve, from the White House and the State Department to the Democratic party and even the country. The rules are for other people. That’s why Clinton Inc. collected millions upon millions of dollars from foreign governments, Wall Street, and Hollywood while demonizing their opponents as shills for corporations and wealthy interests. That’s why Hillary flouted the rules for her email server. That’s why Bill flouted the rules for pretty much everything. And at every step, they expected others to protect them, lie for them, clean up after them, and, if necessary, go to jail for them.
    As James McDougal, a former friend and business partner of the Clintons (in the now-ancient Whitewater land deal-turned-scandal) put it, “I think the Clintons are really sort of like tornadoes moving through people’s lives. I’m just one of the people left in the wake of their passing by.”

  11. One of the amusing facets of this debacle is the Dueling Experts phenomenon, exemplified here by two “professional intel ops” with totally opposite conclusions.


    What We Know Now
    By John Sipher
    Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 8:01 AM

    [Editor’s Note: In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report.]



    Former CIA Officer: ‘Russiagate’ Was Manufactured By The Clinton Campaign

    Executive Director, Council for the National Interest
    4:39 PM 10/25/2017

    As a former intelligence officer who has seen numerous overseas investigations done for clients, I can say with some confidence that the Steele Dossier is a composite of some fact, a lot of speculation, and even occasional fiction. Some indisputable and confirmable information is inevitably used to provide credibility for a lot of speculation and false stories that were intended to sow doubt and confusion. Gossip and rumors are reported as fact, with the whole product being put together in such a fashion as to appear credible to satisfy a client interested in exploitable information rather than the truth. Including some proper names, which the dossier does occasionally, provides credibility and the FBI’s ability to confirm some of the dates and places regarding travel and meetings provided bona fides for the entire document and resulted in the launching of a top-level law enforcement investigation.

    The dossier was designed to dig up “dirt” on Trump and his associates, but, more to the point, it was clearly intended from the start to do so by manufacturing and nurturing a Russian angle.

    GIVEN THE NEW REVELATIONS this week, well past the date of the post by “Just Security”, I’m going with Door Number Two.

  12. Drat! I was pretty sure the GOP money to Fusion GPS came from Jeb’s campaign. Should have known better. Jeb’s too “nice” to do oppo research on his opponents – except for Rubio. Jeb tried to get some dirt on him. Guess Jeb thought Trump was not a real contender.

  13. Does Trum have the balls to fire Mueller or put HRC in Jail now that he is President?

    He had the balls to call Pyramid Christians crazy. And various JFK assassins still out there like Cruz’s father, or what the Alt Right and Trum called him “Lyin Cruz”. That’s his title, right. A little bit different from Low Energy Jeb and Mini Rocket Man. It’s not even a neg.

  14. AesopFan Says:
    October 28th, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    Intel analysis? I can do that.

    Or if people really like CIA credentials, find a Mormon LDS CIA operative or a Snowden level agent.

    In investigations, the CIA and military intel recruits hordes of Mormons, as much as they can get. Easy background verification, higher IQ due to Holy Ghost summons, and maybe paranormal powers from prayers.

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