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Meanwhile, Trump marches on — 18 Comments

  1. All of this and if Gorsuch helps bring down the public sector unions in SCOTUS it will all be worth it.

  2. Add to your list:
    “NO SANCTUARY FOR ILLEGALS: Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials announced the arrests of nearly 500 illegal immigrants living in sanctuary cities across the country as part of a massive illegal immigration sweep this week … The raid, called “Operation Safe City,” spanned four days and ended Wednesday. Illegal immigrants with criminal charges or known gang affiliations were targeted. Participants in the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program were not.”

    Kudos to General Sessions and his ICE. Well except for the last sentence–can;t win on everything even with the President.

  3. I finally decided that Trump is keeping the lefties distracted with all the tweets while he is undoing all the Obama executive orders. Every time he tweets that all the media reports on for the next week.

  4. Thanks for the pick-me-up neo. Anything that distresses Reuters has to be a good thing. It’s heartening to learn that Trump is managing to accomplish some positive things despite all the hate and obstructionism arrayed against him.

    Unfortunately, without Congressional support they’re temporary palliatives.

    Judicial appointments appear to be one of the few things that Trump has the leverage to accomplish that will have some permanence.

  5. Pulling out of Paris Agreement on the global warming scam is huge.

    People and the media get too caught up in the drama and tweets.

    And imagine how Kim would jerk Hillary around.

  6. Even if Trump did nothing but surf the net and tweet all day he would still be a better president than Obama and Hillary.

  7. Ray: I agree. Trump’s tweets and other “nonsense” are clearly a distraction to keep the media from looking too closely at what he really is doing!

    Man, oh, man. The more Trump does the more I am so glad that I voted for him!

  8. “Unfortunately, without Congressional support they’re temporary palliatives.”

    Weren’t many of the Obama EOs that Trump is rescinding actually executive power grabs that went well beyond not only the letter but the intent of the law? In those cases Trump already has Congressional support effectively

  9. “Unfortunately, without Congressional support they’re temporary palliatives.”

    I beginning to think that should be amended to just the Senate. I read yesterday that the GOP reps are getting very annoyed with their brethren in the Senate. And, I think they’re correct. Look at where it has all broken down…in the Senate. And in particular we can point directly to McCain, and the ladies from Maine and Alaska. Sad how 4 people can totally derail an entire country.

  10. It seemed that when Trump got a cabinet position approved, he came out with an executive action that included a review and report within a certain time frame. A key point was to verify that a regulation or a function actually had authority from Congress.

    I think that we will see lots of department changes soon which should really change things in DC.

  11. I finally decided that Trump is keeping the lefties distracted with all the tweets while he is undoing all the Obama executive orders.

    I agree and wonder if Congress will start to wonder about the 2018 primaries.

  12. Letting the judicial system get so complicated that you need a political power in DC to nominate judges in your Constitutional favor, or lawyers who need decades of training to even understand the law, is a losing proposition in the longer war.

    All tactics, no strategy or logistics.

  13. “I agree and wonder if Congress will start to wonder about the 2018 primaries.”

    I think that was the whole point of his “DACA deal” with Schmucky Schumer. Remember that the GOPe wanted to kick the debt ceiling past 2018; Trump will force them to defend their spending in the primaries where we the people can take them out.

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