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The career politician — 23 Comments

  1. I find the polls interesting.

    In general young males do not see the problem and think he is doing a great job.

    Young females seem to be hesitant about his actions but appear reluctant to go further for fear of not being pc.

    Older folks generally think he should be gone.

  2. Part-time legislators don’t seem to get into too much political trouble and they can get into personal trouble on their own time.

  3. Ok here is my suggestion for his next campaign ad, a picture of his privates with the words “Vote for Weiner” underneath.

    Given from the fact few in his district seem to care, it is original, eye catching, say a lot about the man, take people’s minds off the fact he is a loud mouthed dope and allow his constituents to prove how liberal and open-minded they are it should work. It would also relate to those with sexual kinks or those who would like to have sexual kinks, in short everyone.

    I should get paid for these ideas.

  4. I used to think term limits were a good idea until I saw how they’ve worked in California. The problem is that a politico who knows he’s going to be termed out spends the last year or so in the Legislature feathering his nest by helping constituencies that can hook him up with a sinecure after his term is over.

    Much better to have him find out on election night that he is out of a job in another month or so. He can’t play pat-a-cake so brazenly before the election, for obvious reasons, and after, he has no power.

    So simple algorithmic approaches do not work; as always, the only solution is an informed electorate.

    God help us.

  5. Mc Donalds seems to be one of the few places hiring these days. And luckily they don’t do hot dogs.

    I feel as you do, Neo, about the term limits. People who have never done anything but politics are bad for the country, But having some people who have been around can be really helpful, especially on things like foreign policy. Also, there is the danger of even greater government by congressional aides.
    Occam’s, your last two lines say it all.

  6. One way to keep career politicians in line and point towards de facto term limits is to do something about Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering results in safe seats, which result in out of control career politicians. Gerrymandering also encourages ideologues such as Congressman Weiner, because they do not have to answer to voters of the other side to stay in office.

    Weiner would made a good carnival barker.

  7. And speaking of career politicians,Joe Biden was in the Senate at about 27 and I don’t believe ever had a real job.BTW the HUGE headline in the DE newspaper today was about some “interesting”campaign money he received in 2008.I believe the word illegal might have been in there,but of course his campaign knows nothing about it. Also BTW this paper adores Biden so it was surprising about the size of the headline..My guess is since it is Biden it is not in the National news anywhere.

  8. Occam seems to be overlooking the mayhem by the House Dems in the two months left them after the 2010 elections.

    I am of the belief that incrementalism is one of the roots of the essentially insoluble problem of democratic governance. As in, well, we’ll give them this inch; or, it’s only an inch, so’s not worth a fight. And in the fullness of time, miles and miles have been lost, never to be recovered. That’s why I liked Jesse Helms, who repeatedly blocked stuff. e.g. ambassadorships, others thought not worth it, Jesse.

  9. My congressperson (Kaptur, Ohio-9) has not had a non-government job since college. She has such a safe seat, it is silly. In the past 60 years, a Republician has held the seat for two years.

  10. I like that in Texas our state legislature only meets every two years for 140 days and the representatives and senators aren’t highly paid. Hard for them to earn a living like that and being in session for only 140 days every two years minimizes the mount of damage they can do.

    Occam’s Beard said:

    “So simple algorithmic approaches do not work; as always, the only solution is an informed electorate.

    God help us.”


  11. This just in:”Rangel suggested that other members of Congress had done things more immoral than Weiner.”

  12. Now that the cops are talking to a minor and her parents about Weiner’s contact with the 17 year old, the Dems will pull the plug this weekend.

  13. Weiner went directly from college–where he majored in poly sci, natch–to the staff of then-Congressman Chuck Schumer. After a while, at Schumer’s suggestion he went to work in Brooklyn local politics (District Office) and then ran for NY City Council and won.

    That explains everything. He’s never lived nor worked in the real world, and Chuck You Schumer is his mentor. No wonder he spends his time photographing his own genitals and sending the pics to women he’s never met.

    I’m of two minds about term limits. I hate to see someone who is doing a good job get termed out, but I hate even more the way politicians manage to make their time in office into a lifetime career. In CA, Alan Cranston had to die before we got rid of him. Same with Ted Kennedy.

  14. I’m a long time proponent of of amending the Constitution to limit the terms of federal congress critters to 3 four year terms in the house and 2 six year terms in the senate. I believe these limitations would bring a different set of people into politics.

    “I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.” WFB

  15. “the HUGE headline in the DE newspaper today was about some “interesting”campaign money he [Biden] received in 2008.I believe the word illegal might have been in there,but of course his campaign knows nothing about it.”

    No, no, no, you don’t understand. Palin’s e-mail is *much* more important!

  16. “In CA, Alan Cranston had to die before we got rid of him.”

    … and he was replaced by Barbara Boxer! ba-dump!

  17. Perhaps we should raise the minimum age to serve in Congress to 40 or 45 years so people would have broader life experience before being elected. People are living longer than 200 years ago, and the idea one person of spending 40 years in Congress is really not what the founders envisioned. Career politicians forget where they come from and who elected them.

  18. My theory on Weiner: He’s a classic exhibitionist. Probably has a raincoat, slouch hat and false beard tucked away somewhere that he uses on the subway when the compulsion overtakes him. The internet stuff is merely another outlet for his pathology.

  19. His mentor, Schmuck Schumer, took the same route: into politics right out of college, never held a productive job in his adult life.

  20. ONLY $154,000.00 per year. As a physician who works more far hours than her and have greater responsibilities – I make less than that and know many others who do too! Let him work at McDonnell’s.

  21. I wonder how much his various pensions would add up to. I know former Mayor Daley is rolling in the dough from that alone.

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