Home » Was voter fraud committed in New Hampshire in 2016?


Was voter fraud committed in New Hampshire in 2016? — 13 Comments

  1. New Hampshire has a Republican controled legislature and Governor. This situation could be easily addressed if the political will to do so existed. Clearly, it does not.

  2. Funny how when a ‘D’ ekes out a close victory the media and the establishment have little curiosity in voter fraud. Wonder what the interest would be in a reverse incident?

    Of course as we found out here in Washington in a gubernatorial election about 12 years ago they just ‘find’ a box of ballots behind a machine and ‘voila’ problem solved.

    This will always only go one way.

  3. It feels to me as if it is in the interest of voters from both parties to investigate and fix this situation. Do NH residents really want MA cross-border voters deciding ballot issues — in addition to which candidate gets elected — on their behalf? Seems to me like a small state would want to protect their sovereignty. But then that requires human resources which are always stretched thin. Not a good situation.

  4. Was there voter fraud? Absolutely, yes. There’s no question about it. Voter fraud has been the prime mover of the Democrats since Mary Landreau in Louisiana.

    Was the fraud in NH enough to swing the election? Less certain, but probably yes. It’s why the Dems are so passionate and vocal about preventing ANY INVESTIGATION of voter fraud, and trying to prevent any measures to prevent it.

  5. Cross border voting in New Hampshire has been a feature for more than a generation.

    Progressives from Boston commute to double vote every season… with many bragging on such.


    One would have to be deliberately obtuse to deny it.

    It’s not even a close question.

  6. blert:

    You can say whatever you want, but unless you can document it your claims are basically worthless. That’s what this piece is about.

    The NH legislature recently passed a bill to try to close the loophole at least somewhat, though. I provided some links in an addendum.

  7. Tip of the iceberg.

    Given the motor voter law I am confident that all sorts of illegal aliens vote in California and many other states. Maybe the NYT should put some crack reporters on this.

  8. Project Veritas was able to get sample utility bill documents and perhaps software enabling fake utility bills from a Dem campaign office a few years ago.

    Neo says that one could always go the affidavit route instead, but don’t all affidavits carry roughly the same perjury penalty everywhere? Isn’t the fake ute bill and illegal voting penalty almost always a lower risk than a false affidavit risk? On the other hand, I’d also guess that the actual perjury penalties average way less than the statutory maximums.

  9. I lost my NH license and was able to vote by affidavit, however my vote was never sequestered and went right into the machine just like my husbands. I did receive at my address a validation card & secured a copy of My license. I Read a source that said of 5000 non NH licenses a bit over 1000 were issued. There was a request that the legislature law requiring at least a 30 day residency to vote be enjoined by a judge, but miraculously the judge declined, sending the dems into tissy fits. MTV was a huge factor in getting these student votes to take place, skewed the whole state for years.
    They must all love their mommies because that is practically all we have for representation, usually Catholic women proudly pro choice if you can stomach that one.

  10. Have some committee staffers conduct a study of the toughest states on voter fraud. Then have the staffers craft a bill that duplicates the best features that prevent voter fraud. Pass the bill and send it to the Governor for his signature. Total time from start to finish shouldn’t take more than six weeks. The bill’s provisions have presumably been previously found to be constitutional, ensuring its defensibility in court.

    Rinse and repeat for other issues.

    The states are intended to be experimental societal laboratories, learning from each other’s experiences and then emulating successful outcomes.

    It’s not rocket science and the more difficult governance is, the more surely the electorate itself is the problem.

    “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is entirely unsuited for any other” John Adams

  11. If the EC had been closer, those voters might have had more incentive to subsequently prove they were eligible. As it was, persons voting both legally and illegally have less incentive to follow up.

    I’m sure there are conservatives who have double-voted somewhere, but the only people I have ever heard bring it up that they even could were all liberals. Including some close relatives, BTW.

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