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The press imagines… — 19 Comments

  1. while constantly calling out Trump for wasting time on every trivial little thing they are the ones who constantly looking at these trivial little things to search for every possible way to cast Trump in a bad light to damage his public image in a semi unnoticed and stealthy way. every little trivial attack adds up. Trump is very good at catching these stealth attacks, that is why he is constantly calling those out. These trivial attacks were very efficient at slowly chipping away George W Bush’s good image.

  2. I believe a hold over from courtly politeness would require that one shake the Lady’s hand first. In previous times a gentleman would kiss the hand of a
    lady he had just been introduced to. Not sure how it worked woman to woman probably a kiss on each cheek. Media of course left out that Pres Trump’s hand shake happened next.

  3. We need to stop paying any attention to this garbage. Don’t give them any space, any oxygen, nothing. They are beyond ridiculous and totally unworthy of mention.

    Dump the cable news, the unserious magazines, their websites. Give them no money, no clicks, nothing. Act as if they don’t exist. They are beyond pathetic and serious people should just ignore them.

  4. Per Emily Post, 1922:

    “Gentlemen always shake hands when they are introduced to each other. Ladies rarely do so with gentlemen who are introduced to them; but they usually shake hands with other ladies, if they are standing near together. ”

    I can’t speak to Polish customs in 2017, but if they are similar to American customs in 1922, the Polish first lady would not have expected to shake hands with Trump. Trump, of course, is a bumpkin even by contemporary American standards, as was Obama, so he held out his hand in rather vulgar fashion. It would be a little ridiculous for newspaper reporters to object to uncouth behavior, however.

  5. Their infantile efforts to disparage are exceeded only by their dishonesty. Do they really think that anyone outside their shrinking orbit is impressed?

    I believe that President Trump made an important speech, with statesman like themes, in Warsaw; and that it will be recognized as such beyond the narrow confines of DC, NYC, SF, and Old Europe. The fools who try to put him in a confining box will continue to embarrass themselves.

  6. The other explanation is that they truly believe their own memes, the Russian collusion thing being one of them. They HAVE to believe them. Thats why they’re completely dumbfounded should any actual evidence should surface….Then its on to the next meme…..

  7. They object to the color of his skin, too. Something about insufficient [class] diversity. Progress, unqualified.

  8. You are all correct of course, all that I will add is that he appears amused as she passes him by.

  9. I was amused to see the suggestion that the lady didn’t see Trump’s offered hand because it was so small. 🙂

  10. a note on press from James Carville

    The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running. That’s why I became an operative working with Democrats. With Democrats all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd.

    Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don’t have a clue as to political reality.

    What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that were the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there and you can get people to vote any way you want.

    The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn’t have a clue than there were Republicans.


    and THAT is how their leaders regard the followers..
    attitudes straight out of Nechyeve, but without having to have an ideological excuse to prop it up… use people, and use the different categories to great effect… as laid out exactly in the revolutionary catechism… (especially the ladies!!)

  11. And now they are talking about Trump shaking Putin’s hand and, gasp, patting him on the back.

    You’re right, Neo, this fixation is bizarre.

  12. mollynh
    women hated that stuff you say, it was oppressive that someone stopped them from having offspring with handsome losers with no future… or would hold doors and oppress them..

    Do yall agree that men holding doors for women is oppressive / http://www.lipstickalley.com

    Men who hold doors open and smile may actually be sexist / Daily Mail

    The oppressive nature of chivalry

    This Girl’s Tweets About How Men Opening Doors For Women Is A Sign Of Male Oppression Makes My Life Hurt / http://www.barstoolsports.com/barstoolu/this-girls-tweets-about-how-men-opening-doors-for-women-is-a-sign-of-male-oppression-makes-my-life-hurt/

    by the way, not holding them is oppresive too

    MGTOW solution, ignore them and go your own way and let nature take its course..

    “demographers are panicking”

    and you will get the whole panoply of the truth, vs the excuses, and politics…

    who is right?

    well if you read these first
    Is Egg Freezing the Next Big Thing for New York Career Women

    New Egg Freezing Technology Eases Women’s Career-Family Angst

    Postponing Motherhood: When Does It Actually Become Too Late

    then read the truth..
    Women ‘are being given false hope’ over freezing eggs

    and then you find out the real truth
    Freezing Eggs: Women Aren’t Doing It for Career Reasons

    yes, that was the feminists thing… kind of kept you from percieving in your world view what their eugenics advice was doing and even covering up its eugenics.

    ‘Leftover generation’ of career women are freezing their eggs ‘because they can’t find similarly successful men’

    Highly educated women are ‘leftover’ amid a generation of ‘missing men’
    Women are freezing their eggs as an insurance policy to beat their inner clock
    Last year 30,015 more women aged 18 were accepted for university in the UK
    Up until 2014, 3,676 women in Britain had opted to have their eggs frozen
    Experts say women should consider partnering a man who is less educated

    basically, they are and have exterinated themselves and MGTOW and others are just fine with that, as are all the men who are looking globally.

    i said, 30 years of below replacement CANT BE DENIED to those denying it.

    EVERY country that had this ideology, has died out and dying out and has been forced to import those taht follow an ideology of fertility first…

    Money quote:
    Their problem, according to US and Israeli researchers, is that they are unable to find similarly clever, driven men because fewer males are entering higher education.

    funny, but once again its the mens fault.
    but the men dont want them, at all
    reading the comments says so
    i have a friend with a daugher and a pussy hat fightinf for more than 6 out of 10

    they hare redefined their society based on their socialist leaders and have managed to make themselves a side bar to society and are dying out as their whole western civ and the chivalry, good manners, ladies first, children important, etc. society goes teh way of the dodo.

    right now the men, as i warned for decades, are at the point of NOT MY PROBLEM..

    and its the PRESS that did all this as it kept ladies informed, changed their fasion mags inot pol sci rags, threw out the silage, got women to strip naked in public, screw everytthing including animals, wear underwear outside their clothing, mrder their babies, say ok to being treated like breeding cows when pregqnant, losing their children to the state under parens patria (hey how si that GARD Thing working out in socialist medicine? they wont save the kid cause if they do they have to pay to save the others), and more… ALL THANKS TO THE PRESS MAINTAINING A WORLD VEIW AND INSURING THOSE THAT FOLLOW DONT WANT TO LOOK OUTSIDE THE FISHBOW

    dont believe me?
    Your degree or career doesn’t make you younger or prettier, go figure. Hypergamy floats, google it, and paul proteus’s video explaining the obvious, but it has to be done, because feminist indoctrination has made reality mysterious for so many people. A feminist society is the last stage before the fall, the degrees are inflated status of the unproductive, men still are the backbone of society, and when you damage this, you will be taken over by those who know better, as you see all across the west, especially in europe. Feminism always fails, but usually it takes down the civilization with it.

    its gonna be hard to change things
    if your older you have very litte idea what those yutes are doing… they cant even function enough to work enough on their own to prevent their own starvation… this puts them right in line to be camp gards or whatever you want, as lack of morals and willingness to harm others once given permission makes them the brutal class.

    the G20 is full of the brutal class offpring
    jsut compare the images to that of 1930 communist revolutions.. heh… not all that differnet, but the clotheirng and weapons and methods.

  13. Artfldg, actually a handsome young man in basketball jersey attire held the door at Mcd’s open for me after his 2 female companions entered and I responded “Thank You” and he broke out with a beaming smile, a most pleasant exchange! 🙂

  14. I greatly appreciate having the door held for me and always offer profuse thanks for it. Especially so if it is a younger man doing so, with a nice remark that his Mother would be proud. Good manners never go unnoticed and are never out of style.

  15. Oldflyer Says:
    July 6th, 2017 at 10:56 pm
    Their infantile efforts to disparage are exceeded only by their dishonesty. Do they really think that anyone outside their shrinking orbit is impressed?
    * * *
    Q: “The text added by WaPo admits that the video clip and story is misleading – so why did WaPo use a misleading headline and video in the first place? …”
    A: Because their readers won’t go beyond the headline and the misleading clip.
    (see arfldgr Says:
    July 7th, 2017 at 9:41 am
    a note on press from James Carville)

    “If WaPo and other leading media are willing to try to embarrass Trump with a misleading video story over something like a handshake, about what else are they willing to mislead?

    Next time WaPo has a breaking story about Trump based on anonymous sources, and tells us to “trust” them on the sourcing, don’t.”

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