Home » I am taking a Trump-news break today


I am taking a Trump-news break today — 14 Comments

  1. It will not only be there when you come back to it. It will probably be the same crap.

  2. While I try to be informed about all things Trump and the rest of the ‘news’ of the day; I believe its healthy to step back and see that what is going on is worthy of Lewis Carroll’s imagination. Down the rabbit hole we go.

    The main thing I take seriously is the West’s continuing failure to face the reality of Islam. Nothing I can do about that, but it is what I think about beyond gardening, a weekly session at the range, and family and friends. We live locally, especially in flyover country, take care of your own business and acknowledge the powers that be could care less about you and your’s. Plus, stay cocked and locked. 😉

  3. I think we need more Trump free days. It’s not healthy societally to be so obsessed with a President, any President. Another sad by product of the Obama era that needs to end.

  4. I think this blog has the right mix of 1) Trump, 2) other issues of great importance regarding national security, 3) other issues of government regarding our constitutional republic, and 4) interesting but low importance (the arts, nature, health).

  5. What Alan said. Except the 4) stuff is NOT of “low” importance, it just doesn’t impact the political scene.

    The family went camping for three days without internet access, and the world didn’t end, Trump wasn’t impeached, and the Left hasn’t changed.

  6. Griffin:,“I think we need more Trump free days. It’s not healthy societally to be so obsessed with a President, any President. Another sad by product of the Obama era that needs to end.”

    This x infinity

    One of my (sure to be unfulfilled) life dreams is to have a boring president who just quietly does his/her job within constitutional limits.

    I have a bad feeling that Trump has opened the door to more celebrities thinking “I could do that”. People hate politicians. People love celebrities. All pub is good pub…

    We need to get used to this. *sigh*

  7. Stop blaming the west fur being victims of ideological warfare they dint even believe exists or works if they do.
    Or do you think the rampant murderous desire to have and live under a dictatorship with no free soeech and as a state sleeve ab accident post ww2

    Heck.. Never further means crap if not only you dint remember, but I’d so, you ignore those that do in favor of a better new world of distracting masturbatory entertainments

    With about as much substance as the Turkish delights in the lion witch and wardrobe…

    The ladies and racialists can’t be argued with and do not concede even when wrong… Right now they are pulling very much nazi ideology but to ask of the jew lovers as they see it the way send in the south and after white who was not racist too

    Everything literally is communisted..
    From bedroom to boardroom
    With laws and programs and voluntary thinks that are announcing to the same anti work of the scape goats…

    Now women are marrying themselves
    Perfect self exterminating and population ending behaviors.
    They ejected their only potential protectors, then self exterminated and self hatred that they imbued a genocidal hate at the same time as Democide demographic changes will allow a vote to end the evil!!!

    The white feminists are getting kicked out and attacked
    The colleges are having days of no white
    Segregated courses where they want no word to attend
    Professors calling fur exterminations
    And more so normalized we dint pay attention to it

    But colleges are preventing attendance by giving scholarships.
    60 million a year at one college dint leave much for others as does free tuition… Guess the girls will lose college if wrong race

    After all they are the breeders of the evil

    Do that’s why they are being told, using bad advice and misusing trust to destroy them!!!

    Women destroyed western civ because they have it and love their even weirder oppressors…

    Meanwhile… Take a peek
    The men dont even care enough to do the gang rapes either
    MGTOW worked…

    In the Battle of the sexes
    The war the women declared unilaterally on behalf of what?
    Communism like willi innocents?!!

    Hi dint rescue the opposition
    You stand aside and let them self destruct

  8. If only the NYT and WAPO would do the same. They don’t just have Trump derangement syndrome, their behavior is psychotic.

  9. Think 1933, just before women voted hitler into power not enough men to outvote them, they died in wwi and why all the figures are in percentages, you have to look at population records to rework the numbers backwards. if 20,000 women out of 100,000 vote X, then 5% voted for X… if 20 men out of 100 voted for X, then 5% of men voted for X – but even 100% of men couldnt balance the vote for all the things we are doing now…

    blood/soil/lebensraum is natives claiming lands that were lost over and over in time, or through their own actions of attack.

    willi and his idiots clubs with all the trimmings, a leftist media like he started, kids fighting as part of east germany antifa, but have no idea thats willi. anti white is very trendy as anti jewish was also trendy…

    Hawaii prof demands that colleges ‘stop hiring white cis men’

    Are you a ‘white cis man’ on a college faculty? Prof says to resign

    Texas A&M won’t fire professor who called for killing white people

    In escalating debate on race at Evergreen State on the Day of Absence, they wanted white people to stay off campus

    american mathematical society:
    Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else. If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person

    [i havent had a raise or promotion in 12 years as they told me they are reservd for women and people of color and other classes.. this means my family is exterminated as my indonesian wife and i could not afford kids… they also imposed an entry level title so i cant get work anywhere else. and at one point put me in a room, till i had a stroke, but even neo couldnt help… not even by putting pictures up so that the world would konw what they were doing… now, i just dont give a flying f*ck any more… so i dont have to be quiet and say politically correct things. i am waiting to die, and have no chance at anythig… thats that, game over, and i only hope i can earn enough for my wife who is not white, but suffers for marrying me in this society… my family might have done better staying with Stalin)

    Right now, I want to talk about gender equality because the fact that women aren’t actually a demographic minority makes certain arguments easier, but please know that actual solutions require women of color and trans people. Remember having white cis women run the world is no kind of solution.

    or as one lady said
    my P*ssy isnt pink!!!

    hey guys!!!
    want to know why western civilization has died?
    the women killed the men that made it for them
    so they let it die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hee hee har har what the heck you fighting for?
    nothing, nothing nothing..

    the men took a back seat and to save western civ, they would have to become what their women hate, and so, will rather die than die out…

    Any story you tell about how you got where you are that doesn’t include land theft, profiting off of forced, unpaid labor, illegal occupation, murder, assault, theft, psychological and physical warfare, exploitation, and a culture of complicity is, you know, a lie. How are we going to fight for others when we think we are entitled to everything that was stolen for us?

    This is not about shame or guilt. Those things are useless. This is about shifting perspective. I know you’re not going to quit your job, but I want you to understand that you should. And to understand that by keeping your job and your other unearned privileges, you are running a continued debt to marginalized people and you should always be seeking ways to pay us back.

    Not to alarm you, but statistically speaking you are the problem. Your very presence. I can’t tell you what is the best strategy for you to stop blocking my path. I can just ask that you please get out of my way.

    Just think.
    western Civ is finding out it should NEVER hace shared anything, and should have been selfish
    want to know why the world is selfish, cause look what happens when you DO share…

  10. on Trumps collusion with russia (funny):

    Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as “Putin’s Child”? Oh wait that wasn’t Trump it was John Podesta

    Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies? Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.

    Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.

    Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn’t a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it? Oh wait the was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

    Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

    Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that’s part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins? Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.

    Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.

    Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over? Oh wait that was President Obama.

    Man… Trump’s ties to Russia are disgusting.”

  11. Cornhead: You are absolutely correct.

    A disgusting picture that will live on FB and the net forever.

    She’s a pig and I pray that those who were amused by the image will face KARMA. JMHO

  12. Ray Says:
    May 31st, 2017 at 12:04 pm
    If only the NYT and WAPO would do the same. They don’t just have Trump derangement syndrome, their behavior is psychotic.
    * * *
    They have been overtaken by the covfefe.

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