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April… — 6 Comments

  1. “After the first 100 days of divided government, and a new Republican leadership controlling the House of Representatives, 75 percent of respondents disapproved of the way Congress is handling its job. ”

    Uh huh.

    I do like the way they refer to the Tea Party supporters in a serious fashion. It shows that while we’re hated, we are recognized.

  2. Well, if the poll shows that Americans are pessimistic, then maybe that’s a good sign that people are getting a clue. Anyone who is an optimist right now is delusional.

  3. You are right rickl, it is a positive sign. First people get upset, then they start looking for answers. Those chained to dogma will always revert to the left, the majority will (I hope) come to realize steal from Peter to pay Paul is a dead end street.

  4. Neo, did you see this?

    “Shot heard round the business world”: the NLRB forbids Boeing to open a new plant in South Carolina, a right to work state, after a complaint to the Board is filed by the Machinists’ Union.

    Read this: it’s outrageous. Effectively it gives any union a veto over any corporation in making a business decision. The guy who signed the order is an Obama appointee.

    Note, too, that the union brought the complaint over a Year after the company built the SC plant; that they haven’t lost one job in Puget Sound, in fact Boeing has hired more people there; that the company was in lengthy negotiations with the union to try to prevent the necessity of building what is essentially a parallel production line, but in a state where they won’t strike against you every 3 or 4 years, like the Seattle guys.

    The union was demanding veto power over Boeing decisions in perpetuity: including forcing them to swear they’d never build planes anywhere else. It’s really breathtaking.

    Read, also, the SC senators’ statements about this ruling. “Blistering” is the right word for it.

  5. Beverly:
    I saw a comment at Ace of Spades regarding that story:

    “I was going to go to see Atlas Shrugged, but I think I’ll just stay home and watch the news instead.”

  6. In what Republicans can take as a positive sign as they seek a more limited government, 55 percent of poll respondents said they would rather have fewer services from a smaller government than more services from a bigger one, as opposed to 33 percent who said the opposite, a continuation of a trend in Times/CBS poll

    This does not indicate majority support for Obama’s view of government.

    The NLRB decision on Boeing is absurd. Can it be overturned? By whom?

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