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Trump’s picks du jour — 18 Comments

  1. I’m willing to give Tillerson a chance, especially as Bolton will be the Deputy Secretary of State. Hopefully his prior support for doing business with Iran was strictly a business decision. If he resists tearing up the Iran deal, then it would raise concerns but the Iranians are going to abrogate it anyway.

    Fiorina would be welcome.

  2. The article I linked to in the Daily Caller says it wasn’t just the sanctions on Iran he was against:

    After Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, Tillerson publicly opposed U.S. and European Union sanctions on Russia saying in 2014 “we do not support sanctions, generally, because we don’t find them to be effective unless they are very well implemented comprehensively, and that’s a very hard thing to do.”

    U.S. and EU sanctions, coupled with low global oil prices, have crippled the Russian economy since 2014. Russia’s economy contracted by 2% throughout 2015, and its currency nearly halved in value. If Trump and Tillerson support a removal of Russian sanctions while in office, it will likely put the U.S. at odds with some EU and NATO allies. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and several Baltic NATO allies, strongly support extending sanctions on Russia.

  3. Ann

    Rex did oppose sanctions at that time because he had a contract to drill in Russia and Rex’s first duty was to protect the value of that contract for his shareholders.

    I’m thrilled with this appointment as I am with practically all of Trump’s appointments.

  4. Headlines today say that Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, and Gates support Tillerson. So does that other hard nosed GOPe warhorse, James Baker.

    I know that certain segments automatically reject anyone who has actually governed; but, to me that is a pretty formidable lineup. Throw in John Bolton as Deputy (successor?) and what’s not to like?

  5. I sure do hope Carly and The Donald make up enough to put her in as director of national intelligence — it’s clear the US needs a LOT more cybersecurity.

    It’s pretty easy to imagine Carly getting asked and accepting, with basically no public apologies asked for nor given nor even publicly talked about. It was Trump’s insults that Carly has to forgive, not hers (so much).

    Following her on FB, she seemed very consistent in trying to help Reps get elected, without bad mouthing Trump.

    Plus, she’s been one of the top CEOs, and is a woman. At 62 now, she could still be a contender in 2024. I’d expect her to be great, if she & Trump can really get along enough.

  6. An interesting thought occurred to me.

    Regarding Trump, who has made a career out of greasing political wheels, it was said that he could be taken seriously in wanting to end government corruption, specifically because he benefitted from it in the past, and therefore knows how to close all the loopholes.

    Could the same not be true of Tillerson? A careful examination of his quote above

    “we do not support sanctions, generally, because we don’t find them to be effective unless they are very well implemented comprehensively, and that’s a very hard thing to do.”

    suggests that, having been in the position of knowing what doesn’t work about sanctions, he may be in the best position to put together sanctions that do work.

  7. The praise for Trump’s nominees may be justified. People like Tillerson, Mattis, and most of the others are highly qualified in their chosen careers and would probably be excellent non-politician cabinet members. There is one thing that does strike me as peculiar about the choices, their globalist credentials.

    Tillerson heads a company that has its own foreign policy department. He’s also a member of the Bilderberg Group. Rick Perry for all of his social and fiscal conservatism, is also very much a globalist. As governor of Texas he was instrumental in pushing through the NAFTA Superhighway system. His part of it was called the Trans-Texas Corridor. It was to connect the U.S. with Canada and Mexico. At the southern end there was to be a huge Mexican port that would bypass our union controlled West Coast ports, both for export and import from Asia. Perry also has connections to the Bildergerg Group, as does Peter Thiel, and a number of Trump’s advisors.

    I’m not implying any kind of conspiracy by pointing this out. You can get that at Infowars and other such places. What it does show is that for all of his talk about building a fence, tearing up NAFTA, revising or negating trade agreements, when you get down to it Trump is surrounding himself with people who think in globalist terms. And really, should we be surprised knowing that his own business empire is world wide?

    Going along with the globalist theme, he is also nominating people who are Wall Street and banking insiders despite his campaign rhetoric about taking on hedge funds and draining the swamp. And again, should we be surprised by this knowing that Carl Icahn and Sheldon Adelson contributed millions to superpacks to help elect him?

    Trump Tower is the insider’s meeting place. Populist my ass!

  8. Much of the chaos in the world is the result of oil income in the Muslim world (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Libya, & Kuwait) followed by that in what could be called the Communist world (Venezuela & Russia). Having knowledge of the interests and intensions of those nations is one avenue to devising a foreign policy that promotes stability.

    Tillerson has been essentially a citizen of the world as the head of Exxon Mobil. (XOM) His focus has been on making money for his shareholders all over the world. However, because of where oil is located, he has dealt extensively with all the countries named above.

    His new role will be to use his knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of those nations to craft foreign relations that are in the best interests of the USA, which may sometimes adversely affect the interests of XOM. That may be a problem, but we hope not. It would be a boon if he can craft policies that are favorable to us and work to stabilize things in the Muslim world. Also to reach some kind of relationship with Putin that blunts Putin’s appetite for aggression against his neighbors. All that is a pretty tall order. Maybe too much to ask for from a businessman who has been mostly involved in seeking favorable deals despite the mischief making of the governments involved. If he is able to rise to the challenge, it could make a huge difference in the prospects for peace and prosperity.

  9. I’m relieved, happily surprised and quietly optimistic with Trump’s choices for the cabinet, advisors, staff & other posts. Now, if he’ll name Bolton as Dep. Sec’y of State, I’ll be ecstatic. Imagine…General’s, a Seal Team Six Member and the toughest, smartest neocon alive as Deputy at State!!! Ohhh…And Carly as part of The Team, too?! She’s got balls the size of Obama’s ego.

    I breathe better by the day.

  10. I’m already getting tired of the constant public appearances. I don’t vote for presidents so that I have to constantly pay attention to politics…quite the opposite.

    I want Trump in office, occasional news of good things, and silence the rest of the time. I’m not likely to get my wish.

  11. Matt_SE: “I’m already getting tired of the constant public appearances.”

    I’m with you. I don’t get it. I’m tired of the public persona and he isn’t even sworn in. I hope he realizes that he’s cheapening his act. But when you watch the rallies, even his thank you rallies, the adulation is amazing. It’s like a personality cult. Not my cuppa.

  12. Matt__SE & J.J. I’ve morbidly awaited Obama to spend a week(5-7 days!!) WORKING in the Oval Office for nearly 8 years. Nope. Nada. Nyet. Nein. No f’Ing way. The Perpetual Campaign/Vacation/Press Trip has never paused. Abandonment of the huge, hard fought Victory in Iraq, rise and massive growth of ISIS & Islamist Savagery, lump wristed

  13. ..Limp wristed Iran deal, broadcasting of weakness to all thugs worldwide, etc ad nauseam. And, lest I forget, the Global Warming Conference held early in his reign in Denmark to the worst Snow/Ice Blizzards on record.
    I voted for Donald with No enthusiasm…But, his picks for his admin have bucked me up daily. The Dems, MSMs, Left’s Useful Idiots gnawing off their arms has provided me with formerly on-Leave Joy.

    **Hey, just some what’cha call perspective, Gents!!**

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