Home » Hijacking has bad ending: pirates kill hostages


Hijacking has bad ending: pirates kill hostages — 38 Comments

  1. when the pirates unexpectedly launched a grenade at the ship

    Somebody panicked because they knew they had nothing to negotiate with.

    It’s either that or they had a real bonafide jihadi on their hands who did the deed, both times.

  2. The problem with Somalia is Somalia. I hate to say it, but I’m not saying anything original. Anyone remember what Mark Bowden quoted an anonymous US official as saying in his book Black Hawk Down?

    “The idea used to be that terrible countries were terrible because good, decent, innocent people were being oppressed by evil, thuggish leaders. Somalia changed that. Here you have a country where just about everybody is caught up in hatred and fighting. You stop and old lady on the street and ask her if she wants peace, and she’ll say, yes, of course, I pray for it daily. All the things you’d expect her to say. Then ask her if she would be willing for her clan to share power with another in order to have that peace, and she’ll say, ‘With those murderers and thieves? I’d die first.’ People in these countries – Bosnia [and Kosovo and now Macedonia] is a more recent example – don’t want peace. They want victory. They want power. Men, women, old and young. Somalia was the experience that taught us that people in these places bear much of the responsibility for things being the way they are. The hatred and the killing continues because they want it to. Or because they don’t want peace enough to stop it.”

    That official’s point is that it’s sometimes too simplistic to say that a ruined nation’s people were oppressed. Sometimes, it’s a case of them creating their own situation and choosing to not rise above it. That’s what we see here. Too many Somalians are choosing to interface with the rest of the world violently. And because it’s their choice, it should be the rest of the worlds choice to move to isolate them, and use force to protect innocents from them.

    I’ve been saying for years now that some areas need seriously vigorous patrolling by the worlds navies. The sea lanes near Somalia is one of them. Granted, there must be rules of engagement in place to prevent mishaps, but at the same time, when a situation is obviously one involving pirates – such as a “fishing vessel” making course for a cruise ship while equipped with RPGs and assault rifles – forget just being there to “prevent” an attempted hijacking. Sink the pirates. Let them be Darwined into selecting non-piracy as the more survivable course of action. Otherwise, if there are no consequences for their activities, they’ll merely see piracy as an activity with a small amount of risk, and therefore one worth taking for the payoff. So why coddle? They’ve already chosen their path, long before these at-sea hijackings made the news.

  3. I think we should let the Russians handle it.


    the 2002 Nord-Ost siege, was the seizure of a crowded Moscow theater on 23 October 2002 by some 40 to 50 armed Chechens who claimed allegiance to the Islamist militant separatist movement in Chechnya.[1] They took 850 hostages and demanded the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya and an end to the Second Chechen War. The siege was officially led by Movsar Barayev. After a two-and-a-half day siege, Russian Spetsnaz forces pumped an unknown chemical agent (thought to be fentanyl, or 3-methylfentanyl), into the building’s ventilation system and raided it.[1]

    39 of the attackers were killed by Russian forces, along with at least 129 and possibly many more of the hostages (including nine foreigners). All but a few of the hostages who died during the siege were killed by the toxic substance pumped into the theater to subdue the militants.

    The use of the gas was widely condemned as heavy handed, but Moscow insisted it had little room for manoeuvre – faced with the prospect of 50 heavily armed rebels prepared to kill themselves and their hostages.

    Physicians in Moscow condemned the refusal to disclose the identity of the gas that prevented them from saving more lives. However some reports said the drug naloxone was successfully used to save some hostages. Roughly 170 people died in all.

  4. Our metrosexual president should take a lesson from Thomas Jefferson’s treatment of the Barbary pirates and seek a declaration of war against the Somali pirates. That could be followed by a carpet bombing of all Somali pirate villages and the sinking of any pirate vessels with crews aboard.

    There was a time when people feared the United States.

  5. Excuse me if I have posted similar material before.

    In the case of today’s Somali pirates, just as it was the case in the late 1700s, in perhaps the United States first encounter with Islam, in our encounter with the Barbary Pirates, who also were Muslim pirates headquartered in North Africa (I note that in the centuries after Christ and before the death of Muhammad in 632 A.D and the eruption of conquering Muslim armies from the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa had been home to a majority Christian population–cf. St. Cyprian of Carthage and St. Augustine of Hippo) the operative word here is “Islam.”

    Somehow it never gets much publicity that the sea trade of our newly founded and precariously funded country was under attack by the Barbary Pirates from the 1780s on, and their crippling attacks on the American sea trade our new country absolutely needed to survive–capturing or destroying our merchantmen, stealing their cargoes, and selling their crews and passenger into slavery–forced our Congress, us “unbelievers” and “Infidels”–to pay out somewhere between 10% and 20% of our entire annual Federal budget in gold coins each year as “protection money, ” as “Jizya” to those Muslim Pirates from 1785 through 1805 ( see http://www.city-journal.org/html/17_2_urbanities-thomas_jefferson.html) .

    Back in 1785 John Adams and Thomas Jefferson took the long and dangerous sea voyage to London to try to negotiate with the Pirate’s representative, Abd Al-Rahman, the Ambassador of Tripoli, and asked him why the Pirates were attacking the commerce of a newly formed country that had done them no harm, Al-Rahman answered by saying that:

    “it was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their [Islam’s] authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

    Thereafter, Jefferson worked for 20 years to being our Navy and Marine Corps into being, with their first mission to go to North Africa and, in a 10 year campaign from 1805 to 1815, to destroy the pirates and their bases.

    Now, we are again faced with Muslim “Barbary Pirates” whose spokesmen have justified their current piracy on the same Qur’anic basis as di the old Barbary pirates.

    This time, though, in possession of the largest, most powerful Navy on the planet, and with hundreds of thousands of Marines at our disposal, we sit by as or citizens are captured, ill treated, held for ransom, and, now, killed, and our still vital sea trade is being curtailed by these new Barbary Pirates, and we do nothing. Lo, how the mighty have fallen!

  6. Artfldgr,

    I was specific to the Somali pirates. I said nothing about civil unrest. Let’s be fair now.

  7. Apparently they weren’t such great sailors. Even I could steer clear of Somalia by a few thousand miles.

  8. ElMondoHummus,

    That quote from Bowden is really a gem, a jewel of true understanding of other cultures and mindsets (not the faux-“embrace diversity” called for by the Left). The idea that evil can originate bottom-up from the will of the people, the majority, and not only top-down from the dictatorial decrees of a single person or an oligarchy, is one that a world still in the grip of the Humanist school of human psychology has yet to come to terms with. The Humanist school must deny this because its central doctrine is mankind’s innate tendency toward goodness.

    A small quibble, however, with your phrase “That official’s point is that it’s sometimes too simplistic to say that a ruined nation’s people were oppressed.” Not with you specifically, of course, but with the intellectual fashion of using the word “simplistic” when the intention is really to say “wrong”; the phrase “the truth is more complex than that” when “the truth is totally different” is meant. Sometimes a proposition is flawed by being too simple or too complex, but more often a proposition should be rejected not on account or its simplicity or the opposite of that, but because it’s false. For example, whether it is a simplistic phrasing like Proudhon’s “Property is theft” or a complex, heavily-annotated, extensively-argued tome written by an anti-capitalist college professor, the proposition falls on its being wrong, and on that only.

  9. Elmondohummus,

    I agree, excellent citation from “Blackhawk Down.”

    It puts to mind the quote attributed to Golda Meier, that “There will be peace in the Middle East when the Palestinians love their children more than they hate the Jews.”

  10. I am disappointed to hear that 15 of the pirates were “arrested”.

    My wife asked why our Navy didn’t just gun them down like the filthy scum they are. My response was; “because then the Captain of our ship, and all who participated would be charged with murder. Sadly, there is ample precedent”.

    Our folks on the front lines must not forget how our Regime, particularly our Justice Department, looks at the world.

  11. Oldflyer,

    If a state of war is declared we can sink such ships with all hands on board if there are no hostages.

  12. Do it like the Russians. Release the Somali pirates on a raft. Then say they disappeared off radar. You don’t know what happened to them.

    (reality is, a bomb blew up the raft when they were far away enough for there to be no observers)

  13. Whether people want a stop to the violence isn’t the issue. They want victory because we all know that only with victory can come real security. Losing and being at the mercy of the enemy, provides what security? No security at all given that most enemies are evil or just out of control.

    They see their only reliable path to security being victory. Which is rather true. America, after all, achieved the same deal. Except her victories were real and her security real too. The fighting in Somalia may be deemed ineffective in achieving the goals people say they want to achieve. That lack of efficient then motivates them to export their warmonger ways to the rest of the world via hijackings, kidnappings, and piracy. If they can’t win against their neighbors, set out on viking to loot weaklings. I mean, that has worked before. Then go home and fight some more with the loot you got from overseas.

    Maybe it doesn’t work as well as our way of doing things, but they think it works for them.

    People will do more things if you lower the risk or if you increase the rewards. So far, rewards are pretty good in terms of wealth. A thousand dollars is a lot of money to starving peasants in Somalia. It can buy a lot of Ak 47 ammo. Which means power to those that have it. So the only way you can intimidate the pirates is to increase the risk. Since you can’t really make your self poorer or kill the hostages or convince France/germany not to unload millions to the pirates. You have to increase the risks. Which means executions.

    Executions are often a very simple and effective solution to human problems. They are no longer used as often as they should be in the West, but then perhaps that’s why the West has so many foolish leaders.

  14. Of course the Bible Cruisers were naive, with the naivete that befell almost all of us in the thirty-or-so years before the 2008 crash. They had it too good for too long, and there was always money. This immunized them from reality.

    I also just love the media description of the Pirates of Puntland, to the effect they are not serious Muzzies, but spend their loot on booze, whores, and drugs….so will be unlikely to harm the Bible Cruisers.

  15. don’t want peace. They want victory.

    Actually, you don’t have peace until you have a clear victory. Because the other guys don’t think they actually lost, and try again.

    As for piracy and pirate, we need to simply hang them from the yard arms of our warships as a warning for the next dozen generations of Somalis that this is what happens when you practice piracy.

    Still, I’m surprised that Blackwater (or similar) haven’t been contracted by interested parties to sail a bait ship to bring out the pirates, then they kill them when they come to seize their prize. To whom are the pirates going to complain?

  16. Well they’re in God’s hands’ now. This piracy situation reminds me of the pirate problem of late Republic Rome. Pompey had a plan to destroy the pirates. It was said that “it couldn’t be done” or it would “take much longer” than Pompey proposed. Well he went after them, destroyed them, and in half the time allotted. This was the ENTIRE Mediterrenean Sea in 90 days in the day of sail and oar.

  17. In places like Somalia killing is medium of communication, a method of stating a demand, a way to demonstrate that you are serious about carrying through with your threat. In the case of the Somali pirates there should be no negotiations over hostages or property. Negotiations allow the pirates to control the dialogue. Its not a situation that calls for negotiations, UN resolutions, diplomats, envoys, psychologists, anthropologists, lawyers, judges, juries, prisoners, or jails. What is required is that no quarter be given.

    Kill the pirates on sight and scour their village sanctuaries until nary a stone rests a top another stone. Sooner or later they’ll get the message or there will be no one left to hoist the black flag.

  18. Parker you are quite right. I would add this, these raggedy assed Somalis are not getting the vast majority of the loot. Somewhere in the shadows in expensive penthouses are those who truly profit. They should hunted down and killed( even extra judicially). Even if you get a few it would have a salutary effect.

  19. I can see by the posting that confusion still reigns WRT Somali piracy.

    They are an AQ affiliate pirate navy — nothing more, nothing less.

    The operations are run out of YEMEN not Somalia. The sea troops are mere fodder. The profits go back to AQ in Arabia.

    And yes, our intel guys have intercepted their communications from time to time. Further, Yemen ends up being the bank of deposit for ransoms paid. There are no international banking facilities in Somalia. It’s a total war zone.

    This pirate raid was conducted hundreds of miles to sea. It went straight for a wealthy couple with a Christian themed website and packing hundreds of Bibles around the Indian Ocean. The chances of this going off by pure chance are doubtful.

    That any charges might be brought against naval personnel for disposing of pirates at sea is bizarre.

    Pirates are unlawful combatants and have no rights under any treaty. Period. They have no rights under the US Constitution, either.

    They have the moral standing of spies and brigands and pirates.

  20. blert,

    I agree the pirates have no standing, moral or otherwise. I agree they collude with or may even be directly controlled by jihadi groups such as AQ. Frankly, to quote Rhett Butler, “I don’t give a damn” about what motivates their actions. I believe we need to formally declare war against the pirates. I strongly favored, after 9/11/01, a formal declaration of war against any nation state that provides aid or sanctuary to jihadi organizations already at war with Western Civilization. Clarity is important.

  21. I do not understand why the boat is still afloat. I do not understand why these so called pirates are still alive. I do not understand why the dock this ship used is still standing. I do not understand why the houses these people lived in are still standing.

    And do not give me any crap about co-lateral damage of the killing of innocents. They stared the ball, we need to finish it.

    And no war needs be declared. You want a formal war, that’s ok also but these people need to be terminated.

  22. Michael,

    I think a formal declaration of war sends an unequivocal message (to our own people and the enemy). It provides a clarity of purpose. (Does anyone doubt that we lack clarity?) So far we have about 6,000 KIA, many more wounded, yet more (soldiers and their families) damaged by the trauma of war, and hundreds of billions spent on ‘nation building’. But in real terms what have we gained?

    The ‘victory’ in Iraq is an illusion that will most likely collapse into a shite-sunni civil war and the campaign in Afghanistan has merely displaced the radicals, making nuclear Pakistan more unstable. The protracted, piecemeal series of battles we have fought play into the enemy’s strengths, not ours’.

    My personal bottom line: the rules of engagement must change or we should declare a phony victory and exit the battlefield. There ain’t no such thing as nation building without first an unconditional surrender followed by the victor dictating the terms of rehabilitation.

  23. A “Paper Tiger” is what we have become. Toothless, at that.

    You all haven’t seen anything yet.
    Just wait a few more years as the Chicomms finish arming up, while we continue to slash Defense spending. One nice electromagnetic pulse up high will ruin us and cause millions of deaths.
    In approx. ten years, at the present pace, Federal entitlements plus debt interest will be 90% of the Federal budget, based just on extrapolations of the present. How do you want your one-egg defense fried?

  24. Tom,

    We have been a ‘paper tiger’ since the Tehran embassy situation in 1979. An EMP burst is a plausible threat, but I suspect the Islamists will be the ones to pop that sort of attack should it materialize. All that China needs to do is what you have noted…. wait until the USA spends X% (20-30-50?) of GDP on servicing debt and they will be able to retake Taiwan, menace – coerce under populated OZ, cower Japan, and seize other regional treasures.

    I think we both agree that time is not on our side unless we make a drastic change of course (very soon). However, we may differ in that I am convinced that if we go down, no other nation(s) will take our place. As I see it, no other society is ready, within the foreseeable future, to replace the USA as the economic engine of the global economy. Ashes, ashes we all fall down.

    I’m strongly leaning towards a global economic collapse within 2-5 years and preparing accordingly. If I’m wrong, my kids and grandchildren will inherit lots of cool stuff. If I’m right me and mine will be better prepared to face the unknowable than 99% of the population. Let the games begin. I fear no evil, I fear my own weaknesses.

  25. the game is not so simple for china.

    The cloth that binds countries is quite fragile, and easily broken. their trick is to tie knots tight, but not try to tie them so tight that the bound decide to just break it and not play any more. as in the real world, there is such a thing as “topping from the bottom” as the fringe might say.

  26. Artfldgr,

    I agree, China is not monolithic. It has many weaknesses. Yet, IMO we have placed our nation in a more fragile position (in the short term which may be what matters).

    “When it all comes down to dust
    I will kill you if I must,
    I will help you if I can.

    When it all comes down to dust
    I will help you if I must,
    I will kill you if I can.”

    — Leonard Cohen

    (Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.)

  27. Wolla Dalbo, THANK YOU! We have indeed forgotten our country’s maritime history, and the way we initially dealt with the pirate problem.

    It is long past time we recognize that today’s pirates are no different in goals and behavior than their counterparts of 200 years ago. They ought to be dealt with just as summarily, for the safety of everyone else on the high seas.

  28. I am starting to get tired of “O’Reilly “ and rarely watch him now, but I caught the section on the Somali pirates last night, and his so called “military expert”–hey, he used to be a Major or something–from some defense think tank gave his opinion–and a very tired, well-worn exculpatory defense that lawyers use all the time here in the U.S. to get their teen-aged clients off the hook for prostitution, drug related crimes, robberies, and murders –that it all went wrong when the young, teenage “pirates,” who were new to the game, somehow panicked and started shooting.

    So, there you have it–youth, inexperience, panic–it was obviously “not their fault,” if you forget the piracy, and the hostage taking, the demands for ransom, and all their knives, machine guns, and RPGs.

  29. It is not too late to issue the “letters of marque and reprisal” that the U.S. Constitution, Article, 1, section, 8, paragraph 11 authorizes against piracy, and private mercenary outfits like Blackwater should receive the first letters.

    My prescription; first, no trials, just kill every pirate we can find, destroy every ship they have, find their backers and suppliers and kill them too and destroy their facilities and inventory, obliterate the pirates ports and bases, and the villages they are centered in, and repeat as necessary.

    Basically, stamp them into a bloody pulp.

  30. It’s been common for years that anybody who is oppressed must necessarily be a good guy, innocent. Thus, being seen as victimized is money in the bank. We saw that in the Balkans. On day one, we see weeping women and stunned kids. On day two, we don’t see them exulting over other weeping women and stunned kids who, on the previous day were exulting….
    Somebody said, of Somalis and others, that there is no civilizing them. Outsiders must kill and kill until their society is shocked into quiescence. But then, after a time, they regain their equilibrium and begin their routine horrors. So outsiders must shock them again. Or leave them to simmer. That would be okay, if they stayed home.
    Saw film of a reporter, yelling spontaneously to US troops withdrawing from that hellhole–“Don”t come back. These people aren’t worth it.”
    Lesson for the day. Some aren’t.
    From which it would follow that something other than the most passive defensive measures are both justified and necessary. Burning out the bases, killing pirates wholesale. Killing their bosses and financiers wherever they are.
    Don’t want to do it? Fine. Want to end the piracy? Any other ideas? Besides the obviously useless designed only for moral preening ideas, I mean.

  31. Wolla Dalbo,

    As I mentioned above (1:01 pm), let the Russians handle it; a thought with which Artfdgr clearly disagrees (1:09 pm above).

  32. Parker,
    its obvious you didnt get what i meant in my explanation.

    in bdsm world (not the gay world), topping from the bottom is something that isn’t supposed to exist between a dominant and a submissive.

    that in such a relationship, the submission is voluntary, and technically is not supposed to be.

    among member states, unlike people, they are only subject to the rules they play by voluntarily.

    they can never really be bound up by anything they dont volunteer to. so the ropes that would tie a country are not strong at all, they are for show, as the country voluntarily submits.

    so it possible for countries to top from the bottom, and give the dominant terms.

    this is a dynamic that people who are not sensitive to power games understand. to them, its easy and black and white. to power principals, its not so easy, the bottom position actually holds more power than the dominant position IF the players are playing voluntarily on some level and can choose other options.

    ergo, why victim ideological dialectics lead to power over the “oppressors”.

    the oppressors are not really oppressors!!! the idea that one can top from the bottom with real oppressors is daft! but if you designate nice people who arent really oppressors, then you get to top from the bottom as you create an endless litany of things that the top has to do to earn graces back (which cant happen).

    thats the power dynamic of feminism, and race politics, etc…

    they dont want the top… its an open society and their designated scape goats, as in germany, are not really what they say they are.

    if they were the whole of the kabuki theater would fall apart as the designated masochists find other outlets (which is what is happening demographically since they are not really masochists!), and their toys leave them.

    if they were real oppressors, or really dominant and not partners, they would just use their superior force and that would be that. but remember, these designated oppressor enemies created pluralistic society which USED to despise such arbitrary power over merit.

    the result is not a new superior culture but a broken one that will fall apart if attacked, and even worse, destroy itself over what in the past was easy to handle.

    this is a key difference between a socialist state and a free state.. in a free state, you can top from the bottom, in a socialist state, the top will punish the bottom for even trying.

    and why you can use this to convert them as the new state is immune to the disease that is normalized. they have the tools to deal with a realtop, pretending to be a bottom, so that they can realtop the falsetop from a falsebottom.

    ie, they take the one down position so that they can endlessly cause pain and damage and not be attacked.

    as far as china and the us goes… they CAN try to push when we go to far, but go to far and we say screw it, you can wait 1000 years to be paid for what you have already provided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    we already have the goods…

    so as bad as you think it is for us if the condition you wrote happens, to those who know how power works, knows that the person who is in over their heads in loans controls the bank that would go out of business without those payments!!! and this is because even if we are down, they cant break our kneecaps.

  33. a thought with which Artfdgr clearly disagrees

    yes… as i know more than one incident they have handled. they are often brutish, thuggish, and their respect for lives is generally nil.

    is that who you really want behind the machine gun? those who find the deaths of all the victims convenient and useful, rather than something to be saved?

    the example that i gave was to show that if they really cared for the hostages, gassing them with fentanyl was not a good idea…

    but the chinese AND russians tend to make serious mistakes where they think they were get sympathy and understanding!!! and so things blow up in their faces when it comes to controlling how the west sees them, while still doing what they want to do.

    and here again we find that if i am short, the other has a lot of fun running off at the mouth certain that they know the reason why i put up an example or said something.

    but now, i find, that AGAIN, i have to get long to explain, as the person again, didnt get the freaking hint of a short post and their requirement to go out and learn a bit, and do more than cargo cult surface examination. (do not judge a book by its cover).

    which is it guys?

    i have explained this dynamic more than once and the ONLY people that have control of it is you.

    i can write short, but if that translates to lack of understanding, an ability to misquote me and not even ask what i mean, vast assumptions, and so on… THEN WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE SHORT AND MISUNDERSTOOD, AND THEN END UP WITH THE SOCIAL REPUTATION THAT HAS NO BEARING ON REALITY?

    so i may be long, but at least people cant use what i say against me by using the LACK of information as a means to an end.

    so here… now is a long post, and i bet that the person wont read it…

    i gave you the Moscow theater incident. that is checens left their coutnry, went to moscow, then proceeded to take almost 200 people hostage including children. they gassed them, and everyone that died died due to that gas!!! NONE died from the terrorists, who may or may not have carried out their threats if other methods were used.

    your answer?

    I was specific to the Somali pirates. I said nothing about civil unrest. Let’s be fair now.

    what civil unrest in MOSCOW?

    that’s like Brazilians, or Islamic Arabs, coming to the US to protest American influence and taking an auditorium school of kids and teachers hostage… to which our swat teams gas them and kill the hostages.

    the somali pirates are not much different…

    but what i was referring to is HOW people accomplish goals, what tey find acceptable, etc.

    and all you could get out of a short post was to be snarky and push false superiority by pushing lack of your understanding.

    the Americans when they did a simultaneous sniper shot which dropped many people at once, was the model to follow

    if that was the model, then the hostages in moscow would mostly have survived as our boys hav shown more than once they can shoot at the same time, and drop many people at once.

    there is a video online of them shooting guns out of peoples hands…

    but no… you admire thugs..

    and whats more, you admire state sanctions totalitarian thugs.

    The Beslan school hostage crisis (also referred to as the Beslan school siege or Beslan massacre)[2][3][4] was a three day hostage-taking of over 1,100 people which ended in the deaths of over 380. It began when a group of armed mostly Ingush and Chechen militants took more than 1,100 people (including 777 children[5]) hostage on 1 September 2004, at School Number One (SNO) in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia, an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. The hostage taking was carried out by an Islamic group sent by the Chechen separatist warlord Shamil Basayev, which issued demands of an end to the Second Chechen War.

    antoher crisis, and guess what?
    ISLAM again..

    an guess what is the somali pirates justification?


    and your referring to it as a social uprising as our press puts it and do not point out that its Islamic jihad and extremism seeking AGAIN a new caliphate.

    so, we now have one somali incident, where you think its ok to put people on a raft, put them on the ocean, and let them die slowly…

    we have a hostage crisis in moscow, where the rescue people basically killed the victims…

    and now i bring up beslan… how did they handle this situtaion where 777 CHILDREN were at stake?

    well, the way that totalitarian thugs who wish to crush opposition and dont care about peopel at all would act!

    On the third day of the standoff, Russian security forces stormed the building, using tanks, incendiary rockets, and other heavy weapons.[6] A series of explosions shook the school, followed by a fire which engulfed the building and a chaotic gun battle between the hostage-takers and Russian security forces. Ultimately, at least 334 hostages were killed, including 186 children;[7][8] hundreds more were injured and many were reported missing.

    186 children… you find that acceptable?
    cant have a socialist state without breaking eggs, eh?

    The tragedy led to security and political repercussions in Russia, most notably a series of federal government reforms consolidating power in the Kremlin and strengthening of the powers of the President of Russia. According to American NGO Freedom House, these reforms consolidated Russia as a politically non-free, authoritarian state since the mid-2000s

    ah… so the incident which they made worse and all that was used to return russia to a soviet style state by a different name…

    we have nothing comparatively in the US!!!!!!!!!!!

    why is that?

    because we dont respond like brutes, so there is very little to be earned in this game by gaming us by starting a fight.

    when your response is so brutish, and uncaring, its easy to be baited and to look bad… and after looking bad, you can see their response was NOT to get less brutish, but more so!!!

    which is what brutes do…

    how dare you express the truth and call me a brute, i will beat it out of you till you say what i need you to say.


    i would take some time to read about Alpha group (bet you wont though!!!!), also the old Smersh, and the Vymple
    “Alfa Group” or Group A, a special forces (spetsnaz) and special operations unit attached to the KGB was created on 28 July 1974 within the First Chief Directorate of the KGB on the orders of Yuri Andropov, then Chairman of the KGB. It was intended for counter-terrorism operations to give the KGB the capacity to respond to such incidents as the 1972 Munich massacre on its own territory. However, from the beginning, its assigned missions far exceeded its formal scope

    they are a FSB group now.

    They have employed chemical agents in hostage rescue operations (see Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent) and are capable of functioning in an NBC environment.

    Little further information is publicly available. It is assumed that Alpha is equipped with sniper and counter-sniper capability, tactical emergency medical services, demolitions, tactical intelligence and other functions typical of both police special teams and the special operations community. It is unknown whether they have dedicated hostage negotiators.

    so technically we are talking about a para military force that has the freedom to use chemical weapons… (you realize that 188 countries signed the chemical weapons treaty, 189 signed the nuclear one).

    you never realized that to use such was chemical warfare against Chechen on their own soil.

    here is their work in lebanon…
    [and remember.. they use the same tactics on their OWN people!!!!]

    In October 1985, Alfa was dispatched to Beirut, Lebanon, when four Soviet diplomats had been taken hostage by a Sunni militant group. By the time Alfa was onsite, one of the hostages had already been killed.

    The perpetrators and their relatives were identified by supporting KGB operatives, and the relatives were taken hostage.

    Following the standard policy of ‘no negotiation’, Alfa proceeded to sever some of their hostages’ body parts and sent them to the perpetrators with a warning that more would follow if the Russian hostages were not released immediately. The tactic was a success and no other Russian national was taken hostage in the Middle East for the next 20 years,[2] until the 2006 abduction of Russian diplomats in Iraq.

    so is that the kind of country you would like to live in as you dont get that kind of force in a country that believes in the sanctity of life below the aristocracy.

    and this is the country we want to reset with, and think that they are nice and wont cheat.. (when they have never not cheated ever). to them negotiation is a warfare tactic that slows your enemy down by using his own hope against him.

    On March 11, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR announced its secession from the Soviet Union and intention to restore an independent Republic of Lithuania. As a result of these events, on January 9, 1991, the Soviet Union sent in a small team of Spetsnaz Grupp Alfa to quash the uprising. This culminated in the January 13 attack on the State Radio and Television Building and the Vilnius TV Tower, killing at least fourteen civilians and seriously injuring 700 more. One KGB operative was also killed. When the media questioned why a KGB officer was in Lithuania the Soviet Union denied all knowledge.

    and you probably think that they would never send such people here as residentura…

    these are not the kind of people who wont kick you when your down… they will, and they will enjoy it.

    just so you know… this unit is a left over from the soviet days….

    another group is Vympel
    Vympel meaning “Pennant” from German “Wimpel”, also known as KGB Directorate “B” ,Vega Group or Spetsgruppa V, Group B (Cyrillic for V) is a Russian special forces unit.

    The exact lineage of Vympel is not known but the unit was formed in 1981 by the KGB Gen. Drozdov within the First Chief Directorate of the KGB, as a dedicated spetsnaz unit specialised in deep penetration, sabotage, universal direct and covert action, protection of Soviet embassies and espionage cell activation in case of war.

    Most of the Vympel operatives mastered two or three foreign languages, for they were intended to act in foreign countries, deep behind enemy lines.

    Vympel quickly gained the reputation of being among the best Soviet special forces units, surpassing its GRU and MVD counterparts.

    so yes… there ARE people in every country..
    this group is also around.. they are a shadow of what they were, but dont let that fool you they are not the only groups.

    In 1995, the FSB Special Operations Center (TsSN FSB) was granted control over Vympel. The group regained its original name and was reintegrated into the Intelligence Service structures. The emphasis shifted from covert and clandestine sabotage operations to counter-terrorism and nuclear safety enforcement. Vympel operatives undergo special training related to improvised or special explosive devices, permitting them to use “terrorist-like” tactics to carry out their operations. Physical training includes close hand combat, parachute training, diving, underwater combat techniques, climbing, and alpine rope techniques. Regional groups of Vympel were deployed in cities with especially important nuclear facilities.

    yes… they are prepared for a nuclear war we dont believe will ever come.

    smersh is old… and in the Bond films…

    SMERSH: in english the words that make up the abbreviation means: English: Death to Spies
    The name is phonetically similar to the Russian words “смерч” (smerch) for tornado and “смерть” (smert) for death.

    [when Putin recently said he sent out a Mercader, he was NOT joking… as american lefts probably think. he sent out a Mercader(the man who killed trotsky was named? Ramé³n Mercader))

    The main task of SMERSH was to secure the Red Army’s operational rear; investigate, arrest and neutralize anti-Soviet partisans, saboteurs, spies, conspirators, mutineers, deserters, and people designated as traitors and criminal elements at the combat front.

    want to know how they fight their wars?

    they give you a gun, and put you on the field…

    you either go through the enemy and survive, or SMERSH cuts you down if you try to retreat or not charge… zukov put darwin to good use…

    they would put people in battle with sticks and tell them to go bang bang… (joke)… but the idea was that the enemy would waste ammunition not knowing who had a gun or not. so they saved on guns and baited fire at the expense of their most disposable asset.


    out of all of these, SMERSH no longer exists as it did if at all…

    by the way, each satellite state had their own organs too, that were copies and each were generally used based on their ability… spetnatz in germany… DIE in romania… etc…

    so let me know if you really think that a state that would kidnap related innocents of some bad people, and cut them up in pieces…

    is the kind of state you want..
    because our leaders are copying too, and getting you to like the fact that mussolini had the trains run on time.

    so… hows that short post now?

  34. Now that we have been informed that two of the four hostages killed were apparently Christian missionaries, who carried a large stock of Bibles on their boat and passed them out at their various ports of call, I find the fact that the Muslim Somali pirates just happened to target this particular boat very suspicious indeed ’cause, for a Muslim, these particular boaters would have been an especially high value “twofe”r target–unbelievers and Christian missionaries.

  35. I might also point out that such targeting of Christian and other unbeliever priests and ministers by Muslims is a very widespread and growing problem throughout the world. See, for instance, the tally of Muslim terrorist attacks world-wide just since 9/11 that is being compiled at (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/), standing at 16,852 such incidents this morning, but–don’t worry– this total will usually increase throughout the day, and has always and will continue to head skyward.

    In any case, take a look at the descriptions of the individual attacks by Muslims–as the Qur’an commands in Verse 9, the “Verse of the Sword”–to “kill the unbelievers wherever you find them…ambush them..and waylay them..and use every stratagem of war against them” and you will see that many such violent attacks by Muslims are directed against Christian priests.

    For news of the most recent such attack see (http://gatewaypundit.rightnetwork.com/2011/02/islamists-murder-tunisian-catholic-priest-slit-his-throat-media-silent/)

  36. and this attention to the somalis was all becaue they pirated a ship contining nuclear material, died, the ship took off and ended up in anoher interesting place…

    Report: Hijacked Iranian Ship Contained ‘Dirty Bomb’ for Israel

    Web blogs all over the Internet are continuing to buzz about an Iranian ship that was hijacked last August by Somali pirates and which Russian sources warned contained a dirty bomb intended for Israel.
    it was this that put them on the radar..

    and they have not come off it since…
    [previously they have been doing this stuff for decades even having regular ransom payments]

    more and more its looking like russia lost control of the monster they created..

    The hijacking passed largely unnoticed in the mainstream media, save a brief mention in the news on August 22 that reported that three vessels — Iranian, Japanese and German — and their 57 crew members were hijacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden near Somalia. Several pirates died after they forced open part of the cargo.

    Initial attempts to inspect the ship’s seven cargo containers failed. The pirates could not break into the holds and the crew swore they did not have access codes to the locks. The captain and engineer of the vessel evaded answering questions about the contents of the holds, despite threats by the pirates to blow up the ship. They first said the containers held crude oil, but then changed the story to say there were “minerals” in the holds.

    When at last the pirates succeeded in opening one of the containers, they allegedly discovered packets of what they later reported to be “a powdery fine sandy soil.” The pirates who had any exposure to the powder were reportedly struck down by illness and within days began to exhibit strange symptoms, including skin burns and hair loss. Sixteen of them died. Andrew Mwangura, director of the East African Seafarers’ Assistance Program, was quoted by the South Africa Sunday Times in a September 28 interview, “There is something very wrong about that ship.”
    U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials maintained a tight-lipped silence on the alleged incident. However, Russian intelligence sources reportedly said the ship was “an enormous floating dirty bomb, intending to detonate after exiting the Suez Canal at the eastern end of the Mediterranean and in proximity to the coastal cities of Israel.

    funny, but NOW they CAN go through the canal..

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