Home » Have educators gone stark raving mad?


Have educators gone stark raving mad? — 7 Comments

  1. Silver lining: These students might decide to never, ever again trust or believe anything they are told by their teachers. This will serve them in good stead should they go on to college . . .

  2. Cap’n Rusty – we can only hope. But other charlatans fill the gaps so quickly, it seems.

    The incident is a great example of “Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s imagine the possible positive consequences! Then, because those are so good, let’s not even ask ourselves what could go wrong.”

  3. Gee, I am old enough to recall when schools had a full plate simply teaching academic materials and supervising behavior on the grounds, or at school sponsored activities. I guess school administrators today are so much smarter than I recall. Or maybe not.

    Back in the day, other people, called parents–or voluntary associations like churches or Scouts– were expected to teach and supervise important life lessons such as judgement, responsibility, morality, and soberness in every day life. Most parents cooperated with the schools in their mission; but, they had well defined lines of authority.

    Well, as a well known individual once told us, “it takes a village to raise a child”; because, presumably, the village (read bureaucrats) knows better than a parent.

  4. They’re indoctrinators, not educators. As a result, they tend to play Soviet and Stasi level mind games at times, merely because it’s “fun” to them. It’s also effective at manipulating the young ins, get em while they are young, they’ll never escape then.

  5. Also don’t forget that Leftist re education camp called a high school which forced two teenage girls to kiss in front of an audience of their peers, in order to communicate “diversity” and “tolerance”.

  6. Also, it merely shows that humans are trash and will Obey their Authority, no matter the cost. They have not the spine or the will to defeat evil nor to resist the power of the world’s Authority, which means their potential resistance against the evil of DC is yet again another dream within a dream.

    They are not immune to propaganda or deception, they are not even resistant to it for they don’t wish to be most of the time. The truth as required under freedom and liberty is too taxing for many souls. They prefer the safety of numbers, of the tribe, and of obedience to Authority in all things. Behaviorally, they are no different from zombies. People may be able to win an election or two, whatever that’ll mean. People may even get their clan members into czar and cabinet positions in DC, as Trum seeks to do, in order to change policies. But even if they succeed 100%, the human soul and heart will still be broken and rotten, and that, you can’t fix with elections or policy changes.

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