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Palin and WTF — 19 Comments

  1. It’s an adult joke.

    If explaining to a kid – the adult should say it meant “winning the future” and that you might understand it later in life.


  2. She’s needs to tell Keith Olbermann, Sheriff Dupnick, and Paul Krugman to GFY and give a big LOL for the egg on their faces over the Giffords shooting.

  3. Thanks Sergey for the link, Caroline Glick is one of Israel’s national treasures.

    The degree of animosity, invective and rage directed at Sarah Palin is directly proportional to the subconsciously perceived threat she presents to the left.

    They’re terrified of her, thus the ‘blood libel’ because she’s the sole conservative politician/celebrity who had (and still has) the potential to beat Obama and that’s why the unrelenting attacks. They’re afraid to let her ‘get up off the floor’ because they correctly sense the threat she poses.

    Everything said against her stems from that motivation.

  4. I really wish she had taken a deep breath before uttering that.

    However, the fact that she didn’t may be a signal that she has no intention of running for office, so does not care whether she “sounds Presidential”. If that is her decision, I am fine with it. If she still intends to make a run, then she needs to crowd the line, but stay in bounds. With that utterance she may have stepped on the line. (Of course I am terribly old fashioned.)

    Even more worrisome. My wife saw her on TV today and thought her face looked bloated–as from steroids. I haven’t seen her. Worry! Worry!

    Still no comment about my Palin ball cap as I move around town. Still get a few tight mouthed looks; and the other day I got a very small, seemingly approving, smile. Funny, the haters are not as confrontational when face-to-face as you would expect. Disappointingly, the supporters are not very vocal either.

  5. Maybe I’m biased, but Gov. Palin’s “WTF” comments made me laugh out loud.

    As has become standard with her, she is addressing the American people directly — and they know exactly what she means, whether they agree with it or not. She has shown an amazing talent for stripping a controversial issue down to the basics, and reframing it her way.

    My admiration for her grows, considerably, every time she comes out slugging, in spite of unprecedented opposition and hatred.

    (Just for fun, I just did a Google image search. I knew I’d find it… and sure enough, I did. There’s more where that came from, too.)

    Caroline Glick is spot-on. If the hateful tactics used against Gov. Palin are allowed to succeed, then they will be used against any conservative for any reason. People continue to do what works for them.


  6. Thanks for the link Sergey; it does supply a different view of Palin’s attitude which I never noted before.

    I have to disagree with you Geoffrey on Palin’s electability. I pretty sure she is the only potential candidate who would not stand a chance against Obama. Of course, two years is a long time.

  7. However, the fact that she didn’t may be a signal that she has no intention of running for office, so does not care whether she “sounds Presidential”.

    In addition to neo’s Biden reference, recall Kerry’s interview with the execrable Rolling Stone – while he was actively campaigning for the Presidency. But a (thinly) veiled reference from an American not as yet running for office provokes uproar, whereas a completely unveiled citation from Democrat Presidential candidate in the middle of a campaign generates at most a slight frisson. If Palin says “heck” half of Berkeley swoons with the vapors at her crudity. It is to laugh.

  8. I read Caroline Glick’s article earlier.

    Here is another good one from American Thinker today:

    Sex and Sarah Palin

    The American people are watching. If the people rally to Sarah, instinctively, they will be going for wholesomeness and decency. If the people don’t even recognize all this Snidely Whiplash rage from the left, you can kiss the culture goodbye. The left will have triumphed at last.

    Sarah Palin is therefore a last-chance test of our cultural health. If the people don’t get what’s right in front of their eyes, if we allow Palin to be scapegoated like Clarence Thomas and Newt Gingrich were scapegoated by a “high tech lynch mob,” as Justice Thomas called it, we’ve lost the culture.

    That’s how important this is.

  9. “The American people are watching. If the people rally to Sarah, instinctively, they will be going for wholesomeness and decency. If the people don’t even recognize all this Snidely Whiplash rage from the left, you can kiss the culture goodbye. The left will have triumphed at last.”

    Could not agree more. 100%.

    Palin is ours. She is so “us” it is incredible. In that same interview she called out every one of the 536 members of Congress and the President and said they have let us down.

    She is right.

    In my opinions. anyone who has a problem with Sarah Palin has a real problem, and it is not Sarah Palin but their own twisted soul.

    I would vote for her in less than a heartbeat, and as we get closer I think it will be terrible a) if she does not run and b) if she does not win.

    She should be the next President. She is the best person for that job, bar none.

    One of these days I’ll find a Chesterton quote about Democracy and who should lead in one. In a few words, it is exactly the person who you wouldn’t think should or could on first review. We’d want a great man or woman, right? No. We want one of us. More than anything else, against the self-styled kings and princes of the world, we want one of us.

    She’s normal. She’s real. She has the right principles. She is a fighter. She is Joan of Arc. The odds are impossible. They are going to try to burn her. But she is ours and it would truly be a great thing if she were President.

  10. Palin was more clever and on point than any other commentator. WTF was a brilliant way to summarize the tone of the SOTU. Three cheers for Sarah!

  11. Like many of the above posters, I see Palin as the genuine article. What you see is what you get. She means what she says and says what she means. How refreshing!

    I don’t identify with her ‘god is on our side’ attitude but it doesn’t bother me; she’s just saying what she believes and its obvious that it is a sincere belief. I have no sense she wishes to force her religious beliefs upon anyone. I do identify with her belief in the inherit goodness and strength of we the people and her conviction that if left alone by DC we will recreate a strong, fair, open, and viable society and economy. I identify with her belief in the dignity of the individual.

    I hope the majority of Americans are ready for a leader who has flaws that she/he doesn’t try to hide and who speaks plainly from a well honed, gained from experience, common sense. I think Palin is the salt of the earth. We need a lot of salt to cauterize the wounds inflicted by DC. If she runs in 2012 she has my dime and my vote.

  12. Parker, would anything change if you just replace “God” in Sarah Palin’s assertions by “truth”? Hardly. (Not entirely baseless substitution!). The problem with Republicans and most conservatives, too, is that they internalized large pieces of Leftist worldview and “narrative” because of fear to look “extremists” to general public. Real conservatives, like Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, were free from this inhibition. Palin belongs exactly to this cohort. Her authentity stems directly from the lack of this common self-deception and from the courage to be honest with herself.

  13. I agree with Caroline Glick (excellent article, that!) and the American Thinker columnist that Palin is a litmus test of our culture. As a Christian, I can’t help but think of Jesus’ warnings that we will be hated for espousing the good and decent. And that that has always been the way of the world: those who espouse depravity really, really hate being called on it.

    No, I don’t think Sarah’s a saint (or me, either!) but I do see that certain elements among our opposition react with rage, like Caliban on seeing his face in the mirror, whenever they hear her talk.

  14. Though no longer supporting Palin for national office, I think that the WTF quip is hilarious. Good one.

    And why tf did nobody in the White House pick up on this beforehand? For the country’s sake I’d like to think that they did and proceeded anyway.

  15. The last thing I want to see is for Palin to STFU. I mean, WTHF? With every utterance she provides not just fodder for the late-night comedians, or Jon Stewart (who doesn’t have to say anything about her at all: he just simply airs video of Palin, who condemns herself every time she speaks), but also ever-growing proof that she would never be a legitimate presidential candidate. As for her goofy Spudnik comment (how many times did this woman take remedial history in college anyway?), she ‘loses’ either way one chooses to interpret it. First, she ticked off Republicans (still leery of her in the first place) by daring to suggest Reagan didn’t single-handedly bring down the Soviet Union, revisionist history that Republicans stubbornly cling to regardless the FACT that the Soviet Union was circling the drain irrespective of

  16. The last thing I want to see is for Palin to STFU. I mean, WTHF? With every utterance she provides not just fodder for the late-night comedians, or Jon Stewart (who doesn’t have to say anything about her at all: he just simply airs video of Palin, who condemns herself every time she speaks), but also ever-growing proof that she would never be a legitimate presidential candidate. As for her goofy Spudnik comment (how many times did this woman take remedial history in college anyway?), she ‘loses’ either way one chooses to interpret it. First, she ticked off Republicans (still leery of her in the first place) by daring to suggest Reagan didn’t single-handedly bring down the Soviet Union, revisionist history that Republicans stubbornly cling to regardless the FACT that the Soviet Union, through its own failed policies, was circling the drain without nudges from outside its borders. Second, by not ‘getting’ the meaning of Obama’s “Spudnick moment” she showed, once more, she simply doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to think outside a shoebox, or really think at all.

    I do hope she does run in 2012, however. Doing so will simply take votes away from a legitimate Republican contender. So I say, Run, Sarah, Run!

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