Home » Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania AG (Dem), convicted


Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania AG (Dem), convicted — 16 Comments

  1. I do remember reading about this when it was happening. Every article was GUESS THAT PARTY. I recall thinking “just imagine if she was a Republican!” But then again, she wouldn’t be a Republican because it was PA.

  2. No mention of party in the headline
    No mention of party in the first paragraph

    the second paragraph has it:
    Four years after Kane’s election in a landslide as the first Democrat and first woman elected attorney general

    and read the rest and we find that the superiority of women in politics we are told by feminists turns out to be spite and revenge… two things that this modern day culture makes normal and justified when women do it… until, it isnt…

    how nice…

  3. The female chauvinists have lived up to and surpassed the reputation of their male chauvinist counterparts.

    Moral of the story: men and women are equal and complementary.

  4. Read the comments for some fine skewering of the Philadelphia Inquirer, which had endorsed her, as one commenter put it, “because she had the lady parts and the right party affiliation.”

  5. I’m unclear on one point; how is it that Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele is prosecuting Pennsylvania [State] Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane?

    Can someone with a legal background explain how a County DA can prosecute a State AG?

  6. GB…

    The crimes occurred in his jurisdiction — and I’ll bet he used a Grand Jury to get the ball rolling.

    So that the legal pleading would be actually launched out of the Grand Jury.

    This is TYPICAL for political corruption, the PRIMARY reason that Grand Juries are convened.

    ( That’s what I was told when I was a member of the Jaycee Dugard Grand Jury. Ours was sworn in — and then promptly dismissed — without hearing a single word. We were convened to stop the defense from stalling court action. The defense threw in their cards that Monday morning.)

  7. Yeah, that sounds right. I believe that Tom DeLay and Rick Perry were both indicted by county DA’s.

  8. Kane did not take the stand and offered no witnesses for the defense. Perhaps her lawyers have a crafty appeal in mind, and expect a friendly reception among PA appellate judges.

  9. I don’t see what’s complicated about this case.
    Just another Democrat who put herself above the law.
    Never mind she was unqualified for the job to which she was elected.

  10. It actually WAS unusual that Kane was a Democrat attorney general in Pennsylvania. Our state is relatively conservative as things go these days (other than the Philadelphia area). Kane came in with little experience, appearing from nowhere with a lot of money from Bloomberg and his anti-gun initiative to elect as many state attorneys general as possible.

  11. Women extract revenge. If Harry Truman was a woman, we would have dropped many more atomic bombs on Japan. So much for the gentle caring sex bringing calm and understanding to the world.

  12. Would like to see a grand jury on the WI GA and their pursuit of a drummed up “Jane Doe” case against the GOP.

    A rebuke from the state courts just doesn’t seem like it would be enough to be a deterrent.

  13. Demoncrats strike again. She should have sacrificed more human souls to the Left’s Deus ex Machina god, the Hussein God Emperor, you know. She didn’t have enough political connections to become truly Elect like HRC, the right hand of Hussein.

  14. Also don’t worry, if Katherine Fs up enough Republicans and patriots from here to later, Hussein will pardon her at the very end. The Grand Salvation of a God King, is to be expected, yes.

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