Home » I did not realize that public libraries had been all been closed


I did not realize that public libraries had been all been closed — 43 Comments

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head, if ‘The One’ said it, it must be true. I feel like today, more than ever, people refuse to search for truth, and come to conclusions based on that; rather they hear one thing they agree with, determine that that person will do their thinking for them, and side with them from that point on. Maybe the last few elections have just made me cynical.

  2. Obama might actually be right in his claim… but not for the reasons he would have us believe. The local teenage culture that some of the inner-city kids are growing up in actively denigrates books, and those teenagers who read them. Kids in such an environment would have to deal with strong societal pressures (and the active persecution that results from attempting to ignore those pressures) that would try and discourage the kids in question from going anywhere near a library.

    But, again, that’s not what Obama’s referring to. Nor is he likely to even acknowledge that issue any time soon.

  3. Lies work well for the left so why stop now. The entire BLM movement is based on a lie and look how many people believe it. Why should Obama stop now.

  4. Really stupid and arrogant by Obama. Did he think he would get away with that?

  5. Maybe Ben Carson will instruct him about libraries available to inner city kids. I’m pretty sure Obama never read his biography. Also, it would be interesting to hear what Obama thinks about Carson’s mother, who noticed that the people she cleaned for had book cases in their homes. She then decided that she would make her kids act white and read regularly, even though she could barely read herself.

  6. Obama sez: “It’s easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.”

    That’s because lying liars lie, and that’s ALL they know how to do. As with the Clintons, if Obama were to declare that the Sun rose in the East each morning, I’d go outside with a watch and a compass to fact-check him. Because I would NOT believe him.

  7. Even more significant than Obama’s ‘Big Lie’ is how few (as a percentage of pop) black kids utilize those libraries, which is proof positive of urban black’s cultural neglect in valuing an education. It’s so much easier to claim victim status than to look in the mirror.

    Asian’s have the highest per capita income in America and the lowest crime rate. Evidently, racist white cops only have it in for blacks… who knew racism was so specific?

    It’s the culture, stupid.

  8. Curious, generally the most complimentary thing one can say about the BO is that he always sounds like he’s telling the truth. This time he makes the error of not using a new lie, but retreading an old one. He did however tell the truth both times at his inauguration when he spoke his own name, “I, Barack Hussein O, do solemnly swear”, followed quickly, by his first lie in office, “to uphold the constitution”, and the repetition of the same lie four years hence. In some quarters defenders whom I cannot name, and of whom I have no documentation, claim he believed the word was “hold up” the constitution, as in, “This is a hold up!” Probably just an urban legend.
    Mores the pity he did not spend eight years drum beating away towards the restoration of the black family; he’d have been elevated high in the pantheon of Presidents. He’ll be easily edged out by Jimmah the Carter, Jefferson Davis and even L. Ron Hubbard. Perhaps he can replace Art Bell on late night radio.

  9. Those evil conservatives will stop at nothing! Closing librarys and banning books and computers!!! Where is my CAPS LOCK KEY?

    Back in the day they forbade undocumented unwilling immigrants from Africa (and their decendants) learning to read! /S

  10. Neo:

    Many people seem unaware that, in Massachusetts, ordinary citizens can’t buy new Glocks.

    At all. Period. They are not legal for purchase by the likes of you and me. New Glocks are for law-enforcement, and for them only.

    You can sometimes buy USED Glocks; policemen do sell their old ones to gun stores sometimes. As you might expect, the market scarcity drives the price up.

    If you ever needed an example of how policemen are treated, legally, as a class apart, there you are.

    So, in Massachusetts at least, Obama’s silly statement is untrue for yet another reason:
    – MA teens can get books easily (and for free);
    – MA teens can easily buy computers;
    – MA teens can get (free) access to computers;
    – MA teens cannot legally buy guns at all;
    – MA *residents* (not just teens) have a very hard time buying Glocks, if they’re not policemen.

    Perhaps there were more lies in that one sentence, but that’s quite enough for now.

  11. Barry scarcely reads his own intel reports…

    As for Amazon dot com and e-books — meh.

    Did you know that a fair amount of the iBook catalog is free ?

    So MUCH of what Barry says is preposterous — one must give him his Dr. Goebbels award.

    At least the German nation had three massive armies invading their land to snap them out of it.

  12. It probably is easier for many Obama was speaking of to buy Glocks than it is to read. Of course, it is utter nonsense that books are hard to come by.

  13. Here’s how a somewhat offbeat guy named Emo Phillips described his unorthodox but effective method of getting a library card in New York City:

    “New York’s such a wonderful city. I was at the library today. The guy was very rude. I said, “I’d like a card.” He says, “You have to prove you’re a citizen of New York.” So I stabbed him.”

    Watch his unique takes on a range of subjects:
    New York City Library

  14. Thanks for the laugh in a generally unfunny context, geokstr.

    “…when Obama says something in that sonorous voice of his…”

    I’ve sometimes referred to him as President Saruman. That’s a Lord of the Rings reference, if you don’t recognize it, and if you’ve only seen the movies you really didn’t get an accurate picture of Saruman: his voice has a hypnotic effect, enabling him to get people to believe all sorts of falsehoods.

  15. What that wretched human neglected to say was it is illegal for inner city youth to possess a book, or to log on to the internet. They’re also barred from entrance to libraries. No wonder they’re so angry!
    There’s a secret that most don’t know about. When a white male reaches the age of 21, he gets $150,000. Tax free!
    As the formerly rotund Al Sharpman says, look it up.

  16. junior Says:
    July 13th, 2016 at 3:54 pm
    Obama might actually be right in his claim… but not for the reasons he would have us believe. The local teenage culture that some of the inner-city kids are growing up in actively denigrates books, and those teenagers who read them. Kids in such an environment would have to deal with strong societal pressures (and the active persecution that results from attempting to ignore those pressures) that would try and discourage the kids in question from going anywhere near a library.

    But, again, that’s not what Obama’s referring to. Nor is he likely to even acknowledge that issue any time soon.

    * * *
    You have a point, but maybe the Great Community Organizer is cognizant that many inner-city teenagers CAN (illegally) buy a gun, but would never get near a library.
    One more example of how out-of-touch the Left (& the ghetto community) is from other people’s lives.


  17. “So I stabbed him.” Good laugh.

    It reminds of the joke about Obama trying to cash a check (Not that he would need to). The teller asks him for ID and he says he doesn’t have any. She asks him to demonstrate who he is. What can he show her that proves he is the president? He answers “I haven’t a clue.”

    She says, “How would you like that Mr President, Tens or Twenties ?”

  18. What’s truly insidious is that 0 lobbed this Big Lie across the caskets of five executed policemen and into the faces of the grieving families including their children. All for the relentless advancement of an authoritarian, collectivist society.

  19. Maybe he’s right though. The last book store I was in, there was a snack bar, and toys, and one floor dedicated to music cd’s. Gun shops have their guns on display.

  20. Hey, teenagers, in case you want to do something really strange, like read . . . We probably should whisper about this, but you don’t even have to go to a library for a book–the kindle app is free for download from Amazon to any device, and there are hundreds (if not more) of absolutely free books available for download, and a zillion starting from as little as 99-cents. And the Gutenberg Project has wonderful books for free.

    You don’t even have to be seen reading–pretend you’re playing a game, or texting or something.

    Of course, this means you have to already know how to read, and I understand they’re not teaching that much anymore.

    Never mind.

  21. I posted this a couple of days ago, but I don’t think many of you saw it. Here it is again, a compilation of cops being shot in a mere split-second by perps they’ve stopped by the highway, on the street, etc.

    We civilians have no idea what they face, but watch this, please, to see how fast it can spin out.

    Here is the web address for the video.
    Shocking. I’ve seen a lot of things, but this still shocks me.

  22. those computer are also libraries. There are apps with free books (usually copyright expired books) and kindle, nook, et cetera…

  23. ” hoping that the American people are stupid enough to believe him.”


    The American people (who elected him TWICE) ARE stupid enough to believe him!!

  24. I think you’re all missing the point. He’s not talking to you and me. He’s talking to the underclass of ignorant democratic voters that the party has turned out of the public schools over the past 2-3 generations. Logic and facts have no interest for these people. The appeal to victim status in all of its forms is what sells, and the COIC (Community Organizer in Chief) plays those heartstrings like a fine violin.

    The leftists, I think, feel that they have finally met the threshold of control of the institutions of society at the same time they have achieved the threshold of ignorance in the populace and this is the time (and its running out – 190 days) to strike to finally and “fundamentally change the country.”

  25. What happened to my country?
    I agree with the post just above this one (‘The other Dennis’). Barack Obama speaks to:
    1.) The ignorant class
    2.) The mainstream media. For in doing so, he is ensured in getting his message to a broader audience within his target group. The MSM will embellish upon and enhance his message. Reinforcing what he said, regardless of its lack of integrity.
    There is no MSM counter balance to the perpetual misinformation and lies spewed by the administration and its agencies. One can find it hidden on some AM radio programming (i.e. Hewitt, Prager, Medved) and other offbeat channels, all of which are rebuked by the same self serving sources on the Left.
    What the hell happened to my country?

  26. The nice thing about owning a book store in a place like ferguson, is that when they riot and steal from businesses, the book stores remain mostly untouched…

    hair extensions, baby diapers and so on are more valued than books… besides, why read the racist books only written by white men and women? Why be like whitey? why dress like whitey? why live in apartments and not grass huts like whitey…

    sad sarcasm for our age…

    Why 88% of books reviewed by The New York Times are written by white authors

    The Rumpus published a piece by Roxane Gay titled “Where Things Stand,” in which Gay reported that nearly 90 percent of books reviewed in The New York Times are written by whites. Gay researched the racial background of every author critiqued by the paper in 2011. She yielded predictably striking results: 31 black authors, 655 white ones. Eighty-one reviewed books in all by writers of color. “I don’t know how to solve this problem or what to do with this information,” wrote Gay, who is black. Still. “I like knowing where things stand.”


    Gay’s count comes on the heels of widespread media concern over the lack of representation of women in literary journalism. VIDA, an organization for women in the literary arts, has assessed the gender breakdown of major literary publications for two years running. In March, GOOD Magazine, where I worked until recently, published my own gender count of the bylines at publications targeting young readers. When white author Jonathan Franzen published his novel “Freedom” to fawning reviews in 2010, white author Jodi Picoult questioned the media’s outsized veneration of male writers. On NPR, white author Jennifer Weiner debated the issue with The New York Times Book Review’s white editor Sam Tanenhaus.

    When we get everything balanced on the edge of a razor blade, we will have equality and utopia, until then, lets get more punitive, violent, and attack people assuming that its race that gets them their chops, and not effort, hard work, etc..

  27. RE:
    Daniel in Brookline Says:
    July 13th, 2016 at 6:15 pm
    Daniel, you failed to mention the single most significant truth regarding voters in MA. They cannot navigate through the LIES of the Left and emerge on the other side with anything resembling common sense in their ideas to resolve them.
    Same ole, same ole from MA voters.
    I lived in Boston for 3 years. I experienced it first hand.
    MA Teenagers may not be able to get their hands on new Glocks, however, MA voters (en masse) cannot seem to get their arms around saving the very liberties and freedoms which they once fought for so vigorously. Far too many “educated” among your residents. Too many elites. Yes, they’ve served you well.
    MA voters are far too vested in the fanciful myths, and celebrity status of the Kennedy legacy and all that it represents. Pathetic.
    And the Elizabeth Warrens and her socialistic spew.

  28. Yale English students call for end of focus on white male writers

    Undergraduates press for compulsory course on canonical poets to be ‘decolonised’

    students have launched a petition calling on Yale to “decolonise” the course. They want the university to abolish the major English poets requirement, and to refocus the course’s pre-1800/1900 requirements “to deliberately include literatures relating to gender, race, sexuality, ableism, and ethnicity”.

    The petition says that “a year spent around a seminar table where the literary contributions of women, people of colour, and queer folk are absent actively harms all students, regardless of their identity”, and that the course “creates a culture that is especially hostile to students of colour”.

    Obama is talking about books not by white colonial men and women from europe… but is smart enough not to voice it, so he leaves out the key part that would make what he says make sense to white folk, but he assumes black folk get it

    ie. It’s easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book written by a black person to read…

    ‘This Is How We Lost to the White Man’
    The audacity of Bill Cosby’s black conservatism
    Liberal Professor Calls For Genocide, Says White Males Should Consider Suicide Or Be Sent To Death Camp

    there is A LOT more…
    and if you work in it like i do, their policies, lack of remuneration, and so on is causing within their purview, the suicides and such.

    right now, thats my only way out of this kind of thing
    i would earn another way, but thats also not going to happen.

    no loss…

  29. “clarityseeker Says:
    July 14th, 2016 at 10:58 am

    What happened to my country?”

    John Dewey, among others.

  30. You don’t understand the massive obstructions poor blacks face in trying to get a library card.

  31. DNW Says:
    July 14th, 2016 at 11:53 am
    “clarityseeker Says:
    July 14th, 2016 at 10:58 am

    What happened to my country?”

    John Dewey, among others.

    Damned decimal system. Ruined America.

  32. Richard Aubrey Says:
    July 14th, 2016 at 12:43 pm
    You don’t understand the massive obstructions poor blacks face in trying to get a library card.

    Well…. They don’t know how to read, so there’s no point in getting a library card.
    No sarc.

  33. clarityseeker: I’m no fan of Sen. Warren, or of Kerry, or of Barney Frank, or of the Kennedys, or of numerous other Massachusetts politicians. I didn’t mention them because they were irrelevant to what I was trying to say.

    Specifically, President Obama could have said that it’s easier for teenagers to get a handgun than a book. (That would certainly have been untrue, but he could have said it.) However, he chose to be more specific, and so he said “Glock”. It amuses me that he chose that example, when Massachusetts, for one, forbids ANY citizens from buying new Glocks. (I suspect California and others do the same.)

    I’m trying to stay on topic here. Let’s exchange diatribes about Massachusetts politics some other time.

  34. The other Dennis Says:
    July 14th, 2016 at 9:41 am
    I think you’re all missing the point. He’s not talking to you and me. He’s talking to the underclass of ignorant democratic voters that the party has turned out of the public schools over the past 2-3 generations. Logic and facts have no interest for these people. The appeal to victim status in all of its forms is what sells, and the COIC (Community Organizer in Chief) plays those heartstrings like a fine violin.

    The leftists, I think, feel that they have finally met the threshold of control of the institutions of society at the same time they have achieved the threshold of ignorance in the populace and this is the time (and its running out — 190 days) to strike to finally and “fundamentally change the country.”
    * * *
    I’m porting this one over to the Booker T. Washington post.

  35. Neo:
    I did not realize that public libraries had been all been closed.
    One interpretation might be that Bush had closed public libraries, but Obama re-opened them, at least according to Sir Paul McCartney. 🙂

    During a concert at the [Obama] White House, Paul McCartney said:
    “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”

    Of all the lame Dubya jokes, this is one of the lamest, considering that Laura Bush is a librarian.

    It’s easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.
    The truth behind this statement is that in Obama’s view, there is a part of the population that would rather have a Glock than a book. Obama has depended on their vote to get elected- he took the high school dropout vote both times. Obama, coming from an elite school background, definitely would prefer having a book. While he may phrase it in terms of Glock-preferrers being victims, he undoubtedly has contempt for Glock-preferers. Would he let a Glock-preferer date one of his daughters? No way. It is a paradox that all politicians have do deal with- soliciting the vote of people whom you hold in contempt.

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