Home » Benghazi report finally released, MSM wants you to yawn because there’s no new evidence


Benghazi report finally released, MSM wants you to yawn because there’s no <i>new</i> evidence — 21 Comments

  1. And where was Obama? Sec of Defense ordered a response but jets in Italy and people sat for hours. Our people changed in and out of their uniforms four times.

    Someone ordered our military to stand down and we still don’t know who issue that order and why.

  2. As I read someone comment elsewhere:
    Are you telling me that departure for an evening’s engagement was held up by a woman’s indecision over what to wear?

    It’s a shame we didn’t have a commander with enough honor to say “let’s roll” and face the court-martial.

  3. Everything about Benghazi I pretty much picked up from online open sources in the first month of its happening, and the rest I picked up from the primary eyewitness testimonies.

  4. I had direct information on Benghazi from super-secret informants so I had more information quicker than Ymarsakar did.

  5. The bread crumbs lead directly to the Oval Office.

    The ONLY authority that had command authority over the non-rescue.

    Clinton’s cover story was orchestrated with the Oval Office.

    The PRIMARY goal of the assault was the CIA STATION.

    In spook-speak intelligence outposts are known as ‘stations.’

    You can view “13 Hours” from front to back and the term is never used. (IIRC,… I was looking for it. )

    The assault was not launched by terrorists — in the classic sense — at all.

    It was manned by mercenaries — in the pay of Hamas and Tehran.

    Hamas is the Sunni city-state in Gaza.

    Hamas was launched by the Iranian Shi’ite government — decades ago.

    So, any time Tehran wants to use a ‘cut-out’ ( more spook speak ) it uses its Hamas connection.

    The US is STILL ‘invested’ in denying that Tehran is behind a HUGE slew of unrest in across the Sunni world.

    The incredibly slow roll-out of this report — especially its current timing — is designed to move the entire matter off of page one.


    The latest fraudulent tale being run up by the NY Times: that Jordanian rogue agents have been diverting weapons to the fanatics.

    That’s a HOOT.

    Such ‘rogue elements’ diverted the ENTIRE anti-Assad ‘army’ that the CIA was building in the Jordanian desert — along with Jordan and Britain.

    Today those rogues are known as ISIS.

    Barry attempted to craft a Sunni Islamic ‘army’ that he figured he could ‘aim’ just like the mullahs have done.

    It blew up from the start.

    As for the Pentagon, its attempt, ‘Division 30’ — was an even WORSE farce.

    Yes, all of Division 30 went rogue, too.

    No Muslim is going jihad to promote Jeffersonian ideals.

  6. Only the bitter clingers care about Benghazi. After all it was just 4 dead adult Americans. The left have babies to abort, time to roll up sleeves and bathe in the blood of innocents in Texas.

  7. Harry The Exremeist Says:
    June 28th, 2016 at 4:02 pm
    I had direct information on Benghazi from super-secret informants so I had more information quicker than Ymarsakar did.

    There are no super secret informants given the vast power of the internet’s open sourcing protocols.

    For example, when did Harry know 50/50, that Benghazi was the result of an arms deal and stand down order?

  8. The left have babies to abort, time to roll up sleeves and bathe in the blood of innocents in Texas.

    They never stopped doing that, since Waco 1, after all.

  9. A populace willfully blind to evil will fall prey to it.

    A public that rejects moral rectitude will fall prey to moral depravities.

    We have reached the point where a substantial percentage of the American public are no longer our countrymen.

    “Veteran Federal Judge’s Stunning Declaration About the Constitution”

    “Richard Posner, a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, wrote, “I see absolutely no value to a judge of spending decades, years, months, weeks, [days], hours, minutes, or seconds studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation.”

    That man can wear many labels but “American” is NOT one of them. And there are millions who share his POV.

  10. Ymarsarker:
    “There are no super secret informants given the vast power of the internet’s open sourcing protocols.”

    My sources were ultra-super-secret. I had all my information virtually hours before you did.

  11. People will hang on and be dead-enders if the person accused does not admit guilt. My brother maintains that of all the accusations against Clinton have all amounted to NOTHING. (And yes, he went all-caps on me.)

    Whatever she is accused of, she simply says, “No, that’s not true,” or “I’m sorry, I don’t recall” and moves on to another topic. Most of her supporters then turn and say “SEE? SEE? there’s nothing there.”

  12. Dr. Charles K on Fox just made my point: Where was Obama?

    Dr. K said Obama was indifferent. He gave an order and nothing happened.

  13. AVI, exactly! The Clinton formula has always been deny, stall (especially stall – people have short memories), dissemble, spin, and when finally pinned down to the facts of their lies, to declare, “At this point, what difference does it make anyway?” They have perfected and gotten away with this routine from their Arkansas days beginning in 1979 all the way to today. 37years of public mendacity.

    The Benghazi debacle was a major screw up by the Obama administration. HRC failed to provide the security the ambassador asked for in Benghazi. Obama/SECDEF failed to act when the station was under attack. Then the whole thing was covered up by blaming the video. Yet it worked. Obama was re-elected and HRC is now leading in the polls for the next election. This report won’t have any effect on her campaign or Obama’s legacy. Mendacity works, especially when the MSM is on your team.

    A new book, “Crisis of Character,” is due to be released today — a month before Hillary Clinton will take the stage to accept the Democratic presidential nomination in Philadelphia. Written by ex-Secret Service Officer Gary J. Byrne, who was “posted directly outside President Clinton’s Oval Office,” the 285-page book describes Hillary Clinton’s “appalling leadership style” as being “volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else.” This is the second book written by a Secret Service man detailing HRC’s bad manners, abuse of employees, and disdain for rules that others abide by.

    The first one was by Ronald Kessler in 2014. In that book Kessler described these incidents and more:
    “Agents confess that being on Hillary’s security detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service

    If agents driving her went over a bump, she’d swear at them

    ‘When she’s in front of the lights, she turns it on and when she’s not she’s a totally different person,’ says one agent

    Arriving at a 4-F Club in upstate New York while campaigning, she saw cows and people in jeans. She was enraged She asked a staffer, ‘What the f*** did we come her for? There’s no money here’

    She insulted White House counsel Vince Foster (who later committed suicide.) and told him that he would never be more than a hick-town lawyer and wasn’t ready for the big time.”

    Both these books will be ignored by the MSM and most voters will never hear about what a disaster Hillary is as a person, much less a leader..

  14. Harry and Y,

    Avoid contests that involve pissing up a rope. 😉 Clever insults accompanied by humor are more the hallmark of gentlemen. 😉

  15. Sometimes I would learn the secrets before my ultra super secret sources knew them.

  16. They have released their own report, and here’s all you need to know about it: “A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times.” Donald Trump wasn’t even on the public scene when Benghazi happened. He might have been on TV commenting about it as an infrequent guest, but what did Trump have to do with Benghazi? Nothing. But that’s not the point. The reason the Democrats mentioned Trump 23 times in their report is to provide the media a highway. – rush limbaugh

    Democrats’ Benghazi Report Mentions Donald Trump 23 Times For Some Reason

    A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times.

    That total is more than the combined number of references to Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two of the former Navy SEALs killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was also killed during the onslaught, is mentioned 85 times in the report, according to Republicans on the Select Committee.


  17. When Hillary receives the Democratic Party nomination at the convention, there needs to be a moment of silence, during which every Democrat in America apologizes to Richard Nixon. Because that’s who they will have nominated.

  18. My sources were ultra-super-secret. I had all my information virtually hours before you did.

    Are you joking or serious, H. Because I don’t see the point of your claim there either way.

  19. Think of the possibilities here for the domestic judicial system. A murder trial finally goes before the jury 2 years after the event. The defense’s summary is simply, “There is no new evidence of my client’s guilt.” Case dismissed.

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