Home » I’m not sure which is more surprising


I’m not sure which is more surprising — 8 Comments

  1. Sy Montgomery’s The Soul of an Octopus is an absolutely wonderful book, and it should have won last year’s National Book Award (which went instead to the grotesquely over-rated Ta- Nahesi Coates).

  2. I bet he read one of those new books on the wonderful health aspects of coconut, threw out all his organic kale, and went shopping.

  3. they are very smart, and like humans see in color..
    and they are tasty…

    in fact, this is one of the points of the theory of humans coming from the trees to the savana is thought of as wrong dependng on which groups you talk to… (kind of like in physics as to which model is right)

    the classic thing we learn in school is that we started much like bonobos and chimps our two closest relatives… we moved from the trees and down to the planes and so on… and somehow during this period we changed from vegetarians to omnivores and predators.. (though our closest relatives are meat eaters who also eat veggies like us… notice our canine teeth). and somehow lost our hair.. for this we have very little explanations that makes any sense and would follow darwin…

    the one i favor, and is not dominant is that we are descended from such beings that lived in the trees (our brachal type arms), and who lived near the shorline of the ocean.

    the ocean explanation fits the best if you put it all together. we have color vision which in the sea is beneficial. we have long hair which in the sea becomes streamers that confuse preditors. we are the only primate that can swim (chimps cant bend their backs).. we have the same reflex that seals have. we can hold our breath for long periods. we lost body hair which makes us faster swimmers. we haev webbing bwtween fingers and toes. we can open our eyes underwater and in the air, and in freshwater… our optics see ok in all three..

    but also, most large predators, except tigers wont follow us into the ocean… and in the ocean, standing up gives us a huge advantage in a fight with such, just as playing marco polo with a predator can have us disappear and come up far away, maybe in water so deep the predator dies. we love sea food and lots of other animals dont… all the tools and things that we may use on land are easier and more useful in the sea before we move to land..

    living along the shore if you can dig, break shells, go into the water, undertand tidal pools, and more… is very easy compared to only on land..

    [note that the fossile records shows that being vegetarian is NOT good for us… and environmentally, eating produce is a lot worse for the environment than eating meat… most of the meat on the planet can live in natural settings. cows dont normally eat corn and so, youc an raise them on natural grass feilds… so you dont have to cut down trees, level the field, make for drainage and all that. the amount of acerage used to farm is huge compared to animal meats. our bones at the time of farming starting got weaker and had issues, and on and on.. just remember that a sickly weak population is easily controlled by a wealthy strong meat based population]

    The video shows the juvenile giant Pacific octopus using its tentacles to slowly walk toward the water at a Tacoma beach.

  4. It’s like the bole weevil.

    “Looking for a home,
    Just gotta find a home.”


  5. And as it walks along you can hear it singing…

    “Put a lime in the coconut and drink ’em bot’ together
    Put the lime in the coconut, then you’ll feel better
    Put the lime in the coconut, drink ’em both down
    Put the lime in your coconut, and call me in the morning”

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