Home » Brilliant Sharron Angle ad


Brilliant Sharron Angle ad — 16 Comments

  1. I love how he says we’re going to restore our “image” in the world. Not our “place” but our “image”. It just reinforces the thought that, to the left, feelings mean more than reality. It’s image that counts, no concrete accomplishments.

  2. Good ad. I hope Christine O’Donnell can put together something similar in Delaware. I realize that at this point it’s highly unlikely she will win, but I really, really, really hope she does. That’s probably the race I’m most interested in at the moment.

  3. That is one good advertisement. To put down ∅ilbama, all that was necessary was to replay what ∅ilbama had already said. The best anti-∅ilbama ad was ∅ilbama himself.

    Another point about the Nevada race is that Harry Reid, for being an attorney with 40 years of office in the public sector, did not come off well in the debate with Sharon Angle. If Sharon Angle was such an extremist dingbat, then why did she get the better of Harry Reid in the debate? It doesn’t say much of anything in Harry Reid’s favor.

    Another Reid-∅ilbama connection is that, according to the book Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime , Harry Reid played an important role in ∅ilbama’s decision to run for President. In early 2007, Reid called ∅ilbama for a talk. ∅ilbama was expecting to get chewed out for not paying attention to his Senatorial duties. Instead, Reid encouraged him to run for President. That doesn’t say that before the conversation with Reid, ∅ilbama had never considered running for President. But when the Senate Majority Leader of his party encouraged ∅ilbama to do so, that was definitely a factor in his subsequent decision to run for office.

  4. Obama is toxin. On a Yahoo blog, which more than 140,000 responded to, favorable responses were less than 10%.

    Let him and the elites continue in their delusions.

    This revolution shares something with 1789, something with 1776, and is something completely new and unseen: a republic re-generating itself.

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  6. Every lefty, Obama included, “knows” republicans caused the recession even though few to none can explain how beyond ‘lax regulation’. Even though Dems controlled congress since 06 and didn’t see any areas that were not being regulated properly.

    But by 07-08 a few people did see it coming (even I knew there was a housing bubble, but I didn’t know how deeply into the financial system it went… example the tech stock bubble seemed to just clean out investors / did not go deeply into the system).

    On the other hand, the dems have had their way since 08 and their theories have been put in place and tested. Public spending as stimulus vs. lower taxes as a stimulus. Social program spending and fairness vs. low taxes to generate more income. They’re trying their theories and the economy is shrugging. Shales book ‘the forgotten man’ was the history we should have all read so we wouldn’t have to repeat it. It’s a basic failure of logic on the left’s part to not be able to admit that 90% taxation might bring in less revenue than 20%… they can not allow themselves to believe this because it means their social welfare state can not yet be paid for (ie, it is out of reach).

  7. Curtis, The Republic may or may not be re-generating itself. Frankly I am very pessimistic. I think what we are seeing here is Obama being re-elected in 2012!

    The future is embarrassing easy to predict at this point.

    Either the right wing of the Republican party will nominate a right wing candidate that is unacceptable to the centrist majority pushing to them vote against the Republican nominee or not vote
    or less likely;
    the Republican nominate a centrist pushing the right wing to stay home and not vote.
    Either way Obama wins and America is a has been. I guess 238 years is a good run for a democracy.

  8. Bob from Virginia:

    You wrote: “I guess 238 years is a good run for a democracy.”

    Interestingly, this period is about the average length of a Chinese Dynasty…and they have had their “Obamas” at the end.

    Pu Yi (Qing) in 1904 comes to mind…

  9. Reid is losing. The Health Care Plan is being significantly challenged and probably won’t survive.

    The dynasty of progressivism is the has been.

    Obama is on anti-depressant medication.

    And “Nobody knows nothing.” William Goldberg

  10. I was struck by how young Obama looked in the ad compared to today. Two years of having a real job has not agreed with him.

  11. Nobody will have the stomach for Obama or any other democrat in 2012. We’re talking two more years of this malaise that will insure it.

  12. masked liberal evangelist:

    “Brilliant” and Sharron Angle rarely go together in the same sentence. A rational Republican would be way ahead of Harry Reid by now.

    Two points. 1)Where were those Republicans who don’t want Sharon Angle to be the Republican candidate during the nominating process? Why weren’t they supporting and campaigning for superior candidates for office?

    2) While Sharon Angle may not be “brilliant,” by most accounts she outperformed Harry Reid in their debate.

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